Every other commercial is a pharma advertisement for some of the latest medications that are touted as breakthroughs (but come with a thousand (very soft quickly spoken) side effects!) I'm in medicine and I find it pathetic!!!
The issue is not that the ads themselves increase interest and sales of the drugs. They don't. It's the flow of advertising dollars to MSM that makes them biased and subservient to spouting the pro drug pro vax propaganda and conveniently neglecting ever reporting on the downside. Another captured arm of big pharma along with the 3 letter agencies.
These companies are owned by globalists. I think those ads are kinda funny!...if you are even half awake...you hear a long list of terrible things that can happen...even death!
the Globalists OPENLY stated in print and speeches(not a "conspiracy theory" of crazy paranoids) that they want to ELIMINATE at least HALF of the Worlds humans...war and abortion and plagues are effective but not as DEADLY as self inflicted(AT FIRST) then gradually increased to coercion the take the vaqscene or lose job, ability to work, and have roof over ones head OR TAKE THE DEATHJOB or die...getting round the corner for that to commence...read up on UN2030 and Gates and Schwabs and Pfizer's speeches...terrifying.
I find it only fitting that we should pause for a moment, gives thanks, that the brought to you by pHARMA/Pfizer ass wiping butt smoochers of legacy media are flushing themselves down and out.
Could not happen to a more wretched group of over paid clowns.
About mRNA vaxxes being injected in our food... How ? Doesn't the potion have to be kept at super-cool temps ? How does that work in Lettuce, apples, cows, chickens, etc ?
Sequivity is a “vaccine” platform used in swine. Merck states that it “Allows for the creation of multivalent formulations by blending RNA particles to target multiple swine pathogens in one shot.” Go on the Merck site and read further. Attorney Tom Renz tried to assist a state (I forget which one) to write legislation requiring food from these swine to be labeled that they’ve been injected with this gene therapy product. The bill never made it out of committee. The swine farmers and Merck don’t want you, the consumer, to know this. I will no longer eat ham, pork or any meat from swine.
I seriously agree ! I'm not a fan of Trump. But if his getting elected brings us RFK, jr as the head of HHS, that's just Great ! Of course, he still has to be approved by the Senate. Let's hope... Big Pharma & Big Ag don't want to stop this travesty of injecting farmed animals with bad news... the very questionable mRNA stuff...it didn't stop Covid transmission or stop people from getting Covid. And it seems that the people who are getting Covid over and over are vaccinated. Bad news, that mRNA stuff ! Couldn't get people to continue to voluntarily take more of it. The answer: put it in our food supply ! Pure Evil.
Pretty sure it's only nanobots that have to be kept below biological temperatures.
The mRNA or various lipid-sandwhiches were publicly funded endeavors. First, they change the definition of "vaccine", then they change/utterly ignore the regulation of drugs added into produce for consumption.
I recall reading a piece written by RFK Jr that sometime ago he was collaborating with Tapper on a huge story to expose huge rot within Big Pharma. At the last minute Tapper bowed out, refusing to air the story and has reveled in the dark side ever since.
Yes! I don’t know if you can still find it online. It has probably been memory holed but it was entity “ The day Jake Tapper sold his soul to the devil.”
Lol.. I had the measles and chicken pox. Its way worse having a fear mongering, jab enforcing, tyrannical medical complex that just makes money off scaring parents into experimenting on their children.
F the government & the medical complex.
We'll be healthier when people eat right, exercise, stop the chemtrails and get rid of the use of pesticides ...and basically just abolish every fake entity that claims to be helping us.
I am 67yo.., I too had the measles, mumps and chickenpox as did my 3 sisters, my parents , my cousins and my friends . The risks of these untested vaccines is far greater than the benefits… The now 27 shots on the CDC schedule by 18months is criminal !!! I live in California where they are MANDATED to attend public school …. More and more kids are being homeschooled …. It is maddness!!!
Not certain I'd had the mumps, my mother fell for the new mumps-only jab and had me get it, age 11. What I got instead is a lifetime of asthma, within a week or two. They made their money on that one! GRRR.
Some time ago a breed of celery was developed that needed no pesticide for successful farming.
However, people who ate it broke out into a skin rash. The culprit was the high level of psoralen in the celery -- a natural pesticide celery makes to deter insect predation. A variant of the no free lunch adage.
No pesticides = low farm yields. The challenge is to use only the necessary pesticides, only in the amounts and at the times needed.
It used to be -- and perhaps still is -- that pesticide use was stopped some 2 weeks before harvest, giving time so that the pesticide concentration in the plant would descend to very low levels.
Regenerative agriculture has lots of promise. Small holdings rather than mega-farms, too -- enormous fields encourage bugs. We probably can't have mega-ag and few/ no harmful pesticides but we could have lots of regen farmers -- and healthy food.
The real problem is not the deadly injections, it's having a medical sytem that will psychologically deliver victims for it upon demand, and a political system that allows such crime. Ditto for all environmental routes, including food supply.
Yes. Me too! Chicken pox and measles. No biggie. Though,I did get a terrible case of shingles( everyone who had chicken pox carries the virus,forever) a few years back. A doctor told me “Your generation will be the last to get shingles due to the vaccine “. I don’t know if he meant the Shingles vaccine, or Chicken pox vaccine, as I didn’t ask…No one should ever have to experience Shingles, but, I don’t trust the vaccines.
As I have long been explaining to people, Leftists (like Mr. Tapper) have an agenda, and they never allow trivialities like facts and reality get in the way. Let's just take measles as an example. For at least 30 years now, every time there is an outbreak of measles anywhere in this country, all the vaccine lunatics start screaming about how all the "anti-vaxxers" are at fault and they are evil people. And then a few weeks later, the media will come out with a four-line article on page 62 explaining that virtually everyone who came down with measles during that outbreak had already been vaccinated. Every time.
As the father of two vaccine-injured sons (currently 28 and 25), I have been researching vaccines both on the internet and everywhere else I can for more than 20 years. I have been able to draw many conclusions, but first and foremost is that the entire 'science' behind vaccines is a lie and a fraud. Vaccines not only don’t do what they are claimed to do, i.e., help the recipients, but they are also very dangerous. Every vaccine made contains at least one toxin/neurotoxin; some contain as many as six. Among these are mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, squalene, polysorbate 80, and so forth. These are substances that do not belong in the human body, and there is no safe level for any of them. I could go on for pages, but I don't have the time. If you don't want to believe me, do your own research. I promise you it will be very enlightening, and might even save your life - or the lives of your kids.
Thank you for sharing your comment. If Robert F Kennedy, Jr is confirmed as HHS Secretary, maybe I’ll allow myself to have some hope for the future of the USA.
Lawrence, thank you very much for sharing this information, so important to talk about it, especially, during these dangerous times where everyone of us is targeted by Big Pharma on this planet, in the name of GREED!…..
Yes! I see some infants in my craniosacral therapy practice and over the years have found simply handing parents the list of ingredients in childhood vaccines is enough to open their eyes! Glad I downloaded 2019 full list before it was removed from the FDA's website!!
TRUTH, TRUTH, TRUTH!!! Ya’ll, pull back the curtain!!! THINK CRITICALLY!
Do babies enter the world pharmaceutically deficient? No! Yet we inject them with synthetic “vitamin K” AND HepB within minutes of birth! NUTS. HepB??!? Like they’re going to crawl off and become sexually active?!! Polysorbates PASS the Blood Brain Barrier AND take toxins with it— right into kid’s brain. Does that sound like a good plan?
Yes, & Dr. Geoff Pain, on Substack, also discusses Endotoxins in “vaccines”. I totally agree with you & have also been researching this for years. Our 27 yr. old son was also vaccine injured by the MMR. The only one he ever got. Till he went against our recommendation to not get the covid vaxx. Ugh. 😩
I am 71 years old. When I was a kid, EVERYONE had measles - it was a rite of passage. In fact, we used to have measles parties, where all the kids in the neighborhood would go visit the first kid to come down with measles so we could catch it and be done with it - and then have natural lifelong immunity. I do not recall ever hearing of anyone dying from the measles, or even of having any serious adverse issues. Would that the same could be said for those who submit to the MMR vaccine which, despite endless claims to the contrary by "the authorities," causes autism, autism-spectrum disorders, and a host of other lifelong, debilitating issues.
CDC and the rest of the public health mafia would gain a little credibility if they would tell people that kids don't need the Covid vaccine. But they won't even do that.
All of "the authorities" were in on the Covid scam/fraud/conspiracy. They are continuing to retain a united front by refusing to admit that any part of the Covid conspiracy was a gigantic fraud because they know if any one of them ever admits the truth, they will all be arrested and charged with mass murder and crimes against humanity. It will just not happen.
Lets hope charges will one day be brought. All I ever see is the blame game. Like somehow needing a paycheck is the ultimate moral excuse to just go right along w obvious violation of very basic medical ethics, and all the other (indemnified) crimes.
I wish it was true they would be prosecuted. Since that could be done withor without 'admission.'
In any case, I think Ohio successfully went against the fed CDC and is not longer "offering" a chance to poison, cripple or kill children with this. Other communities can follow suit.
I am 67. I got measles when I was 2 (I think) because my mom's neighbor called up and said that her daughter had spots on her face. My mom went upstairs to see, carrying me with her. She wasn't trying to give me measles, in fact, she thought bringing me along was stupid. But yeah, I got the measles and Mom said I was a pretty sick little kid. But there were no complications. Of course, I don't remember any of this.
I have an older brother who used to pick up everything at school and bring it home to me. By the time I turned eight I was already all done with measles, mumps, chicken pox, and had had German measles as well. And now I don't have to worry about them.
I used to get the flu shot every year until I noticed that, every year, two or three weeks after getting the shot I would get the flu. So I stopped getting the shot around 30 years ago - and I haven't had the flu since. I will never take a vaccine again, no matter the pressure or coercion. I never took the nonvaccine Covid "vaccine," and I never will. I knew from what I read on the internet that Covid and everything having to do with Covid was a complete fraud. I had Covid twice and I handled it just fine.
I've had Covid once. At least I think that's what it was because I didn't test. My husband had to get the vax and a booster to visit relatives abroad (J&J and a Pfizer booster, but he hasn't gotten one since). Anyhow, he coughed on me all Labor Day weekend 2 years ago and then we both ended up sick in bed. I often run a fever with colds anyhow and I ended up in bed for 2 days with a fever of 101. Husband ended up in bed for 2 days with a fever of 104 and he did test positive for Covid. He called up Kaiser and they offered him Paxlovid but he figured he was getting over it just fine on his own, so that was that. Neither one of us has been that sick since.
Husband's sisters are still getting the boosters. He told them, no thanks.
My brainwashed brother in California has received at least five shots; I stopped asking. And even though he still had Covid twice, he has not managed to put two-and-two together. Pathetic.
My sisters are 6&8 yrs older than I am and had measles & chickenpox before I was born. Now at 63 with a brand new unvaccinated grandchild I’m a little concerned I’ll catch measles or mumps from her one day. (Had CP in my 30’s) But I don’t care. Having her healthy is my biggest priority. I’ll take vitamin A!
The likelihood of you getting either of those from her is remote to none. The “outbreaks” which always amount to like 6 out of 10 million people, are ALWAYS vaccine strains of the very disease they are set to “fight”! And yes, vitamin A is all you need.
There's a million things you can do (not involving the deathcare system) to stay healthy and for all you know your immune system is so strong you DID get exposed historically and didn't even notice. Yay! new baby (unvaccinated)!!!
Agreed. No one who genuinely looks into this issue comes out of it reassured that 'anti-vaxxers' really are actually crazy. The scientifically literate ones that truly take the deep deep dive report that no vaccine ever has been demonstrably statistically beneficial, and that's aside of all the immediate harms. It's ridiculous when you see people on the internet defending it or attacking parents, knowing they have never bothered to actually look but merely regurgitate some source of sanctioned disinformation.
I am so so sorry about the vaccine poisoning of your children. I don't have children and remember almost two decades ago consciously ignoring the debate so I wasn't "in the fray."
I didnt know then what is excruciatingly obvious now, which is that the fact there was a "fray" was a clear indicator the issue badly needed direct critical scrutiny.
My decision that, since I don't have children I didnt need to look into it (as all my decisions would only affect myself and not another) was profoundly flawed. Tragically.
I didn't fathom the future crippling of the population of the USA. Though I should of taken a stand even were it actually the "one in a million" pharma manufacturers lied it was.
Again I am so so sorry and I deeply apologize for not safeguarding America's children and abandoning my fellow citizens, their parents.
Not surprising. I do believe RFK Jr. would do a fabulous job with the oversite of this department. We need him. I do not like his stance on abortion, or the fact that he believes government can fix everything, but I've read his books and he really is brilliant on this medical disaster in America. He is worried about the children with all these jabs the very day an infant is born. For this reason, I love the man. He must be confirmed.
Not arguing but I will point out Kennedy is the only public figure I can recall that actively, openly, and adamantly advocates genuine bodily autonomy.
That is, the Creator-endowed right, Constitutionally guaranteed, to determine our own medical care, according to our own conscience !!!
[Though technically Kennedy points out that "government" or the community of people's representatives, do have "an interest" in any pregnancy once the life it is supporting can survive independent of anyone elses body. (IMHO that's why it's called "give" or giving birth. It's a gift, and that can never be forced.)]
Measles? Big deal, we all had measles, mumps and chicken pox back in the day, and nobody died. In fact, parents were always looking to get their kids exposed and get it over with before school age, so they wouldn't have to keep them home from school.
He’s just a very sore loser! He’s had a problem with RFK Jr for years…some project they were working on….Jake Tapper also knows the truth about many issues and he goes on National TV everyday and lies to the masses!
Along the same lines of big media figures being complete idiots about RFK Jr.:
Yesterday I tuned in briefly to the NPR show “Wait Wait...Don’t Tell Me” hosted by Peter Sagal who apparently think he’s the smartest funniest man (jerk) around. He was making vile and ignorant jokes about Bobby, smearing him, and the “blue” audience seemed to love joining in the “fun”. It made me sick and angry that these “pundits” get away with their snide and completely ignorant smears about a man like RFK Jr who has more knowledge and integrity in his little finger than they do in their entire being!!😡
These performers enact the absolute height of propaganda. The the news-y ones make zero effort to disguise such profound ignorance. The good part is those who still posses critical thinking see right through it.
I have been listening to this guy on and off for years. He is a completely inverted person, which must have been an interesting journey going down the rabbit hole of right is wrong, up is down. To me, he always looks perpetually guilty. He has that deer caught in headlights look and his first reaction is guilt. A very foolish chump.
This time, John Leake, you and I are in 100% agreement.
I just retired out of the newsroom, where I was silenced. Jake Tapper is just a bit more visible than all the reporters and editors in my old newsroom. They work for a small branch of the Newhouse Group, a major presence in the U.S.
Read the essay on my substack, "I know why the caged birds don't sing." They were targeted for the most brainwashing, but were also bribed through ad schedules.
The fog is burning off, but it'll be quite a while before any of them will admit to their readers how badly they failed at their primary mission, to police the gov't. That's why the press is called the Fourth Estate, it is essential for the legitimate functioning of a democratic republic (if that's what we actually have).
The effort to clean up and straighten out the mess in the media must come from someone in the media, who knows how newsrooms work. I've never seen anyone appointed to chair of the FCC that fit that description. I doubt Donald or the next guy will tap the right people. We'll see.
I wish Donald the best of luck and hope the administration can see some movement.
No, legacy media is toast. No need to clean it up. It will die a well deserved death, just like the whole DEI nonsense. You went too far and gambled on the presumed stupidity of the population, and fell victim to your own hubris and contempt for those you thought were too stupid to see through the lies. Yes, a good portion remains asleep and thoroughly indoctrinated, but the majority isn’t. COVID hysteria was the final blow to your credibility.
My credibility? As far as I know, I was the only journalist in a newsroom that managed balanced reporting on the shots. I reported an epidemiologist telling us, in fall 2022, that herd immunity was out the window, not possible (among other facts). I also disseminated that 9,000 different injuries were discovered during the Pfizer adult shot trial. I also informed my readers that 1,223 people died from the shots during that trial. Your conclusion, then, is generic and doesn’t fit every case. And no, you are wrong, legacy media is not toast. Wishful thinking. You also need to understand there is a difference between reporting and citizen journalism. Few citizen journalists know a damn thing about how to report. There will be a transition, but to what is not predictable at this point, other than a hybrid industry of both old and new.
I don’t know who you are, so my comment was directed at the plural you.
I’m sure you’re right that entities like CNN will continue to exist, but they have lost their relevance. Can you imagine the percentage of the population that used to view it as a credible source of information that will never believe a single word coming from it ever again? I believe it’s substantial. Add to their capture the poor quality of their reporting; cliches and platitudes and meaningless snippets of “interviews”. No thank you, not when I can listen to 3 hours worth of interview with anyone I like.
Alternative information dissemination doesn’t have to be limited to citizen journalists on Substack. The information landscape is too broad now. It will never be what it was, overhaul or not.
All anyone has to do is look and see Elon utter 3 words on X and 40 million people view and like and repost it whereas CNN got what, <3 million views on election night? That is telling.
Don't click on it = the overhaul. Don't "pay" for it, don't buy what their sponsors are selling.
Letting go of "status" - that's one of the tools of the Globalist control grid: to provide finance and fame, so the mind-control works best!
It's subtle, like NPRs comedy that suggests being concerned, least of all legally or scientifically, with population induced crippling disease is laughable.
Arrogance is probably as effective as fear and trauma. We are all susceptible, not just "you". : )
Someone in alt media reported higher education "trains" journalists in "advocacy media' which is functionally equivalent to sanctioned disinformation, also known as "propaganda."
Not sure who could go after all that but with the alliance DJT has amassed, there ought to be some cracks.
In the interim, DO NOT CLICK on these presstitutes!! I know it's hard to tell before the click but do a good job. Ok to 'subscribe' as long as you never support their advertisers or pay for a subscription. Do everything you can to lean algorithms to factual sources and platforms that allow them, not these spineless greed heads.
There are citizen-journalist types out there we can listen to and participate with ourselves (hint hint Donald-well-wisher.)
JT is irrelevant. Pay him no mind. CNN is on a slide to oblivion. Even the "talk to you doctor" medication advertising propaganda will not save JT or the network. Wait , maybe Pence and Eli Lily in Indianapolis, Indiana can make a fire sale purchase and Mike can get in front of the teleprompter and each day and spread more barnyard refuse.
It was a great excuse for the adults in our neighborhood to hold a big party so we could all get infected and get it over with using God’s vaccination protocol, i.e. our built in immune systems.
I truly feel sorry for this man! He will be very unhappy for the rest of his life, considering he knows he has no integrity. I hope he has no children as they will probably turn against him.
As I now tell people when they say stupid things, “Other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?”
RFK eliminating direct to consumer advertising will go a long way towards defunding prestitutes like Jake.
Every other commercial is a pharma advertisement for some of the latest medications that are touted as breakthroughs (but come with a thousand (very soft quickly spoken) side effects!) I'm in medicine and I find it pathetic!!!
The issue is not that the ads themselves increase interest and sales of the drugs. They don't. It's the flow of advertising dollars to MSM that makes them biased and subservient to spouting the pro drug pro vax propaganda and conveniently neglecting ever reporting on the downside. Another captured arm of big pharma along with the 3 letter agencies.
Yes! The brought to you by Pfizer media will never bite the hand that feeds them!
Yep. It's legalized bribery.
Excellent point, Bob. Hadn't thought of that.
Excellent point about the side effects.
Notice they’re all injectables.
Good point
These companies are owned by globalists. I think those ads are kinda funny!...if you are even half awake...you hear a long list of terrible things that can happen...even death!
the Globalists OPENLY stated in print and speeches(not a "conspiracy theory" of crazy paranoids) that they want to ELIMINATE at least HALF of the Worlds humans...war and abortion and plagues are effective but not as DEADLY as self inflicted(AT FIRST) then gradually increased to coercion the take the vaqscene or lose job, ability to work, and have roof over ones head OR TAKE THE DEATHJOB or die...getting round the corner for that to commence...read up on UN2030 and Gates and Schwabs and Pfizer's speeches...terrifying.
Honestly, who listens to Tapper anyway? We all know he’s just a messenger boy for the CIA.
Tapper should be Tapped for taking all the Boosters! Then he should report on all the side effects if he is still on the right side of the grass!
You don’t think he really took them do you?
PRESStitute is a fabulous label!
Bingo! Guess who's against it and why!
Roger that Houston and mission control!
I find it only fitting that we should pause for a moment, gives thanks, that the brought to you by pHARMA/Pfizer ass wiping butt smoochers of legacy media are flushing themselves down and out.
Could not happen to a more wretched group of over paid clowns.
This Just in..HE'LL LOSE
I like your term, “prestitutes”!
GREAT WORD, 'prestitutes'.
Hope you don't mind if others use it to coin accurate memes.
Go ahead. It made the rounds in the early Covid years, so not my word originally.
About mRNA vaxxes being injected in our food... How ? Doesn't the potion have to be kept at super-cool temps ? How does that work in Lettuce, apples, cows, chickens, etc ?
Just google mRNA in livestock. you’ll see all the propaganda about how it’s good. But we know better.
Sequivity is a “vaccine” platform used in swine. Merck states that it “Allows for the creation of multivalent formulations by blending RNA particles to target multiple swine pathogens in one shot.” Go on the Merck site and read further. Attorney Tom Renz tried to assist a state (I forget which one) to write legislation requiring food from these swine to be labeled that they’ve been injected with this gene therapy product. The bill never made it out of committee. The swine farmers and Merck don’t want you, the consumer, to know this. I will no longer eat ham, pork or any meat from swine.
This has to be stopped. I’m hopeful that Kennedy will stop this crap. They have to stop poisoning us.
I seriously agree ! I'm not a fan of Trump. But if his getting elected brings us RFK, jr as the head of HHS, that's just Great ! Of course, he still has to be approved by the Senate. Let's hope... Big Pharma & Big Ag don't want to stop this travesty of injecting farmed animals with bad news... the very questionable mRNA stuff...it didn't stop Covid transmission or stop people from getting Covid. And it seems that the people who are getting Covid over and over are vaccinated. Bad news, that mRNA stuff ! Couldn't get people to continue to voluntarily take more of it. The answer: put it in our food supply ! Pure Evil.
I abstain from Pork products as well. But what about Beef, Lamb & Chickens, Turkeys ? Lettuce ? vegetables & fruit... ?
Pretty sure it's only nanobots that have to be kept below biological temperatures.
The mRNA or various lipid-sandwhiches were publicly funded endeavors. First, they change the definition of "vaccine", then they change/utterly ignore the regulation of drugs added into produce for consumption.
I recall reading a piece written by RFK Jr that sometime ago he was collaborating with Tapper on a huge story to expose huge rot within Big Pharma. At the last minute Tapper bowed out, refusing to air the story and has reveled in the dark side ever since.
Come clean, Jake!
Pierre Kory gave similar testimony to Tapper's turnaround concerning ivermectin.
Thanks for sharing. I didn't know about that. Is it possible to despise him anymore than I already do?
I think not, as he fades into total irrelevancy you will forget he ever existed.
Yes! I don’t know if you can still find it online. It has probably been memory holed but it was entity “ The day Jake Tapper sold his soul to the devil.”
Lol.. I had the measles and chicken pox. Its way worse having a fear mongering, jab enforcing, tyrannical medical complex that just makes money off scaring parents into experimenting on their children.
F the government & the medical complex.
We'll be healthier when people eat right, exercise, stop the chemtrails and get rid of the use of pesticides ...and basically just abolish every fake entity that claims to be helping us.
I am 67yo.., I too had the measles, mumps and chickenpox as did my 3 sisters, my parents , my cousins and my friends . The risks of these untested vaccines is far greater than the benefits… The now 27 shots on the CDC schedule by 18months is criminal !!! I live in California where they are MANDATED to attend public school …. More and more kids are being homeschooled …. It is maddness!!!
I read that California has the highest rate of autism spectrum disorder in the country. Coincidence?
Now there’s a good study for research! Versus the Amish, who have NONE! California has the highest autism rates. 🤔
I’m surprised RFK has not done that research,already. Certainly seems important.
I believe it’s in his book about Anthony Fauci.
Astonishing,for sure!
Not certain I'd had the mumps, my mother fell for the new mumps-only jab and had me get it, age 11. What I got instead is a lifetime of asthma, within a week or two. They made their money on that one! GRRR.
You can detox and give em the old "you are irrelevant" middle finger!
And yet, somehow, everyone that had them, which was everybody, managed to survive.
It truly is madness! Absolutely no opt out in California…
This old Brady Bunch clip ages well: https://youtu.be/5289k-dbOMY
HILARIOUS ! Thanks for posting : )
I think measles vax is the one associated w the adult epidemic of chronic shingles, isn't it??
Some time ago a breed of celery was developed that needed no pesticide for successful farming.
However, people who ate it broke out into a skin rash. The culprit was the high level of psoralen in the celery -- a natural pesticide celery makes to deter insect predation. A variant of the no free lunch adage.
No pesticides = low farm yields. The challenge is to use only the necessary pesticides, only in the amounts and at the times needed.
It used to be -- and perhaps still is -- that pesticide use was stopped some 2 weeks before harvest, giving time so that the pesticide concentration in the plant would descend to very low levels.
I think the world would be open to anything transparent that would yield good crops and not destroy us, land, water & air.
And be as natural as possible. No toxic chemicals... period.
Regenerative agriculture has lots of promise. Small holdings rather than mega-farms, too -- enormous fields encourage bugs. We probably can't have mega-ag and few/ no harmful pesticides but we could have lots of regen farmers -- and healthy food.
True—but alllll the vaccines are far worse than what we are eating.
Think abt eating 1/20 t. of heroin versus injecting 1/20 t. of heroin. We inject horrid toxins into our infants within minutes of birth!
The real problem is not the deadly injections, it's having a medical sytem that will psychologically deliver victims for it upon demand, and a political system that allows such crime. Ditto for all environmental routes, including food supply.
lol ..absofnlutely
Bravo Laura!
My Mom made sure we were exposed to mumps and measles and chickenpox when it was going around!! I’m 71 and on NO MEDS!!!
Yes. Me too! Chicken pox and measles. No biggie. Though,I did get a terrible case of shingles( everyone who had chicken pox carries the virus,forever) a few years back. A doctor told me “Your generation will be the last to get shingles due to the vaccine “. I don’t know if he meant the Shingles vaccine, or Chicken pox vaccine, as I didn’t ask…No one should ever have to experience Shingles, but, I don’t trust the vaccines.
I think the MD meant "your generation" was the target of depopulation agenda.
Use acupuncture and TCM herbs for any type of neuritis, including shingles/herpes.
As I have long been explaining to people, Leftists (like Mr. Tapper) have an agenda, and they never allow trivialities like facts and reality get in the way. Let's just take measles as an example. For at least 30 years now, every time there is an outbreak of measles anywhere in this country, all the vaccine lunatics start screaming about how all the "anti-vaxxers" are at fault and they are evil people. And then a few weeks later, the media will come out with a four-line article on page 62 explaining that virtually everyone who came down with measles during that outbreak had already been vaccinated. Every time.
As the father of two vaccine-injured sons (currently 28 and 25), I have been researching vaccines both on the internet and everywhere else I can for more than 20 years. I have been able to draw many conclusions, but first and foremost is that the entire 'science' behind vaccines is a lie and a fraud. Vaccines not only don’t do what they are claimed to do, i.e., help the recipients, but they are also very dangerous. Every vaccine made contains at least one toxin/neurotoxin; some contain as many as six. Among these are mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde, squalene, polysorbate 80, and so forth. These are substances that do not belong in the human body, and there is no safe level for any of them. I could go on for pages, but I don't have the time. If you don't want to believe me, do your own research. I promise you it will be very enlightening, and might even save your life - or the lives of your kids.
Thank you for sharing your comment. If Robert F Kennedy, Jr is confirmed as HHS Secretary, maybe I’ll allow myself to have some hope for the future of the USA.
Amen to that.
Please find hope, no matter what. Don't let the-powers-that-Wanna-Be live rent free in your mind.
Lawrence, thank you very much for sharing this information, so important to talk about it, especially, during these dangerous times where everyone of us is targeted by Big Pharma on this planet, in the name of GREED!…..
God bless you, even if you don’t believe in God!
Thank you - and I do.
Yes! I see some infants in my craniosacral therapy practice and over the years have found simply handing parents the list of ingredients in childhood vaccines is enough to open their eyes! Glad I downloaded 2019 full list before it was removed from the FDA's website!!
Can you pls post it here— and everywhere? I have a partial list but every person needs to see the full list.
Do you think you could post it? Thanks, and great idea to share.
TRUTH, TRUTH, TRUTH!!! Ya’ll, pull back the curtain!!! THINK CRITICALLY!
Do babies enter the world pharmaceutically deficient? No! Yet we inject them with synthetic “vitamin K” AND HepB within minutes of birth! NUTS. HepB??!? Like they’re going to crawl off and become sexually active?!! Polysorbates PASS the Blood Brain Barrier AND take toxins with it— right into kid’s brain. Does that sound like a good plan?
Yes, & Dr. Geoff Pain, on Substack, also discusses Endotoxins in “vaccines”. I totally agree with you & have also been researching this for years. Our 27 yr. old son was also vaccine injured by the MMR. The only one he ever got. Till he went against our recommendation to not get the covid vaxx. Ugh. 😩
They are currently at it again:
I am 71 years old. When I was a kid, EVERYONE had measles - it was a rite of passage. In fact, we used to have measles parties, where all the kids in the neighborhood would go visit the first kid to come down with measles so we could catch it and be done with it - and then have natural lifelong immunity. I do not recall ever hearing of anyone dying from the measles, or even of having any serious adverse issues. Would that the same could be said for those who submit to the MMR vaccine which, despite endless claims to the contrary by "the authorities," causes autism, autism-spectrum disorders, and a host of other lifelong, debilitating issues.
CDC and the rest of the public health mafia would gain a little credibility if they would tell people that kids don't need the Covid vaccine. But they won't even do that.
All of "the authorities" were in on the Covid scam/fraud/conspiracy. They are continuing to retain a united front by refusing to admit that any part of the Covid conspiracy was a gigantic fraud because they know if any one of them ever admits the truth, they will all be arrested and charged with mass murder and crimes against humanity. It will just not happen.
It appears that they are likely to be charged with something anyhow. Intelligent people would turn state's evidence but these are not smart people.
Lets hope charges will one day be brought. All I ever see is the blame game. Like somehow needing a paycheck is the ultimate moral excuse to just go right along w obvious violation of very basic medical ethics, and all the other (indemnified) crimes.
I wish it was true they would be prosecuted. Since that could be done withor without 'admission.'
In any case, I think Ohio successfully went against the fed CDC and is not longer "offering" a chance to poison, cripple or kill children with this. Other communities can follow suit.
Which is evil at its worst.
I am 67. I got measles when I was 2 (I think) because my mom's neighbor called up and said that her daughter had spots on her face. My mom went upstairs to see, carrying me with her. She wasn't trying to give me measles, in fact, she thought bringing me along was stupid. But yeah, I got the measles and Mom said I was a pretty sick little kid. But there were no complications. Of course, I don't remember any of this.
I have an older brother who used to pick up everything at school and bring it home to me. By the time I turned eight I was already all done with measles, mumps, chicken pox, and had had German measles as well. And now I don't have to worry about them.
I used to get the flu shot every year until I noticed that, every year, two or three weeks after getting the shot I would get the flu. So I stopped getting the shot around 30 years ago - and I haven't had the flu since. I will never take a vaccine again, no matter the pressure or coercion. I never took the nonvaccine Covid "vaccine," and I never will. I knew from what I read on the internet that Covid and everything having to do with Covid was a complete fraud. I had Covid twice and I handled it just fine.
I've had Covid once. At least I think that's what it was because I didn't test. My husband had to get the vax and a booster to visit relatives abroad (J&J and a Pfizer booster, but he hasn't gotten one since). Anyhow, he coughed on me all Labor Day weekend 2 years ago and then we both ended up sick in bed. I often run a fever with colds anyhow and I ended up in bed for 2 days with a fever of 101. Husband ended up in bed for 2 days with a fever of 104 and he did test positive for Covid. He called up Kaiser and they offered him Paxlovid but he figured he was getting over it just fine on his own, so that was that. Neither one of us has been that sick since.
Husband's sisters are still getting the boosters. He told them, no thanks.
And no, I never got the Covid vax.
My brainwashed brother in California has received at least five shots; I stopped asking. And even though he still had Covid twice, he has not managed to put two-and-two together. Pathetic.
My sisters are 6&8 yrs older than I am and had measles & chickenpox before I was born. Now at 63 with a brand new unvaccinated grandchild I’m a little concerned I’ll catch measles or mumps from her one day. (Had CP in my 30’s) But I don’t care. Having her healthy is my biggest priority. I’ll take vitamin A!
The likelihood of you getting either of those from her is remote to none. The “outbreaks” which always amount to like 6 out of 10 million people, are ALWAYS vaccine strains of the very disease they are set to “fight”! And yes, vitamin A is all you need.
There's a million things you can do (not involving the deathcare system) to stay healthy and for all you know your immune system is so strong you DID get exposed historically and didn't even notice. Yay! new baby (unvaccinated)!!!
Yes, they omit the detail that it is not a "wild" measles strain but a vaccine strain. That is, logically caused by getting vaccinated.
Agreed. No one who genuinely looks into this issue comes out of it reassured that 'anti-vaxxers' really are actually crazy. The scientifically literate ones that truly take the deep deep dive report that no vaccine ever has been demonstrably statistically beneficial, and that's aside of all the immediate harms. It's ridiculous when you see people on the internet defending it or attacking parents, knowing they have never bothered to actually look but merely regurgitate some source of sanctioned disinformation.
I am so so sorry about the vaccine poisoning of your children. I don't have children and remember almost two decades ago consciously ignoring the debate so I wasn't "in the fray."
I didnt know then what is excruciatingly obvious now, which is that the fact there was a "fray" was a clear indicator the issue badly needed direct critical scrutiny.
My decision that, since I don't have children I didnt need to look into it (as all my decisions would only affect myself and not another) was profoundly flawed. Tragically.
I didn't fathom the future crippling of the population of the USA. Though I should of taken a stand even were it actually the "one in a million" pharma manufacturers lied it was.
Again I am so so sorry and I deeply apologize for not safeguarding America's children and abandoning my fellow citizens, their parents.
Turtles all the way down, tested against other equally tainted vaccines or with the adjuvants removed.
Not surprising. I do believe RFK Jr. would do a fabulous job with the oversite of this department. We need him. I do not like his stance on abortion, or the fact that he believes government can fix everything, but I've read his books and he really is brilliant on this medical disaster in America. He is worried about the children with all these jabs the very day an infant is born. For this reason, I love the man. He must be confirmed.
Not arguing but I will point out Kennedy is the only public figure I can recall that actively, openly, and adamantly advocates genuine bodily autonomy.
That is, the Creator-endowed right, Constitutionally guaranteed, to determine our own medical care, according to our own conscience !!!
[Though technically Kennedy points out that "government" or the community of people's representatives, do have "an interest" in any pregnancy once the life it is supporting can survive independent of anyone elses body. (IMHO that's why it's called "give" or giving birth. It's a gift, and that can never be forced.)]
Measles? Big deal, we all had measles, mumps and chicken pox back in the day, and nobody died. In fact, parents were always looking to get their kids exposed and get it over with before school age, so they wouldn't have to keep them home from school.
There was an episode of the Brady bunch getting the Measles
He’s just a very sore loser! He’s had a problem with RFK Jr for years…some project they were working on….Jake Tapper also knows the truth about many issues and he goes on National TV everyday and lies to the masses!
The fact that he really knows it makes him even more evil.
All the way to the bank. Like every MD you know.
Along the same lines of big media figures being complete idiots about RFK Jr.:
Yesterday I tuned in briefly to the NPR show “Wait Wait...Don’t Tell Me” hosted by Peter Sagal who apparently think he’s the smartest funniest man (jerk) around. He was making vile and ignorant jokes about Bobby, smearing him, and the “blue” audience seemed to love joining in the “fun”. It made me sick and angry that these “pundits” get away with their snide and completely ignorant smears about a man like RFK Jr who has more knowledge and integrity in his little finger than they do in their entire being!!😡
He’s an absolute hero for taking all this shit in order to save the country from
people just like them!
These performers enact the absolute height of propaganda. The the news-y ones make zero effort to disguise such profound ignorance. The good part is those who still posses critical thinking see right through it.
I have been listening to this guy on and off for years. He is a completely inverted person, which must have been an interesting journey going down the rabbit hole of right is wrong, up is down. To me, he always looks perpetually guilty. He has that deer caught in headlights look and his first reaction is guilt. A very foolish chump.
Slack jaw can be corrected with healthy foods, better sleep habits and breaking the habit of lying.
Also, there’s some weakness in his lower jaw, as if he’s afraid of being caught lying.
Definitely not. Jake tapper.
Are you talking here abt RFK or…?
This time, John Leake, you and I are in 100% agreement.
I just retired out of the newsroom, where I was silenced. Jake Tapper is just a bit more visible than all the reporters and editors in my old newsroom. They work for a small branch of the Newhouse Group, a major presence in the U.S.
Read the essay on my substack, "I know why the caged birds don't sing." They were targeted for the most brainwashing, but were also bribed through ad schedules.
The fog is burning off, but it'll be quite a while before any of them will admit to their readers how badly they failed at their primary mission, to police the gov't. That's why the press is called the Fourth Estate, it is essential for the legitimate functioning of a democratic republic (if that's what we actually have).
The effort to clean up and straighten out the mess in the media must come from someone in the media, who knows how newsrooms work. I've never seen anyone appointed to chair of the FCC that fit that description. I doubt Donald or the next guy will tap the right people. We'll see.
I wish Donald the best of luck and hope the administration can see some movement.
No, legacy media is toast. No need to clean it up. It will die a well deserved death, just like the whole DEI nonsense. You went too far and gambled on the presumed stupidity of the population, and fell victim to your own hubris and contempt for those you thought were too stupid to see through the lies. Yes, a good portion remains asleep and thoroughly indoctrinated, but the majority isn’t. COVID hysteria was the final blow to your credibility.
My credibility? As far as I know, I was the only journalist in a newsroom that managed balanced reporting on the shots. I reported an epidemiologist telling us, in fall 2022, that herd immunity was out the window, not possible (among other facts). I also disseminated that 9,000 different injuries were discovered during the Pfizer adult shot trial. I also informed my readers that 1,223 people died from the shots during that trial. Your conclusion, then, is generic and doesn’t fit every case. And no, you are wrong, legacy media is not toast. Wishful thinking. You also need to understand there is a difference between reporting and citizen journalism. Few citizen journalists know a damn thing about how to report. There will be a transition, but to what is not predictable at this point, other than a hybrid industry of both old and new.
I don’t know who you are, so my comment was directed at the plural you.
I’m sure you’re right that entities like CNN will continue to exist, but they have lost their relevance. Can you imagine the percentage of the population that used to view it as a credible source of information that will never believe a single word coming from it ever again? I believe it’s substantial. Add to their capture the poor quality of their reporting; cliches and platitudes and meaningless snippets of “interviews”. No thank you, not when I can listen to 3 hours worth of interview with anyone I like.
Alternative information dissemination doesn’t have to be limited to citizen journalists on Substack. The information landscape is too broad now. It will never be what it was, overhaul or not.
All anyone has to do is look and see Elon utter 3 words on X and 40 million people view and like and repost it whereas CNN got what, <3 million views on election night? That is telling.
Anyone could see you meant the collective "you".
Don't click on it = the overhaul. Don't "pay" for it, don't buy what their sponsors are selling.
Letting go of "status" - that's one of the tools of the Globalist control grid: to provide finance and fame, so the mind-control works best!
It's subtle, like NPRs comedy that suggests being concerned, least of all legally or scientifically, with population induced crippling disease is laughable.
Arrogance is probably as effective as fear and trauma. We are all susceptible, not just "you". : )
Well if you really know a "damn" then you should quickly build a following.
: }
Found it: https://open.substack.com/pub/docpruyne/p/on-journalism-i-know-why-the-caged?r=g7lbe&utm_medium=ios
Someone in alt media reported higher education "trains" journalists in "advocacy media' which is functionally equivalent to sanctioned disinformation, also known as "propaganda."
Not sure who could go after all that but with the alliance DJT has amassed, there ought to be some cracks.
In the interim, DO NOT CLICK on these presstitutes!! I know it's hard to tell before the click but do a good job. Ok to 'subscribe' as long as you never support their advertisers or pay for a subscription. Do everything you can to lean algorithms to factual sources and platforms that allow them, not these spineless greed heads.
There are citizen-journalist types out there we can listen to and participate with ourselves (hint hint Donald-well-wisher.)
Wow, great comment. Spread it around!
JT is irrelevant. Pay him no mind. CNN is on a slide to oblivion. Even the "talk to you doctor" medication advertising propaganda will not save JT or the network. Wait , maybe Pence and Eli Lily in Indianapolis, Indiana can make a fire sale purchase and Mike can get in front of the teleprompter and each day and spread more barnyard refuse.
Measles shmeasles.
I did like measles, when I was a kid!
It was a great excuse for the adults in our neighborhood to hold a big party so we could all get infected and get it over with using God’s vaccination protocol, i.e. our built in immune systems.
Funny a guy who knows nothing about health but spends his time spewing falsehoods
I truly feel sorry for this man! He will be very unhappy for the rest of his life, considering he knows he has no integrity. I hope he has no children as they will probably turn against him.
As I now tell people when they say stupid things, “Other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?”
I never could stomach this pompous jerk. He is not even close to being an HONEST reporter. I
hope he saved his salary. Very soon a real job will require real people which will disqualify Jake.