Thanks...it is absolutely astonishing that people still buy into the "covid" idiocy. All who can afford to do so....should buy Ed Dowd's book CAUSE UNKNOWN. It not only displays the horrifying obituaries of many young "vaccine' victims ...it shows the graphs which clearly prove INCREASED MORTALITY after the injections....in every single country where such records were kept. Scientists such as Denis Rancourt have proven statistically there was no pandemic. See his substack for more on this. These are just a few of the tools at our disposal to stop the demicide.

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This scientist also has a well supported opinion. https://substack.com/@geertvandenbossche

It seems--all things considered--to have been an intentional poisoning. And it continues.

Geert van den Bossche says vaccinating during a "pandemic" will produce virulent variants that will kill the "vaccinated". Let us hope this is not true.

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GVB theories could be what we are observing playing out with continued excess mortality. Perhaps the implications of vaccinating he sees will be restricted to a small percentage of the overall batches, kind of like the Danish study that showed the vast majority of all adverse events came from less than 5% of the batches.

If Greet is correct about the scale of the problem, if / when that is upon us the propaganda will be in top gear to ensure everyone is primed to believe we are observing an entirely new public health emergency than simply the consequence of mismanaging the previous one.

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Well one thing is certain--we won't find out what is really happening until it is too late. What can be done? Identify the scientists and others who did not participate in lying and deceiving the defenseless public. Support their work and share the information they provided...such as Sucharit Bhakdi and Dolores Call among many others. There is good in humanity, but it is so much quieter than the monster class--you may never hear about it. My view is that overall nobody really wants to commit these heinous crimes....but a small % do enjoy evil and that includes murder. If it is profitable ...then all the better (for them). Basically--after torturing us...they do want us dead. Normal people do not grasp these facts. The existence of evil has been a problem that has plagued humanity since Satan walked up and down on our beautiful planet...calculating how to foil our Creators designs. He can't create anything himself....but is filled with rage and envy against us. The good news is these evil ones are powerless if we don't succumb to their blandishments and lies.

In short--there was no "pandemic" and the "cure" for this was deadly. Your point about Geert is already happening. People are finding all kinds of reasons why they are sick. But don't you EVER EVEN THINK ...it was the "vaccine". ...oh lordy.

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Did you already review the work by John Beaudoin Jr and his book “The Real CdC”?

His analysis of the record level data from the Massachusetts Dept of Health is unassailable. We need state AG’s to take this to court.

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I am checking this out. Thanks for the tip!...

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Is it possible that some of the unvaccinated deaths were people who were given the medication but died before 2 weeks, and were therefore, technically counted as unvaccinated?

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Horrifying yet the blind still refuse to see. Also remember the deadly hospital protocols used almost everywhere (remdesivir, ventilator and nothing much else) killed untold numbers. So, in many ways, we will never know the true horror.

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Yes...There is a book WHAT THE NURSES SAW. very heartbreaking stories about people dieing alone and unable to get cheap and effective cures that were banned in hospitals.

very terrible.

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What the Nurses Saw: An Investigation Into Systemic Medical Murders That Took Place in Hospitals During the COVID Panic and the Nurses Who Fought Back ... Their Patients (Medical System Corruption)

by Ken McCarthy (Author)

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The shocking thing is that excess all cause mortality is consistent with the shot side of the clinical trial results (compared to the placebo side), yet people can’t believe it, but to suggest we should expect something different in the population over the trials, that should be the impossible one to pitch.

And that’s from a clinical trial that fraudulently manipulated results to get even the lousy results they did. In real life, weaker less robust people (the ones at risk from covid) got the shot, imagine if an appropriate proportion of clinical trial participants were represented by this cohort. Also the trial used the cleaner PCR manufactured shots, the public got the more contaminated E Coli manufactured shots. And if there was ever a product to keep the control group blinded beyond two months, mRNA was it, but if they were going to be consistent with with how vaccine clinical trials have always been conducted, cancelling the study early makes perfect sense. However, as bad as the clinical trial was, for a vaccine it might have been one of the most powerful ones ever conducted.

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It is so uncomplicated....I can't believe all this complex "review" and "rear view mirror" analysis that just keeps grinding on and on. Here's what took place

1.The monster class first bought out the media...it's been bought out for years...and the AMA and the CDC and the HHS and JAMA and whatever else they could corrupt were bought out as well.

2.then (all together now boys) they simultaneously ramped up a fake pandemic...in every literate nation. Of course other regions that were not "exposed" to our toxic media had no such disease such as Africa.

3.After that incredibly ridiculous bs...they concocted a secretly poisoned death shot to "save us" from the really nothing burger of a "pandemic".

4.And lo and behold...another miracle pile of money landed into the lap of our favorite criminals--- Big Farmya

5. The deaths and injuries pile higher and higher....but idiocy cannot learn. They are still giving and receiving these injections. And continuing to "shame" the unvaccinated. Unbelievable?

No...it is right before your eyes.

But the blind do not see. Never have.

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I remember saying to people early in the lockdown...."But I don't know anyone who has this disease....do YOU?" and they always knew some third cousin or someone's student or someone you could not verify....who suffered from "covid"....It's kinda hilarious. Like a circle game of lies....repeated often enough everyone believed them-- With enough tv incitement you can do anything with us. Did we learn from this? Maybe....and just maybe they taught us to ignore their warnings so they could release some really devastating affliction..? Is there any limit to their malevolence?

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So what should be done? Do we turn a blind eye to the most horrifying genocide in human history? Do we pretend it didn't happen and that we should just "trust our doctor?"....Should pharmaceutical companies be convicted of crimes?

The very first step is happening right on this substack. We are getting an education. This is information that needs to be shared everywhere. A million thanks to Dr. McCullough and John L for their work.

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Yes, but many more have learned of the tried and true formula, they went and over did it.

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JAMA is at it, again, with their biased research. “Pregnant persons” lets you know right away what their conclusions will be even before the study is begun. They excluded infants with major chromosomal abnormalities and only included infants who survived past birth.


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My family doctor's nurse *still* has not heard of Dr. McCullough.... Denial and self-lying perhaps? The scary realization that she will die prematurely due to the jabs is so strong, it overrides all common sense, I guess.... And perhaps her unvoiced horror that her advice to patients to get jabbed will probably kill 2/3 of them (1/3 of the vax shots contained just "distilled water" according to research published this year). It must be agonizing to be in her position. The Wellness Company sells capsules to fight the spike protein. I take them to protect me against the exhaled spike protein I inhale every time I go to the grocery store and am exposed to the jabbed. Don't know if the capsules ("Spike Support") work since I have no control-group to compare it too. I'm still alive, so luck or pills are working, I guess.

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There is a book about by Ken McCarthy...WHAT THE NURSES SAW....

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Same in Canada, sadly.

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I have looked at the study and am passing it on to those that are still denying truths. Can you tell me what vaccine and/or vaccines were used in that province? I cannot find that. It will be important to those that I am trying to convince. Thank you both for all your efforts - I am a neighbor of yours here in Fort Worth.

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