Dr M, I’m still trying to tell some of my friends who tell me “ I’m more stupid than I thought.” Where am I getting this conspiracy ? Some refuse to talk to me anymore. You, Doc Malone, Doc Kory, and others have guided me with the truth. They still want another jab, God help them all....🇺🇸

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I was told I was un-American for not taking the shot - same friend told me people don't want to hear what I have to say - bottom line is - you can't fix stupid as the comic says and no one wants to admit they made a big mistake. Can't harp on it or you will lose your friends forever. Just hope and pray they are ok down the road.

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Have you heard of the Darwin Awards?

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I read they're charging up to $190 for the latest "covid vaccines." This wouldn't be happening unless the military were in charge, and we know who the real CIC is!

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Yes, it would. A thing called "mass formation psychosis" has taken control; it's akin to "mob mentality", , a more acute and short lived, but localized version, whereas this is chronic and very widespread, virtually global. The militaries are infected with it as well, and NO ONE in the US is in charge, nor has there been such a person in decades, over a century! The last such shreds were severed in 1913, with the advent of the Federal Reserve Bank, a mostly foreign owned private institution, part of the banking houses that are 1/3 of Satan's innermost circle of controllers, with the Jesuit order and the upper chelon Freemasons comprising the other 2 legs, as they have done, globally, since the 1550s, and the popular election of Senators here, which cut states'control over our gov't too.

As for the notion Obama is "really in charge", that's a total FARCE! Valerie Jarrett ran the WH during the yrs he was sitting unlawfully in our house, he was then, as he is now, the empty suit" Clint Eastwood showed him to be. The "real" CIC is now, and has been at least since 1871, none other than Satan himself, as he is and has been for all the world's nations, for many centuries, in 1 way or another, but through the triad I described since the 550s. The UN, WHO, WEF, IMF, etc are merely his tools for controlling the mass of humans, 'til he can destroy the preponderance thereof by wars, famines, diseases, and any other way that comes to hand. This is all laid out in the UN Agendas (21, and 2030), other, ancillary writings by members of the club of Rome and the banking families of Europe, and it's opposite in the Bible prophecies, scattered from Genesis through Revelation.

With respect to that price per jab, that's the "bargain price" most likely. Americans have been paying much more than all other nations for the exact same drugs, for at least the 50+yrs I have been aware of their practices, since I was a student nurse. Many drugs, while still under patent protection , cost us hundreds of dollars a dose, if we pay directly for them. Medicare, Medicaid, and other insurance companies bargain the costs down, but Americans still pay more than all other nations' citizens for the exact same meds.

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The commander-in-chief is Donald J. Trump.

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No, he's not. Neither is Biden.

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Richard - this article, from 'The Conservative Woman', explains a lot......https://www.conservativewoman.co.uk/ignorance-is-bliss-for-the-slaves-to-the-jab/

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It's truly amazing to see the lack of discernment and curiosity in the "highly educated." It says a lot about the indoctrination (educational) system (overall) and the power of influence. We have seen firsthand, as parents paying for college educations, what can potentially happen. To become ignorant is not educated. It's scary.

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I call this phase IV of Covid Spike Protein effect. Phase I being acute respiratory issues with initial infection( seen with alpha/delta) Phase II cardiovascular damage of all types( vascular events like stroke and damaged placentas/ cardiac events like arrhythmias and cardiomyopathies) these are seen post “vaccination “ and infection. Phase III autoimmune flares and new diagnosis's ( I am seeing APS and it’s effect on placentas and random antibodies cross reacting causing false positive RPR ) and immune dysfunction resulting in yeast infections galore ( worse on skin than vagina) and a new surge of HPV and women who before had negative HPV screens…these are occurring post infection and “vaccination”.

And now onto Phase IV . My recent experience is a lovely patient of mine who presented after sudden onset (48 hours ) with a 4 cm painful lymph node in her axilla. I thought this must be infectious as it occurred so suddenly/ would have been the case 3 years ago. No , the answers is a poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma of breast origin completely replacing the lymph node with no evident primary in the breast. I am heart broken .

I am concerned about Phase V which I already have clues to . Yes you guessed it , neurodegenerative effects. This evil spike protein has changed our world and the game rules of how we treat, diagnose , and care for our beloved patients. How are we to fight such madness when our own governing bodies refuse to acknowledge this travesty?

Lord God help us in our time of need.

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Thanks Kathleen, your spot on , I have noticed those phase effects on loved ones and coworkers to the T , SAD nobody else believes it like us!


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Mark Crisipin Miller has been posting weekly lists with obituaries and notes of sudden deaths from around the world. I've lately noticed a considerable increase in deaths from turbo-cancers - a lot of rare, aggressive, multiple, inoperable cases in young people...


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I believe I saw one of these in my practice last year. Presented with rapid development of large right parotid swelling, went to surgery and treated with adjuvant modalities. I need to retrieve path reports and clinical follow-up from the non-affiliate hospital.

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This is so disturbing! The cabal is so greedy and selfish.

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No surprise here. Dr. Ryan Cole & other doctors & scientists have been describing this damage to the cancer/tumor surveillance system since the roll-out of these injections. They not only seem to suppress the P53 gene, but key toll-like receptors. Rest assured that these mechanisms of action were part of the plan, along with all of the other inherent dangers they pose, to harm those that took them. Be sure to watch this recent interview of Edward Dowd by Dr. Naomi Wolf for an even greater look at the fallout from the covid "vaccines"...https://twitter.com/naomirwolf/status/1704254517729247316?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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there is another reason for the increases in cancer. With the shut down - heart patients and cancer patients had their care put on hold until "covid was over".   I know of someone who eventually died because his care was put on hold for a while.  In 2019 I had lung cancer and in February I needed a procedure to make sure the cancer did not come back - the procedure was put on hold until June because of COVID.   Fortunately for me, I did not have the cancer return - but it would have been hard if I had.   This was time and time again.  I wrote Fauci a letter asking where the science was to delay early treatment of heart and cancer because of COVID - that this would prove to be deadly.  I was invited by his staff to not write back.

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I'm sure you were,and probably not very graciously!

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Nope they were not gracious at all. So I wrote them back and invited them to look at how much was going to be on their hands when deaths started climbing because they'd rather reserve hospital space for potential COVID patients than for real, existing heart and cancer patients. I told them I hope they can live with their decisions. I still do. I think that is the real issue. Most go into the medical profession wanting to help others. How do you look yourself in the mirror when you realize you were lied to and probably hurt a lot of people. Most humans will have a problem with that. What we can do as a society is pray for these people - they made a mistake, albeit a costly one, but a mistake. Do the right thing now - it is forgivable, what is not forgivable is to continue to deny it.

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I'm an "old school" ( hospital school trained) retired RN, and that as indeed why most went into medical fields, but I'm not so sure it is now. Another retired RN friend and I were appalled at how many accepted, and pushed those jabs, and ven more so when they went along with the protocol for in house treatment of covid patients. Neither of us took the jabs, or could have agreed to that protocol. We'd also realized, early into the lockdown, there was going to be a spike in cancer and cardiac deaths, because they were not being seen or diagnosed early as they should've been. That isn't brain surgery. But we are both Bible- literate Christians, so we're well aware of the warnings given, going back thousands of yrs, about how things would be in what is called "the end times" although all that's actually ending is the sinful patterns of life as we have known it. Keeping mind, many of those we are dealing with are like those villagers Jesus told His disciples to "shake off their dust from" their feet and move on. Not much sense to continuing to bang your head against a brick wall, in effect, is there? We each have free will to choose our path, and He WILL NOT cross anyone's free will choice, even to self condemn to hell, not even to save an innocent from some evil intent, or to save the chooser's soul, because to do so would remove free will from all. I admit I don't fully understand exactly how that works yet, it took me a lot of years to grasp this much of it, in view of my own experiences with others bad choices, but this much I do know to be true. That was why the disciples were told to just move on; some choose to not be redeemed, no matter what. They weren't instructed to continue praying for those, just shake off their dust and go elsewhere. It's part of the "tough love" aspect of agape; they have heard the truth,n ow the ball is in their court, but their choices will be respected, even by Yhwh God, including the choice for hell as opposed to redemption and heaven.

The thing about forgiveness, it's more for your soul than the 1 who has done you harm. We each need to forgive those who have wronged us so we can be forgiven and move n from our sins, and the harm that can so easily become bitterness rooted in our souls. Yhwh God will recompense, that's not our job.

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The rise in all forms of cancer has risen dramatically since the roll-out of the covid "vaccines"...https://hatchardreport.com/cancers-rise-dramatically-in-tandem-with-covid-vaccinations/

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Hello Dr. McCullough - I'm sure you saw these but thought I would send as they are still on youtube. Professor Dr. Phillip Buckhaults testifies before South Carolina Senate Medical Affairs Ad-Hoc Committee on DHEC.

https://youtu.be/IEWHhrHiiTY?si=fsU8HFSoz-g1byzy. Dr. Janci Lindsay https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjQQ7kkj3Bs

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What do you think is the reason that people won’t listen to these facts? Is it fear? Just denial because of fear? Is it just that people want to believe that they can trust the people deciding these health issues at the government levels?

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A fallacy in the argument that is made by proponents of mRNA vaccines may have produced this and other ghastly outcomes. This fallacy is called The Fallacy of Misplaced Concreteness. The fallacy is to mistake an "abstract" event of the future for a physical system for a "concrete" event of the future for this system where an "abstract" event of the future is "abstracted" (removed) from a location in space and time whereas a "concrete" event of the future has such a location. In this case, the example of a physical system is the public healthcare system for COVID. This same fallacy is evident in the argument that is made by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) where it has led to the disastrous and unwarranted policy of decarbonization of the world economy (excepting the economy of Communist China).

Terry Oldberg

Engineer/Xcientist/Public Policy Researcher

Los Altos Hills, California, USA



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I agree with the author's conclusions...and predict that there will be an exponential increase in all diseases year by year, if treatment suggested by the Wellness Company does not wipe out the spike and the other components of the death jab completely and in time. The proponents of the "jab" will likely be unable to find a place to hide as these cruel afflictions become widely known and recognized as to the genesis of the injuries and death they have caused. God help them. (or maybe not). Thanks Dr. McCullough for your light. God bless you.

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Contact Report 852

The majority of the world's rulers only have an overly big mouth and only utter stupid and primitive slogans that have neither hand nor foot, but only worthlessness, so that a valuable and lasting peace cannot really and finally be ensured and exist, but instead ..

Also that there are some 18.5 million human beings worldwide who have been outright murdered by these false vaccinations, as Ptaah explained to me, which of course is vehemently denied, because the truth is not meant to be known.

This, just as it should also not be known how many thousands of human beings suffer from vaccine damage for the rest of their lives.

But what I have to say is that all those in power ..







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Vaccine In






Two Words:

( Okay One )



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