Shouldn't be allowed to just retire, thats whats wrong with everything happening in our country... everyone responsible for these acts against children, country, etc., should be prosecuted for what they've done .

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Say rather sit him down and feed him his own genitals en camera, then empty his bank accounts for the care of the mutilated children.

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not harsh enough John: the truly innocent, like all those poor souls who took the "safe and effective poison shot horrifically called a vaccine, need our greatest commitment to protection, and restitution.

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Transgenderism is a mental illness. Instead of accommodating these people, they should be sent for help. And those who promote and advocate this insanity are just plain evil and should be treated accordingly.

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I’m not religious, but I cannot help but see this horrible practice as being a manifestation of Satanic influence. Yes, those who have facilitated it should be severely punished.

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I know. I’m the same but it’s hard not to see the presence of evil in our institutions. Especially medical institutions.

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…and government

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And the US military is full on with the trans craziness.

Nothing like giving a weapon to a person who is confused about their gender.

What could possibly go wrong?

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Mass abject insanity reigns and this slime is one of the cheerleaders. I hope his retirement does not absolve him from the crimes against humanity that he has enabled in vulnerable confused depressed children.

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Hotez too! They should be charged with crimes against humanity, child torture, mutilation, & a whole host of other charges. Life without parole! All of them!

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Hotez is a nutter.

He wants to use NATO troops against the anti-vaxxers.

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And he gets millions of $ of our tax monies….aarrgh

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He caused his own daughter’s autism with his patented vaccines. Then wrote a book about how the vaccines did not cause her severe autism. Except that he’s wrong, & somewhere deep inside himself he knows it did. And he wants to cause lifelong disease in everyone else’s kids too. He is deranged beyond measure! Needs to be taken out of any leadership position for sure! Put him in a padded cell, He’s cray, cray!

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Thank you John for using strong words. The words "children's " and "hospital" are supposed to represent caring and healing and it's so grievous to think they were doing just the opposite

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Thank God for the people in the Texas government who had the decency to outlaw this crap. I wish the legislative branch of Vermont had the same decency, unfortunately they don't!

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Thank God the unrelenting pressure got to him and he did the right thing by leaving. Now the board members who supported him

must resign as well!

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At this point, ANY hospital which is profiting from gender transition surgery for minors, pushing COVID jabs for children and infants, or mandating full vaccination status for children in need of medical care, is running a criminal enterprise. Hospitals seriously lost their credibility as institutions of healing in the past few years. Given the soulless adherence to deadly protocols which killed patients but lined their pockets with government financial incentives, the story needs to be told and accountability rendered. Within the backdrop of patients murdered for profit it is little surprise the same enterprises would foster gender confusion and take advantage of it medically to boost profits, with zero regard to long term consequences for the victims

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Thank god for heroes like Dr Haim! He will be vindicated and honored for speaking up and defending children.

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Dr Haim is now facing an indictment by the DOJ for patient privacy violations.

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Calling them "idiot parents" was being too nice. I 100% approve this post. To suggest that transgenderism is anything but evil is the reason for this insanity continues. To think that our government created laws to protect this is one of the many reason I will never vote another politician that supports this for any reason. I will not support this being done to adults....it is just as destructive.

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In certain states, if parents refuse to allow their child to transition, their child can be taken from them.

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Many parents over the years have been coerced to concede to these ghastly "treatments" and threatened that their child would commit suicide without them (which is not supported by evidence). Some parents go all-in, but many have been pressured by doctors to go along with it, and in many states, children can make medical decisions at the age of 13, so their parents may not have been able to stop them.

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Evil, satanic, greedy…justice is coming.

Retirement is not it...

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I just read the DOJ has indicted the courageous surgical resident, Dr Eithan Haim who blew the whistle on TCH. He faces 10 years in prison and a $250k fine. Incidentally, Dr. Haim’s surname is the Hebrew word for life (Chaim). Dr. Haim has certainly saved many lives from destruction and despair.

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That’s terrible

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God bless the ethical resident. 🙏

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CEO Mark Wallace should spend the rest of his days in Federal Prison.

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Thank you, Dr. Haim, for your courageous leadership.

I further opine criminal charges should be brought against Wallace and others who endorsed and sanctioned child mutilation.

An ethics complaint should be filed against Wallace with the American College of Healthcare Executives. He should be stripped of his credentials.

From the beach....


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I just read Dr Haim (Chaim = Life) has been indicted by the DOJ for violating HIPPA patient privacy protections…..

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No good deed goes unpunished. :(

For future reference, it’s HIPAA, not HIPPA. :)

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