Thanks for this. I consider it important to take things like nattokinase (or just eating homemade natto), and eating pineapple (for bromelain), adding spices such as anise, curcumin and cinnamon (a cinnamon stick goes in my coffee), taking teas such as dandelion— all are anti-inflammatory. Oh, and staying away from sugar. I am not a medical professional, this is not medical advice.


"Girl with CIRS Can Detect Poisons Emitted by COVID Vaccinated Individuals"

EndYourSlavery, Posted October 24, 2021


Hat tip:

Unraveling the Mysteries of mRNA Vaccine Shedding

How is it possible and what can you do about it?

A Midwestern Doctor, posted Jan 21, 2024


Embedded TikTok untitled video


ANN: Hey TikTok, my name is Ann and you don't know me but this is a video about my medical experiences with the pointy thing that people are getting nowadays. I haven't taken it, but I'm going to tell you something about it that I know medically. This isn't misinformation, this is my own personal experience and my doctors agree with this experience.

So I have a disorder called CIRS. C-I-R-S if you choose to Google it, chronic inflammatory response syndrome. Inflammation in response to toxins. My body, my immune system makes inflammation and overreacts in response to toxins. I'm a walking toxicity meter. I walk into buildings, I walk by anything poisonous and I can tell you that it's poisonous because within seconds I get sick. I produce, my body produces inflammation. Just like someone with a peanut allergy can get sick from 10 feet away, if there's something poisonous I can sense it from 10 feet away.

Mold is primarily what I react to because little did you know, or most people don't know, mold is highly poisonous. It's not just allergens, it's not just spores. It releases poisonous gases to defend itself. So poisonous, there are, 8 of the 10 deadliest biochemical weapons in the world are mold toxins. It's not harmless, it's not innocent fuzzy stuff. But I digress.

I also react to toxic bacteria, I react to heavy metal toxins, and more.

Well, there's a new toxin I'm reacting to and it's vaccinated people. It's not a conspiracy theory. Every time I'm around vaccinated people I get sick. I can't go into public anymore without getting sick. I have to, to survive. But I get sick. I get a cough. I get brain fog, I get headaches, I get trouble thinking, trouble with my memory, my body starts to ache, and my skin burns. Every inch of my skin starts burning like it's on fire.

And after a few hours I get so sick, so sick, just by being out in the public, out in fresh air, out at a park around other people where I didn't used to get sick, I get sick now. Grocery stores that, even if they don't have mold, I didn't used to get sick there, I get sick now.

And it's growing and growing and growing this last year the more people get vaccinated. And I don't get sick among unvaccinated people. When I'm among friends who have not been vaccinated, I don't get sick, but when I'm with friends who have been vaccinated, I get sick.

There's a lot of studies that the news isn't telling you about about the spike proteins. They messed up. The spike proteins that the covid vaccine makes and tells your DNA to make, they're poisonous. So what do you think happens when they tell someone's DNA to manufacture these spike proteins that are poisonous? They build up and build up and build up. I can smell them on people's breath. And it makes me sick. I react quickly to poison, but what do you think is going to happen in a few years to everyone else?



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Thanks Transcriber B.

Some might remember 2020, when it was clear to many that the virus was a bioweapon, with the spike-protein being a Swiss-army-knife of pathology in all of its complexity, with snippets of HIV, a furin-cleavage-site, segments to induce autoimmunity and ADE (antibody dependent enhancement of viral pathogenicity), as well as binding to ACE-2 receptors in arterial linings and lungs, and binding to red blood cells and platelets to induce clumping and clotting.

It was much later when it became clear that the "vaccines" were Even-Worse, even to those of us who realized that they were clearly a bad idea and totally oversold to the public.

As 2021 progressed into the dehumanization of "the unvaccinated", the dark nature was slowly clarified, but much of the damage became clearer in 2022.

Vitamin-D is broadly helpful to the immune system, and I have seen it and nattokinase help a lady with thrombophilia, fatigue and brain fog from post-vaccine-syndrome, very clearly helped in a short time. She was frustrated and over-medicated for a year and a half before we met. None of the doctors she saw would consider post-vaccine-syndrome...

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Rat Poison is helpful to the immune system? Vitamin D and D3 are synthetic molecules used as the active ingredient in Rat Poison. D-CON, Kills Rats Dead. https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/pick-your-poison-vitamin-d3ath-vitamin-d-d3-is-rat-poison

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Please stop posting this nonsense in regard to supplemental and therapeutic applications of vitamin D, this being a classic example of too little knowledge being a dangerous thing. Anything is toxic—air and water included—at some level of gross excess, such as is used in the baiting and selective killing of rats via vitamin D overdose. The human vitamin D dose resulting in toxicity has been well-defined historically at greater than 20,000 IU per day for prolonged periods in all published examples, necessarily having to overload the adult body’s preference to maintain storage somewhere around 500,000 IU (roughly 10 mg in those terms). No one with any kind of reasonable investigation, supervision and/or understanding of this would poison themselves. As is commonly known, rats have also been poisoned with warfarin, too, that doesn’t render it unsuitable as a specialized medication.

Natural D3 (cholecalciferol) is synthesized in the skin of human beings and many animals on exposure to ultraviolet B. While most commercial vitamin D is step-wise synthesized from raw cholesterol, that is not to say it is a “synthetic” compound by nature, as you seem to imply. There is no structural difference between supplemental D3 and the D3 people make themselves from sun exposure.

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Even if you get vit D3 from a natural organic diet, it is not as superior as the vit D3 obtained via sunlight/uvb tubes.

The reason is that the uvb synthesises both vit D3 and vit D3-sulphate. This is important because the sulphate molecule causes the vit D3 to also become water soluble. It doesn't need to be packaged in a LDL, and travels the bloodstream/enters the cell 10 times faster than the fat soluble version. Cholesterol-sulphate is synthesised using the same process, and is very useful for the heart muscle cells. Dr. Seneff figured this out:


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Guess what. Grapes, onion and chocolate can also kill dogs.

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Man, you are one twisted pathological joke!!!

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It is correct, that the synthetic versions are essentially molecules found in rat poison. I guess the doses are so low no symptoms will show. But, personally, I would be wary.

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I have a wealthy supplement manufacturing customer who has his mother living with them. He severely restricts her sugar intake (which she hates) however she is 102 and still putters in the indoor garden room. He is a strong believer in low sugar intake and it seems to be working. He and his wife are older and in excellent health as well.

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I am sure he is correct, but I'd like to cite my father as an anomoly. His main diet in the final five years of his life when he died two months short of 103 was oreos and ice cream. He never had diabetes and wasn't obese but he ate lots of sugar throughout his lifetime. He also had 3 Covid vaccines and a flu shot together with one three years before he died. He's a scientific mystery.

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Goog Point! LOL That is good news for you. Hopefully you will also live a very long enjoyable life.

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Yes, perhaps. I learned many benefits and disadvantages that accompany an exceedingly long life.

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Sounds right to me - lost sense of taste for three months after being around vaccinated, supposedly with covid. Many friends and wider family, who took the junk, seem to be shadows of those they used to be.

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The Shadows? Reminds me of Babylon 5, as does the slide into Corporate Fascism. In B5 there is a one world government which appears, at least sort of, benign. The Vice President assassinates the President in an 'accident', after which massive propaganda is employed to cover it up, and the new President starts building a totalitarian regime.

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Very often literature or movies are "prophetic" or expository, warning of hazards in our real world! B5 is just 1 example of this.

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While I don't (afaIk) have Essential thrombocythemia, pineapple works for me. Wish I'd known 4½ years ago.

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I hear you. I moved into a retirement home where the residents are jabbed up the wazoo, eager to sign up for their next booster. I have developed atopic dermatitis which is an inflammatory skin disease. I wonder if it’s related to my jab shedding neighbors or, perhaps the food that is served here. Everything is grilled using toxic seed oils.

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Start a hunger strike, until they start using organic saturated fats. And serve only organic food. And offer only distilled water.

The 'Shaman' guy imprisoned after J6 did that (not sure about the distilled water) and won.

Though, hopefully, if DT + RFK Jr hold their promises when elected (Harris is toast - they can only fix it so much), you won't have to.

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Good advice, except for the distilled water, which will leach important minerals right out of your body. Try spring water instead.

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Distilled water cannot leach any organic minerals from the body. True, it can leach inorganic minerals, but this is often a good thing.


I thought if I DRANK PLENTY OF IT, I might get rid of some of the salts that were covering my sciatic nerves. I tried drinking it, and it worked like a charm. Within a short time my sciatica left me and I have been free of rheumatism from that day to this. I have KEPT UP MY DRINKING OF DISTILLED WATER and I attribute my almost perfect health largely to it.

In fact, it appears, DW can increase mineral absorption rates:


Distilled Pure Water will not conduct electricity when only 2 parts inorganic minerals or less are present. Water with 5 parts inorganic content per million parts water (or more) will conduct electricity, completing a simple circuit and lighting a tester bulb! The higher the inorganic content is in a per million count, the less effectively water transmits organic minerals to tissue sites. Bottled water, tapwater, reverse-osmosis filtered water, and carbon-block filtered water (when tested) will conduct electricity, substantiating that each one is not the best carrier for the mineral-transport and mineral-absorption (Muehling 1994). Our tapwater in the USA has been shown to contain 19 “inorganic metals of concern”(1994 Safe Water Drinking Act), for which maximum contaminant levels have been set. (Tone 1994) Most American tapwater tested falls between the ranges of 350 parts per million to over 1000 parts per million total contaminants! (Colgan 1993).

Personally, have drunk exclusively distilled water for 30 years, and at >60 have never seen a doctor since childhood.

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May you find healing.

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Great comment - thank you for all the information. Always enjoy your articles.

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Thank you for your kind words. (They're not my articles, though, just transcripts I make and sometimes annotate of videos, or excerpts therefrom.)

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I am so grateful for the transcripts as I can read faster than I can watch a video. I should have been more clear. Videos are excellent for some things, but I believe they are being overused. Most of us do not have 30 or 45 minutes to watch 2-4 videos and maybe more that are produced daily. Appreciate what you do as it saves me so much time. Thank you!!

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Thanks for your kind words, Sherry Gregory, I am so glad you find them useful.

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TB have you looked into low dose naltrexone for inflammation? I had elevated HS CRP after my bout with Covid. (No jabs) In 2-3 months of taking LDN it was down to 1 again.

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Grounding can only help inflammation. Inflammation == electron loss. Grounding == infinite number of electrons gained:


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The article by AMD is not fully accessible unless you are a paid subscriber sadly.

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True, but most of the important info is available.

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Yes, I’m aware. Just frustrating to read these very long articles, get good information, but then the even better probably more important information is behind a paywall.

Most people can’t afford to contribute to all great info Substackers.

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Never before have we had to listen to so much crap from doctors, drug pushers and idiots in positions of power over us. McCullough is one of the few medical voices we trust. He is honest and true. He said "not one life". As for shedding, if the junk gets in through nose or throat it is less bad than injected into blood. The whole world has been poisoned but life is good at healing. NO MORE VACCINES EVER is the key take away.

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It's exponentially less bad. The chance of getting viable mod mRNA is zero, though exosomes/breath may transmit parts of the code. Spike, GO and other pathogenic components should be cleared by healthy immune systems.

The injected, on the other hand, have 12/40 (Pf/Mod) trillion LNP wrapped mod mRNA molecules (together with all the other crap). Trillion fer fks sake, and 3/4 of the dose spread round the body after 48 hrs. To potentially every cell in the body - insanity^2. And they just lined up, admitting that many were under duress.

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Agreed. Other planks for our post covid health policy are to take drugs only in a dire emergency, and only drugs with a decades old tack record, avoid all poisons, stay fit and don't over eat, avoid stress, put health first above work, income, social pressure, location.

Distrust all medical people, by default, unless known to trustworthy, if ever sick seek natural remedies, never enter a hospital. The blob's medical money machine is farming us.

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Great thinking! A healthy body — un-compromised by the immune system destruction concurrent with the spike protein assault brought about by DIRECT inter-muscular introduction of the bio-weapon jabs — can and will fight off the airborne shedding!

And, in that process, the pureblood will have his/her innate immune system strengthened in its ability to counter future variants of mRNA coming from assaults through shedding and introduction of foreign antigens by way of its digestive and pulmonary systems.

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"NOTE: We are well acquainted with the school of thought that SARS-CoV-2 (the causative agent of COVID-19) does not exist, but we do not find this proposition persuasive."

This is because your paycheck is subscribed to the lie, and it's practically impossible to get someone to understand something when his or her paycheck demands that they do not understand it. Money is, afterall, the root of all evil.

COVID is likely caused by all of those 5G radio poisoning towers that they "raced" to install prior to the outbreak.

Serious illness brought to you by the "race to 5G": Dr. Tom Cowan: 5G Radio Frequency and the COVID-19 Connection: https://old.bitchute.com/video/LY6dTOr8PW7s [10:37mins]

Everyone in the world needs to watch that ^ video. Wuhan was ground zero for both the "outbreak" and 5G. Imagine that.

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Greetings TriTorch, This is John Leake replying. I am a freelance investigative author and earn a living by book royalties and newsletter subscriptions. I haven't received a paycheck from a boss in decades. I have never formed an opinion about anything out of commercial considerations. On the contrary, I have repeatedly undertaken to write and research stories against the advice of two literary agents, which is why I fired both of them. I also NEVER express opinions about the motives of people without first knowing a great deal about them. Why, do you suppose, 5G radiation caused my friend to suffer the symptoms of what we call COVID-19 for a ten-day period of June 2020, but not since then? Does, in your estimation, the body develop resistance to the deleterious effects of 5G radiation so that it no longer has a symptomatic disease response after about ten days?

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I will say that, despite whatever disagreements we all may have regarding our opinions, to decide that John Leake or Peter McCullough’s opinions on this forum, is governed by profit, is somewhat offensive to me.

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You are correct, that was out of line, Inisfad. Apologies.

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After all, most of the leading people you talk about, like the Baileys and the C

cowans are making a financially secure picking off their devotees, so not only was it out of line, if it were true about John (which it is not) it would also be grossly hypocritical..

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Those of us who caught the blasted bug, got very sick with it, dealt with the post Covid nastiness, who had friends in health care who cared for the very ill, when Fouci Flu came to town, those trying to unravel Long Covid for the suffering, (many of whom like myself, never took the vax or hung around with those that did,) these people all know the Bio-weapon is real. The virus is real.

My friends know those gene sequencing the various strains, & I know which one was circulating when I got ill. The damn thing was so serious that one man who never gets sick wound up in the hospital where, yes, it was the protocol that took his life, but the point is he was so very ill that he went there in the first place!

This bio-weapon is very real. Some people get an active case, others appear totally immune. That piece of the puzzle is very interesting, by the way, is it not?

Anyway, the no virus gang are stunningly disrespectful to everyone who has fought this beast, saved their own life, or that of many, many others, like Dr. McCullough, Dr. Zelenko, Drs Fareed & Tyson, & a thousand or ten thousand more.

I'm fed up with them myself & it's time to just say we agree to disagree.

And if you think the billions spent on Bio-weapons would be spent if viruses were a fantasy, so be it. Logic is useless.. for some.

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Some people get obsessed with one problem to the exclusion of all else. It is possible (and likely) that there is both an engineered virus and harm from 5G. It is even possible (but less likely) that 5G can make covid worse or replicate some of the symptoms. Saying there is no virus is nonsense.

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Yes, I'm in agreement with you. Viruses exist. It's a long story but I've had lots of experience with a whole host of them as a dog breeder & Throughbred Breeder too. Also in raising one child & having six siblings as well, back in the day before vaccines were used like today.

I am not pro-vax though, seeing the massive harms from the vaccines themselves, I prefer health to start off with & treatment is you fall ill. Or if your animal does. That said, I'm also EMR sensitive & had to deal with this issue too.

Can EMR give you a "virus?" Probably. Can it make you feel like you've got one, but you just have radiation sickness?


But the first is communicable, the second is not. Also the second "feels" different, imho.

There's a lot happening right now, as Tri Torch states, Wuhan, Milan, New York were all 5 G early test cities.

People can be targeted too. I know about this. Even cancer can possibly be sent "remotely" through radionics, which work. I've witnessed it.

So there's a lot potentially in the mix.

But viruses- totally real. Just my text books from the 1970s could convince most, lol. If your favorite horse gets bit by a rabid raccoon and dies of rabies, trust me you will know they are real.

Or have your daughter shed on by all the little kids recently jabbed for chicken pox, come down with the vaccine strain and suffer a lot, that will teach you too.

Viruses are very real. And can be dangerous too. Mostly they are inconvenient, and our immune systems, when functioning normally, dispatch them without you ever knowing & also provide robust & durable immunity going forward as well.

Mother Nature is awesome, if we don't @#$% things up! But there are places to intervene as well. This is where Wisdom comes in, and our Society seems to have lost touch with both Nature & Wisdom.

For that the price is very, very high..and I am sorry we live in such times. I pray we do better going forward!

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💯💯💯💯💯💯💯💯 agree! Thank you for saying this.

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Glad you approve. It's time for just a bit of common sense in the whole "no virus" @#$% argument, imho!

: ))

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Was there a cell phone near any of these people?

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No. We are all cell tower aware as well. I was exposed to 2 ladies, indoors, in tight quarters, for a couple of hours, who 2 days later called me because they were both getting very ill. Less than 24 hours later I got that "viral" feel, something isn't right thing, and knew I was getting very ill. This was Christmas Day, or Christmas Eve, & yes, I had also had more wine that day than normal, which certainly suppressed my immune system at exactly the wrong time, as well.

The progression of the bug is unique, Tri Torch. I remember every stage as well as the after effects. I know other women just like myself, same age group, similar health levels, all got exposed to a person, not a tower, and wound up with the beast, and dealt with the after effects too.

I know EMR can create flu like symptoms, I've done that to myself as well, but this is different.

I suggest you consider listening to the entire 6 hours, (and yes a lot of patience is required, but it is worth it,) of the X Space with Dr. Kevin McCairn & Charles Rixey, entitled "Bio-weapons Then & Now." I imagine it's on Rumble as well as other platforms. The history is very interesting. I think I was subjected to one in Florida, long ago. Mycoplasma type, perhaps.

But trust me, these things exist. My college Biology of Plants text from 1976 on the topic of viruses is very interesting. Yes, you can likely generate what we call viruses internally from the right electo magnetic field, that is totally within reason, imho, but also they are physically contagious too.

It's not "this or that," imho, it's this, and this, and that, and that too!

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"It's not "this or that," imho, it's this, and this, and that, and that too!"

Well said. There are surely multiple vectors at play.

Alas, unless you are underground, in exceedingly remote enclaves, or in a faraday cage (and even these are questionable at this point), you cannot escape this radiation. It is everywhere at all times. The starlink system rains it down wherever it cannot be reached on land. It is a control grid and it is all around us. They are exceedingly good at making all of this look organic.

Look into the Havana syndrome. That was likely a testing ground. I wish you and those ladies the best.

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Thank you. To you as well!

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Well said!!

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5G is a directed energy weapon. It could target you, John, from your cell phone signature in the middle of a crowd of people. From there, I think you can figure the rest out.

No disrespect intended by the way. Please watch the linked video.

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Im with Dr Mc Cullough and Mr Leake on this BUT I have an open mind and I just watched the Tim Cowan video and I liked the guy! The video has really got me thinking. Will subscribe to Dr Cowan to get more info. But in the mean time how do we explain small pox that Queen Elizabeth 1 suffered from if it was not an infectious virus? And what about measles and mumps?

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The only virus alluded to is SARS-Cov-2 Beyond that it’s up to you to decide if they are real.

There was a research paper put out during the plandemic that explained how wireless radiation can cause COVID and colds. It was subsequently redacted and then scrubbed from the internet.

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5g doesn’t explain the fact that Covid goes rapidly from one person to the next to the next in a household. And the symptoms vary slightly from a cold or flu. Sorry but viruses r the only explanation

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Re-read my comment. 5G could easily do that in our connected world. You have no sense of how evil the people behind this are if you suspect otherwise Bridget.

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You still haven't adequately answered John's question of " Why, do you suppose, 5G radiation caused my friend to suffer the symptoms of what we call COVID-19 for a ten-day period of June 2020, but not since then?"

Are you suggesting that "someone" behind a 5G whatever picks out people very specifically once or twice and leaves them alone after that?

How do you explain all the no virus people who say that they have never had covid?

How do you explain all the unvaccinated who do believe in viruses who have never got sick at all?

Most of them live in cities with5 G.

Do the 5G people specifically choose to exempt people on both sides of the divide, for their own purposes?

Has it also occurred to you that the evil people behind all this absolutely adore the created chaos, confusion and division within a movement that essentially has the same aim, when the no-virus people troll comments in the pro-virus camp?

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Did you watch the video? 5G is a directed energy weapon version of that, that can directly target anyone at anytime for any lengths of time. I am a software developer. Give me a week and I can write an algorithm that will make this carnage look genuine by targeting families and acquaintances who get together.

As far as confusion, absolutely, chaos is their primary motivation. They are working to destroy us on every level. The execution is masterful and has been game theorized to death in order to achieve its maximum potential.

Read this: https://tritorch.com/folly

We're in a cage. Time to break free. But we can only do that by recognizing who the enemy actually is and what their weapons are

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I can't believe TriTorch got 10 "likes." I'm glad you got 21

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5G isn't "radiation". Your a "scientist"? It's non-ionizing and 1/10,000 of 1 watt. You can find that out in 1/2 of 1 second. I haven't seen anyone with "serious illness" in the public for 4 1/2 years. Why isn't everyone in the world sick? I don't see anyone, ever. Only the vaccinated croaked. https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/5g-causes-covid19-or-symptoms-conspiracy-or-nikola-tesla-wireless

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I am so glad I got lucky when I moved into the country to a location on the fringe of cell reception. Only LTE and 4G out here, 3 bars if I am lucky.

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Omicron was originally found in Botswana (not South Africa, as was reported). I suspect there aren’t a lot of 5G towers there. ???

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Let me fix this for you:

Omicron was originally [reported to be found] in in Botswana...

There, found your problem.


"The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media." -Former CIA Director William Colby (Operation Mockingbird)


"I was taught to lie, to betray and not to tell the truth to the public.

I ended up publishing articles under my own name written by agents of the CIA and other intelligence services, especially the German secret service.

Most journalists from respected and big media organisations are closely connected to the German Marshall Fund, the Atlantik-Brücke or other so-called transatlantic organisations…once you’re connected, you make friends with selected Americans. You think they are your friends and you start cooperating. They work on your ego, make you feel like you’re important. And one day one of them will ask you, "Will you do me this favor?"

We’re talking about puppets on a string, journalists who write or say whatever their masters tell them to say or write. If you see how the mainstream media is reporting about the Ukraine conflict and if you know what’s really going on, you get the picture. The masters in the background are pushing for war with Russia and western journalists are putting on their helmets.

When I told the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung (Ulfkotte’s newspaper) that I would publish the book, their lawyers sent me a letter threatening with all legal consequences if I would publish any names or secrets — but I don’t mind. You see, I don’t have children to take care of." -Udo Ulfkotte, German Journalist 2017, Now Dead

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Sep 8·edited Sep 8

While I certainly understand your issue with the CIA, it was actually a Botswana lab that indicated that they first found Omicron after 4 diplomats came into their country, who apparently were carrying it. Almost immediately, MSM indicated that this was instead found in South Africa for the first time. This was originally NOT a statement issued by the CIA, western media, or any globalist organization, but by Botswana. Look it up. Not everything is a CIA op. Perhaps Western influence hid where these 4 diplomats came from (and I would certainly consider that this was done purposefully), but the information from the lab itself, was not publicized until months afterward.


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A picture paints a thousand words.

Here are five of them: https://tritorch.com/Tanzania/index.html

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Yes, I know all about the VERY publicized issue of the Tanzanian president sending off sample from fruit, a goat, etc., and those samples coming back positive. And then the Tanzanian president suddenly dying. Here’s another one….Kari Mullis, who was the inventor of the PCR test, which he said was NOT a diagnostic test, but a forensic one, and therefore could find anything, died of ‘pneumonia’ in 2019, just before covid, which only used PCR at a high cycle rate to diagnose covid.

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For sure, Insifad, give this a look if you can find the time: https://tritorch.com/PCRFraud

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Really interesting video Tritorch. Thanks for the link ( and for apologizing to Mr. Leake🙂)

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I haven't seen anyone with "serious illness" in the public for 4 1/2 years. Why isn't everyone in the world sick? I don't see anyone, ever. Only the vaccinated croaked. https://nurembergtrials.net/nuremberg-trials-2-0/f/5g-causes-covid19-or-symptoms-conspiracy-or-nikola-tesla-wireless

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There's an accusation in there.

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Unfortunately I must agree, it would appear that humanity has been fed this poison through every route conceivable, future implications can only be dreamed of...

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I have been taking Dr. McCullough's protocol of Nattokinase, Curcumin, and Bromelain for the past month and plan to continue for 5 more months, just in case. The only changes I have noticed so far is I sleep better and am generally a tad more alert during the day (maybe due to improved sleep).

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Sep 8·edited Sep 8

We are finding we need a binder for the GUT to bind the Spike Protein, so what was happening is that there were all these sub clinical GUT infections the Spike Protein was either being made by the GUT bacteria or your GUT cells themselves.


So the problem was it was then leaking through the GUT and causing systemic inflammation or was causing problems in your GUT.


We needed a binder, so Spike Protein in the GUT made some people super sensitive to everything so they would get on a particular protocol maybe it was a herb or medication and they would be having dinner and have an anaphylaxis, we were finding we needed to have something to bind the spike protein in the GUT while or before doing a protocol giving different herbs or whatever it might be.


The one thing that helped things fall together was I found out there is a molecule called FUCOIDAN that is in seaweed in Bladderwrack and some other types of seaweed.


Robin Rose gave her representation she was saying we have this binder, it’s a seaweed.

It’s a really powerful binder of the Spike Protein and the SARS CoV 2 Virus.


There was a paper published in nature in July 2020 saying this is the best binder of SARS CoV 2 Virus we can find.


Not only does it (FUCOIDAN or BROWN SEAWEED) bind the virus and the spike protein and neutralise it, it also FEEDS GOOD GUT BACTERIA.


The other thing from ❤️ROBIN ROSE cells that took up spike protein become ZOMBIE cells and pump out inflammatory cytokine's making the system inflamed and they won’t die.


If you do get them to die they throw out all the spike protein which go into other cells and cause some problems.


So when the GUT bacteria or GUT lining or your BRAIN cells whatever cells they are DUMP the SPIKE PROTEIN you could have anaphylactic reaction.


So if someone treated you with something and it caused those cells to die it could give you LIFE THREATENING reaction. Especially if your very injured because you have high loads of spike protein.





Video two


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Heal thy gut as well

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Sep 8·edited Sep 8

It’s like peeing in the wind lol people don’t listen.. good luck with that..

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The truth will set you free

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Sep 8·edited Sep 8

Gut tissues can retain SARS-CoV-2 particles after COVID-19 infection for more than one year after the resolution of COVID-19



Gustavo Aguirre Chang




All had Negative PCR before Surgery

They were unaware they had a Persistent Infection due to SARS-CoV-2

One part had more than 1 year since infection

Are undiagnosed Long Covid

Lingering SARS-CoV-2 in Gastric and Gallbladder Tissues of Patients with Previous COVID-19 Infection Undergoing Bariatric Surgery


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But what about being shed upon by the jabbed? Perhaps one does not need a prior asymptomatic infection with COVID, but, instead, exposure to shedding by the jabbed? More research needs to be done on this point.

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Being shed upon has been supported by scientific evidence that you can obtain the vax bioweapon from shedding almost the same as being vaxed.

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Thank you for bringing this information to our attention. I am a functional integrative physician for 38 years and have been looking for a lab to perform this on my patients. There are so many assaults on all of us each and every day. We must take into consideration everything. Our entire medical practice that treats everything from human optimization to stage 4 cancer does not use a lot of medications. We are able to utilize natural substances and processes to

Heal the body. Of course there are situations that need pharmaceutical intervention in the beginning but physicians should be utilizing the innate healing processes in the body. If our medical system is working why is the majority of the population sick including our precious children. Obviously it has reached its point of no return. We can transform the future of health and humanity by cooperating and collaborating and looking at all perspectives.

For the individual with thrombocytopenia I would recommend sesame seed pearls and beet juice. Of course the person needs an in depth analysis of his entire medical history addressing his health since birth to see what negative forces or root causes need to

Be addressed. His circadian rhythm and analysis of his daily routein and what he eats and how he moves and stress. Then looking at all environmental pollutants and infections etc etc.

there is so much to the human miracle and we must all learn self care of the human frame from birth.

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SARS CoV-2 virus can chronically persist in the GUT of patients with long COVID for over 2 years


Dr. Gustavo Aguirre-Chang


Why must it take so many years

for scientists from the WHO, FDA, CDC, NHS and other institutions

to be convinced of Viral Persistence in COVID?

With a clinical evaluation

and therapeutic tests

we have known this since April 2020

Here is one more study

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Thank you I recently purchased spike support and have already been taking z-stack products and also purchases ivermectin yet have not taken the ivermectin. I had covid in 2020 and have never been vaccinated. My question is do i need anything else with the spike protein or is this enough . And how long should I and my family take it.

None of us have taken the Jab thank God .

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Thank you for the reminder of the McCullough protocol. I too had serious Covid naturally a couple years ago. Unlike anything I’ve ever experienced. It’s subtle but I know I’m experiencing health effects that haven’t manifested into anything diagnosable yet but I’m not ruling out anything. I too am unvaxxed.

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I'm aware of the theories regarding the non-existence of viruses. I've seen their evidence and it's very compelling. I agree with them that there is no actual identification of a virus. However, I don't discount the possibility of there being a tiny pathogen involved. There is much we don't know and don't understand. But I am sure that many other causes/contributing factors may be involved such as RF radiation and other toxins we are exposed to. For example: the Spanish flu was more likely caused by RF radiation than any virus. (See "The Invisible Rainbow" by Arthur Firstenburg. I think the main problem with the focus on a virus is not whether one is involved, but whether that is the only causative agent, or, even the most important. It does closely follow the rollout of 5G and the huge increase in satelites in earth orbit all beaming radio frequencies on all of us below. We could also all be so saturated with toxins from various sources, but especially from our food, water and the air we breath that we've hit the proverbial straw that broke the camel's back.

Regarding viral shedding: What about exosomes? (probably not spelled right) but tiny viral sized bits of info our cells make and send out to other cells in our body, and also to other organisms/people in our environment, a form of communication. Our whole planet and all living things communicate in many different ways. Some people may think this is wu wu, but really, are we so sure that what we think we know is all there is to it? I think we can agree that there's simply not enough knowledge and research yet. The research on all the communication going on in the soil is fascinating, but only in it's infancy. We've learned there are more microbes in and on our bodies that the number of cells in our body and that they communicate with our cells and their DNA.

Regarding cancer, the majority of the research has focused unsuccessfully for almost 100 years on trying to find a genetic cause, nearly ignoring all of the other possibilities including ironically, known carcinogens. One can't get an answer to a question that isn't asked Let's keep an open mind to possibilities and do a little exploring outside of our small world of our own understanding.


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FYI- I caught the "Fouci Flu" when it was circulating in my region, Christmas 2021, and according to those in the health departments & labs sequencing it from the general public, we were dealing with Delta at that time.

My experience was very much a strong viral type flu with it's own unique properties- high fever, upper back pain, falling blood oxygen, (into the lower 80s,)

a sudden shift in sense of smell, followed by the loss of my sense of smell, extreme malaise, weakness, & ending in a violent torso rash. Afterwards I did not recover well, caught RSV, had blood pressure issues, brain fog & exhaustion.

This "long- covid" situation did not improve much over time well, but continued to plague my health. Eventually I started working with a local Naturopath but only saw minor changes for the better.

However after seeing Dr. McCullough's recommendation for Nattokinase, Bromelain & Curcumin, and knowing of the power of enzymatic therapy, I decided to get on the protocol, and it definitely turned things around for me. I cannot say I'm 100%, I still notice weakness, (muscular,) low energy & brain fog at times, but the situation is much improved. Additionally I passed it along to others, specifically a young man, previously very fit, athletic & hard working who was dealing with exhaustion & low energy to the point where he no longer could work, after his Government Required Covid Shots, and he also experienced much improvement.

My opinion is that Dr. McCullough's protocol works.

I don't know if it can correct all the damage from this Bio-weapon, the Chimeric Spike Protien, but it certainly helps.

Additional treatment is needed, I am certain. Peptide therapy also improves the situation as I have learned from a friend, as can frequency specific micro current therapy for vaccine injuries. The Peptipes are however the most powerful healing tools I've seen, and helped me feeling strong again.

We also should watch CD 4 and CD 8 levels like an AIDS patient or HIV positive person would do, according to some.

Antivirals are a must today, imho, as it appears humanity has suffered a very serious bio-weapon attack.

Also, regular detoxing, exercise, sunlight, vitamin D, particularly, trace minerals, selenium & zinc, etc., are all critical today.

Our innate healing intelligence is brilliant & capable of rising to remarkable challenges if we give it what it needs. I trust & pray that the wonderful healers in our world discover more and more natural compounds that can assist us in the middle of this odd but very real, WW 3 we are currently fighting.

Finally, pray. Prayer and a relationship with the Creator is the very strongest shield against Evil we can raise up. I know that "with God, all things are possible." It's true. Believe it.

We CAN heal this too.

PS- of course I am not a Dr. & am not giving medical advice, simply recounting my own personal experiences & thoughts.

God Bless!

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With regards to nattokinase supplement, Steve Kirsch has documented his experience with it and the fact it's a blood thinner. It caused a bleed in his eye which has caused blindness. How do we navigate these supplements without much professional guidance? Even supplements have side effects that we need to understand. I haven't used the medical system since we became acutely aware of the corruption. Again, How do we navigate these supplements without much professional guidance?

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However, there are complications because Steve wrote that he has been vaxed, and he also presented good evidence the vaxed had eye problems similar to his.

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I just listened to Steve with Andre Brigden speaking to Liz Gunn in New Zealand. Steve stated that he believed that his eye problem was related to a treatment and not a vax injury. He said he’d be publishing something about it in the future.

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I take natto, brom., and turmeric daily. I hope they really do clear the spike from the virus. I don't want to use pharmaceuticals for anything. How outrageous is this? That we all have to worry about potential health damage because a natural virus was genetically altered and allowed to escape into the world. And, we are still struggling to get the facts, and no one is in court despite harm done to more people than ever in history. The narrative is still being held in an iron grip by those responsible. Look at all the kids who were mandated to take the shot and will have cardiac issues that can hit out of the blue. What is wrong with everyone around me, is it the fact that it is not so obvious in the moment? A group of Japanese scientists are trying to get the message out but are having difficulty.

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