It has been heartbreaking to witness the level of blatant corruption in the medical journals. I've always been a great reader of medical studies while maintaining a healthy skepticism, but now I basically trust nothing when seeing glowing studies in mainstream journals about a new drug or treatment. All BS or how to know? The new upcoming FLCCC journal has a brave idea of refusing any money from pharmaceutical companies, who basically fund most medical journals at present. Hopefully King County has a few brave souls to really do a deep dive into all the cardiac deaths since the death vax roll out. Thank you

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God bless you Doctor for being willing to take a courageous stand during this time. I appreciate all who were willing to put their livelihoods and reputations on the line and speak the truth. Love from a grateful subscriber. ❤️

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And Academia, is generally like that, too. Very elitist and insular with regard to publications.

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Academia needs to maintain their superior status as the center for medical research. My Alma Mater which is UIC in Chicago honored Fauci for his contributions to medical science. In reality, they were thanking him for helping fund the 500 million UIC research budget. NIH and it's branches, particularly NAIAD which was run by Fauci for almost 50 years was an important source of funding. Academia, just like the mass media (6 Billion in Rx commercials) will not bite the hand that feeds their existence.

I recall how Lilly used George Bush to have NIH fund a 30 million dollar research project that discredited estrogen as a treatment for bone loss. It was called Women's Health Initiative and was a bias project that helped Lilly dramatically increase their sales of their chemo drug for osteoporosis. NIH should have spend the 30 million validating the fact that there is an inverse relationship between Vitamin D and Osteoporosis. The higher the Vitamin D level the less likely to have bone issues as well as developing breast cancer. Consequently, Dr. McCullough is correct. Only bias academic research that supports Big Pharma initiatives, including the development of RNA injections see the light of day. https://thomasabraunrph.substack.com/p/editorial-control-on-rfk-jr

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Thank you, Dr McCollough, for continuing to keep us informed!!

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The two big crimes committed by our education system are the omission of teaching students statistics and how money works.

Advanced algebra and calculus steer the average person away from areas where statistics will be taught and even at that the vast misusage of statistics is often not given the time it should be given.

Accounting and basic economics doesn’t begin to teach how the overlords truly get rich.

A good way to get rich is to keep knowledge from the masses and promoting fear sweetens the deal.

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When you have foxes guarding the hen house, it is doubtful that we will get to the bottom of anything where the covid "vaccines" are concerned.....https://www.2ndsmartestguyintheworld.com/p/deathvax-swamp-rising-trump-appoints

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