Agreed. Folk dropping dead minutes after injection are a "coincidence'' or "logical fallacy". Senile presidents are "thoughtful". Folk who do not wish to poison themselves at the behest of drug pushers for profit are "hesitant". Those who do not wish to blow up the middle east are " Assad apologists". Those thinking Putin not the Devil are "Putin Lovers". And perhaps, as you rightly point out, one of the stupidest, we are expected to believe the Russians blew up their own pipeline. We are, in my ever so humble opinion, living in a time of universal propaganda caused by the 50 year elevation of professional liars to positions of power by ignorant politicians who want, among other things, to outsource lying. We need, among many other things, a return to a rounded classical education (not just mathematics and gap filling or guessing) and the election of politicians who know even a little about about history. Has history ever seen - in the west at least - a more ignorant political class?

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With the exception of 8% of decent truthful Representatives, we Boomers born in the bosom of unprecedented freedom and security post WWII have been insidiously and continuously demoralized, propagandized and eventually, exponentially censored. Seen as an unprecedented mass, we were the perfect fertile soil to seed the promulgation of good intentions, unless the nefarious deeds of our own 8% of loathsome nihilistic schizophrenic’s seized control which they did through popular Marxist indoctrination of the time in elite privileged academia. While cutting their youthful teeth at university in the radicalized and intentionally tumultuous 1960’s, the nihilists, who also happen to be collective eugenicists, slandered all American ideals as “bad America”. They vowed from the thresholds of their ivory towers to “march through the institutions” they hated (Gramsci), and indeed they did. The other 84% of us have been along for the ride with only intermittent alterations representing the minority citizenry of this unique Constitutional Republic, minus the indifferent democratic majority of serfdom.

Hence he who captures academia’s media narrative, writes the narrative that expunges and rewrites history.

We were handed a win post WWII with a bipolar nuclear problem, and could have done so much better without the fake hubris or arrogance we misunderstood in our lazy stupor of being born free with liberty and so many rights while expecting others to maintain that privileged pretentiousness. Living pretentiously knowing we were lying to ourselves, and the stupid but clever nihilists knew that and gave us as much as we would take.

We youthful Boomers excoriated big wars, (no more wars), trading them in for smaller acceptable wars and cross over addiction's of rewards of stock returns and bailouts for the connected that have matastisized into cancerous MRNA nihilistic demise and eugenics, a new kind of demoralizing acceptable collateral damage to the whole. Perhaps the most cowardly of all voluntary surrender to fear farthest from our “greatest generation” that we admired, but did not respect because we thought we knew better, we were more intelligent according to AI in the hands of the hypocritical nihilists of medical care now part and parcel to the cancerous blob within.

To be sure not all Boomers were born and raised in America post WWII, and their nihilist regimes abroad have long consistently salivated over the land of freedom between two oceans as stated earlier. Dividing America into pieces, major global stake holders and regimes are intent on America’s demise, but getting a slice of the Mom’s Apple pie is to them a silly ideal, considering the serious business of global eugenics.

The good news is the nihilistic 8% of ‘60’s Boomer’s are currently at the helm of government and hierarchal corporate academia’s media that gained their positions by attrition are about to expire. The bad news is their offspring have decades ago (late 1990’s) picked up the baton to go global with complete indifference and disregard for the 84%. Apparently, according to them, and you know their names, we no longer need the reciprocity of the 1st, and 2nd Amendments of the unique Constitutional Republic. The 8% nihilists offspring minus the 8% of decent Representation they slander have informed the 84% that all future elections will be expunged. AI has reached a historic marker of progressive liberalism that will install, “for the good of all” each future one State figurehead, the mantra of every totalitarian State thereby regressing the world 500 years into Kingdoms, Princes and Princesses, Dukes, Counts, and of course the Nobility to govern the serfdoms.

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Very astutely stated! "Universal propaganda" is a very accurate description but historically we have to go back at least 150 years and not 50 years to reveal the origin of so much ignorance and charlatanism.

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The story in the WSJ was CIA planted story there is zero truth to it. The WSJ is used by the CIA to plant these fake stories. Seymour Hersch has the real story. It was the US Navy divers who set charges that were remote dennoated by sonar bouys that were dropped later upon the orders of Biden.

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Seymour Hersh reported on exactly how the Nordstream pipeline was blown up over a year ago now. https://merylnass.substack.com/p/seymour-hersh-provides-the-inside?r=ozbkl&triedRedirect=true

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Your friend seems to have his finger on the pulse of exactly what’s going on in Ukraine. I don’t even want to say it, but It wouldn’t be a big stretch to say we had our fingers all in the NS pie. Good grief!

Mr. Jones was so right about having to constantly be at war, the money-making machine. I remember when HRC had that big yellow button, and she was saying we’re going to press the reset button with Russia, paraphrasing, all smiles, such a phony, but don’t let POTUS45 become friendly with a nuclear superpower who’s got the goods on them. We all but forced President Putin into the hands of Iran, Syria, and now China.

POTUS45 always showed him respect and received the same, and the last thing he or President Putin wanted was to become enemies. POTOS45 warned President Putin of two terror attacks he found out about through our intel. He didn’t have to, and I doubt if our intel people were happy about it, but he wasn’t going to let innocent people die when it could be prevented. I do not want to be enemies with nuclear superpowers. That’s a no-win situation. I like POTUS45 am sick of these concocted wars.

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I think Putin warned us about the Boston Marathon bombers too.

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I ordered Clear nasal spray immediately....we always have Xylitol gum around because of it's help with dental hygiene - this makes so much sense!!!! Sad that they were debilitated by covid from what should have been a very profitable and health-giving business during the plandemic!!

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I also loved the very factual presentation of the fairy tale. Putin said it clearly to Biden. YOU did it.

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Remember xylitol is deadly to animals. I use the mouth wash and toothpaste.

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I started using Xlear nasal spray years ago, before COVID. It was more convenient than a Neti pot and the xylitol made the mucus less sticky and easier to blow out. It really helped me during a pollen tsunami. I recommended to my patients and relatives.

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A great discourse, but a map of a central Europe displayed at 29:40+ doesn't look right... I am from Poland...

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Edge of the seat conversation.

Love Xylitol.


It does NOT exist.

Our imaginations placed it there.

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John, if you do a follow up on Xclear, can you please reference the study that he mentioned - vanderBilt University which showed that saline worked just as effectively reducing coronavirus in 2020 as in 2019? I couldn't find it. The only study I found showed that saline didn't work.

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There were a few Doctors and staff that used saline and a mixture of 10% Betadine iodine. I found it and mixed it for my wife and son. Used as a nasal spray and good for 4 hours. Three sprays and inhale to clear the nasal passages of viruses. We never had Covid, colds or flu. We will begin the regimen again this month as cold and flu season is here.

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yeah, I made that up too.

I don't understand the need for using it as a "maintenance" treatment though. Just trust your immune system; wait until you get the sniffles at least?!

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Pepperspapa 🎯…. And it’s cheap !!!

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I don't doubt that it can work, but was having trouble with his analogy of washing your hands. How does it "clears the passages?. After all, what you are doing is spraying then inhaling which breathes aerosolised droplets down further?

So the mental picture of inhaling spray up your nose, doesn't "look" the same as"washing your hands, because you wash the dirt down the sink away from your body and don't take it further into the body.

Something like a neti pot lavage in one nostril and wash out the other, then in the other nostril and out the first, would make more sense if you were wanting to "clear" viruses OUT of the nasal passages.

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Sometimes the saline gets trapped in my sinuses when using a Neti pot. I stopped using a Neti pot when I discovered Xlear. See my other posts here.

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When I use Xlear nasal spray, I spray a copious amount into my nostrils, put my head down to allow gravity to help get it into my upper sinuses and do short sniffs and blows to mix it around in there then blow it all out. You would be surprised at how much clogged mucus comes out that way! Sorry for being so graphic but this really works for me.

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That is a much more logical way of using it than any other I have heard.

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An interesting one - on both points:

1. Saline solutions; and

2. WSJ's Nord Stream red herring story.

A fun listen.

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There is a youtube channel called Monkeywerx that watches flights and flight information daily. On the day that Nordstream blew up, he actually has the video of the plane that circled the area and sped off, only minutes before Nordstream blew.

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The Archimedes screw was devised in 234BC, a screw within a cylinder that could power fluid in either direction including propulsion. One man subs go back to the American Revolution, and numerous countries including some of the tiniest have used crew served submarines (6-10 men) in wars against greater powers using paddles and hand served rotors since before the American Civil War 160 years ago. Both sides used them successfully in the Civil War to explode enemy ships beneath the surface. Today limited crew personal subs can be launched by covert or stealth larger subs or ships that at the mere depth of 260 feet can, with remote arms, place a French tea cup in a saucer.

Divers? Please!

With all do respect, could we be anymore dumbed down than we already are by government public education run by nihilist eugenicists for the past 150 years?

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Great that one John! I didn't know these were the facts or that they had even bothered with scapegoating over all of this! It's all so extraordinary that people can just swallow this! Hubby has just joined your site; as a change from Brighteon on his way to work!

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I am so impressed with how many layers of documentation and Truth are baked into this low-key discussion between two guys that could be sitting at my kitchen table waiting for me to serve supper. You know chicken, corn soup or sourdough bread and some delightful iteration of baked beans. I loved this half hour discourse

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This presentation is absolutely painful. The interviewer is woeful. Les stupid comments would help and those comments you do make keep them to the point and more from the interviewed would make this much more bearable and informative.

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So well done. A perfectly executed tongue - in- cheek obfuscation for an international incident with the typical lame accounting that only our masters of deceipt and incredulity could conjure up - our Protectors in the highest esteem - the CIA.

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