Woody was so slick. I did not see, or hear, any audience response to his punch line. If that was the case then he was some slick dude to tell them they had all been duped and they not realize it. I am very impressed with his wit and courage.

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I too noticed the audience silence.

Either they were trying to figure out the satire, or they were stunned at it, or the studio guy who tells the audience when to clap was too stunned to lead the clap! It would be interesting to get the real scoop....

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I wonder if the "crew" did not know it was coming and therefore didn't light the sign to "clap!"??

If that's the case perhaps Woody is a far braver man than anyone may suspect.

But the audience response was interesting- some DID clap anyway, lol, so these folks know. And can joke about it a bit.

But all the pHarma whores and the pHarma Lords hate being exposed.

They are VERY easy to recognize at this moment!

Sadly their victims are still walking around clueless in many cases.

We have a four class society today- the Lords, their whores, the victims, and the resistance.

And I'm so very grateful for every single member of my tribe, lol, and thrilled this man is in it.


Wake up those sleepy sheep, heading for the kill box. The dam of unconsciousness is about to break wide open. If you haven't watched it yet look at the interview between Ed Dowd and Tucker Carlson. That's an eye-opener for anyone who sees it. Slowly, slowly the truth is coming out. Finally.

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Weapon labs in Ukraine?

❝. . . the present conflict is a huge distraction from the fact that, for decades, the biggest threat to Ukraine hasn’t been Russia, but financiers and speculators operating with impunity within Ukraine’s borders to exploit ethnic Ukrainians and plunder their resources.❞


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❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissension, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by inoculation of diseases, by want, so that the GOYIM see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and all else.❞


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Excuse me but WTF does "GOYIM" have to do w anything? You've only served to out yourself as an ignorant hating obsessed troll. Try educating yourself on KHAZARIAN MAFIA WHO ARE NOT JEWS.

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Jewish Corruption in Ukraine

February 17, 2023/71 Comments/in Americanism, Featured Articles/by Andrew Joyce, Ph.D.

❝. . . the present conflict is a huge distraction from the fact that, for decades, the biggest threat to Ukraine hasn’t been Russia, but financiers and speculators operating with impunity within Ukraine’s borders to exploit ethnic Ukrainians and plunder their resources.❞


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❝We must be in a position to respond to every act of opposition by war with the neighbors of that country which dares to oppose us: but if these neighbors should also venture to stand collectively together against us, then we must offer resistance by a universal war.❞


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I heard a few uncomfortable laughs, literally maybe 3 or 4 people in the audience. And the faces of the the band behind him were priceless. They were stunned and frozen looking.

God bless Mr Harrelson for his courage. He’ll likely be canceled by the powers that be (at least till they are no longer controlling the approved narrative) but I think he will be fine with that.

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Yes, they were stunned and frozen. If you watch the entire clip you will see the audience enthusiastically applaud him after the shocking snippet. True believers would be pissed at his insolence and sat on their hands until he got off stage. They did not reject him, they embraced him afterwards. I'm a total pessimist about where we are, but that was encouraging.

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the few brainwashed friends of mine said...."we turned it off, SNL is not good anymore". LOL, the duped cannot accept anything other than what they were told. No sense of humor or the slightest desire to open up to possibilities.

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It's sad that so little impresses us. All he had to do was avoid the trigger words - the C word, the V word, and of course the most egregious one - Death.

His monologue was clever in that he tiptoed across the fence between the real truth and generalization, while noting his certifiable membership in the School of Cool.

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Anything that comes out of Hollyweird is SUS to me. If someone w a platform such as his wanted, he could really help the cause.

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“The Jewish people have said that Hollywood is theirs. Can any of you deny that they are the masters of Hollywood, where sex, lesbianism, homosexuality and violence are promoted?” — Louis Farrakhan

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The fasco-Marxist journalists didn't like it? You mean the ones who pushed the Russiagate scam? The ones who mocked those who called the Wuhan leak was real... only now it is a fact?

Arrogance paired with stupidity and intellectual dishonesty = the leftist media

Do you mean folks like this, going all the way back to Going all the way back to NY Slimes Pulitzer Prize winner Walter " I don't see no stinkin' starving kulaks in Stalin's Ukraine" Duranty (perhaps around 5 – 6 million were starved to death by Stalin in his Holodomor) to Lincoln "I have seen the future in Stalin's USSR, and it works" Steffens to fake Nobel Prize winner Rigoberta Menchu, accidentally outed by another leftist, to another NY Slimes wunderkind, fiction writer Jayson Blair, who resigned in 2003 after he was outed for stories—some front page—that were fabricated or plagiarized, to Dan "I found a memo!" Rather, to Brian "I was shot down in a helicopter in Iraq in 2003" Williams, and the list goes on and on and on... such as Walter Cronkite telling us (regardless of how you felt about its rightness) that the Viet Nam war was being lost during the Tet offensive, while at the same time North Viet General Giap admitted later on in his memoirs that all was lost unless the American public was lied to and told they were losing, to Mikey Isikoff /Newsweek’s infamous May 9, 2005 issue that cited some “unnamed source” saying the Qu’ran was trashed at Guantanamo – and was later proven false, but not after many were killed in the rioting that ensued overseas (“no matter if people die… as long as their political ends are met, right?).

And speaking of 9/11, don’t forget the famous – and utterly idiotic – tweet from the NYT that said “Airplanes took aim and brought down the World Trade Center.” This tweet was so intellectually vapid it deleted it shortly after. (Reminiscent of “guns kill people” articles… as if guns grow legs and fingers, and run around shooting people with no human operators. And don’t forget Vietnam reporter Peter Arnett and his famed supposed quote from a US officer that I grew up on, “We had to destroy the village to save it” – except that this was later proven to be – wait for it! – another media fake, and when pressed he never could provide evidence of who, exactly, said it. Or perhaps you prefer Charles Jaco of CNN “reporting live from Saudi Arabia” in the 1990” Iraq war…. or should I say, in front of a fake green screen.

Or think the first Gulf War where the MSM showed ''thousands'' in attendance when Saddam Hussein's statue likeness was toppled by the jubilant masses who were so thrilled by the American liberators.. At least, that's what the camera angles made it look like. In actuality, there were a few dozen individuals there, possibly paid and/or crisis actors, and a rope was attached to an unseen US military Humvee that actually did the work.

In fact, in my old home province of British Columbia, the New York Times even published a recipe for our beloved Nanaimo bars (a treat of custard, sugar, coconut, walnuts, cocao, etc.) that was – you guessed it – wrong. Funny, but problem is, this is just symptomatic of what the New York Times actually is.

Think 2022, where “fact checker” USA Today was forced to delete 23 articles over fabricated sources. USA Today’s breaking news reporter Gabriela Miranda fabricated sources and misappropriated quotes for stories, the news outlet confirmed on Thursday, after being forced to conduct an internal audit after getting an ‘external correction request’ on one of its published stories,” reports Breitbart. The 23 articles which were removed for not meeting the paper’s “editorial standards” included pieces on the Texas abortion ban, anti-vaxxer content and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Activist Post wrote: “The audit revealed that some individuals quoted were not affiliated with the organizations claimed and appeared to be fabricated. The existence of other individuals quoted could not be independently verified. In addition, some stories included quotes that should have been credited to others.” Activist also cited more gems from the toilet paper of record: “The newspaper was also lambasted by critics after it “fact checked” as “true” claims that an official Trump 2020 t-shirt features a “Nazi symbol”. In February last year, the news outlet published an op-ed which denounced Tom Brady for refusing to walk back his previous support for Donald Trump and for being “white.” The newspaper also had to fire their “race and inclusion” editor Hemal Jhaveri after she falsely blamed the Boulder supermarket shooting on white people.” Need something more recent? After the Soros violent Maidan revolution overthrew a democratically elected government in Ukraine, and installed their puppet Poroshenko, later succeeded by Zelensky, who had so embarrassing whoppers as the Ghost of Khiev, who shot down you-name-the-number of Russian jets alone in the early part of the Ukraine war, or the Heroes of Snake Island, who cursed the Russian navy and fought to their deaths… only the truth is that that meekly surrendered, then later were exchanged for Russian prisoners. But no matter! The Deep State will fight Russia down to the last Ukrainian, as Sen. Rand Paul said. And then in 2022, Twittergate blew up, showing the government utterly suppressed the truth on Twitter using Twitter staff, bots, etc., about Covid policy, as Strive Asset Management founder Vivek Ramaswamy noted .

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It is 'deer in headlights' moment....they're all of a sudden realizing they might just have hurt themselves from an idiotic choice based on emotions and fear that might harm them when they have sex or masturbate or play soccer?? Why are so many dying in bed?

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Only a bunch of dupes and losers watch late night television.

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But they watched it and maybe got and perhaps understood Woody's message /

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14 JUL 2019 . . . Dr. Xiangguo Qiu, her husband, students escorted out of Canadian Level 4 lab in Winnipeg, removal of unauthorized material from Winnipeg to China, group involved in setting up Level 4 lab in Wuhan . . .


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Especially SNL

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“Now you know I’m going to be lambasted and called anti-Semitic… They’ll say he was up to his old canards; he said Jews control Hollywood. Well, they said it themselves! Jews control the media. They said it themselves!” — Louis Farrakhan

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Couldn't you find a less credible racist to quote?

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“I know that there are some Jews in the English colonies. These Marranos go wherever there is money to be made... But whether these circumcised who sell old clothes claim that they are of the tribe of Naphtali or Issachar is not of the slightest importance. They are, simply, the biggest scoundrels who have ever dirtied the face of the earth.” — François-Marie Voltaire

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Why are there not at least hundreds more “ celebrities” speaking up?

Some of them didn't mind supporting the lies, but to tell the truth? Oh no, too dangerous.

Thank you Woody Harrelson for your integrity!

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As a group, they lack critical thinking skills and are not the smartest bulbs on the tree, though someone infiltrates occasionally and truth sneaks in.

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Unfortunately, Hellywood is in bed with satan. Bought and paid for $$$$$$$$$. Very few so far have come out against Hellywood. Think I can count them so far on one hand. That being said, WH with his monologue. Well subtly done! Sometimes you have to be smarter than the serpent. We see it unfolding before our eyes daily. They are starting to step into their own dung.

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B/C they get paid big bucks to be INFLUENCERS which is pure narcissism and harmful to your soul if you choose to do this BS and act fake and insincere. Justin Bieber did give a video of his paralyzed face and he had to cancel world tour. His wife had a brain clot stroke AND her heart valve quit working! 2 25 year olds getting vaxx injury AT THE SAME TIME 3/2022 and neither has said 1 friggin word in the media. $$$ talks.

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John, the media is not "brainwashed" as much as paid.

Continuing to pretend that paid agents of Global Power are just confused will lead you into an endless cul-de-sac...which may be the point of those who refuse to grapple with the sinister reality of the modern world.


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Sage Hana, they are paid, but many of them are ALSO brainwashed. To be sure, the truth occasionally starts to dawn on them, but because they are so attached to the material benefits of producing this propaganda, they vigorously and sometimes violently repress this dawning awareness. It seems to me that money can actually encourage belief in something. As Upton Sinclair remarked, "It's difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on not understanding it." Another thing to consider is that, in order to obtain and retain a job as a reporter in the journals I noted, it is necessary to demonstrate an allegiance to a certain set of axioms. It would be extremely difficult and stressful to fake this all the time. I suspect one has to be a true believer or one would go mad in an environment of such stultifying orthodoxy.

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Physicians, who have been my biggest disappointment, have been groomed senseless by pharma for decades. Sinclair was correct but I believe it’s psychologically deeper than even he suggested.

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Very well said, Doc.

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Great handle, my all time favorite band. Rock Me, Move Over, The Ostrich are my favs. The two giant hits are as good but get so much play they get a little old IMO. Still love to hear them, any time! Or maybe it's the Hesse novel?

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That I got it from? Yes, it's in honor of Hermann Hesse and his book, Steppenwolf. I didn't get it from the band, although I love them, too. Thanks for the compliment.

Wolf of the steppes, or plains, or valleys, like the wolf in Dances With Wolves film.

My Native American name is Wolf Dancer (joke). I do admire wolves, for they are a much maligned and misunderstood creature, like me. Hint: Enlarge my profile pic.



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Living in the middle part of the US, I've never seen a wolf in the wild, despite spending as much time as I can in the woods. From what I have read they are amazing. I've seen plenty of 'yotes while hunting but would never shoot at one, as many do, since they're considered varmints and always legal to shoot. They're dogs! How can you not love all canines? On the flip side, many say the wolves are really hurting big game populations in some areas out west. Which if true is not good.

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. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissension, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by inoculation of diseases, by want, so that the GOYIM see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and all else.❞


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So yes, you are describing Manufacturing Consent. The Op is done in the hiring process.

It's a little more complex than just money as well.

Remember that Kamala, Biden, and Pelosi were all skeptical about the "Trump Vaccines". Then after the election, with the same toxic herd culling contents in the vials, they all ran back into the Pro Wrestling dressing room and switched jerseys and now the injections were magical and needed to be mandated.

Same injections. Same injections.

(A magical part of this Op watching people respond to anything but reality was Trump lambasting them for being anti-science. 😅)

So it's a Psy Op, Dr. Peter. It's an Op from people who wish to intentionally do harm to the world.

They have studied this for decades. This is what they do. MKUltra, endless experimentation. Color Revolutions in nation after nation.

They turned their attention to within. They know how to garner True Believer compliance.

Lastly, Dr. Peter you alluded to this strange trance also taking over your medical peers in this video. Thank you for this. This video was huge in my early understandings of what was going on.


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❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissension, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by inoculation of diseases, by want, so that the GOYIM see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and all else.❞


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Give it a rest Nazi, your ignorance is showing.

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Fuck off kikesucker.

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“Apple roared into the TV game with The Morning Show, a super drama about the importance of dignity and doing the right thing, made by a company that runs sweatshops in China. You say you’re woke, but the companies you work for, it’s unbelievable—Apple, Amazon, Disney. If ISIS started a streaming service, you’d call your agent.” — Ricky Gervais

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Aren’t we through with the "media" and pharma naked in its shame.

Let’s be humans again, abjure the powers behind the "countermeasure" and their control of our lives.

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Feb 28, 2023
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I sure hope so. I've only seen hangings in old Westerns.

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It was NEVER about health! The Powers That Should Not Be were ALWAYS about they want you DEAD or a SLAVE! This is a painful truth to accept but we the people must wake up and fight back!

Supporting this excellent post with a statement and useful links.

We must never lose sight of the larger picture of the vile malignance we are fighting against.

There is an insidious global ruling class plot to enslave all life on earth behind all the madness and suffering inflicted on We the People.

How to fight back against this TOTAL SLAVERY!


Other than getting rid of nuclear weapons which I support 100% the rest of the anti-nuclear peace movement and CLIMATE CRISIS propaganda is parroting UN utter GARBAGE, a complete surrender to the ENSLAVEMENT AGENDA by the diabolical despots of Davos - ruling class criminals who lust for total power and control and all of whom should be tried and jailed for life and their malign organizations dismantled: the UN, the WEF, the IMF, the WHO, the BIS, NATO, Blackrock, Vanguard, The Rockefellers, the Rothschilds, The Bilderbergers, the CFR et al.

There is an evil predator globalist technocratic elite agenda of eugenics/depopulation/genocide using bioweapon poison jabs, war, geoengineering, EMF radiation, starvation and economic collapse - THE GREAT RESET/AGENDA 2030/4TH INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION to get rid of billions of 'useless eaters' and to use nano tech to turn the survivors into ROBOTIZED COMPLIANT SLAVES! WAKE UP AND RESIST! DO NOT COMPLY! These are psychopath megalomaniacs who want to play god by turning all life into digitized metaverse mechanistic synthetic biology to be manipulated by their AI algorithms. A more demonic sickening idea is nearly impossible to imagine!


MAKE THE WORLD AND AMERICA 2019 (comparatively speaking), AND FREE AGAIN!
















Pam Popper: https://makeamericansfreeagain.com

Del Bigtree: https://www.brighteon.com/channels/highwire


Naomi Wolf: https://dailyclout.io



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AMEN, Sister!!!👍🕊💙

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Amy, I loved ur passion & words of wisdom. I loved everything you said. We cannot give in to these THUGS, EVER!

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If you research that Khazarian Mafia you will get all the dots connected.

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Feb 28, 2023
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Just so - Operation Paperclip.

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Dr. Paul Alexander had referenced Woody Harrelson's work of art - for THAT is what this is. A well-done and only slightly veiled synopsis of ... a world gone mad.

That there is push back is NO surprise - none at all - but the extent to which this "review" and commentary has occurred is surprising. THANK YOU for pointing us to that. Seems to me that what Mr. Harrelson has done is to have triggered response, and gotten MSM talking about it.

Some might say that: Even Bad Press is Good Press.

All things considered - censorship, gaslighting, ad hominem attacks - this "step" puts us that much closer to, as you suggest, acceptance.

But in the words of Ringo Starr: You Know It Don't Come Easy ...........

Let's hope that those who have listened to what Woody said, have actually HEARD the message.

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❝. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissension, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by inoculation of diseases, by want, so that the GOYIM see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and all else.❞


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I saw your comment the first time.

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See it again . . .

. . . utterly exhaust humanity with dissension, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by inoculation of diseases, by want, so that the GOYIM see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money and all else.❞


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WH is an actor. He is paid to act. The monologue was part of his act on SNL. As an actor he may or may not have been expressing his own opinion. The response from the audience of all SNL intro monologues is carfefully curated for the tv audience. These are basic facts.

Question is why was the information (propagandised truth?) delivered in this monologue? Who directed it?

His monologue follows an ever increasing number of 'reports' on msm exposing the 'truth re cvd and the vax'.

In my opinion, this is all staged propaganda. Question is why, and where is it meant to lead us.

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This 100%.

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Your book is great and it’s so obvious how captured the media is it makes me sick. They continue to hang on to the lies.

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I didn't see Woody Harrelson on SNL, so I appreciate the heads up.

Harrelson certainly does NOT mention vaccines! He does not even mention Pharma. He says he got a script about DRUG CARTELS!

Those attacking the monologue anecdote/joke -- and whoever signaled them to attack -- are truly exposing themselves: Who are they supporting??? Drug Cartels??? Since when do Drug Cartels push vaccines???

Or is Big Pharma just another Drug Cartel that needs to be defended because of a joke about a script about Drug Cartels? Is that the unintentional message of Harrelson's critics?

There are a lot of movies out there that can be labelled Predictive Programming in that the plots or images are very much like later real-life occurrences. I just saw DIE HARD the other week and, Boy, that final scene with paper floating out of the sky rise building was just what we saw when the Twin Towers were assaulted. Who thought that up? Currently, there's a lot of talk about White Noise predicting the East Palestine, Ohio, train derailment and Chernobyl-size toxic spill. SO, Harrelson's anecdote/joke does not seem a far-fetched Hollywood tale, even if it turns out to be only a joke. Why attack him for pointing out something that is happening all the time: A movie someone INVESTED big bucks in turning out to predict a future event someone makes big bucks off? Is that happening regularly?

My own take on Predictive Programming is a bit of sideways thinking. I do not believe the crooks and thieves and Globalists are a creative bunch. I actually think they are psychopaths and such, and they are not capable of creativity. Deploying destruction, yes, but creativity, no. I think they rely on stimulating the artistic community to come up with dystopian products and symbols. I surmise this is what they put their investment dollars into in the entertainment industry. Then they attempt to copy some aspects of the fiction in their own actions. Just a thought....

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Woody cleverly softened them up with I am with you cannabis-talk, then lowered the boom. This is an effective red pill strategy to combat the cool factor, which is the primary mass formation impetus. It is not obedience. It is the desire to be cool that keeps these people in line.

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Very suspicious that I can't find any actual video of the monologue even on a nonGoogle search, just a Woody photo with text saying it was anti-vax. Gee, I guess we can't listen to his monologue and make up our own minds. A decade ago, who would ever have thought even the Rolling Stones wouldn't report what's happening? Even if you knew nothing, wouldn't you eventually be creeped out by the echo chamber?

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I found it on YouTube when searched 'Harrelson SNL monologue'....

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Thanks for the tip! I found it thanks to your post, got to watch it. The audience's silence during that "crazy movie script" part of his monologue was indeed striking.

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Been done w Rolling Stone a long time. If that's not a Psy op idk what is.

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Hard to convince the “benign” journos unless you can replace their Pfizer funded paychecks at the same time.

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The elite cartel, in a in a perfect pantomime of government, devised an incredible 'final solution' that involved indiscriminately killed the very people who needed to look healthy after vaccination. In other words you failed to accurately give placebo's to all the B and C listers, now falling over dead.

Not to mention that they jabbed anonymous government employees, cops, doctors, nurses. Young people. Children. They have a plan that will immobilize as many a possible, all at once. And being jabbed is at the center of it.

The weasels absolutely jumped the shark on this in every regard but one: They still control the resources. Just fewer people to take up the flag of the puppet masters. But there are still more than enough AI fingers to complete the job 'on-schedule.'

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You forgot the pilots.

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The video on twitter has since been deleted "Nothing to see here!"

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So who's overriding Elon?

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Good question

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Just found it on youtube by searching Harrelson monologue.

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Having been to prison for selling cocaine, I told my attorney early once ‘that lock downs were for prisons.’

I have seen the drug business from every angle.

It’s a crying shame we only lock up the low level street hustlers.

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👍 Did you see the drug bust the other day? Shit ton of fentanyl, meth, heroin...guns $2 mil in cash. Could only be the govt.

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Government is a racket for the central bankers who fund it.

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I think you err in thinking this is an accident of shared belief. Real reporters don’t act this way. This is deliberate deception and collusion in a false narrative. Look for the commonalities among these outlets and these reporters.

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Woody pecked! :)

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