Thank you for your interesting summary and observations. In my sad opinion, the Department of Justice now appears to be a weaponized arm of the BIden regime, and cannot be trusted to investigate Dr. Fauci or his partners in crime.

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So true, since HIllary Clinton is still walking free after all the evidence against her (& DNC) of an attempted government coup; I'm afraid Dr. Fauci will not see judgement day on Earth. It's going to be between him & his God; between the Light & the fires of Hell.

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His god is money. It will be judgement by God himself.

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I'd say the coup worked, it just put Killary in the back seat for awhile.

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A retired judge here in the U.K. as much as said current judicial system on the U.K. do as they are told.

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This does not surprise me, or you, either, it seems. :(

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"Why isn’t the matter Drs. Anthony Fauci, Peter Daszak, and Ralph Baric simply referred to the Department of Justice for a criminal investigation?"

Because that's the theater next door. The DoJ is now the Stasi -- they're not interested in justice any more than Fauxi is interested in science.

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I suggest reading Whitney Webs two volume book set, The United State of blackmail, and you will understand the twisted truth of what passes for Democracy. Incestuous cross mingling of intelligence agencies and organized criminal enterprises such as money laundering, drug dealing by some of these agencies and many more high crimes. Nothing is as it seems, nothing.

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She's awesome, and I want those books...

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HA HA! I just bought them! Lol!

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Uh... good for you?

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Do you want me to send them to you? I have some homing pigeons?

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Thank you! I just purchased them. This looks like some GOOD DIRT!

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I'm going fishing.

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It's 100% theater. Our congressmen sold us out long ago. Fauci is a mass-murderer; he has been for decades. We are watching a real-time eugenics program and the normalization of said program. See Katherine Watt's Bailiwick News SubStack for the legal framework, put in place by ALL your favorite congressmen and presidents, over the last few decades. Read "War Against The Weak" by Edwin Black, for the original source of eugenics - the USA - and we transferred this knowledge to the nazi's in pre-WW2 Germany. The Rand Paul and Fauci discussions are a complete waste of time. For example, during the AIDS years, Fauci pulled the deadliest drug available off the shelf, AZT, and gave it to PCR-"positive", asymptomatic women and children, killing many of them. (See Celia Farber's book: "Serious Adverse Events". ) Congressmen and Senators are ALL diabolical narcissists - you must choose to live in parallel society ( See "Live Not By Lies" by Rod Dreher ) and put God first in your life. Fauci should be executed, in public, for his crimes against humanity. James Corbett has a great video that covers this exact topic - politics is nothing but theater - they are ALL cowards. Take for example, SG Ladapo in FL. He "suggests" that no person from the age of 0 to 45 get the gene-therapy shots. Suggest? Are you kidding me? Thousand of people die daily from the shots - thousands - See Edward Dowd's recent work - and NO PERSON has the courage to stop the shots??

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This!! Was going to comment about the AIDS ‘crisis’ and AZT. Fauci was at the heart of that and nothing ever happened to him despite so many dying from AZT. Peter Duesberg challenged him and his colleague, Robert Gallo and was shunned and cancelled, and ultimately ended up leaving the US. Kari Mullis also exposed them. Interesting he passed away at the end of 2019 before this scam ramped up. Read Duesberg’s book, Inventing the AIDS Virus, if you want to know more. It’s on Audible if you want to listen. It is eye opening and will anger you to know what these criminals have gotten away with. They are clearly protected by the govt. I truly believe the AIDS event was their first try at something like this, but it was halted for some reason. It’s the same playbook. This time they went farther with it, but this time they’ve overplayed their hand as now everyone knows who they are and what they’ve been up to for decades. They must be held accountable!

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Thanks! I bought Duesberg's book; it's on my reading stack. I agree - if there are no consequences, the insanity will continue.

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Exactly! I completely understand now why they stoned people and executed criminals publicly. Our justic system has been completely bought out, they are no longer for the people, they listen to the money. Same as Congress.

It's high time for a huge adjustment.

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Try being a cop in a leftist city. It’s hell. I was forced to retire because of the jab. You can have it!🖕

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Sorry to hear that. I would have made the same move. No jab - ever.

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Actually Steve, it was a gift from God!

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You are correct, Renee Marie. I have lost many "friends" due to the mass-formation and hypnosis, but I have gained a lot of true friends. May God bless you and continue to guide you.

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I agree - 100%. I hope and pray that positive change comes out of this mess.

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And…good luck!

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Very courageously stated!

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It’s MIND BOGGLING to me. I know what “must be done”.

I’m sure people on this forum know as well.

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It's been pretty much the thing since the Very Beginning.

Time for some major overhaul...

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"Are Congressional hearings and investigations mere theater?"

I do strongly, sadly believe that the answer is "yes" that it's all theater ...

Having lost loved ones to the bioweapon and to the hospital treatment protocols, I will be hurt very deeply and personally if Fauci, Collins, Daszak, Gates, Bourla, Bancel, Gilead Sciences, Baric, Menachery, the ho$pital admini$trator$, and so many others get away with their crimes against humanity.

But having watched my share of congressional hearings over the years, i have come to the sad conclusion that congressional hearings are merely a forum for all the "very good talkers" as i call them (that's all they are ... good tallkers ... people like Trey Gowdy and so many other pols) to look smart in front of the cameras in a sound bite with a few scripted "gotcha" questions ... then the dramatic soundbite plays to good effect on the evening cable shows, news, and the internet ... but is soon forgotten ... and ultimately NOTHING HAPPENS to the criminals when all the grandstanding and bloviating is done.

The silence of our supposed representatives on BOTH side of the aisle SPEAKS VOLUMES about their complicity and corruption in the mass murders. I still pray every night that there will be justice for the all the criminals involved ... and there are many!

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You are spot on with your post. It is all theatre to include the phantasy of Democracy, fair and balanced. The entire world is owned by two corporate behemoths, and they are Blackrock and Vanguard. Watch the video of who owns the world and be amazed at what you learn. Take the RED PILL, Jack.

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You are right but I’m still glad it was said. Some Americans will wake up.

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I agree with that, Jack W. If you're talking about the documentary called "Monopoly," I consider it to be one of the best-made doc's of all time, AND highly, highly informative.

Here's a link, for anyone:


it's on Vimeo, too.


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Fauci’s actions and approvals were all in the interest of “National Defense “ and as such will never go before a court at any level. Definition of national defense has enough play so as to include scalping fetuses, humanized-mice, slitting puppy’s vocal chords, injecting healthy children with AZT, or concocting any deadly chemical, biological, genetic or other “disease”. Logic is anything goes when you are preparing for future wars, and nothing is sacred or off limit. That’s why Fauci got paid so much, because he was willing to approve the horrific stuff. What is the price of your soul? Mine is priceless, but for the atheist, taking the money to improve your life in this world is a no-brained. Sadly, far too many medical and professional politicians also consider the choice a no-brainer.

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Very well said!

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Actually, I don't think so. When someone has committed fraud, murder, and extreme acts of malfeasance, that "National Defense" thing kinda has to be shelved. The law may have some irritating things in it, but egregious behavior doesn't get easily dismissed... as in, things like GENOCIDE.

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Bring your sling shot and handcuffs. I don’t think Barney Fife is going to step up.

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You asked, "Why isn't the matter (Fauci) referred to the Justice Department?"

Because Biden's Justice Department (Merrick Garland) would not indict Fauci.

We have the House now, so that's our best option, unless a state Attorney General is willing to bring an indictment, and so far none have volunteered.

And, yes, many RINO Republicans will make a deal with the devil, oh sorry, I meant the Democrats, to not indict him. Kevin McCarthy and Mitch McConnell are bad news.

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Thank you for this overview. Unfortunately the corruption is widespread and deep. At this point, it will take more than polite requests for investigation…

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I think I'm a pretty average American so if I'm unsure about all this, maybe a lot of others are, too. First, what is corruption? If Congress passes laws that enable power grabs iusing the excuse of security and public safety and allow for gain of function research for "defensive" purposes, and continually allow non-consensual research on people - what is there to investigate? Plus, since nothing ever comes of it, it seems like nothing more than political theater for the peons.

I'd rather see focus put on all those who created the legal framework for "suspending" the Constitution in times of a health or other emergency - and the current laws being passed to make those powers permanent. Because that means everything that follows is protected legally and this is all just grandstanding. Maybe the only recourse is to go after the appropriate people in government for treason.

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What is corruption?

Corruption is Pharma buying the FDA, the CDC, the institutions of medicine.

Corruption is laundering taxpayer money through Ukraine and crypto Ponzi schemes to purchase politicians.

Corruption is a candidate in an election controlling the voting procedures for that election.

Corruption is arranging a chaotic withdrawal from Afghanistan, leaving behind billions of dollars in materiel that will have to be replaced.

Corruption is going to war on the false pretense of WMDs.

Corruption is covering up the devastating consequences of the “vaccine”.

Corruption is approving the “vaccine” for children, for whom the risks vastly outweigh the benefits, so that manufacturers get permanent liability protection.

Corruption is sending SWAT squads to arrest or raid political opponents on very questionable pretexts.

Corruption is herding people into the Capitol building and calling it an “insurrection”.

Corruption is pulling boxes of ballots out from under tables when vote-counting is officially “paused” and running them through the tabulating machines over and over.

Any questions so far?

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It is also a "suspension" of the Constitution to make ILLEGAL LAWS.

Anything that goes against our inalienable rights is illegal. Nothing can "cancel" the Constitution.

Freedom is the word. And it's UP TO US to "cancel" a government that is corrupt... We have a DUTY to undo corruption. A duty to ourselves, and our current citizenry, a duty to our children, and a duty to their children, and so on. Democracy is elusive... We've never really had it, not completely. I'd say it's time we found out what a truly democratic country looks like. After that, we can decide what the way forward might be. Centralized power (including private banks) probably needs to GO.

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Cool, who ya going to get to enforce your perceived illegality? Suggest the Galapagos Island military. Only one not owned by the oligarchs.

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Well, clearly I'm not depending on a bunch of loser chicken shits.

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I love your answer/ comment. Source of frustration since day 1. Everyone that thinks they have committed crimes doesn’t understand that the powers that be actually prescribed the activities. God bless you, Kim.

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Genocide and experimentation was always the goal. Fauci did his job. Gubber mint knows. That's why calls to investigate him fall on deaf ears.

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Yeah, and the govt. was COMPLICIT.

We can always go to a PEOPLE's COURT. We just need the numbers, and the evidence. I think we've got the evidence.

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How do we get the numbers? That's what I'm trying to figure out

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Yeah, me, too. I guess when the shit gets SO FUCKING HORRIBLE there's no other alternative but to stand up for themselves? People are soft as hell. Whiners, hand-wringers. wtf

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Maybe you fight with theater. Hire actors to represent the villains, and allow people to come and testify. Get someone brilliant to write as a play perhaps, but allow the actual victims to testify. There's an Israeli play which puts God on trial for the Holocaust. There are so many culpable people, they could also be represented. The last scene could be the perpetrators in a hell or a prison. I'm just riffing, lol, but, sadly, with Congress utterly captured by the BlackRock Vanguard and the WEF and whomever else, the thousands of mall cop, spineless sadist, greedy, dark triad, flat affect evil people in whichever organizations and corporations, nothing changes. It is like a teflon sarcophagus. I think of Shrekli smirking about opiates and the Warren and 9-11 commissions. Maybe somewhere in Florida. In a swamp. The film would go viral all over the world.

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We all know why there are no investigations. It may well be a house of cards, labs in Ukraine and other places, gain of function research we've paid for, deals and deals and more and more and more "medications". We would need investigators from foreign countries lol!

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Foreign countries? How about WE the Peeps?

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Maybe, but people doing investigations here get so depressed that they often commit suicide. Possible that there's less international suicide?

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It's amazing to me how childish and soft and utterly helpless people have become.

Our great-grandparents and/or grandparents would surely be ashamed of us.

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That may be true, but I was referring to the clinton graveyard of the suicidal...

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Ah. Sorry.

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Dr. Fauci is being called for deposition in a lawsuit against the federal government for collusion with social media companies to censor his critics. The judge for the case has granted expedited deposition because he has basically found that the plaintiffs have proven their case through emails from FOIA as well as his public statements.

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If we had a real justice system, and I'm not saying there aren't any "outliers," when RFK, Jr's book about Fauci was published, Fauci should have been arrested.

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The answer to your question is that all aspects of our government are controlled by pharma corporations and our security agencies. Fauci is confident because he is backed by those who actually control us. The "Justice Department" is just as captured as anything else.

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I am not sure if you know about Dr. David Martins research on patents as he stated plainly that Fauci and his subordinates have patented covid, and make money from said patents, and this information is available so why has no one to include Senator Paul not confronted him about this? This is a trail of evidence proving the financial motive of the verry agencies that are supposed to protect the public when Thay are actually working for the industries as well as their own wealth, and it is obvious if you look at the patents. I also have to say that neither party will call for any investigation as they are all complicit to include the DOD, Pentagon, CIA et al so how do you hold the powers that be accountable? It is like a law student grading his own tests. This is systemic so there is no mechanism in place to get this issue before a court that owes its position to the verry people who put them on the courts. Don't bite the hand that feed you as the old saying goes, right?

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Extremely well Stated!

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Yes, the hearings are theater in which people ask liars questions for which we already have answers. What is required is an impeachment with severe consequences where possible or criminal trials if not.

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"Don't worry, we're gonna do it real soon"

The best way to kill an idea is to say it's good, but that for some reason, we can't do it right now.

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