Frankly this isn’t an accident! They are either exposing them or they are lying about the test results!!! This is all planned!!! So when do we say enough is enough and stand with the farmers!!!! Look at all the chemtrail planes flying over all of us daily and they really increased the spraying during the eclipse!!!

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Of course it's a con. We have to support small scale ranchers and pay extra for their meat in order to keep them going. More people have been waking up not just to the scamdemic lies, but also the climate emergency crap and it's connection with upside-down dietary guidelines. Good red meat is about the best thing for us.

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Oregon is trying to wipe out ranchers and farmers w an insane water certificate. 20K for our local farmer. Plus all the loopholes they must jump through.

We must reduce the size of government, before they reduce us

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The tactics the European farmers are implementing are what is required. Unfortunately, I think the farmers/ranchers are probably fewer (excepting certain areas), perhaps less organized, and people have to rally behind them. It may take things escalating much further for any organized movement but then it could be too late.

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We need to start organizing and let them know we stand with them. I am already reaching out to the farmers I’ve used for years. If they are successful with wiping them out, we’ve already lost! Start by state and locality where it will be easiest to get to them and stop these monsters!!!

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Amen to that !

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Vote Trump

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Absolutely! I’ve been supporting our local farmers for almost 20 years and will go and defend them if it comes down to that!

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Agree. Time to call your Governors To End All Chem Trails, Geo Engineering, Aluminum & Sulphate or Any Spraying In The Atmosphere. They are Creating Climate Change.

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3 days of horrible spray in Oregon.

The birds and bees are barely out.

My eyes are burning.

The trees are getting coated w god knows what.

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They’ve really been increasing the spraying in every state. I also believe it contributes to the fires our corrupt agencies are starting. We’ve had really wet weather and one dry 65 degree day and they issue a fire warning!!! They have never issued this kind of warning when we’ve been having historic rain and no dry weather in sight. The only fire that could start is one intentionally done, like a DEW! Does Lahaina and Maui sound familiar. Just wait until food gets scarce. Prepare now if you haven’t.

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The Enemies of The U.S. Constitution and Criminals Against All Life on the planet

most assuredly are TERRIFIED as they are as Bullies or Domestic Violence Perps;

Psychopathic Sadomasochists escalating methods, intensity, quantity, frequency. The Demons Hiding in Human Being Suits know they must increase chaos/crises/abuse to gain the same level of CONTROL/TERROR.

Not hiding itself, as the planes flying overhead below 20,000 feet spraying millions with the poisons was a measure used to create terror. Their continued delusional thinking justifies it as yet another acceptable method to use as Terror Porn and there's little doubt about them BRAINSTORMING for new means to create the same level of terror as with the 'Medical Emergency' declared throughout the world SHUTTING IT ALL DOWN.

'THE PEOPLE' are increasingly balanced and growing stronger as opposed to feeling terrified; FROZEN, regardless of what they do. THIS is the most terrifying aspect for the evil ones.

How PREDICTABLE they were and are for those already confronting tremendous evil and surviving to help those not comprehending. Evil at all aspects of life and in all kinds of relationships does follow one single BORING pattern. These people are those helping others to KNOW the answers of relative pronouns associated with this 'Clown Show'.

MORE THAN ANYTHING; WE ARE TO NOT BE AFRAID; but to pray, fast, practice charity, worship and praise our Lord while staying in a State of Grace as this is that earning the protection of God and His action to TAKE DOWN THIS ENEMY OF ALL LIFE. We must also live in the 'Courage of Conviction' and be willing to speak and act when God calls us to do so.

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So, watched VSRF live with Steve Kirsch (Livio was his stand in) last night. Sasha Lapyova (not sure bout spelling) was pleading with the audience to talk with any ranchers, farmers, meat distributors we know. She was emphatic in stating that the PCR tests are the conduit for mRna distribution as well as other ill willed substances throughout cattle. I’m guessing this may also be the case with poultry & PCR testing. Sasha recommends farmers & ranchers become independently certified to avoid PCR testing on their animals.

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H5N1 Bird Flu Detected in Antarctica Right Next to U.S. Biolab After USDA Performs Risky Gain-of-Function Experiments On and Develops Vaccine For Same Virus


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Show me a test and I can give you a positive result.

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Especially a PCR. That's how they found Jimmy Hoffa.

In everyone.

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Yup. And show me the funding and I can give you science that backs up whatever you want it to say.

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Time to raise your own meat animals! 🐖 🐄 🐓 🥚

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Yes, but it wouldn't be the first time they used something like this to target small-scale producers - backyard chickens a particular target...

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Yes, because they want to control the food supply!!

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And that has never ended well.

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Look what the government is doing to the Amish

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Yep! Which is why we changed feed the last time it happened.😊👍🏼

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It's illegal to have barn animals in Oregon these days.... the government is "protecting the ground water". https://www.snipershide.com/shooting/threads/oregon-shutting-down-small-farms.7212232/

And it's even illegal to grow blueberries (etc) on a small farm: https://www.opb.org/article/2024/03/13/oregon-enforces-water-rights-small-farmers-feel-consequences/

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They are working to destroy the food supply! I can’t believe people there believe that crap!

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Is anyone protesting in your state or are they ready to eat bugs? Not being sarcastic, this is very serious!

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Holy 🐄! Sorry to hear about your state’s freedom crushing regulations!!

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This is horrific!

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Wish I could! My landlord said I can’t have pets. I told him they’re not pets they’re my food!😉🤣

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The minions dont understand their role in all this. The testers will be concerned dutiful comprehensive. Many of the cattlemen will be on shot 3 or 4 and just as unaware of the last debacle as the testers. The US conjurs a trillion a month debt these days, no problem to pay for the culling.

Just wait til it becomes crossed into humans. MASS culling then. Its a good plan, it may work.

And in the second instance (mass culling to save grandma and the babies) the odd firefight that breaks out can be explained as white middle aged male racist extremists! Just wins all around!

Its possible there will be sustained and conscious resistance by the cattlemen. I notice a lot of farmers of all types worldwide seem to be more awake than your average citizen, and more being awakened daily.

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The farmers I deal with are awake and God fearing men and women!!! Their eyes are open and they won’t join in this massacre!

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Weaponized bird flu = Disease X. The eugenicist Luciferians are all part of the WEF, WHO, GAVI and UN Agenda 2030 and they desperately hate the “X” that defines humanity — the chromosome that identifies us as human beings created in God’s image. They are hellbent on poisoning, starving and destroying humanity. I now understand the words of Jesus that unless these days were cut short no one would survive. (Matthew 24:22)

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What can be done about the raging epidemic of stupidity?

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From my understanding this has thus far caused conjunctivitis. HOW DO THEY KNOW THAT THE CONJUNCTIVITIS THAT THEY OBSERVED WAS DUE TO AN AVIAN FLU VIRUS? Ordinarily if you have conjunctivitis you are given drops and it goes away. Doctors do not take tissue samples and test for and identify the viruses. Why would any doctor do that? I think it is because, like the Covid Circus there was a plan to declare a simple common self limited problem as being due to a virus to scare the crap out of people to allow them to introduce another vaccine - and if people refuse, well you get the WHO to declare a pandemic so that you can negate the Constitution and mandate a new round of v@((*nes.

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And to get people off meat and into the crickets that canada is now growing for people to eat, it's sick. I'm sure the davos crowd all invested in cricket farm stocks to reap yet another manufactured whirlwind

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But have no fear, they will be dining on prime rib. And the cow from which it came was NOT vaxed.

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Doctors have lost all credibility since the covid scam and they were already on thin ice! Never will we trust them again!

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Joni you are 100% correct. I am a doctor completely disheartened to learn how utterly stupid and cowardly the vast majority of my colleagues have been. My husband became ill during this Circus (not with Covid) and we were both treated like garbage at the hospital at which HE has privileges. He was unable to speak for himself when we were in the ER and he kept pulling out his IV line. I stayed with him at all times. Then at about 11:00PM the hospital "Customer Support" team of 5 women showed up to ask if I considered myself to speak for him. I told them that I did. They then requested that I raise my right hand and swear to that, which I did. They then called in a Security Guard who was about 6'2" or more who stood in front of me with his arms crossed and told me to leave the facility. It was not stated but he was clearly threatening me. Feeling totally insecure as to what would happen to my husband I left. How was I going to speak for him if I could not be there??????By the grade of God he was better the next AM and we left the following day. I have a sick feeling every time I see the facility.

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Wow. My brother in law was murdered in the hospital.

He walked in w Pneumonia.

They never treated it.

Remdesivir and a vent. Dead 4 days later. Organ failure. They called it Covid 🤬🤬🤬🤬

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Because they made a bundle of covid for $$$! I am so sorry for your loss. This was all planned.

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OMG that is horrific!! Thank God both of you are okay! I will never trust hospitals ever again either and we found out the hard way with both my dad and my husband. We’ve had many friends die or have family that were killed intentionally by the hospital's doctors and staff. People need to be aware that the hospital protocols are meant to kill or bring them as close to death as possible! How anyone can go along with this or what they did to is mind boggling! It’s all pure evil.

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Big Brother is dialing up the Ministry of Propaganda to launch the next phase of the continuing Psypo.. Plandemic -2 - Bird Flu.. - Real Agenda starve out and poison the general populous... We Must get to know and support our local farmers/ranchers... Same with our local politicians and make it crystal clear We want the WHO/WEF and UN defunded and dismantled ... WE WILL NEVER EVER COMPLY... Non - Violently... Nuremberg...

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A rancher in the Texas panhandle reports: https://slaynews.com/news/rancher-raises-alarm-feds-begin-bulldozing-texas-farms/

This is terrifying, over a million acres burned in the Texas "wild" fires, and unknown cattle killed, now the Feds are bulldozing the grass areas that didn't burn so the remaining cows have nothing to eat.

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These so called “wildfires” were intentionally caused by our government! Just like Hawaii and Canada! They have no authority to go on private land. We must start organizing to support our farmers and fight this tyrannical government! We’ve been having unprecedented rain and the first warm, dry day they issue a fire warning in several counties including ours!!! This is all a setup but in this case only DEWS could have caused massive fires by igniting peoples homes! No trees or grass would have burned due to how wet everything is!!!!

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As a forester I can say running a firebreak with a dozer in unburnt areas is SOP and firstline defense, since ever.

Is it possible this is what is happening?

I dont discount any of the rest of this, culling of asymptomatic animals using hi cycle RCT seems to be the plan. But this one small part of the story may be benign?

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If they quit feeding chicken processing waste (like feathers etc) to the cows, they wouldn't have bird diseases. This is NOT what cows want to eat. This whole mess is due to big CAFO feedlots.

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The whole mess may also, in this specific instance, coming your way via MSM breathless reports of ANOTHER INFECTED HERD thank god they are going to 'cull' them all, THAT mess, may be due to hi cycle RCT testing leading to culling of asymptomatic 'cases' (infected cattle) - just an extension of the same 'casedemic' as we have seen from the plandemic we just lived through.

In this particular, few will protest the 'culling' of cattle to save people. Whether or not they are actually sick with anything can be disregarded if it is just 'cattle'. Feedlots are what they are. However I have to doubt they are the actual source of what is coming our way.

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I am saying that the PCR test will be used to detect and to report the presence of the infectious agent. I did NOT say that this is a proper way to diagnose disease. Regards, John

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BTW - whatever happened to the good old pre-scientifical days when if a disease came along and wiped out 95% of your animals, you would do everything to preserve and breed up the resistant survivors...

As opposed to now, when you would be mandated to KILL the survivors??

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yup, gotta kill the strong survivors who are resistant. It's really about killing us, the strong survivors.

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It was known during covid that they were contaminating the PCR tests. No one should take these period, and they shouldn’t be using them on animals either to help with this plandemic for the bird flu! It’s all planned! Sorry John, I strongly disagree.

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They're going to detect a little piece of a genetic material.... I think that's the contention regarding "infectious agent"... that's the heart of the scam.

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Rhiannon, you are right!!! The PCR test is bogus and it was never designed by the creator to be used like this!!! This is another covid plandemic and it’s called the fake bird flu pandemic! They will contaminate the livestock by using this on them, just like everyone forced to use it for covid!!! I know people who died from over testing by their employer!!!! Wake up people!!! Stupidity and ignorance reign supreme these days! What happened to good ole common sense and God’s discernment????

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Wow. My BIL died too. I believe it may have been from the shot. He was diagnosed with stomach CA in 2020 and had removal of his stomach and cancer chemo. By Jan 2021 his doctor thought it may have been cured as there was no evidence of distant spread or CA markers. So he was advised to take the shot in January 2021. He took it and after 3 or 5 hours felt nausea which increased into the next day. On day 3 his abdomen began to swell. On day 4 he saw his doctor and was diagnosed with diffuse peritoneal carcinomatosis (100% fatal) and hospitalized. He also had a blood clot in his arm. My husband and I did not see him before his death in Nov. 2021 because only one visitor/day was allowed. Had we gone to see him it would have been 2 days where his wife and son could not visit. I don't know if the shot caused this rapid growth of his cancer. He died alone and miserable. I did not go to his funeral in Los Angeles out of fear that they could have at any time mandated shots for a plane home.

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The Great Euthanizers have created their narrative and their never changing it but are doubling down. Covid upper respiratory infection with 1-3% kill rate. H5N1 is lower respiratory with 12-15% kill ratio. The latest federal budget approved 1 billion for H5N1 vaccines. And you get to kill the food supply gradually and helping all the billionaires recoup their investments in insect farms and fake meats. CDC blunting with a mass media campaign today against the myocarditis connection to covid vaccines. They are rolling out censorship campaigns across Scotland, France, Canada, Australia, UK, Germany, US etc. The only antidote to their powerful ideological virus ( social, climate, economic justice ) is the Truth and we can not be allowed to take this safe, reliable, cheap, and effective early treatment.

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I’ve got my Wellness Kit plus a ton of other supplements (like black seed oil). I’m not losing sleep over it. Plus natural immunity to H1N1. I wonder if there’s any cross immunity to H5N1?

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We swear by methylene blue.

We put in fowls, dog water. 1 drop.

Cured us numerous times.

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Cured of what?

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A nasty chest cold that usually knocks us out for a week.

Went away overnight, 2x.

Take a 1/4 dropper daily.

1 drop in dogs large water bowl

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So do you/would you use it for any type of virus like SARSCoV2, for example, or more for just chest colds?

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