There are also many other doctors and nurses who took a stand. Words fail in thanking

them enough for being true to their faith and values. The world needs to see and recognize what

they have done. And may alll the scrondrels be held accountable. barbara

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My daughter is a surgical RN. She stood by her principles and beliefs, and managed to get a religious exemption ‘approved’ (I’m of course glad, but religious exemptions are NOT supposed to be subject to approval or denial, but, hey, laws have become meaningless these days, so, whatever works to avoid being poisoned). Her charge nurse (healthy, 42 year-old male) suffered a horrific brain hemorrhage/ massive stroke several months ago; he’s now lying in a nursing home, with virtually no brain activity. His initial religious exemption was denied so, he felt forced to get the first jab (he was very fearful of the shot), THEN his employer changed their minds and did approve his exemption. Too late. It’s astounding how many people continue to be unaware of these stories.

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Horrible! My question is: Why are the perpetrators of this disaster not punished? There needs to be consequences for the new killing fields!

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Why do they get away with all this evilness? Because they’re evil, and because they can. Total corruption.

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Swift retribution. Do not expect the legal profession to initiate. One a few settlements occur, (they will be hidden), the games will begin. Criminal legislature will pass laws to limit liabilty. The reason we have not seen convictions is because the entire system is woefully corrupt. Maritime law is perhaps even worse that the medical cartel but that is debatable.

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So true. Sadly, I know justice is just a dream. It is just sickening to see and to hear about the plethora of catastrophic disease that is everywhere.

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There are multiple "criminals"--which ones are you referring to?

The Pharma companies?....the President of the US?...Fauci?.....Klaus Schwab?

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All of them! Plus the many doctors who continue to PUSH the big Pharma cures on the people who trust them.

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I'm so sorry this happened. to him.

Pray for him

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I hope that many will seek help via the FLCCC protocol.

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Many is a tiny fraction, far less than 5%. Since then the numbers have grown significantly.

It is relatively safe at this point. Regardless now that the finger pointing phase has begun, it is time for retribution...

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So, why did President Raygun sign the liability waiver?

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Why do ALL the government officials do all the things they do? Corruption.

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Because big Pharma threatened to stop producing vaccines if they were held liable

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No loss, had they. Someone (with huge political clout) must have a differing opinion.

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deletedApr 2
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Massive pHarma campaign contributions, meinst Du? Good to know that's all we and children are worth.

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"Alles in Ordnung" for the pharma companies...

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Where is Dr

Cole when we need him. A coroner here in NZ has just ruled that he cannot decide what caused the death of a healthy 13 year old boy, who suffered extreme myocarditis, 10 days after his mRNA Covid vaccine. He based his opinion on advice of "experts " who could not rule out the impact of traces of other viruses found in the heart. Really? We all have traces of viruses in our cardiovascular system. It's part of normal living.

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I am an RN living in a rural town. I was initially coerced to take the death jab and even threatened with my job, I took the position of leaving the field and taking care and protecting my kids/family from the oppressive mandates. I’ve been recently contacted by the new CNO offering me my job back, and I explained respectfully what happened. She said “that’s unfortunate, you can now get a waiver for that”. Oh how convenient that you fucked up so many as mentioned above in the comments and are now desperately trying to get staffing… where were you guys when we tried to speak and you wouldn’t hear us? called us anti-vaxxers, and worse. We are around, less in bank account, but non the less, and not sure if we’d make that plunge again…

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It would be nice if they had these events other than places like LA, because big cities are completely off my travel list.

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Tucker Carlson: Dr. Michael Nehls ( first 50 minutes )


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That interview's focus on overwriting memories is less plausible than gene therapy facts. Dr. Ah Kahn Syed in late March published a very good post:


that outlined how people who accepted the gene therapy now have the infrastructure in them to alter their genomes on the fly using the commonly-used CRISPR/Cas9 technique.

See especially the PAM video that explains his point of:

"Billions of people are potentially now ready to be the recipient of a straightforward gene editing process that can replace your rusty old COVID vaccine sequence with a shiny new gene for pretty much anything."

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thanks - I will take a look. I am paying attention to Kevin McKernan https://substack.com/@kevinmckernan

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Thanks for the update John, good news.

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when are you esteemed folks coming to San Francisco??

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Does anyone know where in Los Angeles this event is being held?

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On the westside, but the address is only available to those who register.

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There is nothing “in the air”

Boys and Girls.

If they could pull it off,

The people of Russia

Would have already been wiped out.

- Gain Of Function is still a failure.


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Great that there is a fundraising dinner.

Dr. Hooker was first of the boutique docs to expose Big P and the medical cartel. Pediatrician Dr. Pan, a criminal senator from Sacramento, was outed long before Covidiocy became the issue.

He was advocating for no exemptions. Hooker had Irrefutable evidence of harm, that was swept under the table and gagged for a decade, long before the insanity brought from Covid. We should NOT forget this issue. It is only because of the Sub format that some of us will speak out.

No Vax and no Quax are either safe or effective despite what fence sitters proclaim with antigen antibody gibberish. Clearly certain groups fare worse. Dr. Hooker knows a thing or two about this. Trotting out Polio and Smallpox as "evidence" is in fact disclosing very foolish unscientific talking points. Problem cannot be fixed from within, nor is it efficient even if possible.

Two medical specialties, Psychiatry and Virology are based on fraud. Evidence has only increased though no one changed any behavior due to evidence.

Historically it was chiropractors calling out vaccine fraud, now it is renegade MD's most of whom are still chasing virus. World Views are imploding. Complacent is complicit.

No more get out of jail free passes for the Medical Cartel of their controllers.

40% increase in death and disability since the third quarter of '21. Numbers have not declined. A 10% increase is a 100 year flood...

Swift and severe retribution, not revenge, retribution.

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Where in LA is the April 20/21 symposium being held? I keep looking but can not find location.

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Citizen Voter general questions

1. My democratically elected representatives are doing the best they can to help the body politic create a life of prosperity and dignity.

a. yes

b. no

c. undecided

2. My city government is run as if the decision-making officials are friends and share the same common fate with all the citizens.

a. yes

b. no

c. undecided

3. My county government is run as if the decision-making officials are friends and share the same common fate with all the citizens.

a. yes

b. no

c. undecided

4. My state government is run as if the decision-making officials are friends and share the same common fate with all the citizens.

a. yes

b. no

c. undecided

5. My national government is run as if the decision-making officials are friends and share the same common fate with all the citizens.

a. yes

b. no

c. undecided

6. I believe that the earth is being visited by extraterrestrial intelligence from either another star system or dimension not of our world.

a. yes

b. no

c. undecided

7. Presently, the Federal Government takes about four months of an American’s labor as TAX.

QUESTION: How much of their pay checks should the American workers be allowed to keep?

a. 100%

b. 90%

c. 80%

d. 70%

e. 60%

f. 50%

g. 40%

8. In 1976 The United Nations conducted a study and found that four people could live comfortably in a 600 sq. ft. shelter with one bath and one toilette. As part of the UN's efforts to make things better for humanity, they plan to shelter hundreds of millions of deserving third world homeless people in the under utilized houses located in the industrialized world. For example, a retired American couple with an 1,800 sq. ft. house will be required to take in ten homeless people. The UN has publicly stated its plans to enforce this program as soon as possible....

QUESTION: So, how do you feel about getting some exotic new house guests?

a. this is a good thing, sharing

b. I shall pretend that it isn't happening

d. your lying, they would never do this to us

e. I will ignore your hatred

f. I will get active politically and fight this insanity

Congress and the Legislative Branch

9. Is the following statement true:

The voting members of the US Congress and the State Legislatures vote 100 times a day, every five minutes, while in session.

a. yes

b. no

c. undecided

10. Is the following statement true:

Many of the laws they vote on are in excess of two thousand pages.

a. yes

b. no

c. undecided

11. Is the following statement true:

Since the Representative cannot evaluate 200 thousand pages of law speak per day, they vote the way their advisors tell them to vote.

a. yes

b. no

c. undecided

12. Is the following statement true:

Thus, the Representatives have forfeited their delegated obligation to represent us.

a. yes

b. no

c. undecided

13. Is the following statement true:

Representative government is obsolete, it does not work for us.

a. yes

b. no

c. undecided

14. Are you willing to read, comprehend and vote on ten pages per day of a 2000 page law in order to assist your democratically elected representative in the legislative operation that will determine the conditions of your future life? (making new laws?)

a. yes

b. no

c. undecided

15. Do you agree:

Before a new law, tax, or expenditure can be put on the books it must first be Ratified by the Citizens.

a. yes

b. no

c. undecided

16. Do you agree?

Existing laws can be Annulled by the same super majority required to Ratify them.

a. yes

b. no

c. undecided

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We Are Past The Point

Where They Are Dying Suddenly.

They Are Dying …



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SEE YOU THIS WEEKEND. Looking forward to this event. David Henry Peterzell

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This was such a great event. Glad I went

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