The issue is simple. We are attempting to normalize a mental illness. Period. The fact that this has now become ‘trendy’ where we are enforcing and approving these measures in children, is beyond appalling.
Just like we are trying to normalize obesity. The Target stores have been pushing the "fat women are normal" philosophy for a couple of years. In the women's section, there are various pictures of obese women wearing clothing. One is a black woman laying on her side wearing a 2 piece bathing suit with her huge belly hanging over. It may not be as serious as transgender surgery, but the message is the same: we are to march in lockstep and accept whatever they deign is normal.
Your simple explanation does not begin to explain the apparent explosion in transgenderism. Why have so many suddenly become mentally ill? I am 76 and I have never known a transgendered person, but I cannot wish away what I now see every day on the internet.
It’s the internet and peer pressure, which we didn’t have growing up. It has also been suggested that the massive increase in vaccines has altered something biologically in our children as autism has also exploded since the 80’s. I think CHD had something on this. The article said many of these kids are also on the spectrum with issues. Unintended consequences of screwing with nature.
There is no ‘explosion’ in mental illness (other than making the socially trending of this acceptable). Consider that, historically, there have always been tomboys, correct? I suppose if you ask any one of them at the age of 11 if they would like to be boys, they would say yes. Perhaps the difference now is that some parents take this seriously. With regard to adults, body dysphoria was treated as a psychological illness…and is apparently the case, as transgenders have a higher incidence of suicide than any other group.
See Jonathan Cahn's newest book "The Return of the Gods." It's a discussion of the history of demonic principalities - Israel and before - and how as the US has opened the door to all types of immorality and abandoned God, they have come back from the margins where they were pushed out by Christianity. Ashteroth specifically had transgendered priests. Naomi Wolf has written about this on her Substack but you can find Cahn interviewed on Rumble on Eric Metaxas' channel. It's a very dark book but it's one reasonable explanation for the explosion we are seeing.
There is a video by a woman professional who explains why she thinks this is happening. Unfortunately,
I don't have a link. She says that the heavy emphasis on transgenderism, drag story hours at the library, teachers helping children to trans-dress while at school, children having trans-surgery, etc. was purposely begun about 10 years ago through suggestive techniques with capturing media and PR campaigns, to convince children that something is wrong with them. The point was made, right or wrong, that it was a method of further degradation of the traditional family, partly with the aim of reducing the number of children being born.
My grandson has an answer - it the teachers confusing the hell out of all the kids- he is 12 and he says at his school half the kids don't know if they are gay, bi, transexual or a doughnut. No doubt routine medicalisation of childhood plays a role as does the entire victim culture ideology. All part of the cultural Maxist plot.
Very interesting. Are you saying that you believe that there is a disproportionate number of transgender girls (girl to boy) who are also on the autism spectrum?
I think we need to be very careful of branding anyone as “mentally ill,” which is often used as an excuse for incarceration. It can be argued that the doctors of the medical freedom movement - or people who hold any religious belief - are mentally ill, too. Once you buy into that psychiatric concept you are on a slippery slope, imo. Psychiatry has subjected people to forced lobotomies and other terrible “treatments” in the name of curing mental illness.
No need to worry about incarceration for the mentally ill in the US. I believe it was Reagan who defunded much of this, so you see quite an influx of mentally ‘challenged’ homeless people being allowed to be, just as they are.
The point is that up until VERY recently, body dysphoria was something you attempted to deal with an overcome….and not with hormones and surgery. And not all psychological help goes to the extreme you describe, such as lobotomies, etc. I’m curious….how much of a difference do you think it is, for someone to believe they are a different gender, vs someone to believe that they’re Napoleon??
I’m not sure what people who undergo transgender treatment believe, maybe they just wish they were the opposite sex and think the treatment will make them feel better. In some cases they are happy with it, in other cases they are not. I applaud Dr. M for publicizing this study which, if it was conducted without bias and the results are valid, might make people and doctors think twice about the procedures - and I’m totally against public schools trying to indoctrinate children into transgenderism - but again I think we need to be careful about branding people who are just different as mentally ill. If medical science is still in its infancy, as the past three years seems to indicate, then psychiatry is still an unfertilized egg. I think Dr. Breggin might agree, as might have psychiatrists Thomas Szasz and Ronald Laing. The people at have been pushing for psychiatric reform for years, I think it’s a good cause.
Do you feel the same way about transabled people? People who have normal bodies, but identify has someone with a disability, and CHOOSE to, say, amputate a leg or create some other disability??
People should have an inalienable right to pursue happiness in any way they want, imo, as long as it doesn’t hurt others. They should be able to take risks and do things which others consider unhealthy. It may be reasonable to place limits on the amount of government assistance a person can receive if they insist on making certain choices, but If something somebody does just goes against what you consider to be natural, that’s your problem imo.
If you don’t think that unaddressed mental illness hurts others….I wonder if you would be as unaffected by this, if your child decided to be transabled. Or ‘chose’ to be homeless. Or ‘chose’ to be a drug addict. You would just sit on the sidelines and say ‘oh, they are just pursuing their happiness and I should not intervene’. Somehow I suspect that in that situation, you would completely forget about your response above.
We've went way too far in the wrong direction to not label the mentally ill. The explosion of gender dysphoria, vast numbers of homeless, including those unemployable and unwilling to be employed, and it seems an epidemic in crimes, there are multitudes of the mentally ill who would be far better off if their illness was identified, that they be in treatment, (willing or not). Ignoring the problem, not giving treatment to the sick, makes the problem worse.
If people commit violence then lock them until such time as it seems very unlikely they will do so again, but I don’t think that will be accomplished by forcing any “treatment” on them, which is a violation of reasonable medical freedom, imo. And psychiatric treatments may be much more likely to cause suicides and homicides than transgender procedures. We need good science and, irregardless of what it shows, insistence on informed consent.
To add to this, the present system doesn't work. Clearly the thousands of mentally ill homeless are a problem. Crime, assaults, destroying neighborhoods, drugs, all bad. I think we're all ears if anyone can come up with solutions.
How about the government sending people out to offer them assistance? Not money they will spend on drugs but counseling on overcoming addictions and help in building a better life if they are open to it (financed by a proportional asset tax so the super rich pay a lot more than they currently do). If they’re not open to it then incarceration might be warranted if they are committing crimes. But “treatment” forced on them, no, mean and counterproductive imo.
You're undoubtably a Socialist. Tax the rich. The Trump tax reform brought MORE tax revenue in because reducing taxes on the rich stimulated the economy and provided more economic development, more job growth, more investment in production capacity. The more you tax the rich, the more you stifle the economy. That's why Socialistic and Communistic countries have terrible economies. See my other comments for forced treatments will save lives.
There needs to be balance, and consideration for individual rights. But the problem lies in that currently, the mentally ill have so many "rights", that they're not given treatment they need. I had a friend once, who was insane. (Yes, literally). I tried to help, the clinic wouldn't talk to me about him since he signed a paper denying anyone could communicate with the clinic. He had guns, did some shooting that could have killed people, but the police said he had "rights" to have the guns. He went to the hospital for observation, in a straight jacket, howling. None of the doctors there would commit him to the insane asylum, even though the police informed them that 5 people testified he was crazy, needed help, and was a danger to himself and others. After the 3 day observation he was released, ended up driving a few hundred miles, then pointed a toy guy at police, they shot him to death. True story, his name was Bruce Steiner.
He was shooting randomly into buildings and vehicles, and mobile homes where people could have been. Police didn't arrest him for that, no one witnessed this. He admitted it to me when he had a normal spell. He went to the hospital when the police did a safety check on him. He was locked in a vehicle for a few days with no food, water, and a below zero winter storm was coming, so we were concerned. They had to break the glass, put him in restraints, and take him in. There are many mentally ill similar to this that desperately need treatment. But they won't cooperate to get treatment, and because they have "rights", they continue a self destructive life. The statistics on the death rate of these people is staggering. He should have been committed to the mental hospital. We actually went to a meeting of NAMI, and his case was discussed. The doctors who examined him were afraid to commit him for fear of being sued, and taking away his "rights".
I Googled it. One hard statistic is over a 5 year period 18,000 homeless died, 5,000 in 2020 alone. Another estimate is that 17,000 to 40,000 die per year. Wouldn't it be more humane to forcibly institutionalize those mentally ill to give them treatment, even if it takes away their "rights"?
Two days ago, Tucker Carlson spoke of the last 10 years of disproportionate violence committered by the transgendered, and how the Biden administration is defending this "new religious cult" who think they can change what was naturally made. (e.g. The dug up bones of biological women are remarkably different from biological men.)
Dr. McC... Thank you for posting this. A sad and expected reality check for us all. I have many lesbian and gay patients in my own small practice. Most are very well adapted to life and are happy and functioning normally in society, but 100% have clinical PTSD (almost always associated with severe family dysfunction). I also have a dozen or so, trans individuals (male to female and female to male). These young folks also meet DSMV criteria for PTSD 100%. After nearly 50 years in medicine, it seems to me that there has been a relative explosion in these gender dysphoric folks and it is NOT just due to political or socio-cultural/media manipulation. Tik-Tok and Facebook are not the origins of this situation, IMO, but do exacerbate the underlying problem.
I have come to believe that there are a myriad of organic factors environmentally that must lie contributing to this shift in gender identification and expression. Some of these factors include chemical contaminants (such as atrazine, perchlorates, glyphosates, phthalates, styrene, and bisphenols), EMF, vaxxx of all kinds, GMO foods, some unknown genetic pre-dispositions that become manifest with a toxic brew of poisons of various kinds.
It is apparent to me that our Ruling Psychopathy has long recognized this issue of contamination - poisoning - of the population - and, instead of identifying and dealing with the many threats that we are facing environmentally, has chosen to politicize and capitalize on the emerging "other" among us. "They" have used illness to divide, control, and profit from the peasantry. From selling Bud Lite to demonizing "trans" people by creating school shooters (through insane psychiatric drugging and gaslighting), TPTB know full well what is going on and they are determined to ramp up the chaos in these last days of Empire.
As a father of two gay kids (one lost to PTSD), I implore everyone to be understanding, accepting, and loving toward those among us who may be disaffected and "different" and struggling to make it through this all-too-short life.
You may recall how people laughed when Alex Jones said they were ‘turning the frogs gay’. I totally agree that there may very well be some environmental/chemical reason for what we are seeing. But I also believe that MUCH of what we are seeing, in particular with younger teens, etc., is also societally based, ‘trendy’, etc, and, strangely, often encouraged by parents and teachers.
Jennifer... The "dysfunction" trauma can take many forms: physical, sexual, emotional abuse. Absent parents, divorce. If there is an alcoholic (or illegal drug user such as heroin, meth, opiates, etc - not cannabis!) in the family, IMO, everyone will have PTSD. Socio-economic factors - poverty, homelessness. Medical trauma - chronic illness (cancer, etc.). Hyper-religiosity - cultism. Adoption. I see combinations of these things in all with PTSD to varying degrees. Trauma is cumulative and, IMO, unless recognized and dealt with through proper trauma therapy worsens as one ages (it is exactly like failing to drain an abscess).
I use both of these in my practice and they are incredibly helpful and accurate. I have seen several 10 scores on the ACE and several 80 scores on the PCL5.
Many of these patients have spent years going to psychiatrists - labelled as everything from bipolar to schizoaffective to schizophrenic and the possibility of trauma at the root of it all is never addressed. Sad.
Gabor Mate', MD's recent book, "The Myth of Normal" is excellent for an overview of this topic.
I wish medical journals would stop going along with non medical made up words like "cis gender". I am heterosexual and that's the word I "prefer" because that is the proper word. Enough of these people with psychiatric problems telling me about my sexual preferences and trying to make an issue of it when no issue exists.
Kind of interesting that a white guy with dreadlocks is culturally appropriating another race's style but that same white man can dress as a woman and compete in women's sports, use their bathrooms and changing rooms and if you DO NOT accept this appropriation, you are evil vile disgusting filth.
Time to put the brakes on this. Convincing children to mutilate their genitals, go on puberty blockers, drag queen reading time, the sports and bathroom issues, the true violence shown by this radicalized, hormonely confused, surgically disformed group has crossed a threshold that should not be accepted.
Lets get back to biology and do some research on why there is an increase in gender dysmorphia, its part social, but there is a chemical driving force behind all of this.
You never would have convinced my generation of this.
Excellent way to put it. "Disturbed" says it better than automatically assuming it is a "mental illness." One can be disturbed without it being a mental illness. Just like having some anxiety does not equate to having a mental illness.
Could dramatically increased vaccination (doses per child) over the last 5 decades be a cause of the apparent dramatic increase in transexuals?
Are the “childhood” vaccines causing changes in the brains of infants and adolescents who later diagnosed or identified as transexual?
What percentage of unvaccinated (Amish, etc) are later diagnosed or identified as transexual in comparison to the population in general?
Yes, transgenderism is a mental illness even though the corrupt medical / psychological and pharmaceutical empires deny it. But there *MAY* be a scientific reason for this increase in mental illness: poisoning the still-developing brain at an early age.
Suggest you Google: “dsm gender dysphoria history” and “res ipsa loquitur”
Consider that only people with a mental disorder, or their sick parents, school psychologist, or profit-seeking surgeon would perform permanent, disfiguring, genital mutilation surgery on a CHILD.
The dramatic increase in transgenderism is a tragic by-product of a nation that has lost its soul and traded its values for money.
“Gender affirming” care is very profitable and it has nothing to do with care, just like COVID vaccines have nothing to do with care.
I agree with this. Also, Tucker Carlson (two days ago) said trans people are committing a disproportionate number of murders/attempted murders in the last 10 years. He says trans people are playing God by deciding they can recreate what men and women are. Trans violence seems to have exploded in the last 10 years for some reason (Obama's administration?)
This is so tragic. Keep your children and grandchildren away from the internet! My granddaughter in first grade had an issue in her class. A girl with older siblings. The sad part is the left blame others for these suicides instead of delving into the underlying causes for this before they undergo life altering procedures. It’s like a cancer that is spreading like wildfire through our schools and our enemies are applauding our destruction from within.
My heart is VERY heavy for all suffering and loss at the individual, family and community levels until The People decide TO UNITE in a real Freedom Movement with strategic planners AND fund the movement!
Nothing shocks me anymore except 2 items…
1. LACK OF PRIORITIES…Some still want to focus on distractions/minutia in the most serious, dangerous war for humanity!
2.. LACK OF SERIOUS UNITY…There will be many more tragedies everywhere until The People decide TO UNITE in a real Freedom Movement with strategic planners AND fund the movement!
Yes…Our government is ground zero for ALL the pain and suffering of ALL humanity! Who is supposed to hold politicians accountable at every level?
Need I ask any more questions except the most important one?
If it is..the following message that I repeat EVERYDAY is for you!
The buck stops with us…We The People!!!
UNITY of The People is critical to the survival of humanity and winning this war for future generations.
We must unite and fight with ALL we have…Satan cannot win!
Lex Greene says it all at this DANGEROUS moment in America’s history! Contact Lex if you are ready to FINALLY unite with serious strategic planners…
Kind of blows up the argument made by the radical trans movement, that NOT getting the "needed medical interventions" means a "genocide is occurring" but in fact it is these insane medical procedures that are causing excess death.
As the media has beaten into our brains(or attempted to) that the "vax" is SAFE AND EFFECTIVE, I believe it is doing the same thing with gender dysphoria. We had 2 years of lockdowns, which devastated young children, and now they keep throwing this condition out there. I have taken care of adolescents who are started on hormone blockers for said dysphoria by physicians who have signed onto this. Meanwhile the initial issues which lead them to seek an answer to their problems(depression,eating disorders) did not improve but worsened. The ongoing experimentation on children and adolescents is criminal. And the extremes to which those in the medical profession have just gone along with this is sickening and heart breaking.
I am glad you are looking at transgender mortality research, Dr. McCullough. Something seems to be going on with transgenderism, but I don't know what it is.
The issue is simple. We are attempting to normalize a mental illness. Period. The fact that this has now become ‘trendy’ where we are enforcing and approving these measures in children, is beyond appalling.
Just like we are trying to normalize obesity. The Target stores have been pushing the "fat women are normal" philosophy for a couple of years. In the women's section, there are various pictures of obese women wearing clothing. One is a black woman laying on her side wearing a 2 piece bathing suit with her huge belly hanging over. It may not be as serious as transgender surgery, but the message is the same: we are to march in lockstep and accept whatever they deign is normal.
Your simple explanation does not begin to explain the apparent explosion in transgenderism. Why have so many suddenly become mentally ill? I am 76 and I have never known a transgendered person, but I cannot wish away what I now see every day on the internet.
It’s the internet and peer pressure, which we didn’t have growing up. It has also been suggested that the massive increase in vaccines has altered something biologically in our children as autism has also exploded since the 80’s. I think CHD had something on this. The article said many of these kids are also on the spectrum with issues. Unintended consequences of screwing with nature.
There could be a chemical component as well, like atrazine, all the plastics and hormone mimics out there.
My sense is there are several causes out there and the fanaticism of the trans movement creates a firewall from discussing that.
There is no ‘explosion’ in mental illness (other than making the socially trending of this acceptable). Consider that, historically, there have always been tomboys, correct? I suppose if you ask any one of them at the age of 11 if they would like to be boys, they would say yes. Perhaps the difference now is that some parents take this seriously. With regard to adults, body dysphoria was treated as a psychological illness…and is apparently the case, as transgenders have a higher incidence of suicide than any other group.
See Jonathan Cahn's newest book "The Return of the Gods." It's a discussion of the history of demonic principalities - Israel and before - and how as the US has opened the door to all types of immorality and abandoned God, they have come back from the margins where they were pushed out by Christianity. Ashteroth specifically had transgendered priests. Naomi Wolf has written about this on her Substack but you can find Cahn interviewed on Rumble on Eric Metaxas' channel. It's a very dark book but it's one reasonable explanation for the explosion we are seeing.
Have you seen Tucker's video from 2 days ago?
There is a video by a woman professional who explains why she thinks this is happening. Unfortunately,
I don't have a link. She says that the heavy emphasis on transgenderism, drag story hours at the library, teachers helping children to trans-dress while at school, children having trans-surgery, etc. was purposely begun about 10 years ago through suggestive techniques with capturing media and PR campaigns, to convince children that something is wrong with them. The point was made, right or wrong, that it was a method of further degradation of the traditional family, partly with the aim of reducing the number of children being born.
My grandson has an answer - it the teachers confusing the hell out of all the kids- he is 12 and he says at his school half the kids don't know if they are gay, bi, transexual or a doughnut. No doubt routine medicalisation of childhood plays a role as does the entire victim culture ideology. All part of the cultural Maxist plot.
You are so right! It’s happening in my granddaughters classroom snd she is in first grade! I warned my daughter to get her out of there.
Very interesting. Are you saying that you believe that there is a disproportionate number of transgender girls (girl to boy) who are also on the autism spectrum?
I think we need to be very careful of branding anyone as “mentally ill,” which is often used as an excuse for incarceration. It can be argued that the doctors of the medical freedom movement - or people who hold any religious belief - are mentally ill, too. Once you buy into that psychiatric concept you are on a slippery slope, imo. Psychiatry has subjected people to forced lobotomies and other terrible “treatments” in the name of curing mental illness.
No need to worry about incarceration for the mentally ill in the US. I believe it was Reagan who defunded much of this, so you see quite an influx of mentally ‘challenged’ homeless people being allowed to be, just as they are.
The point is that up until VERY recently, body dysphoria was something you attempted to deal with an overcome….and not with hormones and surgery. And not all psychological help goes to the extreme you describe, such as lobotomies, etc. I’m curious….how much of a difference do you think it is, for someone to believe they are a different gender, vs someone to believe that they’re Napoleon??
I’m not sure what people who undergo transgender treatment believe, maybe they just wish they were the opposite sex and think the treatment will make them feel better. In some cases they are happy with it, in other cases they are not. I applaud Dr. M for publicizing this study which, if it was conducted without bias and the results are valid, might make people and doctors think twice about the procedures - and I’m totally against public schools trying to indoctrinate children into transgenderism - but again I think we need to be careful about branding people who are just different as mentally ill. If medical science is still in its infancy, as the past three years seems to indicate, then psychiatry is still an unfertilized egg. I think Dr. Breggin might agree, as might have psychiatrists Thomas Szasz and Ronald Laing. The people at have been pushing for psychiatric reform for years, I think it’s a good cause.
Do you feel the same way about transabled people? People who have normal bodies, but identify has someone with a disability, and CHOOSE to, say, amputate a leg or create some other disability??
People should have an inalienable right to pursue happiness in any way they want, imo, as long as it doesn’t hurt others. They should be able to take risks and do things which others consider unhealthy. It may be reasonable to place limits on the amount of government assistance a person can receive if they insist on making certain choices, but If something somebody does just goes against what you consider to be natural, that’s your problem imo.
If you don’t think that unaddressed mental illness hurts others….I wonder if you would be as unaffected by this, if your child decided to be transabled. Or ‘chose’ to be homeless. Or ‘chose’ to be a drug addict. You would just sit on the sidelines and say ‘oh, they are just pursuing their happiness and I should not intervene’. Somehow I suspect that in that situation, you would completely forget about your response above.
We've went way too far in the wrong direction to not label the mentally ill. The explosion of gender dysphoria, vast numbers of homeless, including those unemployable and unwilling to be employed, and it seems an epidemic in crimes, there are multitudes of the mentally ill who would be far better off if their illness was identified, that they be in treatment, (willing or not). Ignoring the problem, not giving treatment to the sick, makes the problem worse.
If people commit violence then lock them until such time as it seems very unlikely they will do so again, but I don’t think that will be accomplished by forcing any “treatment” on them, which is a violation of reasonable medical freedom, imo. And psychiatric treatments may be much more likely to cause suicides and homicides than transgender procedures. We need good science and, irregardless of what it shows, insistence on informed consent.
To add to this, the present system doesn't work. Clearly the thousands of mentally ill homeless are a problem. Crime, assaults, destroying neighborhoods, drugs, all bad. I think we're all ears if anyone can come up with solutions.
How about the government sending people out to offer them assistance? Not money they will spend on drugs but counseling on overcoming addictions and help in building a better life if they are open to it (financed by a proportional asset tax so the super rich pay a lot more than they currently do). If they’re not open to it then incarceration might be warranted if they are committing crimes. But “treatment” forced on them, no, mean and counterproductive imo.
You're undoubtably a Socialist. Tax the rich. The Trump tax reform brought MORE tax revenue in because reducing taxes on the rich stimulated the economy and provided more economic development, more job growth, more investment in production capacity. The more you tax the rich, the more you stifle the economy. That's why Socialistic and Communistic countries have terrible economies. See my other comments for forced treatments will save lives.
There needs to be balance, and consideration for individual rights. But the problem lies in that currently, the mentally ill have so many "rights", that they're not given treatment they need. I had a friend once, who was insane. (Yes, literally). I tried to help, the clinic wouldn't talk to me about him since he signed a paper denying anyone could communicate with the clinic. He had guns, did some shooting that could have killed people, but the police said he had "rights" to have the guns. He went to the hospital for observation, in a straight jacket, howling. None of the doctors there would commit him to the insane asylum, even though the police informed them that 5 people testified he was crazy, needed help, and was a danger to himself and others. After the 3 day observation he was released, ended up driving a few hundred miles, then pointed a toy guy at police, they shot him to death. True story, his name was Bruce Steiner.
I’m sorry about your friend. If he did some shooting that could have killed people, the police erred in letting him go.
He was shooting randomly into buildings and vehicles, and mobile homes where people could have been. Police didn't arrest him for that, no one witnessed this. He admitted it to me when he had a normal spell. He went to the hospital when the police did a safety check on him. He was locked in a vehicle for a few days with no food, water, and a below zero winter storm was coming, so we were concerned. They had to break the glass, put him in restraints, and take him in. There are many mentally ill similar to this that desperately need treatment. But they won't cooperate to get treatment, and because they have "rights", they continue a self destructive life. The statistics on the death rate of these people is staggering. He should have been committed to the mental hospital. We actually went to a meeting of NAMI, and his case was discussed. The doctors who examined him were afraid to commit him for fear of being sued, and taking away his "rights".
I Googled it. One hard statistic is over a 5 year period 18,000 homeless died, 5,000 in 2020 alone. Another estimate is that 17,000 to 40,000 die per year. Wouldn't it be more humane to forcibly institutionalize those mentally ill to give them treatment, even if it takes away their "rights"?
Two days ago, Tucker Carlson spoke of the last 10 years of disproportionate violence committered by the transgendered, and how the Biden administration is defending this "new religious cult" who think they can change what was naturally made. (e.g. The dug up bones of biological women are remarkably different from biological men.)
Dr. McC... Thank you for posting this. A sad and expected reality check for us all. I have many lesbian and gay patients in my own small practice. Most are very well adapted to life and are happy and functioning normally in society, but 100% have clinical PTSD (almost always associated with severe family dysfunction). I also have a dozen or so, trans individuals (male to female and female to male). These young folks also meet DSMV criteria for PTSD 100%. After nearly 50 years in medicine, it seems to me that there has been a relative explosion in these gender dysphoric folks and it is NOT just due to political or socio-cultural/media manipulation. Tik-Tok and Facebook are not the origins of this situation, IMO, but do exacerbate the underlying problem.
I have come to believe that there are a myriad of organic factors environmentally that must lie contributing to this shift in gender identification and expression. Some of these factors include chemical contaminants (such as atrazine, perchlorates, glyphosates, phthalates, styrene, and bisphenols), EMF, vaxxx of all kinds, GMO foods, some unknown genetic pre-dispositions that become manifest with a toxic brew of poisons of various kinds.
It is apparent to me that our Ruling Psychopathy has long recognized this issue of contamination - poisoning - of the population - and, instead of identifying and dealing with the many threats that we are facing environmentally, has chosen to politicize and capitalize on the emerging "other" among us. "They" have used illness to divide, control, and profit from the peasantry. From selling Bud Lite to demonizing "trans" people by creating school shooters (through insane psychiatric drugging and gaslighting), TPTB know full well what is going on and they are determined to ramp up the chaos in these last days of Empire.
As a father of two gay kids (one lost to PTSD), I implore everyone to be understanding, accepting, and loving toward those among us who may be disaffected and "different" and struggling to make it through this all-too-short life.
It is Easter today. Peace and Hope to all here.
PS: Excellent review of just the plastics issue:
Thank you for such a thoughtful and important response. Your experiences are invaluable to our learning. I’m so sorry for your loss.
Thank you for the kind words.
You may recall how people laughed when Alex Jones said they were ‘turning the frogs gay’. I totally agree that there may very well be some environmental/chemical reason for what we are seeing. But I also believe that MUCH of what we are seeing, in particular with younger teens, etc., is also societally based, ‘trendy’, etc, and, strangely, often encouraged by parents and teachers.
May I ask you what type of severe family dysfunction came up often with the patients you mentioned?
Jennifer... The "dysfunction" trauma can take many forms: physical, sexual, emotional abuse. Absent parents, divorce. If there is an alcoholic (or illegal drug user such as heroin, meth, opiates, etc - not cannabis!) in the family, IMO, everyone will have PTSD. Socio-economic factors - poverty, homelessness. Medical trauma - chronic illness (cancer, etc.). Hyper-religiosity - cultism. Adoption. I see combinations of these things in all with PTSD to varying degrees. Trauma is cumulative and, IMO, unless recognized and dealt with through proper trauma therapy worsens as one ages (it is exactly like failing to drain an abscess).
A good screening tool is the ACE (Adverse Childhood Event) test:
The VA's PCL5 test is excellent for PTSD:
I use both of these in my practice and they are incredibly helpful and accurate. I have seen several 10 scores on the ACE and several 80 scores on the PCL5.
Many of these patients have spent years going to psychiatrists - labelled as everything from bipolar to schizoaffective to schizophrenic and the possibility of trauma at the root of it all is never addressed. Sad.
Gabor Mate', MD's recent book, "The Myth of Normal" is excellent for an overview of this topic.
Hope this helps.
Yes, thanks so much for your response.
I wish medical journals would stop going along with non medical made up words like "cis gender". I am heterosexual and that's the word I "prefer" because that is the proper word. Enough of these people with psychiatric problems telling me about my sexual preferences and trying to make an issue of it when no issue exists.
Kind of interesting that a white guy with dreadlocks is culturally appropriating another race's style but that same white man can dress as a woman and compete in women's sports, use their bathrooms and changing rooms and if you DO NOT accept this appropriation, you are evil vile disgusting filth.
Time to put the brakes on this. Convincing children to mutilate their genitals, go on puberty blockers, drag queen reading time, the sports and bathroom issues, the true violence shown by this radicalized, hormonely confused, surgically disformed group has crossed a threshold that should not be accepted.
Lets get back to biology and do some research on why there is an increase in gender dysmorphia, its part social, but there is a chemical driving force behind all of this.
You never would have convinced my generation of this.
Or put more simply: If you try to fix merely unhappy and disturbed with mutilation, you will get less happy and more disturbed. Shocker!
Excellent way to put it. "Disturbed" says it better than automatically assuming it is a "mental illness." One can be disturbed without it being a mental illness. Just like having some anxiety does not equate to having a mental illness.
This will most definitely become one of the most HOTEST TOPICS!
And dam well should be.
Thank you for your analysis of this study.
Asking the politically impossible question:
Could dramatically increased vaccination (doses per child) over the last 5 decades be a cause of the apparent dramatic increase in transexuals?
Are the “childhood” vaccines causing changes in the brains of infants and adolescents who later diagnosed or identified as transexual?
What percentage of unvaccinated (Amish, etc) are later diagnosed or identified as transexual in comparison to the population in general?
Yes, transgenderism is a mental illness even though the corrupt medical / psychological and pharmaceutical empires deny it. But there *MAY* be a scientific reason for this increase in mental illness: poisoning the still-developing brain at an early age.
How do we know transgenderism is a mental illness?
Suggest you Google: “dsm gender dysphoria history” and “res ipsa loquitur”
Consider that only people with a mental disorder, or their sick parents, school psychologist, or profit-seeking surgeon would perform permanent, disfiguring, genital mutilation surgery on a CHILD.
The dramatic increase in transgenderism is a tragic by-product of a nation that has lost its soul and traded its values for money.
“Gender affirming” care is very profitable and it has nothing to do with care, just like COVID vaccines have nothing to do with care.
I agree with this. Also, Tucker Carlson (two days ago) said trans people are committing a disproportionate number of murders/attempted murders in the last 10 years. He says trans people are playing God by deciding they can recreate what men and women are. Trans violence seems to have exploded in the last 10 years for some reason (Obama's administration?)
The synthetic hormone replacement therapy and cancer risks must be awful, too.
This is so tragic. Keep your children and grandchildren away from the internet! My granddaughter in first grade had an issue in her class. A girl with older siblings. The sad part is the left blame others for these suicides instead of delving into the underlying causes for this before they undergo life altering procedures. It’s like a cancer that is spreading like wildfire through our schools and our enemies are applauding our destruction from within.
Peter and all,
Happy Easter!
My heart is VERY heavy for all suffering and loss at the individual, family and community levels until The People decide TO UNITE in a real Freedom Movement with strategic planners AND fund the movement!
Nothing shocks me anymore except 2 items…
1. LACK OF PRIORITIES…Some still want to focus on distractions/minutia in the most serious, dangerous war for humanity!
2.. LACK OF SERIOUS UNITY…There will be many more tragedies everywhere until The People decide TO UNITE in a real Freedom Movement with strategic planners AND fund the movement!
Yes…Our government is ground zero for ALL the pain and suffering of ALL humanity! Who is supposed to hold politicians accountable at every level?
Need I ask any more questions except the most important one?
If it is..the following message that I repeat EVERYDAY is for you!
The buck stops with us…We The People!!!
UNITY of The People is critical to the survival of humanity and winning this war for future generations.
We must unite and fight with ALL we have…Satan cannot win!
Lex Greene says it all at this DANGEROUS moment in America’s history! Contact Lex if you are ready to FINALLY unite with serious strategic planners…
Personally…I have worked with Lex and the NORTH AMERICAN LAW CENTER group for 15 years…America’s best brilliant and strategic minds!
Mother/Grandmother Lion of almost 7 as of yesterday…New Life is the best!!!
I understand the pain. But we must protect the children. Adults are responsible for their own choices. Children need to be protected.
Kind of blows up the argument made by the radical trans movement, that NOT getting the "needed medical interventions" means a "genocide is occurring" but in fact it is these insane medical procedures that are causing excess death.
As the media has beaten into our brains(or attempted to) that the "vax" is SAFE AND EFFECTIVE, I believe it is doing the same thing with gender dysphoria. We had 2 years of lockdowns, which devastated young children, and now they keep throwing this condition out there. I have taken care of adolescents who are started on hormone blockers for said dysphoria by physicians who have signed onto this. Meanwhile the initial issues which lead them to seek an answer to their problems(depression,eating disorders) did not improve but worsened. The ongoing experimentation on children and adolescents is criminal. And the extremes to which those in the medical profession have just gone along with this is sickening and heart breaking.
Their underlying Psychological Disorder doesn't get treated so they end up frustrated and Depressed so they Commit Suicide.
I am glad you are looking at transgender mortality research, Dr. McCullough. Something seems to be going on with transgenderism, but I don't know what it is.