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Canadian Government Shatters the Doctor-Patient Relationship

Dr. Sonya Kustka and Patient Leslie Peel Tell Their Story of Fighting Back

By Dr. Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH

I recently spoke at a Canadians for Truth event at the Canada Christian College, outside of Toronto, Ontario. I met Dr. Sonya Kustka and her patient Leslie Peel and took interest in their story of government interference and persecution for their efforts to maintain patient privacy.

Peel, who is a mother and professional librarian, wrote this message. “Patients of Dr. Kustka joined together to advocate for the right to privacy of medical information and to support their doctor who upheld their request not to release personal information to her regulatory body, the College of Physicians and Surgeons (CPSO), without their consent. While the case arose out of a third party complaint about a mask exemption during the pandemic, it ultimately has wider implications for all patients.  Privacy is at the cornerstone of all of our rights and freedoms, and the loss of it is a real danger and should be of concern for all patients and doctors.  Regulatory overreach is resulting in the destruction of medical privacy and the erosion of the doctor patient relationship. The CPSO has ruled that patients have no reasonable expectation of privacy.  This affects what patients share with their doctors and ultimately the care they receive.  When regulatory bodies start interfering with doctors being able to use their professional judgment to provide individualized care to their patients, and discipline doctors for upholding the rights of their patients, there is a real problem with our medical system. Privacy is Your Right can be reached via

If there is no pushback or efforts to preserve the doctor-patient relationship, what will befall healthcare? Trust is at a rock bottom low after a collapse in medical ethics and failure to treat patients with high risk acute COVID-19 to avoid hospitalization and death compounded with a coercive and relentless mass vaccination campaign with dangerous genetic biotechnology. Kustka and Peel give us great hope and courage as they take their case to the courts of Canada versus the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario.

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Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH

President, McCullough Foundation

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Courageous Discourse™ with Dr. Peter McCullough & John Leake
Courageous Discourse™ with Dr. Peter McCullough & John Leake Podcast
Advancement of clinical science, protection of personal autonomy, liberty, and constitutional rights.