God protect Donald Trump

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Republican complacency should be on high alert. This game is FAR from over. Expect the unexpected and do not rock back on your heels.

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The next debate will be worse than the first one. Think word salad with giggle dressing

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Harris was the Demonrats’ insurance policy to keep Biden in office. You have it right, Dr. McCullough; the Demonrats can’t replace Harris with anyone that does not check off the right DEI boxes. Perhaps they’ll find a gay, transgender ethnic minority that was born with three eyes. We’ve all known that Biden has always been cognitively deficient, long before his rapid decline since COVID jabs.

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DEI stands for Division, Exclusion and Indoctrination.

Trump should learn that line, that came from Ron DeSantis.

Biden had Stage 3 Dementia for sure, when he was running in 2020.

Now he clearly has Stage 4 Dementia and some form of Parkinson's.

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Division, Exclusion, Indoctrination so true, so accurate.

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If we are lucky the Dems are melting down with their hair on fire? Lol

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Don't want to invoke 25th amendment and raise the stature of Kamala to be POTUS.

Biden can argue that he stepped down because he would not be able to serve for another 4 1/2 yrs but is fit now.

We want Kamala to be the candidate and its looking good.

Trump's people should be making videos now, including of her laugh.

PS: Regarding Joe, I recall he had Covid 3 times before this latest infection.

However the last time he was also taking Paxlovid, which caused a rebound infection a couple of weeks later. Paxlovid should be off the market.

Meanwhile, I can't recall Trump having more than one time and doubt he had more than 3 jabs.

Trump must have immunity.

I hope Trump has the morality to give you a high level position in the administration, if he wins.

Regarding the election, they seem to be getting behind Kamala, except the Obamas.

As Ron DeSantis said, "they are only rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic".

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Section 4. Whenever the Vice President and a majority of either the principal officers of the executive departments or of such other body as Congress may by law provide, transmit to the President pro tempore of the Senate and the Speaker of the House of Representatives their written declaration that the President is unable to discharge the powers and duties of his office, the Vice President shall immediately assume the powers and duties of the office as Acting President.

Section 4's requirement of a two-thirds vote of the House and a two-thirds vote of the Senate is more strict than the Constitution's requirement for impeachment and removal of the president for "high crimes and misdemeanors" – a majority of the House followed by two-thirds of the Senate.

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Definitely have my popcorn out!

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About a week ago, Joe Biden said Trump was his vice president. So if Biden's stepping down, shouldn't Trump take over? (LOL!)

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pressured and Jill finally gave in

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Jill knew Joe would lose, but she just wanted to make sure he finishes out the term and can pardon their son.

She wanted it to be Kamala as successor, so the Bidens would still have some influence.

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Sure, all true, everyone knows. And just who will Kamala bring in as VP...she's not even eligible because she's an anchor baby, but no one seems to care since Obama was put in, and the rest of them who aren't eligible seem to run and no one says squat. So much b.s. that it's overwhelming.

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This is the same guy who said 'This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated' and 'The unvaccinated are killing people'. And the same guy who forced Government employees including the military to be injected with a harmful gene-altering drug that has zero lasting utility against covid. And the same guy who forced private companies, on pain of losing Government contracts, to force their employees to be injected with this toxic drug. While I don't wish ill on anyone, may it serve as a lesson to everyone how this public personage has harmed his own health and that of the nation.

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Our Country will be at its most vulnerable state for the next 6 months.

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How did Biden Harris even get elected in the first place? They were completely wrong for our country to start.

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They didn't. It was election fraud, without a doubt.

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They cheated, that's how. 110 million mail-in ballots, etc.

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So now that a “Red Wave” is apparent, what does that mean for the country?


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Don’t assume a Red Wave will happen. I say again, the Demonrats will stop at nothing to keep Trump out of the Presidency. And I do mean “nothing.” I continue to pray for Trump’s safety.

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Jul 21·edited Jul 21

I wouldn't get overconfident just yet. Remember prior Red Waves?

State Media fell in line w/ TPTB's directives to slime Biden. With Biden endorsing, Harris will likely be the nominee. Look for them to make her the 2nd Coming. I don't really think it will, in reality, move the dial much. But the polls will make it look like it's within the margin of error.

Then there's the steal to deal with.

Whatever you do, DO NOT get complacent.

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Not so fast. This is far from over. They’ll drop in someone popular, and with instant name recognition like MO and everyone will forget that we were denied a primary election. RFK Jr. is still taking votes, and while he cannot win, even a State or two will send the decision to the House.

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Kamala will be their nominee, unless Republicans screw it up like by invoking the 25th Amendment or using their best stuff against Kamala before their Convention and then they go in another direction.

Expect her to pick my Governor Shapiro for VP since its over if they lose PA.

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Why is Kamala going to debate the Republican VP if Sleepy Joe recommended her for POTUS? It’s a weird election process made up as you go.

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He needs to be immediately removed from office!!

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It is hard to imagine the current debacle that is the USA can be sorted out anytime soon regardless of who is the next president. The same can be said for all the other western nations. Can anyone keeps all the balls in the air, I have my doubts.

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