1. Is xylitol safe for us? I’ve read it can cause blood clots?

2. Gargle for HOW LONG twice a day?

3. Can people with Hashimoto’s use the iodine sprays?

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It would be nice if Dr. McCullough provided the information to his loyal subscribers.

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For those needing to avoid iodine, our family uses Xlear nasal spray. We use just the plain, without oregano or Cayenne, after we've been indoors with a lot of people.

We buy it at our local health food store. We also follow Dr. Mercola's protocol for nebulized hydrogen peroxide (with saline). See his 15 min video on Bitchute for a stronger offensive for upper respiratory. Wondering what we can do as far as safe eye washes to prevent H5N1. Thank you.

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Ah, so now we're supposed to bow down to a new Evil Virus God. Has this one been enhanced by gain of function research? (Asking for a friend.) Don't the propagandists ever get tired of running new viruses up the flagpole to see who salutes? I mean, to see WHO salute. And anyway, wasn't the next Deadly Pandemic supposed to target children particularly and have a Case Fatality Rate of like 20% -- or was it 25%? -- or did I get that all wrong? (Aren't enough people dying already of spikeshot-induced heart attacks and strokes?)

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I’m sorry but I can’t take the advertisements for TWC any longer. I’m unsubscribing.

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I don't mind "ads" for TWC. They're providing useful products and services, and I appreciate updates on what they have to offer.

Besides, Dr. McCullough has paid high prices, including enormous legal costs, for his truth-telling about COVID, early treatment, and the spikeshots...including all his warnings about myocarditis. If TWC helps Dr.McCullough recoup some of the costs of being a caring and honorable human being, great! I'm all for it!

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I noticed that mouthwash gables are recommended twice per day but I’ve read that the alcohol in the gargles can raise blood pressure. Is that true?

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I don't know but mouth washes should be used if have been exposed to a respiratory infectious virus. Otherwise, I would only use them sparingly from the recommendation of holistic doctor, Dr. Joseph Mercola (Mercola.com), due to the fact mouthwashes kill off the good bacteria (as well as the bad) in the mouth which are protective for your gums and teeth.

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