As one of the few non-lawyer senators, Sen. Johnson never had his ethics surgically removed in law school.

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Trump's life since 2016, is living proof that the US federal government is corrupt beyond repair. Despite all the one sided media coverage Trump won in 2016. Lawyers, courts and judges did nothing to keep a fair playing field during that election.

Then Trump's years in office were stymied by bureaucrats, senators and congress. Remember something as simple as a border wall? A stolen election with video proof of fraud! Lawyers, courts and judges did nothing. Trump's own "impeccably Christian" VP mike Pence certified proven election fraud. Lawyers, courts and judges did nothing. How many years did J6 citizens spend in Jail? How many died? All for exercising First Amendment Rights in a Building the People OWN?

(And we"re supposed to believe the SCOTUS is" on our side" all of the sudden because of the Chevron decision?) Where was the SCOTUS when the 1st amendment was destroyed?

Now we have attempted murder.

Worse than a dead shooter who can't testify, we have what look like all the accessories to murder investigating THEMSELVES! https://danielnagase.substack.com/p/the-djt-assassination-attempt

Does anyone need more evidence the entire federal government from the SCOTUS down to the Secret Service is a RICO which hides behind "acts" of incompetence in the "theater" of politics?

How do you fix a Federal government that investigates and protects itself with a "Department of Justice" while persecuting any media who expose the lies?

People need to think about how to kill this massive beast.

The consequence of failure is dying in a nuclear war with Russia that the Federal Government has been inciting ever since corona and before.

Is voting an option when the voting machines and ballots themselves are sabotaged? (While the SCOTUS and entire justice system turns a blind eye?)

If the beast is the entire federal government, is the only option starting again from scratch with individual states and counties forming economic unions?

What is the consequence of making decisions based on fear of living a few years without a federal government? (Hint: the sin of fear leads to death. courage = life. Again, the events of Trump's life are trying to show this to the people)

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I could not agree with you more. I have often wondered what does our reset look like . And the one insurrmountable point I keep coming accross that prevents any real introspection in this direction is when I realize how flawed even the " Good Guys " are Trump is a not a good man. He leads a people with courageous hearts and a constitutional mindstate, but to where does he really lead them. Its only because the comparision is so abysmal does he tower as a great man. I feel this is the design. The people are not ready on either side to be lead, or to lead. We have further down to go from here. And its not just the fault of the deep state, the liberals, nor any other criminal syndicates. The people themselves have a far road to walk for their sleep sins of the last 50 years. So in the end, paitence, communicaton, and dissemination of more truths is the medicine we must continue to spread. But do not be fooled into thinking its right around the corner, or that Trump brings peace and sure footedness. That is my opinion.

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Don't worry about whether not someone is good or not. That's a judgement that only the eye of consciousness that lives inside Trump's soul can make. Instead look at deeds. Good deed: announcing Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin. Bad deed: Operation Warp speed. Why did Trump not come clean about mRNA? Did he realize he wouldn't live very long if he told the truth? (e.g. Assassination of Japanese Prime minister Shinzo Abe - likely over the government leak about Pfizer https://archive.org/details/pfizer-report-japanese-government-1/page/6/mode/2up?view=theater ) I don't know. Did his family get threatened if he didn't go along? We don't know.

We do know that a lot of people died because of Warp speed. So it's still a bad deed.

Proving to the world the US government is corrupt? Good deed.

If he gives false "solutions" that further entrench government tyrrany, that would be a bad deed.

What can people themselves do?

1) Get over the idea that an idol will save them

2) start taking steps to remove parasitic government from their counties and states.

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Warp Speed was essentially about funding Big Pharma to step up the manufacturing of a "vaccine" to handle Covid, and Trump was being told by everybody how bad Covid was - every time he said "This doesn't seem that bad" he got crazed push back from everybody, even Tucker Carlson got on a jet unannounced and flew to FLA to tell Trump it was worse than Trump thought, and Tucker is NOT on any payroll. The very next day Trump announced he was stopping flights from China and got bombarded by the same people who months later would be in a frenzied hysteria, both real and planned, to ruin millions of lives over a cold, and so Trump wouldn't get any credit for the vaccine that many did initially think worked, the Dems etc. stalled release of the mRNA until just weeks after Trump was pushed from office by massive amounts of swing state (and country wide) fraud enacted under cover of Covid and lockdowns. Remember, this was all world wide, and Warp Speed was just about financing a "cure", which Pharma has succeeded in doing many times before. Do any of us truly know what Pfizer et al knew they had on their hands? The Democrats ordered Biden to mandate it, and Trump was busy fighting off a totally staged Jan 6 "Insurrection" that was much easier to pull off than hiding Biden for the last 4 years. Trump did so damn much good considering the forces both known and unknown to this day arrayed against him.

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Sir...you are cowtowing to the rats in government!!!!!

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The best thing people can do to help Trump is to undo the Federal Government. If that means 1776 proclamations of independence county by county, state by state, then so be it.

Considering the magnitude of crimes committed by the US Federal government over the decades, Trump has done more than his fair share for humanity to expose the United States government for what it is. https://danielnagase.substack.com/p/power-vs-money

It's up to people to do the rest and bring America back into righteousness.

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For sure, Trump will not bring peace. He is going to stir up a hornets nest of trouble. He only cares about himself, and his ego that needs to be fed. Let’s see what happens later this year now that Biden has stepped away from the game.

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We have been living this "hornet's nest of trouble" throughout the last ~4 years!

So you think/believe "Biden has stepped away from the game" ...?

Please step away from CNN MSNBC etc. You've got it all backwards.

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Do you know Trump well enough to say that? Thinking that someone only cares about himself may be true, or it may not be. The first step in being honest is becoming honest with yourself, especially regarding the accuracy of one's own thoughts. That's why I wrote about self deception

and my own experience with it in https://danielnagase.substack.com/p/applied-psychology-part-2

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You are living in la la land.......and may be profiting from the crisis!!!are you by any chance related to the Bidens??????

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Armed rebellion!!!!!

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I am a lawyer, and I laughed heartily at your comment! Well played sir.

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The topic is the assassination attempt of a former President who is the current Republican Party candidate for President. The comment above is profound…… NOT comical, Sir! I often say that the words and actions of EVERY lawyer must be viewed through the prism of their legal training which is to use or not to use evidence to create their own reality. That construed reality is then presented in court for the sole purpose of winning. How corrupting such a process must be.

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Would a man—President Biden—who’s demonized President Trump as the second coming of Hitler, actually create the environment so that underlings like Mayorkas, Wray, and Cheatle would have license to arrange President Trump’s assassination? Of course he would. He forced tens of millions of Americans to take an untested, experimental injection. He stole the 2020 election. He’s allowed a literal invasion of our country and the shocking, violent deaths an untold Americans. He’s also worked to imprison Trump. He was losing big time—of course that man would seek to assassinate Trump.

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Precisely. Gangster mentality and modus operandi. But still just a puppet of evil powers we've only ever seen in the movies.

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Like the Puppet Master. Obama. Who has still not endorsed the place holder, Kamala. 🧐🧐🧐🍿

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Who will rid me of this meddlesome priest"? .......................

A quote attributed to Henry II of England preceding the death of Thomas Beckett, the Archbishop of Canterbury, in 1170. While the quote was not expressed as an order, it prompted four knights to travel from Normandy to Canterbury, where they killed Becket. The phrase is commonly used in modern-day contexts to express that a ruler's wish may be interpreted as a command by his or her subordinates. It is also commonly understood as shorthand for any rhetorical device allowing leaders to covertly order or exhort violence among their followers, while still being able to claim plausible deniability for political, legal, or other reasons.

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Recently reread a history book about this… interesting to see it again so soon!

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Oh, he mandates the killer shots the ‘father of the vaccine’ himself brags ‘some say the vaccine is the greatest accomplishment of his presidency’, and he says ‘they want me to say something against the vaccine but i am the Father of the Vaccine, I was behind 3 of them, pushed the hand of the FDA like they have never been pushed before’?

Even during Biden’s last State of Address he was bragging about ‘you are welcome Joe, got the vaccine in 9mo, would have taken years’

I hope all those maimed and killed by the shots appreciate him bringing us this in under a year not 5-10 years.

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Thank you again, Senator Ron Johnson, for being the voice of truth in the sea of lies!!

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Jul 23
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Wow! Looks like a ton of info!! Thank you.

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That’s a troll account. Look at it

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Senator Johnson got my profound respect with all the COVID scamdemic corruption. He has been so brave. Sadly very few people in the gov lined up behind him.

But he didn't give up and he continued reading papers and educating himself that something had gone horribly wrong And asking good questions and speaking the truth. He is a true hero. I'm glad to see him stepping forward again and we all need to pray for his safety because he asks inconvenient questions.

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Yes those awful inconvenient questions!🙄

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He asks, embarrassingly, inconvenient questions!!!!

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Everyone, please pray every day for America🙏🇺🇸🙏🇺🇸

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Cheatle's blatant contempt and disregard on display throughout the entire 4 hour hearing today sent a clear message: I don't work for you peons.

It's clear she knows someone's got her back. Odds on her tendering her resignation? My guess is 50/50 as it stands now.

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Shouldn’t be given the opportunity to resign! Fire her - there’s enough evidence for dereliction of duty-and start the investigation to find out whose orders she was following. Then try the whole lot of them.

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Well, certainly Sen Nancy Mace assigned her some true to life attributes:

. . . "you are full of $hit!"

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Myorkis, Wray, Garland and Obama have her arrogant back.

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I hope these blatant demonstrations become obvious to more people. I know a few who are asking questions, some poor questions, but at least they are asking something.

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Be ever vigilant the enemy never sleeps...

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Love Ron Johnson. ❤️. I pray for him a lot. He has done SO MUCH FOR AMERICA. Thank you Senator Johnson from a patriot that loves America🥰. Vote DJT AND JDV to save our country from Communism🙏🇺🇸🙏🇺🇸

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All of those with EYES to SEE........SEES what happened on 7/13 for what it was........an 'JFK 2.0'!!

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Revelation 13 :3 💯🎯, exactly 133 days before exact JFK anniversary

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Snatching verses from the Bible and pasting them onto current events is "private interpretation." 2 Peter 1:20 "...no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation."

If you want to identify the power being talked about in these verses, you have to go back to Revelation 13:1, and Revelation 12, and identify them, comparing scripture with scripture, and having a good understanding of God's character and His purposes in the battle with evil.

You also have to go back to the book of Daniel, since the power in Revelation 13:1 is the same as the "little horn" power of Daniel 7 and 8. We know this because it is comprised of parts of the other four kingdoms (see Revelation 13:2 - the lion, bear, leopard, and dragon: Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, and Rome).

Which power came right after the decay of Pagan Rome, and ruled on her seat (the city of Rome) and with her authority (claiming to rule over kings)? Papal Rome. That is the little horn power, which was to blaspheme God, and to persecute His saints.

Once that power is identified in history, then we can search for the time and event that marks the "deadly wound" and its healing.

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Yes, they have used religious institutions as tools… the Antichrist is a person: I will take that scripture challange!

Here is 15 Bible verses about the Antichrist that match Trump perfectly, including the fact his name DOES mean ‘little horn’:


The Cult these ppl r in does use gematria in their planned hoaxes, the fact the math is so particularly ritualistic IS circumstantial evidence and defies random events.

And of course I am expressing a personal opinion, I am just a person, just sharing my conclusions after a lot of months of research.

I was a Trump supporter in 2020, I was very invested in finding out the real truth, the only way I know how to find it is to dig up details and always the greater picture emerges w enough of the small details together, praying for discernment and God’s guidance first, of course.

I am convinced they r TELLING US he is the one in Rev 13:3

Whether they r fulfilling prophecy or they have a demented Bible fetish, that is to be debated, but they are clearly going hard after the Christians right now, even on the Left.

This vaccines change one’s God given dna, what MOB than that? Iron mixed w clay?

He is the Father of the Vaccine, behind 3 of then he says.

Son of Perdition that everyone is marvelling after because who can be like him?

Just my personal opinion, as a communist survivor from e europe who has seen this kind of mass deceptions before, I have a unique perspective and experience on mass gov lies, which simply means I know it still exists and have felt it in action.

The communists were satanists pretending to be christians, jews and atheists.

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This kind of sloppy interpretation of prophecy has been going on for years, probably for centuries. I remember when people were taking symbols of modern nations and applying them to Daniel's prophecies:

"Oh, the bear, that must be Russia! Oh, the Eagle, that must be the USA!"

But it's just nonsense because there are no principles of Bible interpretation, just a grasping after the imaginations of the human head.

The powers mentioned in the prophecies of Daniel 2, 7 and 8 are not just individual kings. They are nations, empires, sometimes spanning many kings. Thus:

Daniel 7:23 The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom upon earth.

The series of empires mentioned in Daniel 2 match those of Daniel 7. Both series end with Christ's kingdom, so they are not consecutive, but parallel descriptions of the same powers.

In Daniel 2, Babylon is already interpreted as the first kingdom. So there can be no dispute.

In Daniel 5, the Babylonian empire comes to an end, and the empire of Medo-Persia takes over. This we see in Daniel 6, and also in the prophecies of Cyrus in the book of Isaiah.

In Daniel 8, which covers the same historical ground, the beginning beast is Medo-Persia, because Babylon had passed away already at that time.

Daniel 8:20 The ram which you saw having two horns are the kings of Media and Persia. 21 And the rough goat is the king of Grecia.

So now we have the first three empires interpreted right in the Bible: Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece.

The next great empire was to follow Greece. In Daniel 8:4, Medo-Persia is called "great." In Daniel 8:8, Greece is called "very great." And in Daniel 8:9, the next empire is called "exceeding great." We only have to pick up any book on Ancient history and it is clear that Rome was the next empire power on the world stage, and exceeded the previous two by the territory it held, and by the length of its endurance.

So we have: Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, followed by Rome. Then the little horn, of Daniel 7 is to proceed out of the Roman Empire. There are 10 horns on the Roman Empire beast. The Roman empire broke down into 10 divisions, when it was decaying and the barbarian hordes swept in from northern and eastern Europe. But there was to arise a little horn among these horns.

It cannot be Donald Trump, because the little horn is first, a ruling power, not just a single ruler, and it is to follow the demise of the Roman Empire, and rise during the time of the Barbarian tribes that divided Europe roughly into its current nations. Therefore we look for it to rise from around 300 AD to 500 AD.

It is also the only horn that has eyes. Eyes represent professed spiritual insight.

Mark 8:17 And when Jesus knew it, he said unto them, Why do you reason, because you have no bread? do you not perceive yet, neither understand? have you your heart yet hardened? 18 Having eyes, do you not see?

The little horn, of course, is a carnal power, so it does not have real spiritual insight; but it claims to have it. This makes it different than the other 10 horns, which are primarily civil powers. So the little horn is a religious power, that claims authority over the civil powers.

There are many more details, but I will leave them for now. There is only one power that matches even these few details, and that is Papal Rome.

Revelation 13 gives more details. Here we see this composite beast, composed of elements of the four previous empires: the Lion (Babylon); the Bear (Medo-Persia); the Leopard (Greece); and the Dragon (Rome). The "great red dragon" is of course Satan, in Revelation 12, but he was working through Rome at that time, for it is said in Revelation 12 that the dragon tries to devour the man child (Christ). After Christ ascends to heaven (Rev 12:5), then the dragon goes on persecute "the woman" that brought forth the "man child." The woman is the church. The prophecy of persecution is true of Pagan Rome, who threw Christians to the Lions in the Coliseum, but it is also true of Papal Rome, who slaughtered the martyrs and burned them at the stake. Papal Rome is a continuation of Pagan Rome, disguised in a Christian garb.

In Revelation 13:2, the dragon (Pagan Rome) gives the composite beast (Papal Rome) "his power, and his seat, and great authority." This power gradually developed as the Bishop of Rome became the leading bishop, and then began to assert his right to rule the church. It was finalized in the decree of Justinian in 538 AD when the Roman Church as officially made head of the churches, her seat was made in the old Roman capital city: Rome.

So it cannot in any sense be Donald Trump. He did not exist during the time of the Pagan Roman Empire and the barbarian tribes; He did not crucify Christ; nor did he persecute the saints.

There is another detail I will mention that clinches it. There is a time prophecy associated with the reign of the Little Horn (Papacy). It is mentioned seven times in Daniel and the Revelation. It is defined three ways:

1. 1260 days

2. Time, Times, and half a time (3 1/2 times)

3. 42 months.

These days are prophetic, so "a day" is equal to "a year". Num. 14:34, Ezek. 4:6. That makes a period of 1260 years. 42 months are 42x30 = 1260. 3 1/2 times are 3 1/2 years, of 360 days each. So all three define the same prophetic period. Did the Papacy rule for 1260 years? Yes, from 538 AD to 1798 AD is exactly 1260 years.

What happened in 1798? The French Revolution arose, and the Pope was taken captive in 1798, thus fulfilling the specification, "He that leads into captivity must go into captivity." Rev. 13:10.

France had been one of the foremost among the nations of Europe that first stood for the Papacy, and now she was the first to discard that system, and turn against the Papacy. This was the "deadly wound," (Rev. 13:3,12,14) the loss of civil power. But this wound will be healed.

So no, I don't see Donald Trump in these prophecies.

Also, in your video, one of the prophecies is wrongly identified. The power that "confirms the covenant" in Daniel 9:27, is "Messiah the Prince" (see vs. 26 & 26), NOT the Antichrist! This is a great misunderstanding. Christ confirmed the covenant with the Jewish nation for one week. Remember this is a prophecy of 70 weeks, or 490 days (which are prophetically, years).

It started with the decree to rebuild Jerusalem given by Artaxerxes in 457 BC. 69 "weeks" (483 years) was to pass until the anointing of Messiah. In 27 AD, right on time, Christ was baptized by John and anointed for His ministry. Christ went forth preacing, "THE TIME is fulfilled." What time? The time of Daniel 9, the 69 of the 70 weeks.

He ministered for 3 1/2 years, and was crucified "in the midst of the week" (31 AD) or in the middle of this last 7 years. Another 3 1/2 years remained and this was filled by the apostles bringing the gospel primarily to the Jews. This ended in 34 AD, when they finally rejected it with the stoning of Stephen. Then it was to go to the Gentiles, to gather a people for Christ.

Right after the stoning of Stephen in Acts 7, the next chapters are all concerned with the opening of the gospel doors to ministry to the Gentiles. Peter goes to Cornelius; Philip goes to the Ethiopian; the persecuted church flees to Antioch where a revival takes place; Paul is converted and becomes the apostle to the Gentiles.

So this last "week," (7 years) of the 490 year prophecy, was all fulfilled in Christ's day. He is the Messiah that was "cut off" (crucified) in the "midst of the week". He put an end to the "sacrifice and oblation," of the Old Covenant sanctuary, when He turned the focus to His work in the sanctuary in heaven, the New Covenant temple. It is a great shame that modern Christians apply this wonderful prophecy of Christ's crucifixion to the Antichrist. This confusion is great darkness.

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Ditto: this kind of personal & sloppy interpretation of scriptures has been going on for centuries if not millennia.

I find it uncompelling & flawed. Not one time did you mention the issues of the many and purposefully manipulated translations, for example.

We can agree to disagree, we are not going to see eye to eye on this, it’s clear.

In my analysis I 💯 see DJT as the clear PRESENTED Antichristt: they are telling us.

I have researched a lot and I am convinced of this.

Ok, now, have a good one, thanks for sharing your unique perspective, I I always find them interesting, even though I disagree.

Stay safe out there, glad the subject interests you!

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The sheer number of SS missteps in this incident alone --probably impossible without intent-- makes your astute conclusion much more likely.

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Additionally, the fact that neither the FBI nor the SS is saying anything tells me they are waiting until all the private videos of the incident are submitted to the authorities so they can craft an exculpatory narrative around all of the evidence.

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Or craft an exculpatory narrative after destroying the pertinent evidence.

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That is exactly what I figured too. They have the art of lying down pat, and will feign incompetency for the rest of the deliberate security breaches

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Senator Ron Johnson is a COURAGEOUS, SACRIFICIAL Warrior/Hero!

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It's pathetic. Obviously much of the hard evidence has been deliberately destroyed (man with hose on roof, missing items etc). Obviously the FBI etc must know exactly what happened and have no intention of telling the public. Something went wrong - because Trump is still alive. But the scheme and its implementation clearly involved corrupt actors high up in the agencies that are, ironically, the very ones responsible for protecting D J Trump and ensuring the security of the election process. We all know Trump will not be elected. When Kamala Harris or some imbecile equivalent is sworn in, the American people might finally realise that although 'Our Democracy' (TM) has been saved, the United States of America is no longer an operational republic. The coup will be complete.

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I am not so pessimistic as you are Stephen; I think he will be, but who knows?

If Heels up Harris is selected, I will have to seriously consider living as an expat.

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So true.

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Obvious, John.

Keep digging.

We have located the enemy. It is the government.

From the beach...


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as an aside the pandemic treaty is NOT dead in the eater as many suppose in fact its going to be back much sooner than you think for the details be sure to check out the james roguski substack

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Only one!!!

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Why do you think 47 would do what 45 never did -- e.g., prosecute anyone for treason?

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At this point Trump has been investigated and prosecuted to the limit they can do, so I would hope he would prosecute them, as he has nothing to lose. Which... is another reason they want him dead.

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Because there is no such thing as coincidence and if there comes to light those involved then it is treason

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But did he lock her up?

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Because more of We The People are aware of the treason now, wouldn’t you agree?

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It's good that people are becoming aware of treason, given that it is massive. James, If you email me, I'll send you a pdf of my 2011 book "Prosecution For Treason." MaxwellMaryLLB@gmail.com

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Because he thought that it would interfere with his re-election chances, a not unreasonable thought, and he had other things he intended to do in a second term, plus he may have felt or found out that his attorney general & the traitors in the DOJ would not prosecute their fellow traitors.

I think he will have no such compunctions this time around.

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