As I posted earlier on John Leake's blog: "A Kansas high school football player dies from a medical emergency. It's the 3rd case this month'.

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In my 4 years of high school I read the newspaper daily and only remember seeing 2 high school athletes sudden deaths being reported. Both were due to heart birth defects. We all know that the current flood of deaths is due to the jab and I have yet to see one reported as due to a heart birth defect.

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Thank you for continuing to report the data that supports ending the COVID vaccines.

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Throughout this time, while physicians, epidemiologists and scientists have warned that the jabs are neither safe nor effective, some of them seemed to imply that they might have been beneficial to the elderly or other high risk people in the beginning with the original strains of the virus. They implied that it might have been a correct approach to “vaccinate” these high risk groups. I would like some clarification on this from epidemiologist Dr. Harvey Risch (sp?) who is one of these people and is also affiliated with The Wellness Co., and Dr. McCullough. I would like to see any studies specifically looking at this, not just someone’s theoretical opinion. I never took the jabs. In the very beginning it was because they were developed using cell cultures derived from the harvested tissues from the abortion of healthy babies. In one case from a baby’s retina and in other cases a baby’s kidney.

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Claiming that the first two shots had a beneficial temporary effect does not imply using them was the correct approach. HCQ prophylaxis was the safer option with at least 75% efficacy in preventing infection. By April 2021, it was confirmed that the spike protein was toxic. At that point, the shots should have been stopped.

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it is all about the narrative and control. How many media outlets will report/misreport this? How many more will have to die until people are held accountable? I doubt that anyone of significance will ever be held accountable in this lifetime. Sort of like the 2008 Housing bubble crash. No one held accountable either

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"Overall Risks Greatly Outweigh Theoretical Benefits" operative word being theoretical. In reality, not at all. It was useless from the get go and we still have no clue how many people actually ever had covid. Reported jab efficacy is actually less than the risk proposed by Ioannidas in 2020. I think the real pandemic was spread by injection, is ongoing and will continue.

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The native virus can only affect the heart if it gets into the bloodstream. Most people with a healthy immune system will have fought off the virus before it gets entrenched in the lungs and transfers to the blood. In contrast the vaccine leaks into the bloodstream very shortly after injection into the deltoid muscle.

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Is there a paper or some evidence of the leaky vaccine? Thank you for making this important distinction.

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When do the prosecutions begin?

Is murder a felony?

Is mass murder a felony?

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I desperately need those responsible to be tried by a jury of their peers.

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There are NO theoretical benefits when the destruction of human microbiome is taken into account. The microbiome is where immune response substantially resides. When the bifidobacteria are wiped out, there is a huge problem that does not fix itself. When the mother takes the shots, the baby, if born alive, will have NO bifidobacteria. Highly abnormal. The child will be allergic to the mother’s milk and spend its first year visiting Children’s Hospital for one thing or another. I urge Dr. McCullough to post an interview with Dr. Sabine Hazan on this topic. No illusions about “benefits” of the shots will survive. Why do you think 60,000 millenials traded their laptops for death certificates in Q3’21? Because this group soaked up the proliferation of childhood vaccines post-VICA. Who lives? Who dies? It’s like a pinball that hits all the right bumpers to end up on the death bin. Game over.

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Hi Dr. McCullough, love sharing your posts and wondered if you could set it up so that when we share them on Twitter that it's not just a line of letters and numbers but there's a picture and a headline that comes with it. Steve Kirsch has his set up that way and I'm sure you could check with him about how to do that. I know that would increase the impact and the likelihood that someone will click on it and read the post. Thanks!

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Lots of luck overturning the greatest mass extinction of humans…and all with the knowledge and foresight by the butchers within CDC/NIH/HHs….and of course the FDA. The World condemned and put to death those involved in the holocaust and crime against humanity post WW2 yet not one…NOT ONE of these Dem jackals have been held to any responsibility even they knew in advance the serious misgivings of this so-called “vaccine”…which even the most liberal Appeals court…9th Circuit…did not agree it was a vaccine. These folks became rich off blood money and lied and deceived while Americans died and became disabled!…and where is the justice. You want to have evidence of the ruining of this Nation…this is the blind justice for real criminals.

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Thank you, Dr. McCullough. My husband (unvaccinated) suffered a cardiac arrest approximately 10 weeks after COVID infection in Feb 23. He miraculously has made a full recovery, but was medivac'd twice and put on ECMO for three days. I did intake with 5 different hospital systems, and not ONCE did any of the dozens of practitioners or administrative personnel ask me if my husband was vaccinated or when his last COVID infection was. It appears they did not want to know this information...

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Now there’s the Oropouche virus being brought in by travelers from So. America, the Caribbean and Cuba, transmitted by flies and certain mosquitoes. Sounds a bit like Zika. Here we go again.

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