Thank you Dr. McCullough for bringing this autoimmune issue to light. It's important for people to understand that two types of immune cells are critical in creating antibodies that will not attack self: T-cells and B-cells. T-cells do not make antibodies but have been properly trained in the thymus gland to know what self-proteins are. B-cells make antibodies and rely on input from T-cells to make sure dangerous self-attacking antibodies are not released. Here's the problem: when you inject something into the body that creates many, many times more proteins than would be experienced from a natural infection, B-cells can become auto-activated and start cranking out dangerous autoimmune antibodies without T-cell input. To make matters worse, the pseudouridines that were added to the manmade modified mRNA concoctions will sometimes stop protein production before the entire protein is made, secreting smaller peptides that can very closely resemble proteins that are in the human central nervous system. This most certainly results in autoimmunity. All mRNA injections moving forward will result in autoimmune issues and should be halted immediately.

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I personally knew two ladies who developed rapid onset of dementia after their vaccinations. I'd like to see more research into this phenomena.

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Kevin McCairn, PhD is working on this. He's on X as "nest commander." Beware, he can be rude, but he is brilliant, caring & doing important research to discover what is actually happening to the vaxxed. Also follow Kevin McKernan PhD, who broke the DNA contamination issues. Together they may get to the bottom of this. ..

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Also to mention, when the Covid vaccines came out, there was a rash of crazy people literally going nuts, and attacking people for no reason, more mass shootings, more crime, it seemed like the neurological damage from the shots must have caused these incidents as well. And they're still happening.

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If he needs details, I can give the full account of what happened to these ladies, both deceased from their dementia.

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I listened to a May 13th McCullough podcast in which Dr. McCullough interviewed Dr. Thomas Levy about oxidative stress, a much often topic lately. Dr. Levy spoke about vitamin C and other vitamins in the treatment of various diseases. Dr. Levy recommended people take 6-9 grams of vitamin C daily to deal with toxins in our body. He did not mention about the risk of kidney stones from large doses of vitamin C nor did he address the research demonstrating how vitamin C can disrupt one’s DNA. I heard about these potential effects decades ago. I currently take 1000 mg of powdered ascorbic acid (vitamin C) a day. Dr. Levy recommends lipo-encapsulate vitamin C which is well absorbed. He recommended a specific company’s product in which he revealed he has a financial interest in, LivOn Labs (very expensive product). While he didn’t address the effects I mentioned, he made a comment that there are no adverse effects to vitamin C, just side effects. Can you address these, please, Dr. McCullough, or perhaps one of your readers has expert knowledge on the subject. Thanks.

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In the same interview I referred to above, Dr. Levy spoke about the use of ultraviolet light to treat the blood of COVID patients. He spoke about how 250 nanometer UV C light denatures spike protein. He spoke about machines that can do this. I remember how then Pres. Trump, during one of his early press conferences, mentioned about the use of UV light to treat the blood and he was mocked throughout the press incessantly at the same time he was mocked about the use of hydroxychloroquine. I remember that a man died from using aquarium cleaner containing chloroquine and Trump was blamed for his death. Later, it turned out that the man’s wife intentionally poisoned him using the aquarium cleaner because she wanted him dead. But, alas, lies last longer than the truth.

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Is there any published scientific work that you have seen regarding the use of “250 nanometer light to denature DNA”. What incident POWER levels of such radiation do you suppose would be necessary to accomplish presumed changes in DNA ?

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Dr. Lee, I think you misread Allie's comment. She referred to the use of 250 nanometer light to denature *spike protein*, not DNA.

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Yes, Kayla and Dr. Lee, I was referring to denaturing spike protein with UV-C light, but, Dr. Lee, you are correct that UV-C light can disrupt DNA and RNA and, thereby, kill viruses and other pathogens.

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I found an article on Dr. Levy’s website about the use of UV-C light to denature the COVID spike protein. It includes a link to a YouTube video demonstrating the procedure. Very interesting.


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Thank you for your servant’s heart, Dr McCullough.

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A friend of mine, 70 years old, was given a "tetanus" shot after her horse knocked her out, & before she could effectively object. Of course it was a TDaP, not a single antigen, and it gave her transverse myelitis. This isn't her first "rodeo" as an earlier vax had resulted in rheumatoid arthritis. Sigh. The idiot doctors will NEVER learn, imo, until every other patient revolts!

But this resilient lady had cured the majority of the R.A. with natural methods decades back, & set to work on the T.M., and gradually got her health & her life back!

Detox, Homeopathy, but certain Peptides and "Frequency Specific Mico-Current" for the vax injury are what did it.

"Medicine" is still "barking up the wrong trees" in reference to healing the messes they make. We are the Body Electric. And with the right protien sequences can heal nearly anything, ourselves. Our Divine Healing Intelligence will accomplish miracles, if we give it what it needs.

PS- we need way more salt than we told, too!

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I have two friends who,I be.I eve suffered transverse myelitis post covid vaxxes. They have both gone into having boosters. They are both elderly women and they and their families would not believe the covid vaxxes caused their sudden deterioration of health when it occurred. It is heartbreaking.

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Thanks Doc for the pertinent information. Dr. Byram Bridle was saying several years ago that protein misfolding was going to become an issue because of the Covid vaxxes, and it has, as you lay out, with these diverse illnesses propagating. It will get exponentially worse, I am predicting, as time goes on. The protocols you have developed are a hopeful solution to the disease aspect, but unfortunately, the deaths and spontaneous abortions of infants cannot be remedied in my view. They have already doomed several generations of human lives. I do know of a personal experience in Mexico, of sudden onset dementia, as an elderly woman, previously healthy, fully vaccinated, took up a knife and forced her way into our apartment. Her children were quite shocked at the sudden violent change in this woman. We were asked to vacate the apartment immediately for our own safety. The miscreants playing God with amino acids and our DNA, RNA, and posing as benefactors concerned about our health should be removed from society before they kill us all. They are using fraudulent "studies" to justify what they want to do, and using fear to manipulate the public, for decades now...most of which has a common base precursor...global warming hysteria...the justification for killing millions of people under cover and protection of law by any means possible. Those in authority currently are literally bat-shite crazy, and need to be removed from power. Florida has apparently banned lab-grown meat...a strong show of common sense. How many blood tests were done, before and after, on the initial consumers of lab-grown meat?

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what's interesting is that so many believe that researchers and doctors paying attention to the research in combination with the actual data are lying and that the death and disease and autoimmune rates are simply being hyped politically by tin hats - was the cabal perhaps actually counting on this? I believe they were. They knew the left see science as their God and religion.

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