Step one of the next plandemic (and they're already doing it) is to start looking for H5N1 genetic material in the snot and spit of animals and humans. It will be there for sure, because we all inhale that stuff all the time, and it gets stuck in mucus naturally. This does not mean the person or animal is infected. Yet, they will call these "cases", and start publishing "increased cases are being found globally". See how easy it is to plan a pandemic?

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when you control the conversation (media manipulation) science becomes nothing more than a commodity .. and its interesting how much medical professional ego (owned by big pharma) play into this and are used to push the false narrative. It's not about scientific research and truth in data, it's about how many big pharma medical professionals they have duped that push the lies and the murder.

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they are hiding their murders...no other explanation...Thomas Massey exposes..

entire pages redacted...Senator Massie: ."Why are you pretending these emails don't exist?"

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Potential therapeutic effects from gain of function???? I would like for Dr. McCollough to discuss Turtles all the way down,

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Are you referring to “Turtles” Mitch McConnell? What are you referring to when you wrote “turtles?”

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Thanks, …Bernie. Sounds like an interesting book. I ordered the Kindle version.

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u're welcome!

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Dr. McCullough, can you please put in writing your recommendations for the full autopsy you were referring to in your rapid talk following your interview with Mr. Gruber? You recommended a deceased family members ask for it to be done, but Too much info too fast.

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(can you imagine just how busy Peter is? he is a FANTASTIC source of reality and EVERYONE WANTS HIM ON THEIR SHOW plus he has a full time clinic..

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I added an interview with Dr. Robert Young to the following story. It aligns with the statements of Dr. Lee Merritt and Sasha Latypova and others that we are dealing with an intentional poisoning. Please don’t be put off by the provocative title (it has grabbed a lot of attention):


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In this interview Dr.McCullough mentions that his company TWC supplies Tamiflu in its preparedness kit; however some studies showed it is of very little efficacy and may even be harmful. Perhaps he can review, or point to a good refutation of, these articles:


Quote "Oseltamivir and zanamivir have small, non‐specific effects on reducing the time to alleviation of influenza symptoms in adults, but not in asthmatic children. Using either drug as prophylaxis reduces the risk of developing symptomatic influenza. Treatment trials with oseltamivir or zanamivir do not settle the question of whether the complications of influenza (such as pneumonia) are reduced, because of a lack of diagnostic definitions. The use of oseltamivir increases the risk of adverse effects, such as nausea, vomiting, psychiatric effects and renal events in adults and vomiting in children. The lower bioavailability may explain the lower toxicity of zanamivir compared to oseltamivir. The balance between benefits and harms should be considered when making decisions about use of both NIs for either the prophylaxis or treatment of influenza. The influenza virus‐specific mechanism of action proposed by the producers does not fit the clinical evidence."


Quote "Oseltamivir is contraindicated for people aged 10-19 in principle in Japan, due to concern about abnormal behaviours. Sudden death is another concern. ....

It is concluded that unchanged oseltamivir has various effects on the central nervous system (CNS) that may be related to clinical findings including hypothermia, abnormal behaviours including with fatal outcome, and sudden death. Among receptors and enzymes related to CNS action, it is known that oseltamivir inhibits nicotinic acetylcholine receptors, which are closely related to hypothermia, as well as human monoamine oxidase-A (MAO-A), which is closely related to abnormal or excitatory behaviours. Receptors such as GABAA , GABAB and NMDA and their related receptors/channels including Na+ and Ca2+ channels are thought to be other candidates for investigation related to respiratory suppression followed by sudden death and psychotic reactions (both acute and chronic), respectively. "

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Real America’s Voice has a great evening lineup. Unfortunately, Gruber is aired in the afternoon Eastern time for me when I’m not home. I watch RAV on Pluto tv, a free internet APP.

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