For some excellent commentary on medical blindness, check out A Midwestern Doctor's substack. The following search provides relevant articles: https://amidwesterndoctor.substack.com/?sort=search&search=medical%20blindness

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“All that is required for evil to prevail is for good men to do nothing...

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Another excellent and thought-provoking article by John. Thank you.

I live differently than most, not a life of fear, dread and condemning another, no stone throwing for me. I trust God now and forever. I do speak up against evil and trust God to take care of the rest.

It is all about: "How do I treat people?"

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Love the quote about Rome.

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"He who has eyes, let him see..."

Spotting Enemies blog post is constructive.

Threat identification and reduction is the objective.


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Willful blindness and blissful ignorance.

The two most swampy professions; Whores and pimps in DC and Hollywood.

Followed closely by attorneys and "religious leaders."

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Excellent artwork sir!

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Ignorance is popular because it's easy to learn.

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Well said. Thank you.

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This is so well said! Bravo! 👏🏻

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Love your writing.

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My hubs loves to watch Zombie movies. Me, not so much. A few years ago before the madness began I told my hubs as he was watching another gory Zombie series that we will probably see this happen shortly due to some kind of drug use that would seem legitimate. I didn't suspect it being injected.

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I am a retired RN. I saw sufficient evidence in that arena to know that the corruption would get worse so when it takes about ten years to develop a vaccine and it's announced a warp-speed vax is going to save the day, I knew then we were headed down the rabbit hole.

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That was a good one. There is a plethora of smoke and mirrors that has been going on for years. Back in the day my parents and us children watched the so-called moon landing. My parents didn't buy it. It was too fake looking anyway we thought. We are going to watch The Forecaster tonight. Thanks so much!! You rock.

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