Netherlands judge rules that Bill Gates must face seven people injured by COVID-19 vaccines in court in the Netherlands. Albert Bourla, CEO of Pfizer, is another defendant.
Bill Gates was an arrogant sociopath at the time of this interview & he is an arrogant sociopath today. To think that we allowed him to promote & essentially dictate what we put into our bodies, whether it is an injectable product or food, is a very sad commentary on the collective mentality of our population. How, on God's green earth, did someone with this degree of sociopathy, rise to this level of influence?
When Bill Gates announces on Ted Talk he can do a really good job of reducing the earths population through vaccines and, the population then line up for his experimental injection, you have to ask yourself ‘who are the mentally ill in this scenario?
I agree, Andrea. I also saw that Ted Talk & my antennae immediately went up. I think the late Dr. Vladimir Zelenko said it best: (paraphrasing) "Why would anyone take a shot from someone who states that he would like to reduce the world's population"? Dr. Zelenko called the covid "vaccines" the poison death shot.
😂😂😂. but seriously, they make up viruses in silico, aka a computer. they are not real. read Contagion Myth by Dr Tom Cowan md free at
humanity does not deserve this. its pure evil www.VirusTruth.NET read Contagion Myth by Dr Tom Cowan md free pdf. he is the complete opposite of gates. a real angel trying to alert the world virus are dead cell debris not cobtagious particles. he cant do it alone. we need activists. im flyering cars everyday 10-20. doing what I can.
My family has disowned me. It's personal with me. I suppose I could have put flyers on their doors and lied when they asked me if I got the jab. There are still plenty of people getting jabbed and shedding. The powers that should not be know that they only need to jab 30% of the population in order to infect the rest through shedding. Shedding occurs through 'inhalation' and 'skin contact'. Simply being in the same room or shaking hands with someone who has been jabbed is more than enough to compromise your immune system or cause a woman to miscarry. This is according to Pfizer's own documents. I'm doing my part by staying away from those who have chosen to stick their heads in the sand and get jabbed.
What is evil is to willfully believe a lie, and those who do cannot help but succumb to a spirit of stupor.
im so sorry you bought into this fear of shedding! Can you catch someone elses body odor? NO! shedding is a big pharma lie to trap anti vaxxers. Ive been hugging and kissing my multi jabbed family since the jabs rolled out. also proving to all who got scammed into taking the convid tests and then who test positive for covid, I wont catch it either, I hug and kiss those especially! there is nothing to catch. the govt wins when you stay away from people especially family bec you fearing fake viruses and shedding!
this website will set you free! www.VirusTruth.NET if you eat alot of garlic, garlic will shed. out your skin your breath, you cant make another start smelling like garlic either...acne and pimples another example of body shedding. cant get those from another either.🤗🤗
Re: "shedding is a big pharma lie to trap anti vaxxers."
Logic isn't your strongest asset. Big Pharma's documents bury shedding a good 50 pages in and use language that isn't immediately apparent to those who aren't conversant in medical jargon. Moreover, shedding would be a good reason to not get vaccinated and anything that might lead someone to not get vaccinated is considered mis or disinformation. There is no reason for Big Pharma to openly give people any reason not to get vaccinated. They have a fiduciary responsibility to their shareholders to maximize profits, hence their desire to seal over 400k pages of documents for 75 years.
Moreover, shedding is widely used when vaccinating herds. Only 30% of any population needs to be vaccinated in order to attain herd immunity through shedding.
Re: " you fearing fake viruses and shedding!"
What is being injected into people isn't fake. It's literally killing hundreds of millions of people worldwide. Moreover, the unvaxxed are starting to display the same tell tale signs of these nanoparticle clots. It just takes longer if you haven't been vaxxed because they have to go through your immune system rather than bypassing it with an injection.
People need to get honest with themselves. Honest people cannot be deceived. The problem is that the whole world is deceived and deceived people deceive people. Hurt people hurt people. There are still a LOT of people who want anyone who veers from the established narrative to be banned from social media, imprisoned, etc.
I was fortunate enough to be able to pull up stakes and move to a state that allowed me to roam freely without the need for masks, or clot shots. Other than one other cousin, the rest of my extended family was jabbed and will have nothing to do with me. You can't fix stupid.
Luckily "the whole world" is NOT deceived, simply evidenced by the fact that we are having this communication and both of us are very aware of the V dangers.
why are u a traitor Trump warped speed vaccine fan? the guy supposed leader of free world grounded our airlines for a fake virus, wore a burka mask and pretended he had fake covid and pretended to get shot at a rally😂😂😂😂 oh my www.VirusTruth.NET
strange reply! no downside to "Waking " people up with a flyer...🤔 got many masked souls to take it off. then thank me for the info bec their gut told them sonething not right...just needed another to help them validate their intuition.
cant unsee the message when you read it. no more fear, virus not contagious.
Agreed; and I would add I don't think he's a sociopath, it's much worse, he's a psychopath. Sociopaths are thrillseekers but don't get joy from hurting people, psychopaths enjoy hurting people which is why serial murderers are psychopaths. I'm including Gates in that murderers list. I was a therapist for many years and had to make diagnoses of clients so part of my education/training was learning how to identify sociopaths and psychopaths. One other clue is that there are 3 main areas that are important to psychopaths: power, money and CONTROL. The first 2 things enable them to have the third thing.
Well said, I agree 100%. It'll shock me if he actually goes to court. And if he does, he'll probably get off scot free, given that he pretty much owns the world.
he created computer viruses while heading microsoft to force windows users to buy annual anti virus software. sound familiar? same business plan scam with shots. except people are real and computers are not.
Yes he is. However is a small ass in the new world order club. I believe he will be the one they hang out to dry. We must find out who is giving the ORDERS in this whole world and locate where they live and go and arrest them all. I heard Todd Chandler say it was theIOrder Of Cairo that said we must decrease the earths population by any means possible . The number they gave was 7 billion.
From what I've read, sociopaths who rise to positions of influence are the rule rather than the exception. Moreover, when the barbarians are at the gates, you want a sociopath there to defend you, not mother Teresa. I'm not defending him or any sociopath. It's just one of those inconvenient truths. We need sociopaths that are on our side and are willing to defend our interests because most people simply don't have the stomach to deal with sociopaths.
I never suggested that Gates was defending us. I'm just pointing out that if you think you're going to win against him, it isn't going to be with someone with a conscience.
hes always been a monster a real Douch bag I'm 66 i remember the antitrust case & his sheer arrogance. creepy incel beginnings to this mutated pos always profiteering from human misery dressed as philanthropy. death & suffering thru food land & health evil manipulation this insidious pos has stolen so much from humanity & made life worse for the planets population . He's a big part of why the world sucks for so many innocent people. never mind covid fears ,the human race must cleanse itself of the personified covid like him & the WHO ect genuine threats to life ( not
hyperbola) but a true dangerous parasites in "human" form who risks our very future as humans he a proven evil psycho idiot w/ entirely too much power
Add to your assessment the dark side of this bastard….his life on the “other side” - Epstein’s deeply embedded pedophile partner. That’s why Gates’ wife split.
could any of you imagine having power and money like that and using it to destroy lives ? kill & sicken for profiteering? it's so evil and repulsive it's like a cartoon movie Austin Powers villains? the leadershit around us literally are copies of characters from bad B hollywood? apocalyptic comic satire.Schwab Gates Fauci?
Techies suggested strongly years back that he was the "greatest" man ever due to his success at bringing the PC to everyone. No amount of evidence can change a fools mind convinced of their personal false beliefs...
I fight back with mini flyers on cars called LuckyDay from www.VirusTruth.NET make 10 per sheet. I use color paper and also hand to masked souls. i tell them not to fear covid, fear the shots.
I cannot understand why someone with his riches from the people could turn and lead a crusade against the same people who gave him those riches. I note that his wife and Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau's wife separated at about the same time just when the vaccine injuries were becoming known. My supposition is they got wind of their husband's genocidal plans and left. Most women do not want to be married to a criminal, especially a murderer.
Some don't know and I'm not sure Melinda had no trouble having sex with him. Is he actually attracted to adult females, or even humans? I was reminded by your comment of British crocodile expert and academic zoologist Dr. Adam Britton who built a secret torture chamber in which he would have sex with and then torture and kill people's pet dogs. See the story at the link, from New Zealand. He was something of a celebrity, appearing in wildlife documentaties with Sir David Attenborough. His wife, also a biologist, and an animal lover, who worked away a lot, seems to be a decent woman and his lack of sexual interest in her apparently did cause problems in their marriage, and arguments, according to one report, but she didn't seem to realize that it was because he was a zoosadist. He reminds me a bit of Gates,
Ex-wife of sadistic animal rapist Dr Adam Britton speaks out
I remember reading a story about them in the DailyMail. Apparently they had an "agreement" that Billy Bob would hook up with an old girlfriend every year.
I remember that Daily Mail report, too. Melinda may have been happy to outsource Bill's “servicing” but had to draw the line when she learned children were involved.
I had an uneasy feeling about it, too. But for some reason I believe he saw her as a naive, easy mark who would provide cover for his depravity. And I felt sorry for her diminished life.
That's right. She is making sure about pop reduction via jab in Tanzania - was on the Today Show several months ago and went on and on in a most confident, self-assured way about it.
You have touched on many points that I believe in. I read the Ugly American in middle school and took to heart the lesson of the ugly engineer. People living in subsistance lifestyle need clear water, agriculture, safe sanitation to grow and prosper. Their needs are very low cost. Some aid groups support this effort and pay for well builders to come to villages and provide wells. I wish more emphasis would be placed on these basics.
In regards to education the forecast for world population is a peak occurring around 2065 at maximum 12 billion, barring any interference from the WEF, etc. From there it will start to decline naturally as more third world women become better educated and choose smaller families. Population replacement is already below maintenance in most advanced economies. The term two and done is very popular these days and many people I know have had no children. As a neighbor said last year, the grandchildren baby factory is closed after 2
each. Bottom line is the WEF needs to be scuttled as mother nature is going to stabilize population naturally in relatively short time. The big question is will automation and robotics force massive idling of people or will they find something else to do. I believe if capitalism is left alone then those displaced will fill niches to fix machines, develop new products, and create value.
Your points are spot on. Birthrate declining below replacement causes serious societal problems the Gates Foundation does not seem to recognize; they seem to have an unspoken bias that assumes when people are poor it is because of some kind of inherent stupidity. Nothing the elites from the Foundation can’t fix with a jab in the arm.
I don't even think that they are divorced. And IF they are, it's 'only on paper' he can 'hide' his wealth in HER name (for when people start to sue him).
I too think that is a bit unfair and for the very reason you do give. Modern day journalists are not journalists in the sense we used to understand that word. They have become propagandists. They read (some) English, went into PR, dreamed of being James Bond, aspired to join the "intelligence community" ( whatever the heck that might be) and ended up writing whatever rubbish their "editors'' required them to write in accord with their political masters. Real journalists, it seems increasingly the case, can no longer live in the country they are reporting on.
I hope Gates is convicted. I started to realize how evil this man was when I read stories 20 or so years ago about how he was vaccinating and killing innocent African and Indian children. Covid 19 enabled Gates to expand his evil vaccination agenda globally.
Gates is still in Africa and India stabbing children with poison. For photo ops he often does the medical procedure himself. That would be a felony if done in America.
Could someone custard pie the wee monster once more on his way into the courthouse - if he turns up? Laughter is a far better medicine than what this eugenicist, monopolist and snake-oil salesman poisons third world children with, and we need a good laugh.
It is depressing to keep finding out how much the media disdains the American public as they continue to shill, obfuscate, and cover for the worst people. The media was meant to be our disinfectant, but it's become a fungus that obscures truth.
Justice can’t come soon enough and it must be swift and severe! Sadly, the list of those guilty for crimes against humanity should include all that pushed Mandes for the clot shot! As for
Corporate media, they are all owned by the globalists. The only place you will find the truth is from
"Ontario man granted euthanasia for controversial 'post COVID-19 vaccination syndrome' An Ontario man in his late 40s with a history of mental illness died by euthanasia after his assisted death assessors decided that the most reasonable explanation for his physical decline was a post COVID-19 “vaccination syndrome.”
you guys seriously need to see this stuff, its the NH House Special Committee on COVID Response Efficacy testamonies..
it looks like they have been doing them since february and they are basically admitting right out in the open and under oath, everything we have all known to be true for years now.
i made a playlist of all their covid related streams so you dont have to rummage through all their stuff to find it..
todays session is especially awesome, starting with how masks dont work somewhere around 20min in, to how dumb terrible useless and unsafe the "vaccines" are right after that...
it started about an hour ago and it looks like they last anywhere from an hour to almost 8 hours..
Thank you for posting this link. I was able to watch a good portion of it. Coming in as the hearing was in progress, I didn't catch the invited speaker's name. Do you happen to know it? I believe he mentioned an affiliation with the FLCCC and that he practices medicine in Alabama.
you are most welcome, i will try to add subsequent hearings to the playlist as they occur (usually monthly but sometimes twice a month)
as far as the speakers name is concerned, im sorry i dont know it as i too joined while it was already in progress..
however, the streams stay up after they end, so if you want to find out who he is you can just click the link for the video again to start it from the beginning and find out.
Bill Gates was an arrogant sociopath at the time of this interview & he is an arrogant sociopath today. To think that we allowed him to promote & essentially dictate what we put into our bodies, whether it is an injectable product or food, is a very sad commentary on the collective mentality of our population. How, on God's green earth, did someone with this degree of sociopathy, rise to this level of influence?
When Bill Gates announces on Ted Talk he can do a really good job of reducing the earths population through vaccines and, the population then line up for his experimental injection, you have to ask yourself ‘who are the mentally ill in this scenario?
I agree, Andrea. I also saw that Ted Talk & my antennae immediately went up. I think the late Dr. Vladimir Zelenko said it best: (paraphrasing) "Why would anyone take a shot from someone who states that he would like to reduce the world's population"? Dr. Zelenko called the covid "vaccines" the poison death shot.
Its not just the con shots.!
im putting mini flyers from the site called LuckyDay on cars. trying to save
a few babies in my area.
Some of us have been saving the helpless for over 35 years with credentials
😂😂😂. but seriously, they make up viruses in silico, aka a computer. they are not real. read Contagion Myth by Dr Tom Cowan md free at
easy mini flyers to put on cars.
Reminds me of H.L. Mencken's quote about people getting what they deserve "good and hard."
humanity does not deserve this. its pure evil www.VirusTruth.NET read Contagion Myth by Dr Tom Cowan md free pdf. he is the complete opposite of gates. a real angel trying to alert the world virus are dead cell debris not cobtagious particles. he cant do it alone. we need activists. im flyering cars everyday 10-20. doing what I can.
My family has disowned me. It's personal with me. I suppose I could have put flyers on their doors and lied when they asked me if I got the jab. There are still plenty of people getting jabbed and shedding. The powers that should not be know that they only need to jab 30% of the population in order to infect the rest through shedding. Shedding occurs through 'inhalation' and 'skin contact'. Simply being in the same room or shaking hands with someone who has been jabbed is more than enough to compromise your immune system or cause a woman to miscarry. This is according to Pfizer's own documents. I'm doing my part by staying away from those who have chosen to stick their heads in the sand and get jabbed.
What is evil is to willfully believe a lie, and those who do cannot help but succumb to a spirit of stupor.
im so sorry you bought into this fear of shedding! Can you catch someone elses body odor? NO! shedding is a big pharma lie to trap anti vaxxers. Ive been hugging and kissing my multi jabbed family since the jabs rolled out. also proving to all who got scammed into taking the convid tests and then who test positive for covid, I wont catch it either, I hug and kiss those especially! there is nothing to catch. the govt wins when you stay away from people especially family bec you fearing fake viruses and shedding!
this website will set you free! www.VirusTruth.NET if you eat alot of garlic, garlic will shed. out your skin your breath, you cant make another start smelling like garlic either...acne and pimples another example of body shedding. cant get those from another either.🤗🤗
Re: "shedding is a big pharma lie to trap anti vaxxers."
Logic isn't your strongest asset. Big Pharma's documents bury shedding a good 50 pages in and use language that isn't immediately apparent to those who aren't conversant in medical jargon. Moreover, shedding would be a good reason to not get vaccinated and anything that might lead someone to not get vaccinated is considered mis or disinformation. There is no reason for Big Pharma to openly give people any reason not to get vaccinated. They have a fiduciary responsibility to their shareholders to maximize profits, hence their desire to seal over 400k pages of documents for 75 years.
Moreover, shedding is widely used when vaccinating herds. Only 30% of any population needs to be vaccinated in order to attain herd immunity through shedding.
Re: " you fearing fake viruses and shedding!"
What is being injected into people isn't fake. It's literally killing hundreds of millions of people worldwide. Moreover, the unvaxxed are starting to display the same tell tale signs of these nanoparticle clots. It just takes longer if you haven't been vaxxed because they have to go through your immune system rather than bypassing it with an injection.
Wow, what a suggestively violent quotation! Yuck! Nobody deserves what they did to people.
People need to get honest with themselves. Honest people cannot be deceived. The problem is that the whole world is deceived and deceived people deceive people. Hurt people hurt people. There are still a LOT of people who want anyone who veers from the established narrative to be banned from social media, imprisoned, etc.
I was fortunate enough to be able to pull up stakes and move to a state that allowed me to roam freely without the need for masks, or clot shots. Other than one other cousin, the rest of my extended family was jabbed and will have nothing to do with me. You can't fix stupid.
Luckily "the whole world" is NOT deceived, simply evidenced by the fact that we are having this communication and both of us are very aware of the V dangers.
why are u a traitor Trump warped speed vaccine fan? the guy supposed leader of free world grounded our airlines for a fake virus, wore a burka mask and pretended he had fake covid and pretended to get shot at a rally😂😂😂😂 oh my www.VirusTruth.NET
A plus for best actor alive!
In war one must choose from very very bad options. Wake up
strange reply! no downside to "Waking " people up with a flyer...🤔 got many masked souls to take it off. then thank me for the info bec their gut told them sonething not right...just needed another to help them validate their intuition.
cant unsee the message when you read it. no more fear, virus not contagious.
Onward and upward! www.VirusTruth.NET a blessing!
A fallen world.
This is an example of the question which answers itself.
Agreed; and I would add I don't think he's a sociopath, it's much worse, he's a psychopath. Sociopaths are thrillseekers but don't get joy from hurting people, psychopaths enjoy hurting people which is why serial murderers are psychopaths. I'm including Gates in that murderers list. I was a therapist for many years and had to make diagnoses of clients so part of my education/training was learning how to identify sociopaths and psychopaths. One other clue is that there are 3 main areas that are important to psychopaths: power, money and CONTROL. The first 2 things enable them to have the third thing.
its even worse. virus are not contagious. gates creates them in a computer like he did for microsoft. same business plan. www.VirusTruth.NET
He does seem to take a perverse pleasure in causing harm, so perhaps you are correct.
Amen. The "people" love him and think those of us who see through him are crazy, tin foil hat wearers.
Tin foil hat the new fashion statement
Well said, I agree 100%. It'll shock me if he actually goes to court. And if he does, he'll probably get off scot free, given that he pretty much owns the world.
he created computer viruses while heading microsoft to force windows users to buy annual anti virus software. sound familiar? same business plan scam with shots. except people are real and computers are not.
will someone take WHO, CDC and Gates to court for creating fake viruses and promoting fake contagion?
How? Money.
Money and connections.
Yes he is. However is a small ass in the new world order club. I believe he will be the one they hang out to dry. We must find out who is giving the ORDERS in this whole world and locate where they live and go and arrest them all. I heard Todd Chandler say it was theIOrder Of Cairo that said we must decrease the earths population by any means possible . The number they gave was 7 billion.
From what I've read, sociopaths who rise to positions of influence are the rule rather than the exception. Moreover, when the barbarians are at the gates, you want a sociopath there to defend you, not mother Teresa. I'm not defending him or any sociopath. It's just one of those inconvenient truths. We need sociopaths that are on our side and are willing to defend our interests because most people simply don't have the stomach to deal with sociopaths.
Gates isn't defending us! He's the Barbarian attacking the people! He's just doing it with a suit on, and a smile!
I never suggested that Gates was defending us. I'm just pointing out that if you think you're going to win against him, it isn't going to be with someone with a conscience.
here are strongest of the strong on humanities side www.VirusTruth.NET
many free pdf books and lectures.
hes always been a monster a real Douch bag I'm 66 i remember the antitrust case & his sheer arrogance. creepy incel beginnings to this mutated pos always profiteering from human misery dressed as philanthropy. death & suffering thru food land & health evil manipulation this insidious pos has stolen so much from humanity & made life worse for the planets population . He's a big part of why the world sucks for so many innocent people. never mind covid fears ,the human race must cleanse itself of the personified covid like him & the WHO ect genuine threats to life ( not
hyperbola) but a true dangerous parasites in "human" form who risks our very future as humans he a proven evil psycho idiot w/ entirely too much power
I like your suggestion that Bill Gates is covid personified (where covid = the covid era as a whole).
Add to your assessment the dark side of this bastard….his life on the “other side” - Epstein’s deeply embedded pedophile partner. That’s why Gates’ wife split.
He just makes my skin crawl like that Schwab cretan .I would expect both in the top 10 on Epstein list (frequent flyer miles )bet.
and we most definitely will see that list including the JFK files, soon
In the meantime brace for impact.
She’s a willing partner in his crimes. I suspect they split to save their vast fortune.
Don't forget his polio vaccine program in Afrika
could any of you imagine having power and money like that and using it to destroy lives ? kill & sicken for profiteering? it's so evil and repulsive it's like a cartoon movie Austin Powers villains? the leadershit around us literally are copies of characters from bad B hollywood? apocalyptic comic satire.Schwab Gates Fauci?
easy mini flyers at
i call them my FU Fauci tickets. i put on cars and leave in front of convid test kits at pharmacy. join me, dont get mad, get active!😉
Those EMPOWERING SOCIOPATHS are themselves SOCIOPATHS and as criminal as the Cowardly Frontmen of the WEF/U.N.; The Fourth Reich.
Foundation employees: 2,026
Total grant payments since inception (through Q4 2023): $77.6 billion (2)
Total 2023 Charitable Support: $7.7 billion (3)
Total 2022 Charitable Support: $7.0 billion (3)
Bill Gates and Melinda French Gates total giving to the foundation from inception through 2023: $59.5 billion
Warren Buffett total giving to the foundation from 2006 through 2023: $39.3 billion
Foundation Trust Endowment as of December 31, 2023: $75.2 billion
Co-chairs and Board of Trustees
Bill Gates, Co-chair
Melinda French Gates, Co-chair
Mark Suzman, Board Member
Ashish Dhawan, Board Member
Dr. Helene D. Gayle, Board Member
Strive Masiyiwa, Board Member
Minouche Shafik, Board Member
Tom Tierney, Board Member
Executive Leadership
Mark Suzman, Chief Executive Officer
Carolyn Ainslie, Chief Financial Officer
Lauren W. Bright, Chief Legal Officer
Susan Byrnes, Chief Communications Officer
June Yoshinari Davis, Chief Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer
Chris Elias, President, Global Development
Gargee Ghosh, President, Global Policy & Advocacy
Allan C. Golston, President, United States Program
Trevor Mundel, President, Global Health
Shana Tarbell, Chief Operating Officer
Rodger Voorhies, President, Global Growth & Opportunity
Ankur Vora, Chief Strategy Officer
Sonia Vora, Chief Human Resources Officer
Anita Zaidi, President, Gender Equality
Criminals all, and yours the short list
fight back with mini flyers on cars. print 10 per sheet at www.VirusTruth.NET under flyers its free
yes one of his worst inhuman criminal offenses pre Cv19 jab
no need to candy coat it (joking)
Techies suggested strongly years back that he was the "greatest" man ever due to his success at bringing the PC to everyone. No amount of evidence can change a fools mind convinced of their personal false beliefs...
you will understand more if you study www.VirusTruth.NET
share widely to fight back.
i agree 🙏
I fight back with mini flyers on cars called LuckyDay from www.VirusTruth.NET make 10 per sheet. I use color paper and also hand to masked souls. i tell them not to fear covid, fear the shots.
I cannot understand why someone with his riches from the people could turn and lead a crusade against the same people who gave him those riches. I note that his wife and Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau's wife separated at about the same time just when the vaccine injuries were becoming known. My supposition is they got wind of their husband's genocidal plans and left. Most women do not want to be married to a criminal, especially a murderer.
Melinda had no trouble having sex with him and taking his money in the divorce.
Wives know how perverted and creepy their husbands are...
I agree. I think Melinda is every bit as evil as her X.
Some don't know and I'm not sure Melinda had no trouble having sex with him. Is he actually attracted to adult females, or even humans? I was reminded by your comment of British crocodile expert and academic zoologist Dr. Adam Britton who built a secret torture chamber in which he would have sex with and then torture and kill people's pet dogs. See the story at the link, from New Zealand. He was something of a celebrity, appearing in wildlife documentaties with Sir David Attenborough. His wife, also a biologist, and an animal lover, who worked away a lot, seems to be a decent woman and his lack of sexual interest in her apparently did cause problems in their marriage, and arguments, according to one report, but she didn't seem to realize that it was because he was a zoosadist. He reminds me a bit of Gates,
Ex-wife of sadistic animal rapist Dr Adam Britton speaks out
She did squirt out 3 kids with him.
Test tube
Yes, before he started hanging out with Epstein.
I remember reading a story about them in the DailyMail. Apparently they had an "agreement" that Billy Bob would hook up with an old girlfriend every year.
What kind of bimbo wife agrees to that sh*t?
Here's a link from the Newsweek story.
I remember that Daily Mail report, too. Melinda may have been happy to outsource Bill's “servicing” but had to draw the line when she learned children were involved.
Can you blame her? At least she gets a night off.
A muslim one?
dont believe this TV soap opera..designed to keep you distracted and not looking at their real crime. www.VirusTruth.NET
study and share to fight them.
I wish I had never read this. I don't want to know about this.
A stark reminder about the limits to which we can ever really know another person.
(Although his creepy smile in the photo is a bit of a giveaway.)
Hers is actually no better.
I had an uneasy feeling about it, too. But for some reason I believe he saw her as a naive, easy mark who would provide cover for his depravity. And I felt sorry for her diminished life.
i have no sympathy . www.VirusTruth.NET
There could have been some island holiday issues at the time too.
Yes, I have read he was a regular.
Maybe not Fred.
Melinda does not seem to be following the genocidal and destructive charitable path of her ex as the article you cite points out.
That's right. She is making sure about pop reduction via jab in Tanzania - was on the Today Show several months ago and went on and on in a most confident, self-assured way about it.
She wore her upside-down cross on the show. Pretty bold.
You have touched on many points that I believe in. I read the Ugly American in middle school and took to heart the lesson of the ugly engineer. People living in subsistance lifestyle need clear water, agriculture, safe sanitation to grow and prosper. Their needs are very low cost. Some aid groups support this effort and pay for well builders to come to villages and provide wells. I wish more emphasis would be placed on these basics.
In regards to education the forecast for world population is a peak occurring around 2065 at maximum 12 billion, barring any interference from the WEF, etc. From there it will start to decline naturally as more third world women become better educated and choose smaller families. Population replacement is already below maintenance in most advanced economies. The term two and done is very popular these days and many people I know have had no children. As a neighbor said last year, the grandchildren baby factory is closed after 2
each. Bottom line is the WEF needs to be scuttled as mother nature is going to stabilize population naturally in relatively short time. The big question is will automation and robotics force massive idling of people or will they find something else to do. I believe if capitalism is left alone then those displaced will fill niches to fix machines, develop new products, and create value.
Your points are spot on. Birthrate declining below replacement causes serious societal problems the Gates Foundation does not seem to recognize; they seem to have an unspoken bias that assumes when people are poor it is because of some kind of inherent stupidity. Nothing the elites from the Foundation can’t fix with a jab in the arm.
I suspect your analysis is not correct. These women were complicit as is Steve Jobis widow.
EVIL Bill Gates (the PEDO)!!
His ex is also a creep.
I don't even think that they are divorced. And IF they are, it's 'only on paper' he can 'hide' his wealth in HER name (for when people start to sue him).
But, yeah.....that EVIL bitch is JUST as GUILTY!
That’s exactly what I thought…
See the song and powerful video "Gates Behind the Bars" by Five Times August:
The wimp's on the loose
He's bought all the land
He's out for revenge
To hurt every man
He'll print all the food
And drug every kid
Pretend like he's good
Then hide what he did
The geek's in control
He's changed his disguise
His chemical world
Will be your demise
He's sick and he's cruel
And acts like he's God
Speaks on the stage
While zombies applaud
He's coming for you
His plans at the door
He's climbed through the windows
He's part of the war
He deals in the dark
And buys his own truth
He'll package it up
And he'll sell it to you
All the sheep will believe
Afraid they will die
Trapped by the one
Who has wrapped them in lies
The creep's not alone
He plots with his friends
The forum they have
Is a circle of sin
There's snakes all around
Who traffic and kill
They'll dope up the world
With needles and pills
Nobody's safe
Nobody's safe, Hey Hey
Nobody Is safe
'Til we have Gates behind
Gates behind the bars
I like that! Bravo!
Thank you for posting this.
I too think that is a bit unfair and for the very reason you do give. Modern day journalists are not journalists in the sense we used to understand that word. They have become propagandists. They read (some) English, went into PR, dreamed of being James Bond, aspired to join the "intelligence community" ( whatever the heck that might be) and ended up writing whatever rubbish their "editors'' required them to write in accord with their political masters. Real journalists, it seems increasingly the case, can no longer live in the country they are reporting on.
I hope Gates is convicted. I started to realize how evil this man was when I read stories 20 or so years ago about how he was vaccinating and killing innocent African and Indian children. Covid 19 enabled Gates to expand his evil vaccination agenda globally.
Gates is still in Africa and India stabbing children with poison. For photo ops he often does the medical procedure himself. That would be a felony if done in America.
Could someone custard pie the wee monster once more on his way into the courthouse - if he turns up? Laughter is a far better medicine than what this eugenicist, monopolist and snake-oil salesman poisons third world children with, and we need a good laugh.
It is depressing to keep finding out how much the media disdains the American public as they continue to shill, obfuscate, and cover for the worst people. The media was meant to be our disinfectant, but it's become a fungus that obscures truth.
What about Uğur Şahin CEO of BioNTech? Bourla can’t take all the credit. Moderna too…
Justice can’t come soon enough and it must be swift and severe! Sadly, the list of those guilty for crimes against humanity should include all that pushed Mandes for the clot shot! As for
Corporate media, they are all owned by the globalists. The only place you will find the truth is from
Those cancelled censored and attacked!
Thank you for unearthing this amazing news. May justice prevail.
"Ontario man granted euthanasia for controversial 'post COVID-19 vaccination syndrome' An Ontario man in his late 40s with a history of mental illness died by euthanasia after his assisted death assessors decided that the most reasonable explanation for his physical decline was a post COVID-19 “vaccination syndrome.”
Creepy is as creepy does. Can we even imagine how disgusting his parents must have been?
you guys seriously need to see this stuff, its the NH House Special Committee on COVID Response Efficacy testamonies..
it looks like they have been doing them since february and they are basically admitting right out in the open and under oath, everything we have all known to be true for years now.
i made a playlist of all their covid related streams so you dont have to rummage through all their stuff to find it..
todays session is especially awesome, starting with how masks dont work somewhere around 20min in, to how dumb terrible useless and unsafe the "vaccines" are right after that...
it started about an hour ago and it looks like they last anywhere from an hour to almost 8 hours..
its good stuff maynard.
here is the link to the playlist:
enjoy and please share!!!
Thank you for posting this link. I was able to watch a good portion of it. Coming in as the hearing was in progress, I didn't catch the invited speaker's name. Do you happen to know it? I believe he mentioned an affiliation with the FLCCC and that he practices medicine in Alabama.
you are most welcome, i will try to add subsequent hearings to the playlist as they occur (usually monthly but sometimes twice a month)
as far as the speakers name is concerned, im sorry i dont know it as i too joined while it was already in progress..
however, the streams stay up after they end, so if you want to find out who he is you can just click the link for the video again to start it from the beginning and find out.
hope this helps..
take it easy