How could any vaxx protect man, woman, child, animal when it is a man made man manipulated bioweapon?

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This isn’t just about chickens.

The word “protect” is subjective. The chicken pox vaccine seems to “protect” school children but actually it just suppresses the rash. In fact the vaccine strain is dormant in the body only to emerge as shingles at age 10 or 11. Far out.

Iatrogenic medicine has been widely practiced in ignorance of the microbiome role in immunity. The vaccine damages the microbiome and gives the vaccine pathogen free rent in the gut, only to emerge later as an “outbreak” blamed on the unvaccinated, while the vaccinated are shedding. Did safety studies EVER anticipate shingles in children owing to the vaccine?

Are the other vaccinations any different? Measles follows the same script. As a lay person I do not trust ANY of them, with good support from the most heavily censored researchers.

What is chicken mortality when they are healthy? The chicken industry likely does not know what that means as the captive birds are raised in asylums, kept on drugs and hormones.

I’m happy to be corrected … unless one says something like “how does this work … I think it’s like this …” nobody will tell you. Dr. Hazan gave us a pretty good picture in her discussion of the COVID shots. Now let’s see the generalization to ALL the shots. It is my prerogative to reject them all, and assume the CDC lies about everything. You know how the probability falls on that assumption. What about safety studies? These have willfully missed the boat … a massive failure of ethics and values replaced by vaccine ideology. Dr. Suzanne Humphries argues that the childhood diseases can be successfully and safely treated without the shots, a trade-off heavily weighted toward skipping them all. The priority is protection of the brain at all cost. Children especially but chickens too.

Optimal health and nutrition go together. The Global Poisoning undermines this goal, with food supplies laced with glyphosates and neonicotinoids. Trace amounts of insecticides attack the microbiome with consequences evident on a population scale while elusive clinically until

the right measurements are developed. A cold day in hell with bring this about unless ideology is replaced by values and integrity once again.

I don’t care if some middle aged biology teacher who supports Biden calls me a jerk. Her teaching is out of date.

There is a very lumpy rug in the US, speaking metaphorically. It has 1.5M corpses swept under it. That’s a lot of remdesivir and mRNA up the smoke stack. So we’re not just talking about chickens.

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This paper confirms that injection of protein antigens only results in serum antibodies, part of the adaptive immune system that reacts to infections AFTER they happen. This procedure cannot and will not protect the injected person or animal from becoming infected. The procedure will, for a while, mask symptoms in the injected herd when they get infected but will not stop the infection from rapidly spreading. In fact, it enhances the spread. Further, the paper mentions that by increasing the dosage and using toxic adjuvants, T Helper cells can become cross reactive to future strains. This sounds good and vaccinologists get all excited about it, but this will target the immune cells to the selected injected antigens, not what is constantly changing in nature. Therefore, infections will continue.

The only way to conquer this is by letting nature conquer it the way it has for millennia. Allow the herd to experience natural infections. This will not result in the high mortality rates they want you to believe will happen. It will result in the immune systems of the herd to experience ALL parts of the invader even if it was a man-made bioweapon. The robust immune response will create a level of protection not provided by injection...cellular protection against infection by future strains. When a certain percentage of the herd gains this natural ability to NOT become infected, herd immunity is reached, and the spread stops.

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Sounds very much like Mark's.

But the PCR as d8agnostic tool must be undone. Dr McCullough you need to start speaking out on the PCR bird flu test.

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Vaccinating farm workers and mass testing makes for another false pandemic and will certainly create a sort of GOF that I believe happened during the spanish 'flu'. People are basically a 'cell culture' in situ. The mRNAs for covid are continually spreading this virus, I am sure they know this by the trial info (page 67 abt pregnancy safety) and I am sure this is the point when vaccinating for this flu. the mRNAS SHED the sickness, god knows how, but I can smell it coming from their breath and body. It happens, I believe, when a vaccinated person gets sick (with covid or whatever) and they shed this spike everywhere. I am highly sensitive to it and am around vaccinated ppl all the time in my practice, and if I am around them too long, I get covid again. I am telling you, vaccinating farmers WILL cause a fake pandemic again if ppl do not say no. SAY NO. Stop complying with this BS.

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Color me shocked. Keep vaccines away from my food!

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Aware of farmed salmon? 🤦🏻‍♀️

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So basically vaccinating the birds is causing the pandemic.

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This is mythology.

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