Well duh! Virologists told us this would happen. Bacteria and viruses are incredibly adaptable. It takes bacteria a few weeks to a few months to develop resistance to a new antibiotic. Of course a virus is going to adapt to an antiviral or a vaccine and in the process create a virus that is resistant to the antiviral or vaccine.

We need to change the paradigm. "Germs" are not the problem. We will never get rid of the "germs", nor would we want to because if we did, we'd all be dead. Our bodies house trillions of bacteria and tens of trillion of viruses. We need to stop focusing on the bogey man germ, and instead focus on creating healthy bodies! Expose 20 people to the same "germ", they don't all get sick. It's not the germ that makes people sick, it's the state of a person's physiology at the time they're exposed to the germ.

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Do we have the isolation and purification of this new bird flu?

Avian flu virus H5N1: No proof for existence, pathogenicity, or pandemic potential; non-“H5N1” causation omitted


Microscope Proves , chicken flu, Fraud.


More fakery from the wizards

Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel Says They ‘Copied & Pasted’ the Spike Sequence From the Chinese Government


Do we have the isolation and purification documents of Covid 19 it appears it never existed?

FOIs reveal that health/science institutions around the world (225 and counting!) have no record of SARS-COV-2 isolation/purification, anywhere, ever


They knew contagion didn't exist after the 1923 Lancaster Study, but they continued to push the fear narrative to keep a control on humanity.







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there has be NO human to human transmission of Bird Flu. All human cases have resulted from being in contact with the animals during the culling process. Stop killing farm animals and you'll have no more human cases!!!

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Kary Mullis knew ramp up the cycle threshold and you can find anything in anything https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmZft4fXhQQ&dp_isNewTab=1&dp_referrer=other&dp_allowFirstVideo=1

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I have a basic logical problem with this... How can/why would "vax evading" mutations occur - when the vax never prevented infection in the first place? In fact - as Cleveland clinic study clearly shows - the vax INCREASED infection rates in jabbed subjects. This whole "vax-driven mutation" thing just doesn't make logical sense to me - when the vax actually ASSISTED the virus in infecting vax recipients - so why would that force an evolutionary adaptation. Evolutionary adaptations of organisms happen in response to an environmental STRESS - not in response to a friendly environment (e.g. where a virus is perfectly happily infecting patients with vax-damaged immune systems). Could somebody please explain how this is evolutionarily possible? It seems to be the exact opposite of what we would expect from basic principles of Darwinism. An organism has no pressure to adapt via mutation/evolution/survival of the fittest, if it is already occupying a perfectly comfortable landscape/environment where it is already "fit".

Either the jabs actually work to some extent - in which case they could drive vax-evading evolutions. Or they don't work (and worse actually make subjects more susceptible to infection) - in which case they should NOT be driving Evolutionary changes in the virus. We can't have it both ways....

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One possible answer might be: it's not that the vax caused an environmental stress/difficulty for the virus which then drove adaptation. Instead the vax (via various mechanisms e.g. Antibody-Dependent Engancement etc etc) perhaps offered/opened up some kind of new environmental "opportunities" by which a mutated variant could become even fitter by evolving to exploit the new opportunities.

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the jabs do work to some extent. For a few weeks after getting jabbed. However, what is the price an individual pays for a few weeks of "protection"? Risk of death, heart damage, blood clots, organ damage, neurological damage, skin damage, it goes on and on. AND to add insult to injury, if you get covid after getting the jabs, it's worse for you than if you hadn't had the jabs because the jabs wreck your immune system as well as every other system in your body. You might be "protected" for a few weeks, but then your risk of actually getting covid becomes greater than if you hadn't had the jabs!

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No - they did not work "for a few weeks" before vaccine "waning" happened. That was total bullshit statistics which arose from childishly simplistic numerical fraud - e.g. by labeling everyone as "unvaccinated" until two weeks after the second jab. That meant that all the infections in jabbed people during first month or two (getting two shots) got dumped into the column of "infections in the unvaccinated". In fact we tended to see explosions in infection rates during the first two weeks of each rollout. We saw that in country after country. And everyone knows people who got infected shortly after their jab.

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Exact same 11-year-old-math-class fraud was used to dump hospitalisation numbers, ICU admissions numbers, and "covid deaths" of recently vaccinated people into the "unvaccinated" box. This simplistic number-rigging is all very well documented by numerous statisticians and drs in this medical freedom movement.

The vax did not protect a single person, at all, in any way, for any duration of time - not "for a few weeks" - nada - zero - in all the data from numerous countries it clearly led to immediate surge in infections in the jabbed within the first two weeks of being jabbed.

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by "worked" I meant you've got your own cells producing trillions of copies of the toxic foreign protein known as spike. Your immune system is going haywire trying to deal with those foreign proteins, killing your cells that are producing them and becoming able to recognize spike. So if you happen to encounter the covid virus during that time, your immune system should quickly dispatch the virus.

I actually don't know anyone who got infected soon after getting jabbed. But everyone I know who got jabbed also ended up getting covid eventually, so yeah they don't work. I also know of 3 people who died from the jabs and more than a dozen people who are dealing with life changing injuries.

So what you're saying is that the jabs didn't work at all which begs the question how did they effect the evolution of the virus. Your answer is that they didn't, the virus evolved as it would have without the jabs. People got infected, developed immunity, virus could no longer infect them, but new variants of the virus could infect them, so those were selected and became the new covid, right?

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One possibility is this simply is a type of virus which rapidly mutates, and would have done so anyway regardless of the jabs. However - above I have added an extra comment/afterthought which offers an alternative reason for why the jabs might have contributed to viral evolution (not because they hindered the virus, but they maybe changed the landscape to offer juicy new evolutionary opportunities to exploit...)

I totally disagree that these jabs fired up the immune system in some way which temporarily gave some immunity (generating antibodies does NOT necessarily imply/guarantee/correlate with any meadurable resistance to infection - that was another deliberate red herring purposely propagandised to mislead non-scientists).

Another possibility is that Denis Rancourt* is correct when he says that all of the "variants" literature is "bullshit/garbage science". In which case we've not really had much "variants" - more likely it's just statistical "variance".

*if u don't know Denis Rancourt go listen to some of his talks - you'll enjoy them - super interesting guy - he's done by far the most rigorous and painstaking statistical analysis of all-cause deaths globally caused by covid (no appreciable excess death at all), bizarre abusive govt restrictions and bizarre medical treatments (large excess death) and estimated very rigorously the number killed by the jabs (tens of millions).

PS sorry I def didn't intend to offend or pick a fight - and I feel discussions like this one we are having are very interesting and important for us to have. I guess I'm partly playing "devil's advocate" by highlighting some logical problems in the explanations we are hearing - which superficially make sense, but then u find rapidly a Pandora's box of further complexity if u ask some very simple questions to dig further.

I think the truth is that even the top experts in the world (Doc McCullough who is a real intellectual hero for me, and e.g. Geert (who i confess I struggle to understand sometimes)) - simply don't fully understand everything yet - which is perfectly normal in science.

The immune system is amazingly complex and I suspect it is simply not yet understood anywhere near fully. Nor is the basic transmission mechanisms - let alone evolution mechanisms of viruses either i suspect.

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it would be great if investigative journalists took the time to critically examine the claims being made, rather than simply accepting the official narrative. No H5N1 "virus" has ever been directly purified, isolated from fluids, & scientifically proven to be pathogenic.

Here are resources to help your investigation:

1. Lack of purification/isolation.


2. No H5N1.


3. Genomic tricks.


4. The necessary scientific evidence required.


5. The fallacies of virology.


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In recent years, there have been countless court cases—brought forward by concerned citizens, doctors, independent inquiries, and occasionally brave politicians—challenging the actions of governments and health institutions regarding the COVID-19 vaccine. Many of these cases have focused on issues such as coercion, lack of informed consent, and potential liability for adverse effects. These legal challenges are crucial, as they represent one of the few avenues left for holding powerful institutions accountable. In the majority of these cases, the judges dismissed them based on technicalities, but never took the evidence into consideration otherwise we would have won every case without issue.

However, a growing movement that outright denies the existence of viruses threatens to derail these efforts. The danger isn’t just the spread of pseudoscience—it’s the risk that this narrative will delegitimize valid claims and destroy the credibility of those seeking justice. Imagine standing before a judge and arguing that the government lied about COVID-19 while also claiming that viruses don’t exist at all. Such an argument would not only be dismissed but could discredit all other legitimate evidence and concerns presented in court.

This is where the real threat lies. In a battle for justice, public opinion and credibility are everything. By allowing fringe ideas like "viruses don’t exist" to gain traction, we weaken our chances of ever holding those responsible to account. Judges, juries, and the general public are unlikely to take any claim seriously if it’s associated with such extreme denial of well-established science.

To win in court—or even in the court of public opinion—we must focus on the provable facts: the mishandling of the pandemic, the suppression of dissenting medical opinions, the overreach of government mandates, and the documented harms caused by these policies. Introducing unscientific, easily disprovable claims only serves to undermine these critical points and hand an easy victory to those who seek to evade accountability.

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GVB tried to tell the world early on .

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Yes he certainly did. I remember that. However he used terminology not usually understood by the average person. He did explicitly say that we could expect a "tsunami of deaths and adverse events"....So did Dolores Cahill--an Irish epidemiologist and also Judy Mikovitz and of course, prize winning Sucharit Bhakdi. We were told. And the authorities knew it would kill us. In many cases we were "mandated" and/or harassed into accepting this genocidal injection.

Is it true that the blood of the unvaccinated now has the same clots and formations as the vaccinated?....Please explain if this is true or not. Thanks

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That was one aspect , vaccinating into a pandemic, shedding is a whole other topic . Here’s a whole additional layer , way out of my scope of practice. https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/bombshell-covid-19-mrna-nanoparticles?utm_campaign=posts-open-in-app&triedRedirect=true

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I only hope with Trump more of this information gets talked about in the legacy media. at least us here on Sub-stack get this information! Most of us here have known the truth for years. There could be 10,000 studies and a whole bunch of Liberal morons will never believe they are true, SAD !!!

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I hope so too.

And if the "Liberal morons" had paid attention in school or took an interest in their health and well-being, they wouldn't have to believe.

They would understand and respond accordingly.

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Exactly. It’s basic and most people who use their brains know that!

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Trump is the jab father so I wouldn’t count on more information about the “vaccine” coming out while he’s president.

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yes you may be correct about him...Will RFK jr be silenced? Or the rest of the awakened? And of course there is ED Dowd Bless him!---Recently published this article:https://www.globalresearch.ca/red-alert-issued-excess-deaths-skyrocketing-covid-vaxxed-children/5876292

According to an alarming warning from leading Wall Street data analyst Ed Dowd, excess child deaths are still accelerating and show no sign of slowing down.

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So I guess this is the proof, even though we’ve been seeing it all along with our own eyes.

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Thank you! Non-vaxxed, thank God. Trying to beef up immune system. Had Covid once & did FLCCC PROTOCOL. Please advise any other recommendations. I’m 77.

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I'm 76 (UK). I caught Omicron twice, mildly. I had the first 2 jabs then no boosters. I take vit C, D3 and the Bs. I have gone keto, not sure if that helps but it makes me perkier.

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Definitely be sure you have good vitamin D levels. I’m unvaxxed but got Covid 4x. I think it’s because I am almost always low on vitamin D levels. I’m trying to remember to take supplements and get in the sun

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Your system builds its own Vitamin D from sunlight. Get as much sunlight as you can and take a supplement from a reputable source.

Remember how we all had to stay indoors during the 'pandemic' and all the parks and schools were closed...? That was to lower our resistance and to lower Vitamin D intake...Isolated and frightened people with low D levels....a perfect storm.

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I seem to remember that Geert vanden Bosch predicted this at the beginning of the psydemic. Funny how experts are only listened to if they agree with the deep state.

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Thank goodness he's continued to be wrong about an impending mass die off. Good man, he is. Means well and does his level best. Of this I have zero doubt.

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Agreed! Although, when I look at the excess death rates which seem only to get worse with each new report, Geert may not have hit the bullseye, but neither did he miss the target altogether. 😔

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The way I understand it is that because of 'operation warp speed'... a good many of the "vaccines" were duds and therefore not harmful. "They"--whoever that is--did not have the time to do "due diligence"and make sure all the "batches" were killers. See Craig Paardekoopers work.

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But the Big Picture is not about Germs or Bacteria & saving us from them?

Its all about Money & how to use us to get it?

They, as in those with a financial interest in all this, not a medical one, are getting away with this propaganda to save us & silencing anyone who speaks out.

We read all these articles on Substack etc but they never make it to MSM, too much to lose!

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Ok I am sending to strong believers but I bet they will never admit they were wrong.

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At least you tried.

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Back to circular reasoning to bolster a scientifically and intellectually falsified narrative that has yet to demonstrate (ever) the in vivo the presence of a contagious, self-replicating intracellular parasite. It would be laughable were it not predictable.

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Will this article work to get through to those who watch MSNBC or CNN and still believe getting Jabbed is safe? I want to send it to those people but not sure this is the Smoke and Gun to them. It is to me but If anyone has anything they sent to a believer in the shots and what they sent them to read changed their mind or woke them up please post a link here.

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The large majority will not change their minds.

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https://www.goodreads.com › book › show › 62879395-cause-unknown

"Cause Unknown": The Epidemic of Sudden Deaths in 2021 & 2022 - Goodreads

An excellent analysis of the skyrocketing all cause mortality statistics over the last three years. The numbers are a direct correlation to the implementation of the Covid-19 mRNA vaccine mandates. Dowd provides QR codes to all articles in the book so readers can look at the original source material themselves.



Format:Kindle Edition

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It's important to know that viruses are not living things, have no intelligence, can't move on their own, can't reproduce, have no desire to attack other life forms, and can not direct their own mutations. Mutations of RNA viruses will randomly happen because during replication there is no proofreading for errors, but those mutations are not significant. Amazingly, APOBEC enzymes in our cells will direct viral mutations intelligently and on purpose, and those mutations are significant. These mutations will happen because when we try to stop something that needs to spread through a population, the intelligence within our bodies and cells will change it so that it CAN continue to move through the population, and the mutations most certainly happen in geographical areas. The pressure is not on the virus, the pressure is on us. https://rumble.com/v2z73vu-why-viral-infections-are-necessary.html

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True believers in “The Science” will never let the facts of those 400 studies get in the way, nor admit they were wrong and continue on to their death accumulating ever increasing shots of the magic juice. Bless their hearts - ‘hearing, but not understanding’ they will plunge headlong into the darkness. They seem destined for the pit. 😢

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May be true...BUT that does not relieve us of our ethical duty to warn all others.

For example...if you were driving along a road and noticed a gigantic pit where people were plunging to their deaths...it would be your moral duty to stop--put up a sign and even stick around trying to wave motorists past so as not to drive into the death pit.

That is our position right now.

We know the facts. Not to tell others is to let them be murdered.

Is that ethical?

What is your opinion on this?

Doctor McCullough and others have sacrificed a lot to bring us the truth.

We need to follow in their path.

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Here is Dr. Aaron Kheriarty on his experiences of UCLA

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here is what courage looks like:

UC Irvine fires physician who refused to get vaccinated ... - Yahoo

In August, Kheriarty sued the University of California Board of Regents and Michael V. Drake, the system's president, alleging he should be exempt from the university's vaccine mandate because ...

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Kheriaty v. Regents of the Univ. of Cal. - Casetext

Dr. Aaron Kheriaty, a professor at the University of California, Irvine School of Medicine, lost his job because he refused to be vaccinated under the University of California's COVID-19 vaccination policy. ... The district court dismissed the lawsuit. We review de novo the district court's grant of judgment on the pleadings. See Herrera v ...

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Catholic News Agency

https://www.catholicnewsagency.com › news › 249957 › uc-irvine-fires-catholic-ethicist-who-filed-natural-immunity-challenge-to-covid-19-vaccine-mandate

UC-Irvine fires Catholic ethicist who filed 'natural immunity ...

Dr. Aaron Kheriaty, a psychiatry professor and director of the medical ethics program at the University of California, Irvine, School of Medicine, reported the news on his blog Dec. 17.

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Dr Bossche said this years ago. It’s why we don’t immunize in the beginning of a viral pandemic. Immune escape variants ensue

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And so did many others....Sucharit Bhakdi, Dolores Cahill Doctors4covidethics.org etc....

People listened to Fauci and Walensky.....these monsters should be charged with crimes, tried and sentenced. Remember SAFE AND EFFECTIVE...blah blah....?

it was safe alright---for THEM. Because they did not get the same injection. According to researcher Craig Paardekooper there are as many as 21 different covid "vaccines"...all with various amounts of poisons in them....

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sv40 in the shots. cancers on the rise. everywhere

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Thank you!

During the covid and vaxx globalist operation we saw the systematic introduction of propaganda terms like "antivaxxer", "vaccine-hesitant", and "cooker". These terms were used by public employees in government and healthcare, which was and is grossly inappropriate and unprofessional.

Nevertheless, it turns out that the "cookers" are actually the vaxxtards.

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How can "vax evading" mutations occur - when the vax never prevented infection in the first place? In fact - as Cleveland clikic study shows - the vax INCREASED infection rates. This whole vax-driven mutation thing just doesn't make sense to me - when the vax actually assisted the vitus in infecting vax recipients. Could somebody please explain how this is evolutionarily possible please?

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