There was a report a couple of years ago that said the quantity of vax available could not have been manufactured and packaged in only a year or so. It would have taken years. I have always wondered if Trump's "warp speed" was a myth and that this worthless garbage was already ready to go several years ago.

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Read Katherine Watt’s substack, Bailiwick News. She documents the rabbit hole going back decades. The laws and statutes allowing these atrocities have a long lineage.

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Precisely. Katherine Watt has done an amazing job of compiling the documents that truly explain what happen. Until we hold the DOD and Congress responsible and rewrite the laws that give them clearance to launch a bioweapon attack, we are whistling in the wind.

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Nobody will be held accountable unless we have a revolution.

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Except that this was run via HHS w Executive branch even though DoD adds great salacious detail w toxic history.

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Nope. It was not run by HHS. That is one of the fallacies that has people confused. Shamus (above) recommends the work of Katherine Watt, which is a good call. In her documents you will see the HHS was a false front. The DOD ran the entire operation. (Building on years of work by the CIA run AID program, NIH and NIAID, and others.) The toxic products were bioweapon countermeasures, totally excluded from HHS oversight. When you read the clown work that Congress passed, you will get it.

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Happy to see a link to public law with superseding authority over HHS.


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Katherine Watt. Bailiwick News. She has links to all the relevant laws and in Bailiwick she chronicles the lawsuits and manner in which the laws work. She has done major comprehensive work in this regard. The PREP Act and others supersede HHS authority. Bio countermeasures are exempted from HHS oversight. The resources are there... go for it.

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The July 5, 2024 article discusses the last 120 years of laws, statutes and regulations and vaccines for nefarious purposes,

including DOD involvement with DHHS. Just the tip of the iceberg.

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The DOD is mentioned 4 times in this document which surveys 2015-2018. . How much they were involved I do not know (perhaps Watt does) but they *were* involved, perhaps even more so after 2018:


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Started in our DOD, at Ft Detrick.

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pfft.. this is entirely under umbrella of routine flu vaccine development and pandemic planning driven by Rockefeller-Gates NGO empire... the DoD bioweapons spin is the psyop to create fear of unseen enemies and compliance with human medical experiments.. flu vaccines are bioweapons!


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Believe what you will.

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Precisely. We know from various research articles published in the early 2000’s that scientists have been working on this stuff. Warp Speed was not just about developing a vaccine (which already existed, waiting for a plandemic to roll it out), but Trump did restock the nation’s supply of PPE and ventilators at “warp speed.” (Ventilators were later found to be inappropriately used in many cases). He sent a hospital ship to NY and CA and set up a makeshift hospital in a convention center in NY to treat the patients when he was lied to that there would be mass casualties from the virus. He also talked about early treatment with HCQ and ivermectin and was mocked and demonized by “medical experts” and the lamestream media for doing so. To this day, the left continues to lie about how Trump responded to the plandemic which was just another, but successful, coup attempt.

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Not true. Industrial scale productions of DNA - RNA and proteins for therapeutics and commercial products is cheap and easy the CRISPR sequence used for population wide mRNA transfection experiment far less difficult than antibody therapies & one more day at the office growing infectious clones in vats of E.coli.

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Jul 8Edited

I'm not talking about the vats. (I used to work as a computer programmer at Genentech so I know about the vats). It's putting the darn stuff into the vials.

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OR, the majority of it was placebo/saline used as control for a bioweapons trial performed on the general population. If the DOD had injected ALL the unknowing subjects with a toxic stew, they could not claim "safe and effective" and the blowback would have shut the program down. How else would they determine the correct dosage and recipe to achieve the expected objectives?

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Except the "placebo/saline" produced shedding.

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If the majority of it was saline, it would still have taken a hell of a long time to put labels on the bottles.

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Pfizer/moderna didn't manufacture the product, anyway. Many DOD subcontractors had the capacity to crank the shit out and many of them were used simultaneously. Texas A&M was one.

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BioNTech would have done some of it. Here's the story from Pfizer, presumably largely a fairy tale:


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EVERYTHING in that article supports my statement.

You may be right that development started earlier than those assholes were claiming. You and I are probably both correct.

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I have no idea what's correct. I'm just wondering!

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Whatever WAS shipped had a label, no?

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Presumably. The paper sheet inside was mostly blank, though. That was fairly well documented.

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Yep. Odd isn't it?

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It took "them" more than 2 decades to work out entire scam. Trump had an advisory committee run by Deborah Birx; he trusted the scientists...

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and we wonder why there's over 3,000 papers showing over 200 'diseases' stemming from these jabs... https://eccentrik.substack.com/p/safe-and-effective-mrna-death-jabs?r=8ypo0

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Thank you John for this excellent article, and interview. I believe it is critically important to continue to discuss and research thoroughly the Covid atrocities, persistently unveiling each layer of deception and criminal intent, i.e., crimes against Humanity. I thank you, and Dr McCullough, for your dogged attention in keeping this discussion going.

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There's a very simple solution to the testing of these new vaccines, especially the mRNA type.

The people that are involved in producing these amazing products sold be the first to benefit from there work. So we pass a new law that, "ALL initial testing is done on those people who work for the company, their families, the executives, and the investors in the company". There are many reasons that this makes sense.

If you just take the employees of two companies, Pfizer and Moderna, you have approximately 100,000 people. If you add their family members and investors, I'm sure there are more than 500,000 total subjects. That should be more than enough people to develop a "Safe & Effective" product. Have all initial testing done on these people.

There you go, problem solved.

You're welcome.

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Literal "skin in the game" ;)

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All big pharma drugs are TOXIC. No exceptions allowed.

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"THE biggest SCAM ever perpetrated on mankind and corporate and medical MALPRACTICE on a global scale!!" NEVER FORGET!

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Seems like the more rational one was during COVID, the more likely you were to be shouted down.

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Thanks for the interview. I found it very validating to my thoughts early on in this pandemic. I went to my GP to seek a treatment for COVID, should I get it, and was told no treatment could legally be prescribed by her without losing her licence. It was the first time I had known a vaccine to be determined to be a ‘treatment’ as I had always known vaccines to be a preventative measure. This, amongst many things, led me to believe people’s health was not the priority.

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The World Enslavement Forum’s motto is reducing consumption while reducing consumers since 1971; except our own.

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If they kill us all off, who's going to do their slave labor?

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One of the main end goals of satanism is to replace the natural(creation of God) with the artificial(man made), so transhumanism and AI will replace humanity and the transgender agenda is a critical stepping stone towards this disconnection with what nature/god gave you at birth.

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Satan is pimping the Mensa oligarchs into tempting, defiling, and destroying everything that God has created (including themselves) because he is the ultimate parasite and can not create anything.

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Children for sex slaves like their doing today and AI and Robots for the rest.

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Transhumanists are not good at math.

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Not all; they retain certain percentage of Cyborgs to operate systems run by AI...

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Fauci made many MILLIONS as Big pharma bought him to be their media personality salesman to sell the death dealing Jab. Big Pharma KNOWS how to get their loyal salesman going.

"Get your loyalty the old fashioned way, BUY IT!"

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What I loved is the UN beats everyone over the head with "international law" every chance they get, but during CCP Virus they completely ignored the Nuremberg Code and acted insulted when detractors pointed out they were in violation of it. The hypocrisy and yes, hubris, was completely out of control.

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They lied to us about the yearly influenza jabs…..they said those jabs MAY help to fight off the virus from last years strain ….problem is….last years strain has been eradicated by the new strain this year…all that affirmed by my family doctor over 15 years ago…..oligarchs fail to tell the truth as well as omit parts that should concern you….lay all the cards on the table , or get out of the casino. What was being put into those needles 💉 or was it just to get us all on board to taking jabs so we wouldn’t question this bull this 🐂 💩 run of the last 4 years plus…..MY BODY,MY CHOICE…PERIOD.

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RNA can NEVER be good for humans……trust in your MAKER vs an oligarch trying to get trillions of OUR TAX DOLLARS……ALL GOVERNMENTS NEED TO BE POINTED TOWARDS GITMO.EXPUNGE THE EVIL.👿

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Frankenstein on steroids squared!

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They killed many Americans, it's murder...

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Bill gates needs to take some of his own advice- depopulate himself- or he should be on trial. Same with Soros, Zuckerberg etc.

And this is no surprise- they invested millions- vaccines and war seem to be the only way you can make it to be a billionaire

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Talk about your Frankenstein labs. This is horrific and must be stopped.

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