Dr. McCullough:

Biden, as a result of his past ICH is at risk for Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus yet no one has suggested this as part of the differential diagnosis. I am an Internist and my father had NPH. Prior to the diagnosis I wondered if he had Parkinson's as a result of his short step gait. Then one day he urinated standing in the living room and a light bulb lit in my head. I contacted his neurologist and suggested he perform CSF circulation testing to rule out NPH. But the neurologist resisted and it took a lot of work on my part to get the diagnostic studies of CSF circulation done. And of course the results were positive for NPH. My dad then had a shunt placed and his dementia improved and rate of deterioration dropped off until his death 3 or 4 years later. IMHO as a physician Biden's gait is NOT typical of PD. He does NOT shuffle forward. Before moving forward he lifts each foot as if it were stuck to the ground and he is unsticking it. This is the gait of NPH and not that of PD, which is characterized by a forward momentum. NPH gait has a vertical momentum prior to the forward. To date I have heard no one even mentioning this treatable form of dementia and YOU CAN'T DIAGNOSE A DISEASE YOU DON'T LOOK FOR.

In addition to all of this Aricept can cause a PD like gait and drugs are probably a more common cause of this gait than PD. THIS TOO HAS NOT BEEN MENTIONED.

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I totally agree with you. His movements are not classic of Parkinson's disease as you say. I had not thought of NPH and you reminded me of this often overlooked entity. Hopefully, one of the neurologists who have visited him or his primary care physician will read your post and the light will go off as it did in mine and they will run the appropriate studies. So much obfuscation and bullshit coming out of Washington to cover the obvious decline in his cognitive ability and so much energy spent in doing so without really looking at the patient and trying to figure out what the hell is going on. I actually feel sorry for him as a patient. He is ill and he is being manipulated like a pawn on a chess board with little regard to the fact that he is a human being. In spite of our political position, we are doctors first and we must put our biases aside and treat the patient. In my opinion, this is not being done. These past four years have been a dark time for medicine in my opinion.

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Thank you for these beautiful words! Over the past 4 years I have felt like Sara Connor in the Terminator - talking and warning and being laughed at and ignored.

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Most welcome. Know the feeling like screaming into the wind, our words are not heard and are blown away. Keep the faith and continue the truth telling. Truth always surfaces albeit it may take many years.

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NPH really is overlooked as I learned from my dad's doctor. He really did not want to do the diagnostic testing, which as I recall involved an LP + imaging. He tried to convince me that even if the test were positive that a shunt will not help. I insisted and he finally agreed to do the procedure and test. He did not seem all that surprised when it was positive but then said that a shunt would make no difference. I told him that I wanted him to refer my dad to a neurosurgeon to hear that from him. Dad did get the shunt and there was a dramatic improvement in his mental function. It only lasted for about 3 years and he eventually died at 90 and from what I don't exactly know. He just generally deteriorated, stopped walking and then developed multiple PEs. But the entire thing was a real eyeopener and gave me far more confidence in my own fund of knowledge.

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I had several patients with NPH in my practice and all improved with shunting. It made a difference in the quality of their lives for sure. You got to have your dad for a few more years and that is the real win here.

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Biden has the intracranial hemorrhage and acute surgery in 1988. NPH can be a complication in the first few months and would have presented years ago with a very wide based gait and bladder incontinence. He also has permanent AFIB and at risk for intercurrent strokes even on Eliquis with Spike protein thrombosis.

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There are numerous considerations that should not exclude this from the differential and my main point is that it is a treatable form of dementia that should be ruled out:

1. He could have Cerebral amyloid angiopathy as a cause of ongoing mini bleeds that are not identified as ICH as the only symptom may be headache. Whatever placed him at risk for the 2 diagnosed ICHs is still there and unless he had physical findings no diagnostic studies would have taken place. And Biden had signs of early dementia at least 10 years ago, which means that the process probably began 20+ years ago.

2. Most people who have NPH have not had ICHs of sufficient severity to trigger a diagnostic workup. ICH is a risk but NPH occurs in people who have not had ICH too.

3. It is a potentially treatable condition should not have been ignored.

4. NPH is still part of the DDx.

SUMMARY: Whatever condition caused the 2 ICHs in the late 80s is still there and we do not know if there have been small undetected bleeds since that time; and he has taken drugs that inhibit clotting. We know, from video, that he had had brain dysfunction since circa 2010 and we know that it usually takes about 10 years to go from preclinical dementia to noticeable disease which brings us back to 1990. The bottom line is that his doctors have not considered this potentially treatable cause of dementia and gait disturbance that has not been ruled out. But it may be moot as he appears to be too far gone at this point.

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I really appreciate both yours and Dr. McCullough's additional input. There are too many unknowns yet that need to be eliminated. What blood work has been done to rule out metabolic causes of dementia (Addison's Disease, Cushing's Disease, Heavy metal poisoning, hypoglycemia, hypercalcemia, hypothyroidism, cirrhosis, kidney disease, B12 and folic acid deficiencies, Wilson's Disease and a few others). Some of these conditions are far fetched but easily ruled out with lab work. Brain imaging with MRI to rule out dilated ventricles suggesting NPH, multilacunar infarct dementia, vascular dementia. The problem that we all have is lack of transparency as to what has and has not been done to assess his cognitive decline. Saying that I have had 3 neurological exams and I am in good shape doesn't cut it. This job is too important to be dismissed with a simple "I had a neurological exam and it was just fine". There are many components to a neurological exam not just the assessment of coordination, gross motor or sensory impairment, cranial nerve abnormalities, balance and such. Cognitive impairment is also a part of that exam and I have not seen where one has been done. Simple clock drawing is a quick and very telling test that portends cognitive impairment and the need to do more evaluation. None of this information has been shared as far as I can tell and the press conference last night was a choreographed event with soft questions and a very low bar. How about asking simple thinks like where was your last stop in your "15" time zone hop scotching and who are the people that you met with and what are their names. When were you vice president and under whom did you serve? Who was the Secretary of State during your time as Vice President. None of this was asked. When he couldn't recall part two of a question why was he handed a life line by having the question repeated.? Just watching him dance around issues and getting lost in thought so many times was a clear indication that he is in deep trouble cognitively and the right thing to do is to decline the nomination and bow out gracefully. Doubt it will happen.

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Absolutely and I guess this is one of the reason that I find i so annoying to read so many people claiming that he has "Parkinson's." We know that he has dementia but we do not know the underlying cause. 6 years ago the word on the street was that Hillary had Parkinson's.

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Thank you for the additional history on Biden. Certainly makes the picture more clear and narrows the differential diagnosis.

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Thank you for the compliment.

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Excellent observation, Dr. Creole Gumbo. Will you please repost your piece on GETTR and elsewhere to get your word out? I would suggest that you attach your piece in the comments section of multiple high profile people on GETTR so not just your own followers see it. More people need to see this. How about sending this in an email to Rep. Comer. Is he the one who is calling on WH physician to testify before a Congressional committee?

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I have tried to do things like this in the past and it is too frustrating because I have NEVER gotten a reply! And I won't because the people who read these comments are marginally educated and never understand what is being said. They see themselves as protecting the elected official and send form letters back. I am hoping that Dr. McCullough will give it some publicity. I have learned that the MD degree means nothing to politicians if what you have to say is something that they do not believe.

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You are exactly correct, doctor. For example, at the beginning of covid, Dr. Vladimir Zelenko sent a letter to Trump & his Chief of Staff, Mark Meadows, about his successful treatment protocol. Initially, Trump began promoting HCQ, only for it to be dismissed & disparaged by Fauci in short order. Additionally, Dr. George Fareed, of the Imperial Valley, California, attempted to have a conversation with our federal health officials about his remarkable success in treating covid patients with repurposed medications. However, no one was interested in talking with him. That these accomplished physicians were ignored & their treatments brushed-off told me all I needed to know about the ulterior motives as well as the nefarious interface between nearly all western governments & Big Pharma. Trying to infiltrate this barrier was & is an exercise in futility.

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Such a sad state of affairs. Our elected representatives seem to ignore us unless we approach them in huge numbers. You’re lucky to even get a form letter reply from them. I hope you won’t give up trying to get your message across. I would reach out to multiple “influencers” and, perhaps you will get lucky.

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I just sent this thread to Alex Berenson, with whom I have spoken to in the past. I hope that he contacts me.

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I read somewhere else that his gait was like feet stuck in mud and not like a Parkinson’s gait. I think it was on the Unreported Truths stack — maybe you commented there as well.

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I may have.

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While I hate to see any person suffer it would be a certain poetic Justice if he is in fact vaccine injured after trying to force that poison on the entire country!

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Apart from the overwhelmingly important fact that this is the man with the greatest power in the world who carries the codes for nuclear war, I become very distressed when I see him because he is a very old man clearly displaying signs of cognitive and physical difficulty.

I became a neuro psychologist at the end of my career albeit my time as one was cut short by disability following a car crash. It may be this which makes me so upset to see an octogenarian struggling as he is trying to find words, gazing into the middle distance in confusion, moving with a very stiff and typical gait of certain neural deficits. Yet despite all this he still struggles to go on. He really needs appropriate care. It is very hard to watch somebody so obviously deteriorating before our eyes.

I do not only speak as one with qualifications as I mentioned above, but as a mid 70s year old woman who knows pain and disability, who has moments of forgetting words and fears the future. I would never put myself in a position where others depended upon me or I held serious responsibilities for other people. I even stopped driving voluntarily because I just did not feel I was as sharp as I used to be. I recognise Mr Biden's obstinacy and pride. But in advanced age we have a responsibility to the younger generations to recognise that we are not up to the demands of the work we did in our 50s.

The time came a while ago when it was important for President Biden to step back with grace and let someone else take over.

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I find it difficult to accept that Biden's handlers and doctors would have risked giving him the Covid vaccine as I expect they all knew that the vaccine was bogus and had the potential to injure Biden, their cash cow.

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Agreed…I believe he and many others didn’t get it.

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Yes Fred I too have wondered if he got saline; but we will never know. And it cannot be denied that his galloping dementia is consistent with the case reports in the medical literature.

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They were my thoughts about Biden. He was sharp in the first debate. I remember reading at his last medical check-up, his complaint was tingling in his feet. That is a common symptom of the vaccine injured. Many research papers discuss mental decline as a result of the shots, they call it amyloidosis, abnormal folding proteins.

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Whatever the basic problem is, Biden is not fit to serve. He never was.

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This article was just removed from my Facebook

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Free speech is dead on that platform

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Yes, but I keep doing it just to educate all the nurses and doctors that I have on the platform. I’m in healthcare and I know it aggravates everybody. I’m in New York and I know it has changed they way some think!

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Biden was clearly a cognitive mess before the 2020 election. Just look at his basement campaign. And never a sharp man even in his younger years.

Surely all the covid injections did not help, but he was spiraling down years ago. Just watch videos from the past

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Whatever Biden's medical diagnosis, the public will never be given the truth. What was behind the mysterious health issues which troubled Hilary Clinton in the 2016 campaign? She appeared to have seizures, to freeze up onstage, chronic uncontrollable cough, wore some kind of rigid back brace, and was shadowed by a personal physician ready to inject her at a moment's notice. This was kept out of the mainstream news and media was her ally in protecting her rather than investigating a story which the public had a right to know. The same "lie and protect" operation is taking place with Biden.

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They wanted to humiliate America by selecting handicapped Biden as the president. Who are they?

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I would believe that the jabs, if he actually received something other than placebo, may have contributed to his cognitive decline and motor problems, but Biden was always a degenerate with questionable cognitive ability. And he’s had so much facial plastic surgery, the skin on his face is too tight contributing to what looks like the facies of Parkinson’s.

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Biden was obviously senile in 2020, long before the vaccine existed. The vax may have hastened it, but even without it, his decline is unsurprising

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Has anyone in this conversation ever thought that B is an actor…actually several when you compare the photos of him in last 5 years with the original? Different eye color, ear lobes facial structures.

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A shuffling walk is also very much a symptom of advancing dementia of the Alzheimer’s type. As a long term caregiver of both Alzheimer’s and Senile Dememtia patients(the former pathological, the latter aging brain) I can say that the principle difference between the 2 is the loss of executive brain function accompanied by visual brain impairment with Alzheimer’s, whereas senile dementia is typically beset by mental confusion and forgetfulness. With Alzheimer’s it is the declining visual acuity of the brain, meaning the brain increasingly does not recognize what it is looking at, that causes a marked slow down in gait accompanied by a low shuffle. This is induced by a fear of falling, something we know Biden has experienced.

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Very helpful comment. In the White House doctor 2023 report, no mention was made of these observations. A complete neurological examination was not performed.

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I know you are a very busy guy Doc, but it is good to see you engage in these comments, which I have never noticed before. It would be nice if you could respond to some of the many comments questioning your support of Statins. We are all huge supporters of your work with Covid, but are puzzled about your silence on Statins.

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I knew this article was coming from Dr. McCullough, I just did not know when it would come out.

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Perhaps this is the Bad Karma for Joe, on his insisting that everything with a pulse must be Jabbed.

Then Jabbed some more. "A Pandemic of the Un-Vaccinated"!

Now a nation of mRNA test subjects to determine unknown various outcomes for.

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