It's worse than that. She apparently testified today that there is no archive of the radio communications from that day. Their attitude seems to be "Yeah we tried to kill him. What are you going to do about it?"

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That is precisely the attitude and nothing will be done , who and in what capacity will prosecute her and bring down entire SS leaving all unprotected?

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Yes, I don’t think that’s hypocrisy thought. Ah, oh yeah, that’s called hierarchy, Communism's brother, we have the power and you don’t, what are you gonna do about it.

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She needs to go, she needs to be fired. Excuses are exactly that, excuses. This was not just a failure of mammoth proportion, it was negligent and a failure to command the SS. She has no business running this branch.

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Dont you get it they dont care , she will step down and get a position in world gov or another agency more veiled.

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She has no business running anything!

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She has no business running anything that represents a single point of failure.

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Will definitely listen to that interview, though proof not needed.

Remember hearing some time ago things in America would reach a point of absurdity where many (most?) would embrace global governance. BEWARE!

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it's ALL just THEATRE!

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Lefs start with a trial. ;-)

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Absolutely!!! But, her ass can still SIT IN JAIL, until her court date!! And then when FOUND GUILTY at that trial, that DEMON needs to be publicly hung!

I am SO SICK of the Theatre! Committee after Committee......Hearing after Hearing......ALL of these criminals LYING before Congress......and NO ONE, thus far, has been put in HANDCUFFS and been made to do the 'Perp Walk'!

So, what usually happens when one is ARRESTED......is they get THROWN IN JAIL until processed and required to put up bail/bond. So, I'll say it again......


As the saying goes......



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What needs to occur for the majority to wake up, nobody is working for us

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Unless they ACT together in a meaningful and powerful enough way , it does not matter

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Get the pastors to preach Exodus 22:3; the plain meaning, not Maimonides' prevarication. Perhaps Leviticus 5:4 as well. They (political officers, and most all citizens as well) work for the Jesuits and Freemasons.

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In true banana republics they execute people like this for incompetence.

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You are assuming that her overlords see it as incompetence (though, actually, I think that they do, in that Trump survived, but they dassan’t fire her, as she would likely spill the beans on her accomplices).

I wouldn’t be surprised that she didn’t meet with an unfortunate accident (Arkancided as it were).

If she is smart, she has an untraceable safety deposit box in Switzerland to be opened on the occasion of her untimely death. If I were vile enough to be playing their games, I sure would.

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It was willful dereliction of duty and treason.

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There are no patriots; all mere U.N Uniparty Nazi's selling-out America...Including allocating the land of the U.S. Population; The National Parks/Forests/Waters and selling them to the highest bidder on the NYSE in November as though they have the right to do this.

After the information from Dr. Jane Ruby Show and Whitney Webb concerning J.D. Vance's connections to Peter Thiel and Blackrock...Know it's all complete B.S. and there is NO PATRIOT to vote for exactly as The Black Nobility's planned as they manipulated SATURATION OF U.S Institutions with Rhode's Scholar Minion Agents to sabotage and DESTROY The U.S. Constitution, Nation and People they continue to view their OWNED HUMAN CATTLE HERD.

There will be absolutly no stand against the Sewer of D.C. in putting it back into its appropriate Locked Box with an ornate key held by the people without blood.

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Webb’s article is on my dining room table. I am sure I will find it depressing. I actually met Vance in Louisiana at a Walker Percy conference back when he was only known as the author of Hillbilly Elegy. He’d just converted to Catholicism. He seemed like a decent chap — I anticipate Webb will detail his move to “dark money.” Someone on X said his pro-life stance has been scrubbed.

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More 'talking the talk' and NOT 'walking the walk' among candidates.

Still impossible to identify the exact moment in history

when America became so STUPID, LAZY, SPOILED, WEAK and IMMORAL.

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Correct see my comments above similar

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There was only one Comment above the one I edited a few min. ago. Your Comment nearest to this is located two comments below this; but it's similar and I agree with it.

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That is it We are on same page you get it stay safe its about to get real ugly

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100% spot is n- same for n all western countries in including ours

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Exactly, Blaze. Here is a super interview with Whitney Webb and Mark Goodwin about this subject. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zcg7MiHpKgo

Here's a short with Catherine Austen-Fitts on what to expect with a Trump presidency. It's called "Plunder Theater--Are You Not Entertained?" She's so funny! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q-Ans5Lra_4

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Fact of the matter is; all options are virtually unthinkable and threatening to The Constitution, Nation and people of this United States.

Though 'on-target' with the Medical Complex, Serums misdefined 'vaccines' and politicially connected, RFK Jr. is fascist as determined from past speeches and will not support his views about 'Murder in the Womb.' He's reinforced that original perception when he chose a 'Woke Joke' from Fascist Silicon Valley with all the Narcissistic "Nut Job" Youth experimenting in China through the Social Media giants with the whole population to BETTER implement the Nazi German Psy-Ops and Borg Slavery System involving Social Credit, Constant Internal and External Surveillance/SMART Cities which are Concentration Camps.

He's literally chose a VP indentifying as a 'Chief Joy Officer' of the 'Schloomoo Institute' now a Billionaire from multiple marriages. My Gosh, it's comedy...AND, NOT FUNNY. She may have access to funding; but BE REAL. Listened to her speak and while she's certainly sexually appealing to men and gay women; I suppose, she's absurd and not a valid candidate for any office approaching the President of the United States of America just as Kamala Harris isn't.

The other option are the U.N Uniparty Nazi's calling themselves Democrat who have provided a whole new dimension of 'Plunder Theater' to entertain the whole world with the Black Nobility ordered recruitment and U.S. fundung of FOREIGN OCCUPATION and GLOBAL STAKEHOLDER OWNERSHIP OF U.S. Natural Territory OWNED BY THE PEOPLE,


With the SCAM PLANDEMIC, there was the Stimulus with Pelosi's MULTIPLE BILLIONS LAUNDERED to every WOKE Fraud/Cheat Election Machine Minion, Agency, Misanthropathic NGO and Think Tank among the Nazi Network around the world.

Won't even begin with the DUAL UNJUSTICE DEPT's Politicial Imprisonment without 'Due Process' and constant 'Novel Lawfare' of Trump and all surrounding him WHO DID NOTHING WRONG as well as definitions of Catholics with Rosaries and Parents in School Board Meetings opposing Sexual Perversion and Child Mutilation as TERRORISTS.

If that isn't enough, we also had and continue to have LAUNDERED U.S. $$$ destined for The City of London's Central Bank of England from Foreign Wars for Profit and Power. Then, there's the LAUNDERED U.S. $$$ going to the Cartels not only from INVASION at the Southern Border taken from the recruited ENEMY INVADERS; but now also, the Drug War at the U.S. Southern Border mirroring the Opium War in Asia centuries ago. It's all about chaos as it's implemented to ECONOMICALLY BREAK THE U.S. while re-installing The SLAVE TRADE IN The Western Hemisphere to match Africa, Asia and the Middle East where it NEVER ENDED TO BEGIN WITH.

IS ANYBODY beyond Michael Yon speaking or writing about


Is anybody speaking about The Black Nobility's OWNERSHIP of ALL ILLICIT MARKETS AROUND THE WORLD; expecially since the arrest, trial and imprisonment of El Chapo. THE GREATEST PORTION OF THEIR PROFITS THROUGH ALL THE CENTURIES HAS ALWAYS BEEN BASED IN OPIUM, SLAVES, OIL, WEAPONS...ALWAYS. Now, they also own the Western Hemisphere and they didn't until THE LAST FOUR YEARS following the Fraud/Cheat 2020 Election.

There's no doubt about the members of the U.N. Uniparty Nazi's also on the rolls of those claiming to be Conservative/Republican.

There's no question about the U.N Uniparty Nazi's to be hiding The Venetian Black Nobility as the people of the British Isles did for 800 years until after WWII when the U.S. and the U.N was installed as the INTERNATIONAL MAFIA ENFORCER. There is no arguement in knowing they're all utterly lost, insane and outright evil...


So, for me it all boils down to refusing to support and fund 'HUMAN SACRIFICE' camouflaged as 'Abortion', Sexual Confusion FORCED on little one's in schools which used to be their safe places to be, and the MUTILATION/DESTRUCTION OF CHILDREN enhanced with Euthanizing Seniors as during the PLANDEMIC in hospitals and Care Centers.

Nobody seems to grasp the actual BUILD BACK BETTER INFRASTRUCTURE IS ABOUT INSTALLATION OF SURVEILLANCE FOR THE PURPOSES OF TRACK AND TRACE of all MUTILATED LIFE FROM ALL DESTROYED ORGANIC DNA ON EARTH from all the poisons they not only force through Geo-Engineering or injections...Through DEW'S and dust, itself.

Whitney Webb, Katherine Austen-Fitts are intelligent women and I enjoy both. Already watched Whitney Webb's Interview. Was struck by the obvious MANIC nature to her conversation since it's so uncharacteristic of her. Until now, she's always been extremely self-possessed. This time, the cadence of her voice and body language imparted her to genuinely feel truly FREAKED OUT and even AFRAID. From that, I now know her politics though she's tried so hard in the past to sound and appear neutral.

Will watch the Austin-Fitt's Interview.

But in what is known at this time...The Republican Ticket is by far the least threatening of any.

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I agree with all you write. I'm not a fan of RFK, Jr., etc. My beliefs concur with yours. I think many people do speak of this structure beyond Michael Yon. I've drawn flack from another substack where I posted this:

"As with all forums, Charles, I'm finding my enthusiasm ebbing for Substack whose forum has gifted me with inordinate information and knowledge, particularly on the entire Covid Caper.

I'm ebbing because I find many interpretations and explanations of the "world order" completely lacking as you do. "I choose to divide and conquer along the lines of Mankind versus Globalists, where the true front is. " You're correct, Charles. I so choose, too.

Many times those lines dispel convenient truths thereby disturbing the people who haven't gotten to this level of understanding: governments, prime ministers, presidents, and military forces are MIDDLE MANAGEMENT. They don't run the world. How foolish of people to think so.

People align their loyalties with their background, cultural heritage, and education and so often picture these simply false narratives and justifications as the great struggle. The Great Struggle is between human beings/mankind/humankind and a global force who leads and quietly implements a plan formed eons ago. I find too often on the Substack forum, as on other forums, that people fall for these narrated myths so cleverly set on the worldwide Kabuki Stage.

Israel is committing genocide in Gaza. Those who avert their eyes are complicit. I think Iran is supported by Western forces, as in power cliques, as well as Israel. It's a staged game.

I suspect...I have no overt proof...but, of course, we're dealing with power brokers who remain invisible...that two levels exist above Middle Management. Purely a hypothesis. The next level incorporates the visible power brokers: Rothschilds; WEF; CFR; BIS; Atlantic Council; Banking Cartel; Black Nobility; old European bloodlines; Vanguard/BlackRock/State Street; etc. The U.S. military (just my opinion) is so corrupted today that they are able to use them quite effectively to orchestrate mayhem and chaos in today's world, but they ARE MIDDLE MANAGEMENT and developed/shaped by the visible power brokers.

Above the visible power brokers are the invisible power brokers. This is an elite group. I can only suggest that people read carefully and deeply the "Hidden Hand" interview given on Top Secret forum years and years ago. The interview is a self-professed "Illuminati" who states that, as part of his obligations and responsibilities within the Religious Arm or faction, they must answer truthfully sincerely asked questions periodically."

BTW, I didn't believe everything in the "Hidden Hand" interview, but I thought some truth was revealed inadvertently, and I did assess the individual as belonging to a very high order of Controllers.

The reason I hypothesize "invisible power brokers" is, once we review their planning and implementation, we can see clearly implementation which bridges centuries.

I'm sorry I posted the wrong link to Whitney. I meant this one. You only need watch the first hour where she details the Uniparty running America and shows how Trump's administration, if elected, will be a continuation of the "Build Back Better" plan. Here's their routine: they become omnipresent and flagrantly visible during one administration; pull back; install another who fulfills some of the wishes and desires of those who have been opposed by the last administration but continue their agenda with subterfuge. It's a continuous cycle. The same agenda continues, however.


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Completely Agree with what you've wrote.

There is a whole glut of information...It's possible Evil Forces place the plethora information into the ether to overwhelm so many from that most important. It is a common mechanism used with Mind-Control FORMALLY defined a valid mechanism directly out of The Tavistock Institute used long before it had a formal designation used with and for Psy-Ops/Unrestricted Warfare.

It's impossible to discern exactly what percentage of the population is ignorant, indoctrinated or simply in denial as it's all too difficult for some to confront; it's human nature to avoid Social Anomie creating the third 'Survival Mechanism' beyond 'Fight or Flight'....WHICH IS FREEZING. This country has been coddled for too long and people have felt too safe a well fed to remember evil to be a real force in this world. There has been nothing within most lives to allow the ability to grasp the facts surrounding us; THE BIG PICTURE.

You're correct to know there to be an 'Invisible Force' beyond all the Mid-Level Goons...And, some of the Mid-Level Goons have families of that level and they're 'Potty Training' to wear the 'Big Girl/Boy Panties' or 'Cutting Their Teeth' on the 'Visible Level' of Evil...Anybody reading 'The Screwtape Letters' KNOWS that's the usual Hierarchy of Evil which is only a COPY OF GOD'S GOVERNING FORCES ON EARTH. Even so, many not only don't see/hear...THEY REFUSE TO SEE/HEAR.

Yes, I have been cognizant to the plan being one of perfection reached over thousands of years. That really does validate The Holy Bible; in that evil is a force on Earth almost as old as Creation itself. We are assured, it will continue through to the moment Jesus ends it upon returning to Earth and sending the evil one's to Hell permanently.

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Yep thats next level" screw you Americans , we failed , we dont care, we dont care if you know , of course we were in on it , NOTHING you can do about it because Blackrock , Vanguard , State Street, WEF STAKEHOLDERS own everything including ALL OF you , so just go watch Netflix in your micro apartment in a SMART PRISON CITY , and eat the bugs we give you , you own nothing now , we took away your guns , and mind controlled the rest not to use them. So OBEY , or we cancel your CBDCs account and then you wont even get bugs to eat. " Wake up American its later than you think.

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WOW what a complete psychopath Soros is

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Gates too.

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Fire her ass.

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She cannot explain it because they did it on purpose and of course only Biden can fire her, so she knows she is good... Anytime a presidential candidate can get shot and only one democrat asks for her resignation, that tells you everything you need to know.. You notice Biden only dropped out after Trump survived hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm... Jill Biden and Harris husband tied up secret service resources on that same day at some "unscheduled" BS events at the same time about a couple hours away, coincidence????????

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It strikes me, that the Opinion of Ms Cheatle, Has No Bearing on the Decision to Cast Her from the Directors Chair, to the Land of Outer Darkness, where all that Wailing and Gnashing of Teeth occurs.

On Camera she gives a great impression of a Deer in the Headlights. (humor intended, albeit Sarcastic).

She has clearly removed all doubt, that she is both Incompetent and Arrogant,

While we're at it how about a Review of the evidently dysfunctional DEI program.

Not by some bureaucratic committee, but by the Court of Public Opinion i.e., The Ballot Box.

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It's not just Soros. WEF globalists have captured many many world governments. The entire Democratic party is corrupt, pushing the agenda of its globalist overlords.

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So what now Ms SS Boss? What now? Is all the “he, she, they them, it and or, or” whatever your nonsensical stupidity excuses more important than doing you blanking job! You moron!

What’s it going to take? Right between the eyes next time? Is this why you’re so defiant? Or is Trump the “Trophy” you and all your “WACKADO” compadres are “salivating for”? Grow a pair and “STEP DOWN YOU COWARD”!

There’s nothing more maddening than these “wacko wackado’s” trying to impose their bullcrap nonsense on everyone! Your sole responsibility is to “PROTECT DIGNITARIES”! PERIOD! as your leader Obama would say often!

This is only going to get worse! There’s no way on Gods Green Earth that this woman should be in the position she’s in! She’s only there to play the

“same game” America has been plagued with since they stole the election from Trump and the American People!

Acting Exactly like the Nazis wannabes they purport! Or as “Sergeant Schulz“from Hogans Heroes would say, “I know nothing” or “I see nothing”!

This woman or whatever she claims to be today, is so pathetic, so obviously covering for someone else!


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She needs to be on trial, not fired.

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Cheatle is, arguably, in more trouble for the fact that the assassination attempt was a failure than for the obvious gross incompetence in not securing nearby rooftops, and not acting on the knowledge that Crooks was a potential assassin who was identified as a "person of interest" a long time before Trump took the stage. And so on. The "gross incompetence" goes on and on-- right up to the time when Trump took the stage--when he should have been told to wait until Crooks was taken off that roof.

If the obviously non-secure set-up in Butler, PA, was an attempt to make use of the "gross negligence" excuse, Cheatle, or her boss Mayorkas, knew in advance that the issue of gross negligence would be raised in Congress--but would probably die there. Cheatle might be pressured to quit--but . . .so what. She gets some heat. But Trump was, arguably, supposed to be dead. And he's not. Cheatle might be in some real trouble for that!

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Well Done!

Thank You...

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