I try my best to remain levelheaded and to not see darkness or evil intent if it is not clearly there, but this whole Covid situation and in particular the relentless push for these shots mixed with an understanding of the 2030 WEF totalitarian agendas and ideologies of population control sociopaths like Bill Gates, makes it challenging to not see a dark agenda. So much of what is being pushed by the sociopathic overlords is focused on killing, confusing and maiming the innocent (abortion/“transgender”surgery/population control/pregnancy injuries). The relentless push and severe effects of these jabs seem to indicate a dark agenda, at least by certain players in this game. Wasn’t Gates’ father all about eugenics and abortion, and hasn’t Gates been pushing for a severe reduction of the population to around 900 million?

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If you read UN Agenda 2030, failing to see evil intent becomes utterly impossible! 500 million was the"going" level in both UN agendas, and 300 million on the Georgia Guidestones, before they were demolished.

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Yes Gates does push for population reduction....i.e. genocide(?)

In a 2010 Ted Talk he is featured as actually lecturing to a large audience in public that he had a "vaccine" that will reduce population by at least 30%. I don't have that link now but I am sure that video can be found somewhere. His rational for this was carbon emissions reduction I believe. In less polite circles population reduction is known as "killing a lot of people" to get their stuff. Perhaps Hitlerean should become a word?

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I have seen that video. And even though I am certain Gates wants de-population I think that this particular video gets repeatedly misrepresented. I don’t think he is saying that vaccines will be used to kill people. That would be crazy to admit in such a public forum. I think this comment in which he mentions vaccines (elliptically) is meant to imply: if children in developing countries receive vaccines more of them will live so that women will have less children. And where are the highest birth rates—in Africa. Fertility rates throughout the developed world are so far below replacement, Gates wouldn’t even need to say that.

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O.K. his words are "ambiguous" but ultimately the results are not. He does not specify which ideas he did mean. Either interpretation could be correct. But the actual FACT of what happened is that millions of people are dead and millions more face a future of crippling cancers and heart disease after agreeing to this "experimental product" which was created at "warp speed" so that there was "no time" to understand it or to run trials. And we were told we were getting a "vaccine" for a disease ....a disease that apparently did not exist. The organism that supposedly causes this "disease" does not exist or if it does....it is harmless. The Gates foundations is barred from returning to India...after leaving in its wake hundreds of thousands of crippled teenaged girls. They were supposed to be getting a "vaccine" that prevents malaria. This incident was also shrouded in weird double entendres like a sick joke played by frat boys. The "billionaire class" sees the human population to be classed in with termites or worms--destructive and expendable. Don't forget "they" have robots now--highly functional ones that can do everything a human can and even resemble one so that it is difficult to see the difference.

Prince Phillip said in public that he hoped to be reincarnated as a virulent microbe that kills people. What could be more explicit? "They"--the unelected elites-- really do want us dead apparently. This is not a new phenomenon....and has been the function of "wars" in many cultures in history. The so-called "elite" have often attained their status by sheer brutality-- a brutality often masked as "benevolent" manipulation that ultimately creates death and destruction.

I would be a lot less likely to believe that Ted talk in 2010 was meant to inform of some new breakthrough that would benefit humanity if that was what actually occurred. Ask those who have lost their loved ones how they now see this "vaccine" . I do not believe we have even experienced the beginning of the "ravages" that will be left by this "vaccine". This is an unprecedented attack on the human being and short of nuclear war--the most effective depopulation tool ever devised. and a way specifically to defuse the influence and power of a thriving democratic republic. It was minutely planned and viciously effective. Most experts will agree on these two facts.

Death and disease and the cruel impression that much more was planned than actually did occur was the goal and has been the result so far. Millions more doses were made than were actually used. Factories exist to manufacture more and more doses...Yes, "they" really do want us dead.

Fact is that Mr Gates is a relatively new member of the elite billionaire club. "They" probably used him to be a target of the inevitable rage and disillusionment that will surely follow in the wake of the fake "covid pandemic". Instead of studying how to best prevent such incidents in the future....humanity may indulge in a wave of "revenge"...This time not against any one country...but against these monstrosities who have secretly ruled and manipulated society for their own benefit in various ways throughout history--symbolized by organizations such as the WEF and the United Nations. The video does not get "misrepresented" if you look at the results of the "vaccine" which GAVI and the Bill Gates Foundation literally funded.

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I was only writing about the video not everything regarding Gates who I regard as an amoral-Epstein-island-visiting-eugenics-promoting-greedy-entitled-sociopath. Objectively soeaking. 😉

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Here is the song that goes with it..entitled BILL GATES SINGS...


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Not sociopaths......psychopaths & sycophants and you're spot on with the nefarious angle.

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If you take advice from abortion loving people. you would not be surprised about this. Don't take any advice about anything from anyone who would kill the unborn. Same is true of atheists. Reverence for God is the beginning of wisdom. For those who rule God out at the beginning, they are destined for foolishness.

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You mean stuff like this? The kid was EIGHT YEARS OLD for crying out loud:

In Israel, 8-Year-Old Yonatan Moshe Erlichman, 'Vaccine Poster Child ...

Oct 12, 2023In Israel, 8-Year-Old Yonatan Moshe Erlichman, 'Vaccine Poster Child', Dies After Sudden Heart Attack Yonatan, who was featured in an Israeli national campaign to promote Covid vaccines for children, has tragically died after suffering a sudden heart attack: Source substack is OCT 12 Lioness Of Judah

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There is no doubt as to the evil intent. In spite of all of the known dangers & associated deaths, the CDC is still pushing & promoting these poisonous products. It's unbelievable....https://www.theepochtimes.com/article/cdc-advisers-propose-recommending-new-covid-vaccines-to-nearly-all-americans

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Unfortunately it is totally consistent with their past behaviors. These criminals are exposed now and the only remaining question is what is to be done about them?

Probably our media will immediately move on and there will be endless raging about Gaza and other atrocities. Yes Gaza is horrific. But not as horrific as the attack on the unborn here in our own country. Same group responsible for all of it.

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On Friday, I was able to spare a 19 week pregnant woman from receiving a mandated Covid shot as I am able to check off on her form "contraindication", with the added comment "History of severe reaction to her 2nd Covid shot (was an Astrazeneca received in 2021. She told me she had lots of fever and also she didn't want the shot because of her baby.

A 23-24 formulation is mandated for those applying for Permanent Residence, Form I-693 if over 6 months of age. Yes, I said 6 months, not 6 years. Having a severe reaction to receiving a prior jab is the only exemption we are allowed. We have NEVER had an applicant who could get their USA family doctor willing to put in writing a contraindication for the mRNA. Only had 3 doctors from outside the USA willing to put in writing. USA physicians are still in fear.

USCIS/CDC, in mandating the "latest" Jab, has admitted that the older mRNA jabs are no longer effective, since the virus has changed. If someone had say 5 jabs, but all before Sept. 23, they still must receive the 6th jab.

USCIS/CDC won't acknowledge that the new formation, which became available around Sept. 11, 2023, is also for a variant that hasn't existed for about 1 yr and therefore is also ineffective, but still a severe risk to health.

Obviously its a sham, as the CDC is still as corrupt as ever.

And although Trump can't admit he did much more harm than good, with Operation Warp Speed, at least in the debate he stated "there should not be any vaccine mandates - the people don't want mandates"

Dr McCullough: Is there anything you can do to connect with attorneys, who are willing to initiate litigation against the CDC for continuing this policy. I can provide any documents about this policy.

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Besides a severe reaction to a prior Covid shot and a letter of contraindication from a patient's family doctor, the only other exemption is filing a religious/moral exemption form, which costs about $950. We have had Mennonites take that route and likely were approved, since their religion opposes routine vaccinations.

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Also, I doubt you are aware, but USCIS/CDC in April 24 initiated an unrelated policy regarding Inactivated Polio. For people born outside the USA, and thus are now applying for Permanent Residence, if they cannot provide childhood evidence of receiving the series of Polio shots, they must begin to make it up. That is they must now receive the first in a series of Inactivated Polio Vaccine (IPV). However, if born in the USA, it is allowed to be assumed everyone had the series, even if no record.

From reviewing lots of records, I found than nearly everyone from 3rd world countries does get the series of polio shots. But apparently they can site a case of Polio in Massachusetts, as justification.

Making it worse, is that there is no upper age limit, even though polio mainly afflict children age 5 and over. We had to give Polio to people over age 65, as the local PA Dept. of Health is not authorized to give to adults.

I don't know if this is another scam to enrich Big Pharma - in this case Sanofi.

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These injections are bio weapons designed to kill with plausible deniability. It’s for the population.


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Jun 30·edited Jun 30


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We do not believe that all the vaccines were "created equal." If that is the case, then any claims made about "the COVID Vaccine" may be confounded. Why were vaccines issues by age group? Did those age groups make any sense?

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With the absolute shear fact of "no liability" for nearly all aspects of injection vaccines,

there wouldn't be any need for maximum effort of PRODUCTION QUALITY CONTROL!

Even batch numbers and the inoculums within have been proved NOT UNIFORM!

Product safety rules does not seem to apply to big pHARMA anymore, do they??

So configure into the nonsense a marketing hype divided in age groups as bunk.

As long as the 1986 rule on VaxxJab from a lab, nothing will change death/injury data.

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It is given routinely in all Pregnancies at the University of Florida. It was the normal practice to never give anything during pregnancy except for Tylenol and rarely anything else except for an antibiotic for actual infections.

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Horrific...are they still injecting this bioweapon at the University of Florida?

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World-Renowned Expert: Covid Shots Are ‘Weapons of Mass Destruction’

Dr. Francis Boyle is a Harvard-educated law professor who drafted the 1989 Biological Weapons and Antiterrorism Act.


JUN 08, 2024

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No, they cause Spontaneous Abortion in over 80% of cases.

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It’s a sad state of affairs when the citizens cannot trust ANY of the 3 letter agencies including the health, intelligence/law enforcement, homeland security & environmental departments of the federal government just to name a few.

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As a total aside, a horse named McCollough won the #9 race at 'Belmont at Aqueduct' card today.

The horse was not named for the good doctor, but I take it as a sign of bigger things!!

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Doing a online search, asking if it is okay to give a Covid vaccine during pregnancy yielded this result ( copied and pasted ):

Studies including hundreds of thousands of people around the world show that COVID-19 vaccination before and during pregnancy is safe, effective, and beneficial to both the pregnant person and the baby.Mar 8, 2024

https://www.cdc.gov › pregnancy

COVID-19 Vaccines While Pregnant or Breastfeeding - CDC

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I have a 2017 article that reported on an association of spontaneous abortion in pregnant women who were given a flu shot. After that there are many papers that cannot find such an association and say that shots are safe, necessary and effective for pregnant women. Oh, sorry here it is: Association of spontaneous abortion with receipt of inactivated influenza vaccine containing H1N1pdm09 in 2010–11 and 2011–12

Maddening is the mild word I'll use.

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On June 27, 2024 the CDC proposed giving COVID-19 vaccinations to everyone over the age of 6 months.

Note: It appears that many of these Vaccine Adverse Events would not have occurred if vitamin D was started before pregnancy. https://vitamindwiki.com/tiki-index.php?page_id=15372

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Important information and not emphasized by our "healthcare' providers.

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This alone is enough to have the Big Pharm protection from liability of damages removed immediately….open deception within Govt and Big Pharma to harm people…yes to cause injury via deception , deceit and lies….well beyond politics for it goes after all parties….and here the mother and new born. The bond between the mother and fetus can not be stronger unless your desire is to destroy it from the very beginning….and where are the “women’s rights’ and protection of the un-born from cruel and unusual abuse. These are crimes against humanity which must remove Big Pharm protections…or should we call this abortion via vac mandate…infertility for all who are mandated…oh but illegals never were mandated to get the vac?! Oh but Faucci’s office never was required to be vac’d….and special “vacs” were made available too…and does anyone really think Biden was given the real stuff?…Remember the Govt wanted this info buried for 75 yrs!!!…and still the CDC is not coming forth with all they knew and know about this “ non-vac”…no wonder our Courts are so powerless for they too have their heads in the sand when it comes to crimes against humanity and accountably of Govt reps elected and appointed.

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The War Against The Child: Battlefront “Womb Warning”


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but it is totally benevolent...don't you see?

The non existent "carbon emissions" must be reduced....and the only effective pathway to this "goal" is by killing babies and everyone else. Dr. McCullough is on target again. Thanks Dr. McCullough for standing up for us-- the powerless and misinformed masses yearning to breath free. literally. Parents who send their children to public schools risk having them injected with products meant to kill and disable them without parental permission. How kind of the elites to "take care" of our children.

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