My multivaxxed friend age 81 keeps getting debilitating bouts of vertigo. I have heard many vaxxed say they have vertigo.

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I think one of the biggest things that we fight against with these vaccines that they cause such a multitude of adverse events that don’t seem to be related to each other that some doctors are hesitant to blame the vaccine for it..but if they didn’t exist until after the vaccine even if it’s within a year or more, they have to consider that the vaccine is involved.. My gut instinct is that They were created in such a way to cause slow release adverse effects just a cause this type of confusion. Anything that China works on I do not trust but in the end, it started with Tony Fauci, Ralph Barrick, and Peter Dasak (not sure I spelled either of those two last names properly) and they should be held accountable just as much as China.

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With all of the AE’s how we get them to take them off of the market, not just present a new improved version?

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If only we had a DoJ/FBI!

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I work with a cath lab and since this gene therapy rolled out we have had patients having a thrombectomy on blood thinners and antiplatelets and throw another clot during procedure. This is crazy.

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Unlike “back in the day” when clot busters actually worked, it’s now worth considering thrombectomy, especially for large strokes.

Thrombectomy patients generally had better outcomes: “Trial of Thrombectomy for Stroke with a Large Infarct of Unrestricted Size”

N Engl J Med 2024;390:1677-1689

DOI: 10.1056/NEJMoa2314063

VOL. 390 NO. 18


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Has there been any acceptance by mainstream physician groups or journals of the now myriad studies and retrospective analysis showing a link between the vaccine and injuries and death. It seems amazing that there is not at least a creeping recognition of the awful situation we find ourselves in.

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For any of those that would like to read it here is another really good article that addresses this from another Substack author. I never understood how important Zeta Potential was until the last year or so…


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It’s not called The Clot Shot for nothing. Let see what 2025 brings. May invest in caskets.

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