Im so proud of my fellow countrymen and women who are taking this Psychopath to court!!!


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Nov 4Edited
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Dr. Malone who pioneered the MYRNA vaccine ANOUNCED in 2020 "the MYRNA vaccine was never meant to be used in humans".

Thou he didn't say why, we need to know this. This could be why it has been proven to be responsible for the high injury and death rate we see.

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Indeed, why pioneer something that is harmful for man and beast! Why should we now trust him with anything else he might “pioneer.” ?

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Until we see Gates get his lead injection he has not been held accountable for his evilness

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Kill and maim by the needle, die by the needle. We need a 21st century update on "death by a thousand cuts" to Death By A Thousand Booster Shots.

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Murder is not allowed, and not nice. Let us treat him kindly! He is a greedy old fart. Put him in a security prison, but let him have good food, sun, training and a tight three feet tall sex doll, since he seems to like children very much, and thus probably have a tiny willy! Poor old man. Just keep him away from real children! Take his property and use it wisely to help the ones suffering from his injections!

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He is a eugenics-minded (parental indoctrination) murderous philanthropath. Death Penalty for psycho murderers and their henchmen.

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I disagree with your outlook accept to take away his assets. He's a mass murderer, not deserving ANY kindness or compassion whatsoever.

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No it’s not okay to kill millions while pretending to be helping. Justice will be done.

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Go to hell Bill Gates! Rot in a jail cell for the rest of your wasteful life! You are the devil incarnate. You are a psychopath who needs to be removed from society forever. Lock him up and throw away the key! Good riddance.

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You know, finally FINALLY someone has correctly identified what Bill Gates is. BIOTERRORIST. And how stupid are people that believe for a moment that gain of function is done so we are able to fight off a potential pandemic from an enemy state. Are we really that stupid? These mad scientists are precisely that, mad. Or maybe their true demonic nature is simply unable to keep itself hidden any longer. These people are truly insane. And evil.

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Gates was not a medical-scientist, he is just a greedy businessman who bought off others with his gold, so his shares would make his corporation into the Trillionnaire's Club. Take all his Assets. If a crimes against humanity was committed, hang him.

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He is giving an extremely good impression of using similar methods to those he was alleged to have used with software virus production where a virus is created and only those who buy an anti-virus or an upgrade of microsoft are safe from it. I'm sure that was all a conspiracy of course but what is it they say about conspiracies? They are usually proven to be facts 6 months later.

In the case of these poisons though only those who don't buy into it are safe from it but if you do buy into it and took the poisons then along comes big pharma with the cure for the ills they gave you ....... except they are hoisted on their own pittards because big pharma has never ever cured anything including Smallpox that was dying on the vine long before vaccines came along for it well over 100 years ago and yet they truly believe their own propaganda that they have cured all sorts of things.

So no cures, no profits just the day of the rope coming ever closer ever faster the more they try to run from it and that includes for the self proclaimed King of the poisoning Zio-Don.

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Is he truly using the same tactics he used with the computer stuff? Ugh. He’s just so gross! 🤢 who raised him?!

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Obviously animals and some people say Rothschilds

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He was raised by the influences that the Earth is over people populated.

So being the good businessman that he is, why not make a profit by "promoting" a toxic vaccine said to be safe and effective. That way, he profits to make them feel better, but if they still die, he has helped to depopulate the world. Target the aged, first. Target the developing human beings in the womb.

Target the children who cost a lot of money to be mostly functional at about 18 years old.

Sly, deceiving, grinning devil, that he is, eh.

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All of these scientists have performed sadistic, agonizing, painful and terrifying experiments on live and sentient animals such as monkeys including infant, dogs, birds, futile but vastly cruel actions: any person/so-called scientist who can do this to any animal without a shred of conscience or empathy for its suffering, has already demonstrated the void in the core of their being where compassion should exist, therefore they are just as capable if not more so, of treating human beings in the very same way. They have already demonstrated that they are covert psychopaths who revel in annihilation of other living beings without a shred of remorse or conscience.

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We do have criminal crimes against the human being. Someone is wise to use human laws for "gain" of truth and Justice.

Hang them high.

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Jehovah God the Almighty, please turn your attention to those who are pushing these poisons onto humanity and bring them to speedy justice. Please protect us! In Jesus Christ's name, Amen

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He hasn't been held accountable...he's only been told he must attend court and his lawyers might extricate him from that. Please with the False headlines...

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This is the very first attempt to physically get Gates into a court room to face the consequences of funding/promoting genetic injections. While it’s not full accountability, it’s a positive start that will lead to further action.

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Yes, definitely a great start! But only a start. It is going to be Billions of $$ against accountability.

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my sentiments exactly..

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He has NOT been held accountable!!! This should be happening in ALL sane and just nations!

He has not been tried yet and not fully exposed to the world ......nor PUNISHED!!

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They have these little tricks up their sleeve to pretend they're doing something so the people will think this nightmare is coming to an end but it's only theater like everything else they do. The people need to go their own way and ditch everything government and courts.

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its definitely a wake up call to the degree that morality has been undermined internationally especially in government. For America? Freedom of conscience has morphed into the freedom from OWNING A CONSCIENCE.!

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Bill Gates has reportedly donated $50 million to support Vice President Kamala Harris in her presidential campaign, marking a significant shift from his historically nonpartisan stance. The funds were directed to Future Forward USA Action, a nonprofit supporting Harris, although Gates has not publicly confirmed the donation. He expressed concerns about potential cuts to health and family planning programs if Donald Trump wins, stating, “this election is different” and emphasizing the importance of supporting candidates committed to healthcare and climate change initiatives.

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He’s got to cover his ass… He may indeed go to prison when the Don gets elected…

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Yes, but they are stealing the election, again. They want more boosters.

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Or not David! Now let the heads begin to roll…

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I hope so.

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What a sick man and mind! He should be thrown in a psychiatric prison, and until we do that the world will be perverted by his evil interference.

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These types are the most successful in this twisted economy that is based on "competition" and scarcity. However they don't like competition, they want to monopolize everything. Our economy is all wrong from start to finish and so these aberrations will keep happening. Actually they are not aberrations, they are as designed.

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Yes, planned, decades in advance.

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Denise, I totally agree with you! 👏👏

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He is simply a FACE to hate. The real perpetrators are the shadow Government and the many globalists.

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He is one of "rich" globalists. Try them in criminal court, one by one.

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I would say that he is also the money, the investor of it all!

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He is a face among countless faceless muderers involved in this but he’s more guilty than most. Some poor sap unknowingly mixed the death vaccine in a vat and portioned it into doses at a California Moderna lab not knowing his mother will die from it in a couple months.

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Let justice roll!

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I just hope it is a Real Trial, and not a setup for the prosecution to lose in a kangaroo court, and Gates of Hell gets what he has coming to him.

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It's a private prosecution because the government agencies in the Netherlands refused to prosecute him for the murder and maiming of millions of Dutch people just as the US, UK, German, Canadian, Australian, etc etc etc governments captured by these degenerates in big pharma refused to prosecute these people who maimed millions of people in their countries. Indeed the "royals" in the UK have been handing out "honours" to these very same criminals.

Private prosecutions with zero real consequences for someone as wealthy as Gates and his wife who was also involved let's not forget are a complete slap in the face to the millions of dead and dying. And he wants to carry on doing it again and again through his completely illegitimate control of the criminals running the WHO, .... picked years before for those jobs precisely because they were and are criminals and would therefore do the bidding of much bigger criminals.

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So, what level court would hear the case against Gates, if it gets accepted?

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It could be any level of court but the point is that court could not impose a prison sentence as it is a private prosecution. The governments hold the power of locking people up to themselves so they can better control people. If we could privately prosecute politicians and have them imprisoned for their crimes there would hardly be a politician left in the West. Many states in the US allow citizens to start criminal prosecutions but in almost every case these are taken over by public prosecutors if they are seen to have any merit and Gates's lawyers shall ensure that is never the case anywhere that political and judicial corruption holds sway which at this point in the US control of the Western nations is pretty much everywhere.

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Justin Trudeau is a WHO operative… Canadians need to chelate before they vote….almost as bad as Americans that vote/voted for Kommiala/Crimminal Joe.

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Correction: Justin Trudeau is a WEF Young Global Leaders operative.

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Right! Thank You for that correction. I know he’s WEF under Klaus I’m not sure why WHO came off my fingertips..

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They are somewhat interchangeable because they are all part of the globalist wet-dream World Management pyramid scheme of control and domination....

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May he receive all he desires for humanity….

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Chime in Bot…

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Let's hope and pray he's convicted and others who played along with him are held accountable too.

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Ever since Gates did a interview in 2019 when he ANOUNCED he favors DEPOPULATION by -5billion, his foundation has become actively ENVOLVED in ALOT of vaccine recommendations and health protocols.

Him and FAUCI have engaged in global health concerns and protocols. He is the largest private donor of the WHO that wants to take over world health which would give him authority and control of our health.

Him and FAUCI should be in prison for their ENVOLVEMENT in Depopulation since FAUCI helped create coronavirus with our tax dollars.

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Have you seen that Doc about Fauci’s involvement with the AIDS virus and the Hemophiliac disaster? He has a terrible track record. How he became the director of NIH is a good example of bureaucratic incompetence….

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I read last year that Faucis wife APPROVES vaccines for the FDA.

FAUCI set up the NIAID to be free of any investigation.

This makes for a perfect money laundering scheme.

Ever since he lied to Congress under oath about GOF research, he should have no credibility and should lose that protection to be free of any investigation. With him getting bonuses and royalties from big pharma , he should be audited. He and others could be getting millions from Ukraine arms to be 70% not reaching their destination.

TRUMP WILL cut down the Dems money tree. This is part of the reason why they want him dead.

Many will be incarcerated.

Thousands will be fired and prosecuted for any wrong doing.

Trump said this today.

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It‘s called “Bad Blood” and Fauci was Criminally incompetent back then just like in 2020. This fucker killed hemophiliac Kids by transfusion of aids tainted blood. He may or may not have done it on purpose but either way it could have been prevented.

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God Bless these efforts & the individuals fighting for Team Humanity 🙏

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Accountability? Really? I guess its better than nothing but given the egregiousness of his willingness to harness the pharmaceutical industry with funding, he and his cohorts need to be strung up. Will he be the fall guy for Fauci and his minions? Millions of live were taken on both their account! And pray tell, why is he taken to account overseas but not here? This is sick. As it was in the days of Noah.

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