They vaxxed my 93 yo mother who has dementia without my consent.

Her heart numbers r indicative of having got the shot. I am livid and have her on Dr. McC's protocol.

Doctors bad.

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When my wife had a seizure 10 months ago I had to constantly remind the medical staff not to give her any MRNA bearing drugs (ie Covid Vaccine). Luckily most of her stay was in a small rural hospital and they observed her wishes. Funny thing is they came to me one day and said "your wife tested positive for Covid". I asked "what test did they use?" "PCR test". I said I am not going to believe a test with a high false positive rate and besides I was there every day and I didn't get it, the nursing staff were in and out all day and didn't take special precautions and the next day they asked her to walk the halls for exercise so obviously they were not concerned either. I too am taking Dr. McCulloch's protocal presently as a precaution for shedding from others over the past 4 years. I did ask my GP for a antibodies test two years ago but she refused (we need a script here) however she did offer me a flu shot, pneumonia shot, shingles shot and a covid shot. My answer was no, no, no and NO.

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Justice is coming for Turdeau and FJB/Kamalaho.

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Dream on

What about the Clintons and Soros, et al?

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Nova Scotia recently passed a LAW to allow the minister of health access to our patient records. This is a Conservative government. The premier is driving this & he is a former investment banker type. There are no good guys.

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When I talk with friends and acquaintances about the level of government intrusion into people's lives by corporations and even doctors themselves during the pandemic I get blank stares or maybe dull comments of agreement. Many people just don't care or actually believe that citizens should be in this Orwellian space where they are only viewed as a good, pliable drone or someone to be suspicious of. We live in a society that cares about purported safety over everything else. It's grotesque.

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Unfortunately, she went into a hospital in Commie New York. She acquired a cough during that stay, along with someone giving her the shot. Stay out of hospitals and away from doctors is what I learned from that experience.

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- minor point . . . until it reaches a Government of Canada, it is not the "Canadian Government". It is the Government of Ontario.

- compare to "The College Of Psychologists And Behaviour Analysts Of Ontario" see "Jordan Peterson"

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- my error . . . should have been "Government of Canada" court:

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Wonderful interview. Thank you to each of you 3 brave warriors. You nailed it when you remarked that had we had 2 way discussion from the beginning, most of this could have been avoided. But instead the powerful instituted severe censorship of ideas and options. I have tried to get my hands and read every single book published during covid on the topic By the medical freedom heroes. Each is wonderful. But there was a book published right before the covid scamdemic that I think every one should also read. Rod Dreher's " Live not by lies". It is chilling reading the words of Eastern European people who fled their government suppression And what they are witnessing here in the US now. But remember this was published just before The Plandemic .... a worthy read imo.

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I just loved this interview! I wish you would interview me about how the chronic mercury epidemic plays in to all this.

The literature about the above is "Amalgam Illness, Diagnosis and Treatment," "Hair Test Interpretation, Finding Hidden Toxicities," and "The Mercury Detoxification Manual." These were all authored by Andrew Hall Cutler, PhD, who did his graduate work in Chemistry, specializing in kinetics, at Princeton University. I cowrote, "The Mercury Detoxification Manual," with Dr. Cutler. Although I have no technical background, I "inherited the torch" so to speak, from Dr. Cutler and I am fairly good at explaining the issues.

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Great interview, Thank you!

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