I have very few interactions anymore with Democrats because when I do, they cannot tell me why they will vote for Harris. Not one ever names a specific policy she has advanced that they support. But they will, almost angrily, tell me why Donald Trump is awful, even though they cannot pinpoint a single policy recommendation that they oppose. My only reply has been to say this (based on a meme I recently saw): your vote is not a Valentine that sends love to the person you are voting for. It is, instead, a chess move, something you have critically thought through that will result in the kind of country you want to live in. Normally, the Dems I have spoken to do not react to that idea other than to look as though they have been frightened and need to scurry off.

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Cogent thoughts like that sound to a Democrat like a Kamela word salad sounds to us. They can't process logic.

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I love wearing this in front of Democrats 👇 🤣


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Or the button that says...

I am the person your leftist Mother warned you about!

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A large percentage of people can only ever vote for their team.

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In the past I think that is certainly true. But this year feels so very different; well, "feels" is the wrong word here; I should have said this year is objectively different with too many fundamentals being endangered such as the First Amendment, cutting body parts off healthy children, stepping ever closer to WW3, and losing our integrity as a nation. That's why it's difficult for me to accept that people only vote for their team. Everything is on the line this year. Elon Musk said this might well be the last election. I don't think there's another time in American history when we could say that.

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Oct 8·edited Oct 8

Of course, the other side says if Trump wins it will be the last election because he'll destroy democracy. Fear baiting nonsense.

If Democrats win, I think it's more accurate to say this could be the last fair election Republicans could actually win. Democrats could and would change laws to make it structurally impossible for Republicans to win.

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I started door knocking just this morning using a Republican voter registration list the courthouse sent me. My first house I figured was a shoe in for Trump. Instead, the man said (although he’s a registered Republican) that he prefers Harris. With every single issue I brought up, he evaded by changing the subject. Here’s one example: I said immigration in the numbers we are currently facing is unsustainable for cultural reasons and it’s costing taxpayer millions with all the free stuff they’re getting. And HE said, Americans Indians had similar complaints about white immigration. 🤦🏽‍♀️ That is how it went on issue after issue.

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Wow. That is great information. That man's in terminal woke-mind-virus state. He's rolling over.

There's something you can do. You can relieve him by letting him know that colonising land/people's is a human condition that's happened throughout history. England was colonised over and over again - by vikings, romans, normans, saxons - and then the British got the smarts and built some good ships, had some good gunpowder, and became the winners. Yay team. It's a game, and we need to keep our land - hold onto it. There's enough that would try to take it at a heartbeat.

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Try as I might to provide some historical context to his worries over American Indians, he continued changing the subject: "but what about Africa?" was his next switcheroo after explaining to me how the Indians felt. Hell will freeze over before I will talk to that man again.

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Another idea... Have you tried agreeing with him? That yes, he was terrible to have taken the Indians' land? There's a few new pathways that could come out of that :D

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So he doesn't have a 'fight for his own land' instinct in his body? Is the projected guilt flooring him? What does he think the Indians should've done?

Rolled over like he is doing, or fight? The Indian's land and the native-born American's services are now being taken over by illegal immigrants. If he's 'switcheroo'd' it means he's lost the micro-argument.

What about Africa? Like the Chinese buying up a whole lot of land, displacing the residents, so they can grow food for their billions? Tell him he has to be strong or his land is going as well.

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A story as old as time.

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Go, Team! Orange

Man, BAD!

That’s all,


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Trump Derangement Syndrome is "not a joke" (hat tip to beach bum Biden). People afflicted with the syndrome, especially those at stages 3/4, get a crazed look in their eyes as they literally SPIT out Trump's name. Never seen anything like it. Between those voters, the left's commitment to stealing elections, and the media's commitment to cover for them, I fear it's not bad enough yet for a change in direction in this country. Tragically, by the time it IS bad enough, it will be way too late to reverse course.

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You just described my neighbor. He's never worked and lived off the gov most of his life. Hates Trump to the point of shaking rage because if Trump is elected, he might have to get a job.

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My neighbor also has a visceral rage for Trump.

I love my neighbor … But, I’ve decided ‘hating trump’ has become her hobby…. Oddly, I think it’s giving her a socially acceptable place to put ALL her anger… and maybe some ‘purpose’ in her life 🧐

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JanC1955 - you mean after Trump is elected and then calls for a declaration of national emergency in order to stop any more elections from happening? After Trump gets elected all other elections are bad, very bad, the worst thing - to paraphrase Trump.

I saw another response that Elon Musk says that this may be the last election we will ever have. That is what Trump has promised in the past. How can you not understand that the total demise of democracy is what we have coming if Trump wins office this time around?

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David Hill - all I can offer you is a diagnosis of Trump Derangement Syndrome, and a suggestion: get free of your mainstream "news" sources. They're lying to you and consequently, you're parroting lies.

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Trump loves America and will not end elections! You have been captured by the media that lies to you.

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I see.

And there’s no possibility that you have been taken in by lies that Trump has made because…, let me guess here…, Trump never tells lies.

Got it.

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In today's talk, political allegiance is their identity. The Democrats could reinstitute slavery, remove all social nets, show disconcern about climate, and the people on that team would still vote for it.

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I always thought Trump should have used that for a campaign slogan:" Orange Man. Bad."

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Love that as a slogan! I had a t-shirt and yard signs made that read: "We're voting for the felon and the hillbillly." Every Republican friend of mine gets it and thinks it's hilarious. Two Democrats I spoke with recently asked me how on earth I could vote for a felon. They just don't get the joke.

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He’s only a felon because of charges that have been selectively made against only him. They are common misdemeanors that many others are guilty of committing, plus those who were supposedly hurt by his “crimes” have said they would do business with him again. This was a coordinated effort to “get Trump” by politicians who campaigned with that mantra. I’m voting for the felon of made up charges.

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Brilliant reply. May have to borrow.

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Oh to be you, Mary, where the Democrats you interact with are so atypically polite. It has been my experience that they are usually quite vile and violent at any bit of counterpoint.

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I think their politeness here stems from the fact that not only is this area of Pennsylvania rural, but has been Republican since 1860. They didn’t even vote for FDR in 1933 or in any of his other 3 elections. Democrats are a tiny minority here, so if they expect to have any kind of life, they have to mind their manners. LOL

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Just like the Canadians I described above Mary Ann!!

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I did not see the interview, but I must say, reading this post was painful. Harris is just awful.

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Agreed. I give credit to our host for enduring that. I find if I skim the article just fast enough to get the meaning I can avoid nausea. Truth be told I did read the inset carnage that is the Quotable Kamala. Quite something to behold. From a distance. A great distance. I avoided the 60 minutes interview easily since I haven’t watched network tv & news since analog tv went off the air in 2009, haha. The TV’s just there to watch old film noir to cheer me up

Seriously If this hand-picked-by-Hilary cretin gets installed in the presidency the illusion of a democratic republic will disappear completely along with the well being of We the People. We may find ourselves in the world JFK warned about- peaceful evolution being made impossible, violent revolution stands out as increasingly probable

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“I haven’t watched network tv & news since analog tv went off the air in 2009, haha. The TV’s just there to watch old film noir to cheer me up”

SAME, pretty much.

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"The Machiavellians who run that mafia syndicate believe their voters are so brainwashed they will vote for Kamala simply because she is not Donald Trump."

And they're right in their belief. Many, if not most, will do exactly that. :-(

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My husband has been having a fruitless interaction with someone on Facebook Messenger about the political situation. This person believes every lie told about Trump. He has a major case of TDS. He has had 7 COVID vaccines. In my opinion he is completely brainwashed. Everyone who disagrees with him is evil and won't consider any news source other than CNN, MSNBC, etc. It is very frustrating how many people have lost the ability to think for themselves.

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Yet another manifestation of mass formation psychosis. Unfortunately, the more catastrophic the error - and the more"intelligent/educated" the person who made the error - the harder it is for someone to admit.

There are 30% of our countrymen who will NEVER accept they were so catastrophically wrong.

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The vaxx must contribute to the dementia

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That’s a fact.

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And that is why it could be the last election--the masses have been captured from their own sanity, worth and courage to look past CNN. The reality they swim in will evaporate without them even knowing. My, my that is sad! For them and for us all. I too have these same people in my life.

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a “fruitless interaction” with someone on Facebook … ah but you repeat yourself 😉

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This person gets most of his news from Facebook. Conservative views will not show up on his feed. This was a private conversation on the messenger app.

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The fact that people lost the ability to discern truth from the falsehoods became apparent to me many years ago. Millions watched expertly done "controlled demolitions" happen before their very eyes and then blamed it on a bunch of people who were riding around on camels in a desert before they just barely learned to fly a cesna a few weeks earlier. After a few hours practice on a small two engine plane...they could then fly a jumbo jet filled with screaming passengers into a building with pinpoint accuracy. People believe what they are told to believe. We needed to invade someplace with oil. The "no plane" arguments have gone on for decades....Plane or no plane---this narrative stinks like old fish. But people "believed" it.

I was very suspicious of the whole "covid" psyops from the beginning. It was just so convenient to lock everyone up while they stripped our assets, destroyed schools and churches and retreated to their tropical paradises. America and the ideals which founded it have been a thorn in the side of the globalists and that includes the Chinese. I remember how Klaus Schwab waxed absolutely star struck talking about how well the human detritus were managed in China.

Truth is when someone speaks out in China .... he is locked up and his organs are harvested and his family is killed. See Guzzman....THE BLOODY HARVEST.

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Perhaps the Kamal has neurosyphilis? Is that why she cackles? Dementia, mania, psychosis, depression, and delirium are listed symptoms.

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highly possible in my estimation.

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most people I’ve read just attribute the behavior to being high or drunk…for my part I do think some of her interactions display that languorous delivery of someone in a chemically-induced mental fog

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She's probably always been like that she's been a disaster her whole career.

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Those same five things you mention are also characteristic of demons.

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Wouldn't doubt it, if you mean "demon" in the negative sense.

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Anyone who thinks of demons in a positive sense is not someone I would plan to vote for!! :)

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The manufacture and distribution of Trump Derangement Syndrome has been the single most successful psyop campaign ever concocted by any government or cabal in the history of mankind. One must admit that Trump himself has been the booster shot, and while this might diminish the accolades due the accomplishment, it does not diminish the result. One gets the sense that had Trump had a public relations manager, say on par with an Edward Bernays, and had he listened to and followed his advivce, one could easily argue that TDS would never have become the autoimmune pandemic that it has. But given where we are, one could also argue that Satan himself is making the rapid progress he is by introducing himself at every turn simply as “not Trump”.

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Just as what Kamala is. She is much, much more dangerous than any other candidate for President has ever been. For the main reason, she is totally controlled and hyped up to lie, dissuade, avoid and tyrannize to win! I have said this before: I cringe at the thought of her being the first woman President. What a depressing disappointment. I would have been excited and proud to have seen Tulsi Gabbard in her place.

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Even if Trump had chosen to follow the wise advice of a public relations manager, how would he ever overcome the psyop campaign of the legacy media? I've never seen such bias. That said, kudos to Bill Whitaker for asking some good questions.

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Like they say in Hollywood: you have to have the material.

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Interesting thought. I don't think Trump would be Trump without the imperfections. They are simultaneously his power and his liability. He would not be the phenomenon he is if he were a traditionally skilled and disciplined politician.

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One of the BEST comments I've read in a while....that's some serious food-for-thought.....

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“Kamala Harris cannot think—at least not well. I believe that choosing her is an expression of the DNC's contempt for its voters. The Machiavellians who run that mafia syndicate believe their voters are so brainwashed they will vote for Kamala simply because she is not Donald Trump.”

I have friends who are the brainwashed voters the Quisling mafia rely on. They’re college educated. They rely solely on the main stream media. Read the NYT. Avoid Fox News. Repeat the talking points of their news sources with no indication of critical thought, not a glimer. The Covid shots were great (they’ve all been vax’d multiple times). Climate change is caused only by fossil fuel combustion. They want to ‘Trust the Experts’. They never consider that the ‘Experts’ may not be honest. Trump/Vance are deplorable. Harris/Walz are at least not Trump/Vance. Who cares what Harris’s policy positions are. It’s amazing. Despite their Climate Change concerns they all travel internationally for vacation. It’s like they exist in the Matrix. When offered the Red/Blue pill they take the Blue one every time. Amazing. I would say this represents about 1/3 of my circle of friends. Thank God for the others.

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Chapter 12 of the book WHAT THE NURSES SAW by Ken McCarthy is about following the (Covid) money! Hospitals were paid H U G E bonuses for Covid+ patients, big payouts for following protocols including Remdesivir, and again huge bonuses for placing patients on ventilators. This single chapter is so important to understanding how they pulled the hoax.

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Moral of the story- stay away from Western medicine and corporate protocols. You must be your own and your family’s health care advocate. Clean up your diet, move more, get out in the sun and focus on sleeping better. Read “Good Energy “ by Dr Casey Means. It will tell you everything you need to know to be healthy.

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A little word of advice, hard S it may seem. These weak-minded people you describe have completely lost any critical thinking skills. They will go down in history as the brainwashed! You cannot change their behaviours. Gravitate to friends who DO know how to do critical thinking. You’ll be truly a happier person.

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and they are absolutely correct. Harris/Walz signs litter my small town, not one Trump sign. Trump voters fear to be seen as such, Trump haters trumpet their hate

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I have a slightly different observation. I live in a fairly conservative part of CA. And even after a recent trip to LA I have only seen one Harris t-shirt and one bumper sticker. But I also see scores of Trump bumper stickers and flags at people's homes.

I don't want to rest on those laurels and assume the tide is turning though, because we all know it isn't about the people voting, it's how far is the swamp willing to cheat.

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You’d enjoy Elon Musk’s interview with Tucker Carlson.

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California knows her better than anywhere else.

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We need to stop being afraid!!! TRUMP 2024!!

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Be LGBFJB+....lol....

TRUMP-Vance 2024

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Can’t prove anything but prior to the last election, our neighbors house burned down-fire Marshall couldn’t find reason. We live in a very blue elite college town. It was October and he had Trump signs plastered all over his property. I so want to put signs out. Husband say “No”, not in this day and age.

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I ordered a vote to protect free speech sign with DJT RFK and Tulsi. Husband-approved as it abjures partisan alignment— interestingly that sign was selling well on the Trump-Kennedy 24 web site.

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Peter, it is the opposite where I live.

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So that’s not my experience. Trump signs are all over the place, on signs, bumper stickers, billboard, flags… I think much more this time because people understand the gravity of the situation and are willing to risk what their neighbors might think. That’s my situation. I spent all last weekend painting and stencil signs that are now proudly on my lawn. Even put a spotlight on them for evening viewing. It’s go time. We must turn out in masses.🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

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As dumb as Trudeau

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It took me a while to wrap my head around the whole thing, but yeah, I now believe Fidel Castro IS Trudeau's actual biological father....weird, huh?....

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Yes lol. Very similar. Except she can do the stream-of-unconsciousness shtick without the hums and ahs of our PM. But they both manage to say nothing while never shutting up. Canadians have strong opinions about Trump. Sadly I have a few left leaning otherwise intelligent friends who have completely swallowed the Trump as villain nonsense. Evidence please??!! Thank goodness they can’t vote.

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Kamala can think. But she can't say what she thinks because "It's an election." She plans to rely on obfuscation and lying because nobody would vote for the things she plans to do. She's the stealth Bernie Sanders; the dems had to ditch him because he openly supported things Americans don't want. Kamala supports those things too, so she talks gibberish and runs out the clock. Remember, Fidel Castro didn't tell anyone he was Communist until after he took power and it was too late.

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You do know that Fidel Castro is Trudeau's actual biological father, right?....

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All of the ideological rhetoric is empty.

My daughter was one of many at the receiving end of someone who'd suddenly gone woke-virus-crazy. They sent off reams of personal commentary on 'white power' and 'white privilege', but there was never any definition of such, nor practical examples in their everyday life. They seem to be no more than vibe statements to say "I'm a victim and I'm hurting", without ever attaching the statements to observable reality. Still shocked by it.

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I have nieces and nephews who did the same. They are highly intelligent, precious and were well loved and well treated as kids. The funniest thing is, they are the very examples of white privilege. I’m talking, trips, lots of steak and seafood, even a car for your birthday type of white priv. They just need to say these things to show they feel for the non-priv?!

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I've been watching commentary lately on the new movie "Am I racist?" (Matt Walsh). Someone came up with a theory that everyone's carrying around amorphous guilt as a consequence of the decline in religious practice - they don't know what to do with it. Dunno.

The person who'd suddenly let out the tirade were themselves fully privileged, highly mobile, socially skilled, at Australia's highest ranked university :D Which I think is the answer.

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On this theme, via Matt Walsh in discussion with Shapiro, on training to become "DEI certified", which then allowed him to run DEI classes"

"What I discovered with being a DEI trainer myself is that you're not saying anything.

There's certain buzzwords you have to know, and you just have to keep going back to those buzzwords.

A big one is "decolonise yourself", "decolonise your whiteness".

I still don't know what that - I honest to God - I'm not just saying it - I don't know what that means.

After producing this film for a year and a half, and hearing it a million times, I don't know what it means. I don't.

But it doesn't matter. That's the great thing about it. Just say it.

All you have to do is say to someone "You have to decolonise your whiteness". And if you look serious while you say it, that's it. They're not going to ask you "What do you mean by that?"

Because the other thing we discovered is that - the people you're talking to - they don't want to admit that they don't know what you're saying, because they feel like they should know these terms.

That's one of the tools of the woke trade here is that they use these totally made up terms, and they throw them into conversation, and they know the people listening aren't going to want to ask, like "what does that mean?". Because if you ask that question it means you've already exposed yourself as not like part of the club.

So everyone just sits there and they listen and nod along.

"Decolonise yourself" is a big one.

"Whiteness" is a big one.

"Journey" - we're always going on a journey - we're always on a journey somewhere. It's not about the destination, it's just "You're on the journey".

And you just kind of circle around those themes. Over and over and over again. It never ends."

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Rather than running for high public office, if she instead were in an interview for any other job - even fry cook at McDonalds - it would be politely suggested she seek employment elsewhere. No one - apart from pure DEI hires - would listen to her and deem her qualified for any real job.

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You're being very unfair. Of course Harris is qualified enough to cook fries at McDonald's.....

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Well, I’d at least be willing to give her the opportunity to prove it. At least if she failed it wouldn’t lead to the start of WW III or the end of our democratic republic.

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You're incorrect. America is a Constitutional republic. The words "democracy" & "democratic" do NOT appear in the Constitution. The word "republic", in reference to our government, appears several times. I long for the end of YOUR "democracy" under Biden/Harris....

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Lighten up, Francis. I misspoke. Of course we are a Constitutional republic. My bad. Not sure what you are calling MY democracy under B/H. There is NO form of democracy OR Constitutional republic under them or their ilk - only authoritarian tyranny. But I still would relent and allow her to prove herself as a fry cook until she burnt the first batch.

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Who's "Francis"?....

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It has been observed that Kamala shows signs of cocaine addiction and the inability to think, inappropriate laughter, and word salad are all symptoms of brain damage from years of cocaine use. The cocaine found in the White House might very well belong to her and not Hunter.

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And they will and thats the sad thing. The other thing is their marketing propaganda machine is at hard work this last month trying to make her the face if "change." Because the American people want and know our country needs change even the brainwashed ones. The problem js they are good at brainwashing and if they can brainwash enough of them to think she will be the change this nation need (just look at her record, we dont want or need her type if change or she will say it and keep on changing for the worse or not at all) then we will all be in trouble. I dont want her change it about killed us as a nation and i hope enough people recognize this and make them eat it.

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We had a provincial by election in Ontario Canada earlier this year. I was helping a newer party candidate and attended several debates between candidates. After the first debate the conservative candidate got hammered with hard questions about his party stance and his less than ethical political history. He didn't show up in the future debates. Word was that the conservative party told him to not show up as the election was his to lose because A) the electoral district was prominent conservative and B) He could only make matters worse by opening his mouth. He won the election despite his absence.

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"The Machiavellians who run that mafia syndicate believe their voters are so brainwashed they will vote for Kamala simply because she is not Donald Trump."

The Machiavellians are correct. Their base had ZERO problem with their leaders kicking out Joe and having Kamala forced on them. Kamala, who prior to being pumped up by the media, was universally disliked. The DNC and the rest of the blob have proven that they could force anyone on the democrats, shut down their voices completely, and hear nary a peep of complaint. Their followers have been trained to wait for orders re: what their opinions ought to be. The democrat rank and file have absorbed the idea that thinking critically is dangerous.

We need to remember though, the point of life (to them) is feeling good in the moment. Thinking logically and remembering things is hard!! I mean, where's the JOY? Don't we all just want to walk around with our head in the clouds, taking no responsibility and waiting for the money to rain down, while we spout approved catchphrases to each other? There's only one candidate who can provide that kind of blissful utopia.

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Like her "sounding" like she's back pedaling on electric vehicles and banning gas ones, by using language to spin it. And now saying she has no intention of telling what kind of car you can drive. What kind? Meaning maker, or brand, color or accessory package...so long as it is electric? I do not believe a word said because intention is invisible, and I am convinced her heart is evil. We have had 3.5 years to observe her character.

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Or lack there of!

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