Once again, no one is touching my son with ANY vaccine.

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SHHHHHH! Dr. McCollough, It's doing what it's intended to do. Injections were meant to depopulate safely & effectively ... What have they misled? Is it not safely & effectively killing people? Is anyone fighting back? Is there blood in the streets? Are PEOPLE DYING? I'd humbly say, it is a complete & successful depopulation. On every level from Murdering people with remdesivir & vents as to instill the initial fear as to deploy the arbitrary cure (death injection) I'd say they've ran this operation depopulation 100% effectively and to their credit, they all seem to be sitting perched above the death and destruction safely. SAFE & EFFECTIVE ....FOR WHOME? Exactly themselves.... This phase is over... time to prepare for the next...All that's left here is to watch people die miserably and painfully... I've read that these new cancers can't even be managed with traditional pain relief medicines... yea, this is a wash... it's time to break out that mental defense mechanism as so we don't drown in our own empathy...Yup, time to drag out that ageless and reliable sociopathy.... it's all we have been left as to combat a true psychopath... of course it's psychopaths. Who else could be sitting back and allowing this other than cold blooded psychopaths..... it's time for that 17 year old who had a gun thrust into his hands and then briskly flown across the world and dropped into a jungle and told die or kill...yup, our sociopaths ❤️




Werewolves (soul still intact)


Vampires (no soul anywhere)

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that the NEJM is allowed to print anything anywhere is an assult to the senses.

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Someone's got to print the propaganda for the depopulation operation in order for its success....would you not agree?

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These killers and promoters of HARMFUL misinformation need to be criminally prosecuted for disseminating possibly deadly lies. "Dr" Fauci's criminal career of maiming and killing is documented in Robert F. Kennedy's book FAUCI. Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (Children’s Health Defense) Hardcover – November 16, 2021

by Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (Author)

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You'll have to get angrier than that if you want to stop a perfectly planned depopulation operation... they will simply laugh at your comment lol...These are bona-fide clinically diagnosable psychopaths here.... they will eat your lunch & dinner 😉

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Forensic examination of the stable doors may now be a good idea ... around 100 years after the horses trotted out.

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The world’s leading vaccinologist, Dr. Stanley Plotkin, and company have just capitulated…

AARON SIRI JUL 10, 2024"


An examination of the ongoing fraud to attempt to get funds to do studies rather than be responsible for the harm caused. This substack was also published in pieces on twitter/X. The rest of this comment is the first part of his article.

"Wow. After decades of Dr. Stanley Plotkin and his vaccinologist disciples insisting vaccines are the most well studied products on the planet, they just penned an article admitting precisely the opposite.

They just admitted vaccines are not properly studied—neither pre-licensure nor post-licensure. They admitted, for example, “prelicensure clinical trials have limited sample sizes [and] follow-up durations” and that “there are not resources earmarked for postauthorization safety studies.”

That is an incredible reversal. But let me provide context so nobody is fooled at what they are clearly up to:

For decades, the medical community insisted vaccines are the most thoroughly studied product ever; for example, Dr. Paul Offit said, "I think we should be proud of vaccines as arguably the safest, best tested things we put in our body.”"


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Plotkin is a disgusting dirty old dinosaur --paid and promoted by the FARMYA industry.

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NEJM calling for common sense evaluation of “experimental non-vaccines” FOUR YEARS LATE…really impressive!

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yup--I live in a "retirement center" with an almost100% compliance rate regarding "vaccines"--I gave the director here a copy of Edward Dowd's CAUSE UNKNOWN...The next time I took my husband to the clinic to get his prescription meds (I never take them) I saw a sign on the wall stating they "ho longer offer covid shots"...notice it did NOT REFER TO VACCINES!

Small victories are possible and important...

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Based on the pure recklessness of the "vaccine" rollout and the obvious conspiracy of silence throughout the community of Drs, virologists, epidemiologists, even basic biologists, back when they could have had an impact, now the damage has been done, and most of the public knows this(I think). So why speak up now? No thinking person will take another jab... of any kind, without more fake research from our vaunted, completely compromised medical researchers. I sincerely believe your interpretation that this is a "vaccines good" op is 100% correct.

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"No thinking person will take another jab"

what planet do you live on? We are virtually a nation of illiterates who get their information from their television sets. Hopefully the huge toll these covid shots are taking will wake some large percentage up?

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I live on the same planet as you Kathleen.... and you make my point !

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Not all of them, thankfully.

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breaking news? vaccines are poisons.

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"the authors’ intention is to bolster public confidence of vaccines with the goal of increasing vaccine acceptance."....That' is exactly what they are paid to do and it is all they ever learned. I respect and applaud you, Dr. McCullough for going out on a limb and publicizing the truth. History will not forget you.

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Dr. Salmon & his "small group of experts" need to read "Turtles All The Way Down" & "Dissolving Illusions". Someone also needs to give him a subscription to Dr. William Makis' substack, who covers many of the injuries & deaths associated with these products that are referred to as vaccines. You'd have to be willfully blind & willfully deaf not to come to the conclusion that many, if not most, vaccines are injuring & killing people of all ages by the thousands. The plights of these unfortunate souls are quietly swept under the rug, rarely to be mentioned again.

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THE KEY WORD IS "WILLFULLY"...Dr. Salmon is WILLFULLY disregarding the truth and this is a criminal act when his "medical advice" causes disease and death. He is WILLFULLY ignoring valid and life saving research to benefit his sponsors...the big drug corporations.

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No question your assessment of this development is correct, this group of sleezeballs did not just developed a conscience.

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Under the scientific method, it is impossible to "prove" a propodiyion to be correct. Apparently, the editors of the NEJM are unaware of this fact@

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Yes, Kathleen, I do. Friends and family. I’m totally fed up!!

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CDC, FDA & NIH directors served with NOTICE of CRIMINAL LIABILITY

THE CDC MEMORANDUM lays out the case to convict federal agents of fraud and murder


JUN 15, 2024

supposedly the covid criminals have been "served notice"...


I have no idea if this is legally binding:

This article can wait no longer. More than three months have passed for the United States Postal Service (USPS) to deliver mail to the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

In March 2024, several hundred dollars in printing costs and another several hundred dollars in shipping costs were incurred to send, via USPS Certified Mail, Return Receipt Requested, THE CDC MEMORANDUM - NOTICE of CRIMINAL LIABILITY to the directors and deputy directors of the NIH, Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

THE CDC MEMORANDUM contains more than 170 enumerated paragraphs of factual

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We have all learned a lot about vaccines since the Covid crisis. We’ve learned about EUA and that no others drugs can treat a disease before it can be issued. We learned about studies that found vaccines to be safe and effective are just smoke a mirrors. We’ve learned that manufacturers of vaccines are exempt from liability for injuries. We’ve learned that VAERS is not highly used for reporting adverse events for anything (maybe 10%). We’ve learned that big Pharma works hand in hand with the FDA, CDC and NIH, not to mention universities, medical schools and large medical centers. Books like “The Real Anthony Fauci” and “Turtles All the Way Down” have pointed out the disastrous injuries inflicted on our children. We’ve learned that 1 in 36 children are suffering with autism which strongly suggests the vaccines. Dr. McCollough noted autism affected 1 in 10,000 when he was a boy. Weve learned that “scientists” are performing gain-of-function research to build more transmissible and virulent viruses and bacteria. We’ve learned that many chronic conditions that many suffer from can be laid at the feet of vaccines. And much more. For me, what we have learned tells me the studies would just injure more individuals. Let’s stop playing with the beautiful bodies God gave us and stop developing horrible diseases to kill us. We didn’t sign up for this!!!

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You know what would be nice, besides actually examining if the vaccines are even safe, how about if they’re even effective, if there is even a need for them, and how about do they cause OTHER problems while eliminating some? This is such a cult. And after what we all witnessed over the past four years, it can’t go on like this.

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Hi Alicia...Part of the problem is that there actually WAS NO SARS-COVID 19BLAH BLAH...

so there was no "pandemic"...it was all psyops from the start. There can be no "vaccine" for something that does not exist.

This is covered in detail at highly regarded Canadian scientist Denis Rancourt substack


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Right. But I meant all vaccines. The mRNA was criminal.

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yup....Sucharit Bhakdi has explained that the mRNA initiates auto immunity. The body is made to attack it's own cells and a spiraling incidence of inflammation and disease. All the bodies defense systems against invaders are turned against it's own cells. Insidious and totally evil. Dr. James Boyle has now announced the covid "vaccines" are bioweapons https://naomiwolf.substack.com/p/mrna-covid-vaccines-are-bioweapons

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Dr. Bhakdi was one of the first drs I’d found online speaking truth.

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He wrote a book in 2020 which I picked up by chance....CORONA FALSE ALARM. explaining how the "covid virus" has always been with humanity and is basically a "seasonal cold"...which the human immune system is equipped to handle. The true horror of the covid injections is that they work to disarm and destroy the human immune system, some say...specifically Dr. Mike Yeadon. That is why these injections were a crime against humanity and it was all a long planned for "event".


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Just remove the unsafe ones from the market... which is ALL of them! Problem solved..

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