It did briefly strike me as very odd that "flu essentially disappeared" during the first full year of the COVID saga as those cable TV news folks with the sprayed hair, bleached teeth, and scripted bullshit gave viewers breathless commentary about the continuously swelling ticker tape count of "COVID-19 cases" posted in upper right screen in Big Red Numbers. We were being screwed.

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I've never been tested. The minute they said lockdown I knew it was a lie. By the way, I'm Great grandma and no, I never believed you were going to kill me for not wearing a stupid mask. And no I will never trust healthcare again. They are still recommending shots for the older population. Take your shot and shove it. I will never take another flu shot again. There are no safe vaccines. Turtles all the way down.

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Fauci, Birx, Walensky and Evil-Grandpa Collins need PROSECUTION.

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My spouse spent couple days in Hospital at beginning of year , they Covid test every person going to ER still to this day, then they labeled her a Covid patient even though she went with a mild infection under skin , ER Doc was trying to tell me that the low grade fever was because of Covid not the infection, even though the location was warm and red , crazy I almost lost it on the Doc😡 kept us isolated and tried to make me gown up and mask up to get in room , I wasn't playing their games and got yelled at constantly, Can't make this shit up !!!

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Dr. McCullough and John Leake

One of you needs to listen to Tucker's April 1 Encounter show, called The Indoctrinated Brain (50 min.) German MD, PhD Dr. Michael Nehls, explains very clearly what he has found from putting together peer-reviewed published research - that when vaccine mRNA enters the brain, which it sometimes does, it interacts with neurons (I think it was neurons) in some way as to cause the brain to have what amounts to Alzheimers. It results in these people having brain fog. He says it does more than that in our brain, though, and knowing this helps us better understand why all of the shots are pushed so hard, not just for money, and not even "power." He talks of it actually, physically, changing the brain. There is more. He says Vitamin D and even a very, very small amount of lithium (at roughly about 40:00 to 44:00 minutes) will help people. The point of the vaccine, then, would be to keep some of people's memories of normality at bay. This Tucker interview is one of the few behind the small paywall. I wish I could describe it better for you.

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I am not surprised to hear about the lithium, as this is what is often prescribed for those with manic-depression, more commonly now known as bipolar disorder.

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No, this is a dose that is over the counter at 1 mg to 5 mg.

What you are thinking of is about 600mg for bipolar.

Completely different

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I was actually referring to the element, not the dosage, but thank-you for the additional information. I hope it is helpful for some people.

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The Indoctrinated Brain is the title of his book. It's excellent ... I'm about halfway through on Audible. He also has a Substack now, among other things.

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The easiest way to convince people that something scary is going around is to look for it in snot and spit. You will most certainly find it there, for that is where everything gets stuck so that it can be coughed, sneezed or spit out. The only way to know if a person is infected is to find it inside the body, not outside the body in mucus membranes. But many will fall for this scheme, become convinced they are a "case" and will isolate themselves thinking they are protecting others "for the greater good".

Then they will take part of the very thing that is supposedly going around, put that in an injectable, and convince people to willingly infect themselves with it thinking it will protect them. It won't. It ends up focusing their immune systems on what was injected, not what is "going around". And the people get sick, and the perpetrators of the scheme get rich.

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Remember early on when testing needed to be ramped up and all of the sudden the FDA said the tests weren’t accurate enough?? They delayed release of tests while other countries had them available. I believe at that time they reformulated the PCR tests to test for influenza and COVID-19 so there would be massive positive PCR test results to advance the narrative. About 18 months later, the FDA pulled test off the market saying they were giving false positives for influenza. Coincidence. I think not!

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That 2nd step was to recommend lower CT (cycle thresholds), used in testing. Most hospitals were amplifying way,,way too much! Some as high as 45. Those will almost always come up “positive”, most likely picking up a flu germ remnant from many years ago. It was the CDC that publicly suggested CTs of 24. That lowered the positive cases dramatically! Right after the injections rolled out… 🤬

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Sorry Greg, this has China and the oligarchs names written all over it. All those organizations are evil and corrupt.

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Thank you, Peter.

Grant is a truth teller.

You are as well.

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Dr. McCullough, there has been reports in print and digital media about “imprinting,” the process of the immune system developing “memory” after an initial exposure to an infection or vaccine, so that, on subsequent exposure the immune system is primed and can more quickly respond to that infection. Under normal circumstances this is a good thing; contract measles and then have, perhaps, lifetime immunity. I can see readers of these reports saying, “see…see..see..I told you so, it was worth it to have all of these boosters because my immune system has learned to deal with the COVID variants and now, if I do get COVID it won’t be as serious, even if the “vaccine” wasn’t tailored to the specific variant I contracted.” Dr. McCullough, please have a Substack on the specific topic of imprinting that may be occurring with the boosters.

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To put this Stinchfield character on your substack degrades what you are doing. He's an idiot. And, I'm sorry that your crusade has become political. I believe in what you are doing but not in the area of politics. Stay away from that because you are losing your credibility by utilizing these idiots. I can't watch him because he's loud and obnoxious and willing to say anything.

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Then, do not watch him if it upsets you. Freedom of speech. Freedom of thought.

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I’m sure Dr. McCullough would be more than happy to share his early treatment and spike support protocols on Msdnc or CNN but these networks are bought and paid for by big pharma. So the doctor goes wherever he can to reach as many people as possible, even ones who like to listen to Stinchfield. So that doesn’t make him political at all. You’re the one getting all upset over free speech.

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Dr. McCullough does interviews with countless people and outlets. He goes where he's needed and has an audience. You're being absolutely ridiculous, not to mention rude, to say that his "crusade has become political." The critics and cranks who show up here annoy the hell out of me. Take a seat, please.

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