It sure seems like the government is at war with Americans. This is crazy!

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When they came for the lockdown opponents I said nothing.

When they came for the nonmaskers I said nothing.

When they came for the unvaxxed I said nothing.

When they came for the election integrity investigators I said nothing.

When they came for the drag shows in elementary school opponents I said nothing.

When they came for the women's athletes beaten up by men in competitions I said nothing.

When they came for the Ukraine war opponents I said nothing.

When they came for the meme satirists I said nothing.

When they came for the border enforcers I said nothing.

When they came for the Lahaina fire victims I said nothing.

When they came for the Helene flood victims I said nothing.

When they came for me, there was nobody left to speak for me.

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Many Jan6ers are still rotting in prison for going on a tour of the "people's" Capitol building having been invited to do so by the police.

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Makes me sick to my stomach.

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"...and I said nothing."


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deletedOct 8
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And not a peep from anyone in the senate. Barely 3 in congress.

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Yes...it has been brutal. It is not too late. The people need to rise up and say with one voice "I WILL NOT COMPLY". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDvLCPe8viU

We have to side with our children. This is genocide. Our government hates us.

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when the time comes. i will stand in front of the tank

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when it comes time, i will stand in front of the tank victor

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You are such a personality disordered freak.

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Bwaaaahhhaaaahaaaahaaaahaaaa! A Bulwark subscriber! Adam Kinzinger subscriber! Dan Rather subscriber! Ruth Ben-Ghiat subscriber! Steve Schmidt subscriber!

---- calling *anyone* a freak? Now that's rich!!! Bwaaahaaahaaahaahaaa!! ROTFLMAO!!

Buh-bye Felicia! That's all I got for you, I've considered the source, you're dismissed. It wouldn't be sporting of me to thrash you.

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that's quite a statement to make to someone you never even met and know nothing about. Could this be projection?

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This poster is part of the Washington DC crowd. Best to block.

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You come from DC where everyone is taught the fine art of projection. You my dear are the freak.

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Troll...get lost.

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deletedOct 8
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Troll...another one...get lost.

F'ing coward...hides behind a stupid avatar.

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Likely this was a BlackCock owned chopper; according to Greg Reese, they are probably interested in the Lithium reserves in the area. And - yeah - they likely manipulated the weather; there are too many occurrences to be ignored.

I live in CA; I bet that when the big one will come, we will be evicted "for our own safety", followed by a land grab...

USA! USA! Rah rah the flag!

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You live in CA? Your state was deliberately "droughted" for years. Chemtrails were used to cover the state with minute particles of aluminum, which would burn fiercely and make wildfires extremely difficult to control and extinguish. The Paradise Fire was started by military jets, probably using directed-energy weapons to attack electrical PG&E equipment. During the Redwood Complex and Tubbs fires, people on the ground reported seeing houses explode into flame when struck by blue beams from low-flying aircraft. I'm sure the blue beams were used to multiply the destruction of other huge California wildfires as well, but you'd have to ask people who were on the ground, because the blue beams were never mentioned in news stories.

The fires tremendously increased homelessness in CA, not just because poor people lost their housing to fire, but because burnt-out middle-class and upper-class people needed rental housing; landlords raised rents precipitously; and many working-class and lower-middle class renters were knocked off the bottom of the housing ladder because they could no longer afford the rents. Communities hundreds of a miles from a fire could be affected because fire refugees fled to them.

The evil powers that be aren't waiting for big earthquakes to help them wreck your state. They've got the process rolling right along. And the super-majority-Democratic legislature and Governor Newsom have been tremendously helpful.

I lived in CA for 41 years...left in 2021. Glad to get out of there.

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Funny thing; if you told me this 10 years ago, I would have thought you are crazy; Alex Jones crazy... but now... I guess I am crazy too...

And - of course - Alex Jones was right!!!

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We are all "california" now. Relentless war on the human--poison injections, weather controls, electromagnetic frequencies, fluoride poisoned water. We are being genocided...no doubt. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3qFu_QdLCg

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It's only crazy if we don't fight them off, but get walked all over like doormats as during the lockdown/jab-a-thon.

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Agreed. I’m frustrated because I don’t know what to do. I wrote to my rep to shame them into doing something.

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With normal people that'd work, probably, but most Congress critters have long since seared any rudimentary consciences they might have had, so are shameless, more concerned with their own cushy existences that your, or anyone else', well-being.

Take it to He Who does care! If you are not yet among His redeemed, NOW is the time to correct that. He truly does bring a peace in your heart that passes all understanding, when you are His, and in these times that's a real blessing! Take your concerns for the devastated folks in Appalachia to Him; remember He loves them too, and He can do what our supposed leaders won't now, including by-passing their efforts to block! Remember too, right now is the time given over to Satan, to fill to it's brim the cup of His wrath, before the outpouring of Yhwh God's judgment on all sinful humanity. So, for now, evil will flourish, as prophesied.

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I'm in prayer constantly. More and more as we inch closer to November 5.

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And I have been asking the Lord for help to pray hard for the scales to fall off people's eyes and see the truth. Constantly asking Him to help me love everyone.

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Or if we fail to grasp what's going on under our noses, and why it is!

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This is the way this administration treats the citizens they are swore to protect. Evil.

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No, they never did swear to protect us; that oath was to uphold and defend the Constitution, which they are not doing either.

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One of the most important roles for the President of the United States is that of Commander in Chief. Acting in this capacity, the President finds themselves ultimately responsible for the safety and security of the United States and its citizens.

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I am in NC now. Luckily I live in an Asheville "retirement community" that is very committed to delivering good services to the residents--so I have food and water. But I have heard many speak of the horrific experiences of neglect and outright malice the storm victims in Asheville are subjected to -- possibly perpetrated by our government. Dane Wigington has a website that has been up for years and he is claiming that our weather is manipulated for political reasons. Anyway, if you look at the weather maps tracing the storms progress it does look like that. My daughter is in Tampa now and it is the same story. The political machine in power is attacking areas that are not scraping and bowing to King Joe Biden and his court. Sick stuff. Weather used as a weapon on our own people. This is a crime.

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Here is the proof: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TDvLCPe8viU

Dane Wigington explains the "war on the people". This war has many fronts. The fake covid 'pandemic' and the harmful "vaccines" are only one way our lives are being attacked.

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Kathleen, you have access to internet, look up, in a Bible, if you don't have 1, Daniel, Ezekiel, Isaiah, Zechariah, and Revelation, and the UN Agendas 2030 . Those will explain everything you need to know about this time in history. For "extra credit" check out the WHO's Codex Alimentarius, but best not read it to near meal times, it'll ruin your appetite and /or make you sick.

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Thank you.

I know about this. Whatever people believe...I take it as my PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY to testify...expose lies and speak truth. I don't care about WHO---

I don't need to feel sick. I am strong and healthy. My mind is free.

God is great. I am a child of God.

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"our own people" is far from the regard this Rogue Regime has for Americans.

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It isn't a rogue regime. The same people have controlled the US since before the Federal reserve bill was signed into law over 100 years ago now by a bunch of traitors that will send your sons off to war on the front lines but never their own sons.

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They can, to a point on a local level, Project Haarp. But I think, in this instance, they're taking advantage of weather intended to wake people out of their mind-numbed slumber to the reality that time is running out for this world system as we have known it, for millennia, and a mighty judgment is coming to unrepentant, unredeemed humanity... one such as has not been seen since the days of Noah. Yhwh God has long used weather events for His purposes, mostly to get humans' attention.

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well good for you. You are saved. Praise and blessings.

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If you don't think it was intentional research Blackhawk rotor wash, it is known exactly what this does, and this was 💯% intentional. This is what the government does, the pilot was probably ordered to do this.

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And the pilot should have disobeyed such an order!

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Wow 😮

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Yes....so were the guards in Hitlers camps. When you are "ordered" to commit criminal acts that does NOT absolve you of guilt. I hope these pilots know this.

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Many here are familiar with Hannah Arendt's work "The Origins of Totalitarianism" that Mattais Desmet drew heavily from in his pandemic-era "The Psychology of Totalitarianism." Arendt had many other notable works that speak to our times. Including:

Personal Responsibility Under Dictatorship, Hannah Arendt, 1964


And a person with their eyes and minds open to the changes that are happening in the world around us, a person who is *thinking*, it's hard to not see hallmarks of dictatorial authority, totalitarian authority, as being what is descending on the world. And from where I'm sitting - and thinking - what she describes as our personal responsibility is worth taking note of. Perhaps this work of hers is worthy of deeper examination by the likes of Mattais Desmet and others with wide reach, as we stand on the precipice of something very dark and perilous, very totalitarian in comprehensive ways that Hitler and Stalin could've only dreamed of. We have an obligation to THINK, a *duty* to think, or we will lose it all. And the body count will dwarf all prior body counts under totalitarianism combined. Technological advances, and all.


"But although most people are culpable of great moral crimes, those who collaborated were not, in fact, criminals. On the contrary, they chose to follow the rules in a demonstrably criminal regime."

"People like Eichmann were not criminals and psychopaths, Arendt argued, but rule-followers protected by social privilege. “It was precisely the members of respectable society,” she writes, “who had not been touched by the intellectual and moral upheaval in the early stages of the Nazi period, who were the first to yield. They simply exchanged one system of values against another,” without reflecting on the morality of the entire new system.

Those who refused, on the other hand, who even “chose to die,” rather than kill, did not have “highly developed intelligence or sophistication in moral matters.” But they were critical thinkers practicing what Socrates called a “silent dialogue between me and myself,” and they refused to face a future where they would have to live with themselves after committing or enabling atrocities. We must remember, Arendt writes, that “whatever else happens, as long as we live we shall have to live together with ourselves.”"

Evil Comes From a Failure to Think


"She writes: “If the ability to tell right from wrong should turn out to have anything to do with the ability to think, then we must be able to ’demand’ its exercise from every sane person, no matter how erudite or ignorant, intelligent or stupid, he may happen to be.” Thinking does not belong to some rarified world of professional thought, and indeed thinking removed from the world, can turn people away from what is unfolding right in front of them."


"But Arendt averred that it would be a “serious mistake” to forget that even totalitarian regimes “command and rest upon mass support.” The Nazi regime’s right to prescribe behavior (i.e., its authority) and its ability to act in concert (its power) depended on the continued support of relevant sections of the population. In this perspective, mass atrocities became possible because large parts of the German population came to accept that the Nazis had a right to rule."

Brave AI's Overview:

"Personal Responsibility Under Dictatorship

Hannah Arendt, a German-born Jewish-American philosopher, emphasized the importance of personal responsibility in the face of dictatorship. In her essay “Personal Responsibility under Dictatorship” (1964), she argued that individuals living under totalitarian regimes have a moral obligation to resist and refuse to collaborate with the authorities, even if it means suffering the consequences.

Refusal to Participate

Arendt contended that individuals should not participate in morally reprehensible activities, such as reporting fellow citizens to the authorities or engaging in propaganda, even if it means risking their own lives. She believed that such actions would compromise one’s moral integrity and contribute to the perpetuation of the totalitarian system.

Maintaining Moral Autonomy

Instead, Arendt advocated for individuals to maintain their moral autonomy by refusing to participate in activities that violate their conscience. This stance requires acknowledging the inherent dignity and worth of human life, even in the face of overwhelming oppression.

The Banality of Evil

Arendt’s concept of the “banality of evil” (introduced in her book “Eichmann in Jerusalem”) highlights how ordinary individuals, rather than monstrous villains, can perpetuate evil through their thoughtless and obedient actions. She argued that this banality is a result of individuals surrendering their moral judgment and critical thinking to authority.

Responsibility and Obedience

Arendt criticized the concept of obedience, arguing that it obscures individual responsibility and moral agency. She believed that individuals should not blindly follow orders, even if they are issued by a legitimate authority. Instead, they should exercise their critical faculties and make moral judgments about the actions they are asked to perform.


In summary, Hannah Arendt’s concept of personal responsibility under dictatorship emphasizes the importance of individual moral autonomy, refusal to participate in morally reprehensible activities, and the rejection of obedience as a moral principle. Her ideas continue to influence contemporary debates about ethics, politics, and human rights, particularly in the context of authoritarian regimes."

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The boot that will grind into humanities face for 1000 years if allowed. Or bring everyone to nihlistic destruction of ALL life that is not controllable. This is what the liberal mindset gets you. control, total control. No God given rights to pursuit of life, liberty or happiness. God Given rights freedom of choice.... Psychopaths at the wheel, destruction of ALL life is the intention. Still think this isn't being 'directed' by some other entity, other than corrupted humanity? Still think there is not a spiritual battle?

Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.

18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.

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Horrific actions intentionally

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The cruelty is unbelievable. There’s a special place in hell for these people.

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Yes that special place is called the US military. Be sure and thank him for his service because that is what these people have been doing abroad to innocent people for decades. What goes around comes around I guess.

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The government hates us.

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...and wants us dead.

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Where the hell is Congress????? I'm so sick of these people getting away with whatever sick crap they've been pulling on the citizens for the last 5 years. This is just repulsive that the people in power have no conscience whatsoever.

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Jim Jordan will set up a committee to eventually conclude 3 years later that another of his "stiff letters" is definitely required.

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"strongly worded letter"

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Thanks, I couldn't recall the phrase. ;o)

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Nobody cares enough 🤨

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Diane,I’ve been seeing this for a LOT longer then 5 years.

Sadly,I’ve seen the sky change for more then 15 years….

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As if it's not enough that many Americans are certain that the Maui fire and the weather patterns are evidence that someone in the federal government has it in for us, now we have rotor wash, wrecking of all things, supplies for Helene's victims. And Milton is on its way. I used to dismiss this stuff as nutty thinking. I'm not so sure anymore since learning that the Dems and their federal agencies have proven they will do anything to destroy the Republican party and its voters.

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Reiner Fuellmich has explained the bizarre antics of the failing "regime" as the senseless thrashing of a defeated giant. "They" have lost and "They" know it. People everywhere are catching on. No more poison needles and no more engineered "storms". We see them now.

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Why would they destroy the Republican party when they support it and it supports them? Tell me if you were in Jim Jordan's position would you be sending out "stiff letters" like him for years or arrest warrants? Every "stiff letter" he sends out tells me he and his committee support the Democrat take-down of the US constitution and are simply kicking the can down the road for them. Did Trump reverse DEI? Of course not.

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thanks for posting this. It is very important for people to realize and UNDERSTAND the implications of actions such as this. This is not an isolated incident.

Do we see a pattern here? We have been deliberately bankrupted by a fake "pandemic" and then attacked with a bioweapon disguised as a "vaccine". These are crimes. We are victims. The only way to stop the crime is to say "NO"..."NO MAS"....no to the death shots. No to the lies and no to the criminals who are stealing our country. The audacity of dumping on people asking for aid is beyond belief. But it fits the pattern. These are gangsters and they hope to gain access to the valuable deposits of lithium in the mines here. They don't want to help us. They want to kill us and steal our land. Just like Maui.

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VA still offering the covid DeathVax to veterans with an "additional dose" for veterans 65 years and older.

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And to pregnant women…to the ACOG for not doing their research 🤬

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Pregnant persons you mean?

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Awful, are you in the affected area(s)?

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Yes. But our building is sound and we are on emergency water supply. We get one meal a day. My daughter lives a few miles away and a tree fell on her house with terrific damage. Neighbors took them in. Daughter is an essential worker in a hospital so she has to stay here. My son-in-law left with the kids for relatives in Vermont. I hope the roads are ok. We are very fortunate. I know there is much suffering happening elsewhere in Asheville. I would like to go out and help but I cannot leave my blind husband alone.

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Sending prayers.

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Pilots wearing masks.

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Yes and also it is reported that there were no numbers visible on the helicopter which should be illegal.

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People thought I was nuts when I would talk about the black helicopters.

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Saw many Black helicopters over the years in Sedona, AZ heading off into Secret Canyon. Sedona just so happens to be a place where UFO’s are frequently sighted. I myself have seen strange things in the sky there.

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The constitution gave the national government one job- the security of its citizens. It is failing miserably and have become the enemy of its citizens. They are waging war on us.

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And the constitution gave the people one job, to hold the government to account, ......... and despite having enough weapons to sink a fleet of battleships they just couldn't be bothered.

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Thanks John. I'm glad you picked this story up.

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Does anyone know someone who is a paid subscriber to FlightRadar24 (link below)?

If one gets the time/date/location of those VILE videos, they can go back and look to see who was

over those people, causing all of that damage. They need to be held accountable!


On a side note.......

To all of the Q-TARDS (mentally stunted to that of retarded 3 year olds) out there, who like to keep telling we SANE ADULTS that 'the military is going to save us! Trust the plan!'. Is THIS the 'military' that you speak of (in those vids)????

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The Pentagon is woke and weak.

They were out to destroy the military with their forced covid DeathVax.

SecDef Austin has blood on his hands.

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There is currently a Black Hawk helicopter over Fayetteville as I type this 11:30GMT.

Need to know what time to look for the helicopter and it depends on if there transponders were turned on. If it is deliberate, they won't have the transponders turned on as you'll be easily able to link the copter with an organisation.

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Every time that I hear an airplane/helo going over my area/house......I will jump on and go to FlightRadar24 to see who it is. And several times I've had to take screen shots of military helo's that have no business flying in my state (CT). And guess where these CRIMINALS ended up?? Raytheon in Farmington (CT)!! Most of the time, it's airplanes, leaving a NYC airport, flying over my area.


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Needs congressional investigation and accountability. People have been courtmarshalled for stunts like this.

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By golly doc you're right. Get them congresspeople involved. They'll get to the bottom of this and take corrective action pronto. And while we are at it let us write some Letters to the Editor.

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They will send a "strongly worded" letter.

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Make sure they are "stiff letters" like the ones Jim Jordan's committee always writes.

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That was intentional, for sure! All helos create rotor wash. The bigger and more powerful the motors, the worse it is, and whoever flew that mission intended to cause that damage!

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