So much more to investigate. Start with the Orange Revolution, sponsored by Soros and the U.S. Intel agencies. Then move on to the Soros sponsored Rose Revolution in Georgia. Then take up the failed White Revolution in Russia, again sponsored by Soros. Listen to Tucker Carlson's interview with Putin in which Putin argues the Chechens were/are operated by the CIA. And, along the way, investigate the removal of Pope Benedict XVI by Soros agents, with a Georgia connection. Not sure you will get the full truth until we clean up the cesspool of U.S, money laundering in that part of the world.

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Aug 4Edited

"In a world in which NO government can really be trusted to tell the truth, and most of the mainstream press resembles propaganda organs, it’s very difficult if not impossible to know what to make of the fact that the German government agreed to release the convicted murderer Vadim Krasikov."

There's a sentence that is clearly the truth. My wife subscribes to the Wall Street Journal, and it's been astonishing to see WSJ's coverage of their correspondent's trial and imprisonment in Russia. Instead of the usual adjective, "alleged," every mention of the reporter's name is preceded by words like "falsely accused," etc. Can you imagine them doing that with any other accused, with Trump, for example? And if their reporter had been also working for CIA (Operation Mockingbird), would they know? Even if the WSJ editor or publisher was also working for CIA, would they necessarily have been told their reporter was too?

But the payoff came with the prisoner exchange. Columns and columns about the perfidy of Putin and Russians, accompanied by comparisons to the "rule of law" in the civilized West. No word, of course, about Western crimes. I couldn't help thinking about Trump's 34 felonies, his attempted assassination, and especially about Julian Assange, someone definitely falsely accused and all but murdered for publishing true information of the type that made Daniel Ellsberg a hero. Then in the last day or two, I saw a photograph of an alleged terrorist held without charges for 21 years while being shuttled for torture from CIA "black site" to CIA "black site," the latest said to be in Romania. In the photo, said to be the first ever released from a CIA black site, the prisoner looked for all the world like a starving survivor of Dachau when U.S. troops arrived in 1945. Then I noticed--the photo is thought to be from 2004. What does he look like now?

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Trusting government is not supposed to be in our nature. We fought a war about it, and wrote a constitution to limit government power and promote skepticism. Our left- authoritarian government probably should read it sometime.

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Expect more Americans to be falsely imprisoned by our enemies in hope to exchange them for more of their spies and assassins if another Demonrat is elected.

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If we have nit learned that lesson well….that the Govt will never tell the TRUth after having seen the scam and the in our face lies and deception with COVID then We the People are never more than slaves….pay your ever increasing taxes and keep your mouth shut….Oh , by the way, vote as WE tell you too “ or else”.

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Madeleine Albright may not be the best source to establish the terrorist/freedom-fighter diagnostic credibility. As I recall, she green-lighted Saddam Hussein's use to chemical weapons against the Iranians.

Suppose, during war of independence, someone decides to murder civilians in the land of the oppressor. Is that person a terrorist -- killing civilians so as to kill civilians (i.e., not the civilian victims of a bombing attack on strategic target)? Or a freedom fighter?

A terrorist is someone who murders civilians in order to cause terror. Hence the name. Freedom fighter, or not, he's a terrorist.

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I watched the Tucker/Putin interview. Putin stated, without naming the person, that Russia wanted their patriot back. The ‘patriot’ was responsible for taking out Khangoshvili, who was responsible for killing a group of Russian soldiers quite brutally (I believe the soldiers were run over). The way I look at this is the US used Germany to facilitate the exchange. Why would the Germans agree? It might have something to do with energy, of which they are quite dependent on Russia.

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