Amen and hallelujah. Please God, bless this mess !

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Be bold and strong RFK!

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PRAISE God!!! 🙏🏼🙌🏼🤍👍🏼🔥🙏🏼

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Yippee kai yai ya!!! Amen! Hallelujah! Every cell in my body celebrates this news! He is more informed on health than most doctors. Truth!

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Trump taps RFK Jr. to lead HHS: CDC, FDA, NIH & USDA + Make America Healthy Again MAHANOW.org to protect from chemicals, pollutants, pesticides, pharmaceutical industrial complex (NurembergTrials.net) https://nuremberg2.substack.com/p/trump-taps-rfk-jr-to-lead-hhs-cdc

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One of my great concerns is lab grown and artificial replacements for some of the best foods that exist, i.e. meat and diary. On top of that you have processed insects, what appears to be artificial fruits and the coating of certain fruits with unknown chemicals. The man behind these initiatives is Gates who is a known eugenicist. None of these products was subjected to long term safety trials or properly tested from a health perspective. I'm sure Kennedy will put a halt to the madness.

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If RFK manages to outlaw fluoride in the water supply…that will be one of the greatest leaps in health advocacy in a century. Clean and pure drinking water is a first step towards increasing human health and one less environmental slow poisoning of the population. Common sense fact: if I want to protect myself from the longtime exposure to the suns radiation I don’t grab a bottle of suntan lotion and drink it. I would apply that lotion to the surface of my skin. Fluoride is a topical dental treatment to reduce germs that cause cavities. So why do we have tooth brushes? Why do we spit the toothpaste out after we brush? Why not just eat toothpaste? Because it’s a carcinogen. And there is no “safe amount of exposure”. Like smoking over years the continued exposure to that carcinogen in cigarettes is going to be detrimental and eventually fatal. It’s the same with fluoride. We don’t need to ingest fluoride. There are no health benefits. I have personally no used a fluoride toothpaste in the last ten years. I filter my tap water. I make a special effort to reduce my carcinogen exposure. Not everyone can afford to do this. Take it out of the water. God save the children. God Bless Robert F Kennedy Jr. ❤️

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Agreed! So very agree:)

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Thank God

He’s Not A Doctor.


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Awesome news!

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BEST NEWS OF THE YEAR!!!! Cleaning up our food supply will be a first step in reclaiming our ability to discern truth from fiction! It will nourish & support our brain health so we make decisions about our lives that truly support our health and well being!

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Wonderful and much Welcome News! Question. How can a FamilyPhysician become a voice in thefuture of our Trump- Kennedy DHHS? The potential of inclusion of evidence based clinicians and their experience is a major source in the unraveling of the past 50 plus years of fragmented Elitist health care in the USA....and the creation of a fundamental change in the mind set of most practicing as well as Academic physicians and heath care providers. The mass of Federal and State government sponsored "rules and regulations" have served as major barriers to the person to person relationship of primary care services. We are not whistle blowers...We are the unheard voices of burnt out physicians.

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Did you inform your patients about the dangers of the Covid injections? Did you enlighten them regarding the low numbers of people actually dying from Covid? Did you advise them to under no circumstances let their children be "vaccinated" against Covid? Did you tell your patients that most (or all?) vaccines contain aluminium and/or mercury? Did you tell them to do whatever they can to not have their children vaccinated against hepatitis and childhood diseases? Did you tell them, if you are of the older, tougher generation, that we survived all the childhood diseases with flying colours and have durable immunity to this day? Did you tell your patients about all the allergies caused by vaccinations? Did you refer your patients to informative truth-telling literature, articles, substacks and videos regarding vaccinations, Covid, big pharma, the trillion dollar cancer industry, fluoride in the water, pesticides and additives in food, Gates' evil agenda for culling the human herd, chemo trails, etc? If every family physician had had the guts to do the above maybe we wouldn't be in the health mess we are today.

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Did you read "Miller's Review of Critical Vaccine Studies: 400 Important Scientific Papers Summarized for Parents and Researchers", a book written by a doctor that lists over 400 different vaccine safety studies which the vaccines failed, and how they failed, and what diseases or conditions they actually caused. (Copied from GME's comment lower down.) Family physicians can be on the forefront of the health revolution by keeping themselves and their patients informed (instead of the patient informing the doctor, who suddenly becomes very cool because his/her "authority" is being challenged).

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As you mentioned, with science and a rock solid evidence base. And the evidence is there. Starting with the most obvious, why are mandatory vaccines not required to have RCTs?

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I hope that I am correct when I say this will be a brilliant appointment.

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Amen. Our health is a sovereign right, given by god. Now we can begin regaining control. The government was supposed to reduce reliance on Chinese control medicines and supplies after the pandemic, they never did, now is the time for action. Nutraceuticals can heal as effectively (e.g. d3 ) let the truth be known and stop pharma from destroying peoples health.

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How about reinstating Traditional Chinese Medicine to replace the

Modern Chinese Control Medicines and Supplies?

My favorite is wild schisandra berries that vine up trees in China—

grown organically in the U.S.

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Yeah. This is somewhat better than having him head the CDC.

RFK Jr. said he'd been praying for 19 yrs, every day. for God to put him in a position where he could end the chronic disease cataclysm being perpetrated on our children. And God sent him Donald Trump.

God answered his prayer.

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Got the nomination. Now, needs to get confirmed.

Then, if confirmed, will have the battle of his life on his hands. The corruption will not go easily.

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I hope Kennedy and Trump reverse the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986 pronto

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This is icing on the cake. Promise delivered! What's the deal with Sanjay Gupta and the other TV freaks who are threatened by a healthier food and drug supply and are quite fine with the current status of our unhealthy citizens?

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get rid of Gupta and other talking heads pushing propaganda & lies.

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Gupta sold his soul to Big Pharma and peddles the death and suffering that Covid vaccines bought humanity.

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