Biden is now pondering whether to pardon Adolf Hitler. What we don't know about Biden is probably 10X more than we know about him.

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…Which is true of all narcissists.

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I was just coming here to post that even as we speak, he's wondering if he can pardon Hitler and Josef Mengele while he's at it.

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Optics, John . But, he got an award from the President. Exactly. Two men intent on the destruction of the USA.

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The problem is not the individual but the system that rewards and enables such behavious.

As Soros himself says of some of his actions "if I had not done it, someone else would have".

The way to stop Soros-types is to prevent their emergence, and influence. The dereguation of financial markets in the 80s by Thatcher and Reagan led to open season in creating the billionaire class that today controls so much. Soros himself sounds like the Wallstreet character, Gordon Gekko (who was in turn based on various Wall Street personalities).

If checks and balances in the banking system existed, Soros would not have been able to make the bet that netted him a billion in 1992. Likewise, the banking crash of 2008 may not have happened.

Anti-trust laws were brought in to prevent monopolies ruining the market. When was the last time a successful anti-trust breakup happened? The modern economy, worldwide, is dominated by monopolies. Any attempt to break them up is decried as "interfering with the free market" which is preposterous because monopolies are the antithesis of a free market.

On the other side, the neverending need of politicians for money is what allows people like Soros to have so much influence. As long as political donations are necessary and possible, people will make them and use them. Right now, there is a major campaign in Germany against Musk because of his "interference". I am not saying who is right or wrong. The principle is: if you take money out of politics, the influence of the monied people ends.

Soros resulted from the system that enabled him. He did not make it. After he is gone, he will be replaced by others.

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Ah, not quite.

I get your point about “deregulation” that you used as an opportunity to slam Reagan and Thatcher (Republican minded), to free up capital trade. So I’m guessing you are a dyed in the wool Democrat, having bought into the ruse played on my Boomer generation for six decades that America is a democracy just because we vote, rather than the unique Constitutional Republic that protects democracy from cannibalizing itself, but I digress, sorry.

Democracies historically cannibalize themselves beginning with “communal” sister Socialism, with big brother Communism’s (totalitarianism) enforcing the rules. Basically hierarchal minded cowardly ilk that are impervious to charges of hypocracy. They have the power, you don’t. They do this by growing government to the point that departments become their own entities, minions of drones to do the dirty work, comrades rewarded for not thinking, insulating Representative's from responsibility, creating a hierarchy in government, a uniparty.

To your point, Reagan and Thatcher deregulated, but the following administration had the responsibility to focus on what was best for America. That would be the mid 1990’s Clinton/Bush years and onward as they initiated the non dissenting comradeship of the uniparty under the One Democrat banner. From those mid 1990’s onward, three decades ago, the loser Republicans with zero skills had no where to go without Reagan’s coattails. Thus they took the Clinton bait, “join us, run Republican but vote with us, do some horse trading between limited Corporate wars, China Pharma, and global marketing, become wealthy, set up your offspring for future globalism”. It is no secret in Washington that many Republicans vote Democrat, but no Democrat comrades vote Republican. “We will protect you from being a traitor”.

To your point, at that point, the Representative uniparty basically and intentionally expunged the Anti-Trust legislation by capturing the regulatory agencies, finance, medicine, transport, you name it. “Forget the break up of monopolies, like Communist loving Gate’s Fakebook, Google and Amazon, and eventually everything home grown in America to sell it out, Black Rock to Kellogg, Kraft, Unilever, and a hundred more that made it big living in American freedom and security. Lest we remember corporations are one notch below Communist on the nefarious scale and Fascist are friendame’s. The uniparty were taking America on a WEF global roll of the dice”.

Actually, in my opinion Billy boy was not that nefarious, often being the smartest guy in the room, but when you add in Hillary, Schumer, Pelosi, Soros donor ilk, there you have it, a uniparty to destroy the institutions, damn the country.

The system that “enabled” Soros was Fascism, and any other choices he made to “survive” simply points to his cowardice. Whether that be a lack of parental morality promulgated by the absolute fear in Europe in that era between WWI and WWII, or environment of the time, it always comes down to personal choices and the strength of one’s principles concerning what one’s actions do to another. To Soros, Nazism was an opportunity. That someone else would come along and do it if not him is the ruse of all cowards who are chronically overcome by fear of something or another.

Cowards that will buy DA’s that free criminals to create cultural chaos that provide the vacuum in which the coward does their dastardly deeds, which include convincing the people that those who would protect, defend them are the villains.

I experienced this first hand when I returned from Nam six decades ago while pushing back on China, Russia, and N. Korean tunnel diggers driving N. Vietnamese into the South. By focusing my generations attention on the “dastardly military industrial complex” America’s National, civic, and eventually personal, defense would become toxic, evil, the script has been flipped, it’s what Marxist’s do best.

This plan has been growing by the collaboration and culmination of hate America cabals since WWII ended.

I knew when I returned a weary combat veteran and saw my Boomers unprecedentedly slandering into oblivion their defenders that something very ominous was already in America.

If you think totalitarian regimes are bad now, wait until the American apple pie is sliced and diced, expunged.

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Excellent points. Here is one reason Soros has so much political influence.

The SCOTUS passed down egregious decisions that abridge the First Amendment and show contempt for the concept of representative democracy. Buckley v. Valeo, 424 U.S. 1976 and exacerbated by continuing stupid SCOTUS decisions First National Bank of Boston v. Bellotti, Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission and, McCutcheon v. Federal Election Commission.

These decisions have codified that money is free speech thereby giving entities of wealth and power total influence in elections.

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I disagree that Mr Albaho’s are “excellent points”, even though I agree that the government institutions no longer do due diligence in terms of Anti-Trust issues, focusing more on themselves than the good of America, including the Courts that the uniparty have rendered moot. His premise seems more like Party preference and blaming “the people”, (if not Soros someone else would do it). No, Soros alone is responsible for his evil intent. What Mr Albaho’s point is like saying drug users are freed from responsibility because “someone else” sold them to them, which has become a staple for the hierarchal uniparty under the One Democrat Party banner since the 1990’s. Zero accountability. No hope, no faith, a free for all with the hierarchal on top. Or as the Biden crime family would say, “plausible deniability works”.

Your examples however are concise, pointing specifically to where certain decisions by SCOTUS were made ominously beginning from the tumultuous 1960’s and 70’s chaos of Alinsky’s drugged hippies “Hell no we won’t go”, to “Hell yes free love, no that’s not my kid, abort” (Roe v Wade, 1973). Cowardice by the courts caving to nefarious politically motivated cultural movements.

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"No, Soros alone is responsible for his evil intent."

I agree, but the ultimate blame goes to the U.S. populace for allowing the rapacious megalomaniacs to gain and retain control.

The people of the United States are guilty of ignorance, insouciance, and stupidity.

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He copied the feat from the actions of Rothschild after the defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo . His spies crossed the Channel during the night bringing the news to him before the London market opened . His people on the floor began shorting , causing a cascade which he then bought up at the bottom to cover his shorts and make him a fortune.

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But Soros is worse, in that he shorts a country, then works to undermine it in order to profit, while probably enjoying the destruction for its own sake, as in the case of unleashing criminals through his bought-and-paid-for DAs. So he doesn't just capitalize on events, but helps make them happen. Maybe Rothschild did the same, as many short sellers do. Short the stock, then call a media friend, get some bad publicity going on your target. You know, medal of freedom stuff!

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Just another example of why our country is under judgment. "Woe to those who call evil good..."

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Bingo, move to the head of the class.

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"I've made my life's mission to destroy the united States. I hate this country and I hate all of the people in it!" ~ George Soros –– Newsweek magazine, 1979

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"I'm going to bring down the United States by funding Black hate groups. We'll put them into a mental trap and make them blame white people. The black community is the easiest to manipulate" ~ George Soros –– interview in Germany's BILD newspaper Sept. 2014

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"Destroying America will be the culmination of my life's work" ~ Georgi Soros

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George Soros, A-list Hollywood actors, NBA, & music industry “royalty,” all grouped together in one location for a meaningless award. The perfect opportunity for DNC insiders/fundraisers to wander amongst the crowd, sniveling and groveling to secure additional funds and to potentially make new inroads/connections to further their evil empire plans.

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Thank you.

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Who will ever forget Biden sniffing Bono's hair and humping Magic Johnson, with Bill Nye the Science Guy (except for that chromosome thing) looking on? And Bribedman is worried about his legacy (of ashes)?

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Now we know who installed the Biden puppet... Everything else that happened in the last 4 years then makes perfect sense as well.

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Receiving an award from Biden is the equivalent of receiving an award from either Attila the Hun or Vlad the Impaler.

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Attila and Vlad were presumably alphas. Biden's a errand boy.

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You are most likely correct. Perhaps the common denominator among them all (Biden, Soros, Attila, & Vlad) is simply that they are ALL evil. Hence, Biden, who is himself evil, has rewarded an equally evil individual. Makes perfect sense.

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Soros is a psychopath, obviously. As a teenager, he was bereft of any empathy watching (participating - even is what he says is true, that he did not partake) his fellow Jews be raped, pillaged and sent off to concentration camps.

He reminds me of the villain in "The Matarese Circle", a great novel by Robert Ludlum, published during 1979, I believe.

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Soros is evil- he has no feelings of any kind. He was born a Jew and survived by destroying people’s lives especially Jews. Yet he somehow escaped Nuremberg and any war crimes. All to carry out his fantasies. I certainly would like to know what woman would have his children?! We/ He now has another generation of sociopaths - or devoid of conscience. To give him a medal if any sort is insulting at the least. Rules for foundations need to be cut off- asap. No more charities or foundations- wish there was a way to get back taxes and crush Soros gates Clinton’s etc

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"There is such a person in the United States, Mr. Soros, who interferes in affairs all over the world" ~ Vladimir Putin

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Soros organizations purportedly promoting democracy, are in fact CIA operations to destabliize countries who are not aligned with the USA. He is therefore protected, and incidently profits by shorting the the currencies of countries he is destabalizing. In short, this is the dark side of US foreign policy.

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Correct, but keep in mind that the long tenured bureaucrats of intentionally bloated government are metastasizing comrade minions including the CIA, working for the deep State that is of the State Departments under the Secretary of State of each Executive administration.

We Boomers and offspring have since the intentionally tumultuous 1960’s been lead to believe American government and defense is “bad” to the extent that personal defense is toxic, the victim that fights back is the villain. This from the cabals of hate American rhetoric six decades ago. Yes those self serving cabals are lead by the Soros, Gates globalist ilk, but the globalists of the past (Rothschild’s to Rockefeller at least understood that without America “all bets are off”, and true totalitarian regimes, not Oligarchy will prevail because the people love their simple villains to focus on as the only problem, when the real problem is the country’s culture, and why it has been manipulated to loath itself.

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Amen, John Leake. Overspreading of abominations. I recall reading that Soros life goal was to destroy the Western World.

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