The phot at the start of this article made me want to vomit? What in the hell is wrong with our goverment?

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How noble and generous of them. It's time to put them all on a plane to Ukraine so they can go sign up to fight as soldiers for the country they love so much.

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I’m so beyond disgusted that I’m at a loss for words. Once again Congress clearly demonstrates their complete corruption.

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Every one of these traitors who refused to close our own borders must be primaryes when their election is coming up, but if their states can they must move to censure them or at best Recall them, even if it goes.no where. It'll put them on notice.

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Stop sending MY MONEY to prop up foreign wars. And stop lying about the reasons behind those wars and what I'm supposed to believe about the participants.

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what a disgrace! all of this while we are invaded and our infrastructures are crumbling.

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Truly disgusting display. Out of curiosity, when is the last time they were all waving US flgs and shouting “USA! USA!” ?

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Democratic Rep. Gerald Connolly of Virginia stated that "Ukraine's border is our border". If he is sincere about that then, given his party's attitude toward our border, he ought to welcome Russia's crossing of Ukraine's border and the resulting invasion.


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They're waving the flags for all the money that will wind up in their own pockets.

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This war should have been ended through diplomacy and negotiations long ago. It's sickening to celebrate more deaths, more suffering. But of course, wars make certain people rich.

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It’s a sad day in Ukraine. Speaking with two brothers from Kiev who were entertainers on a cruise this winter, they stated Ukrainians were happy funds had dried up back in January. Most there it seems have a strong kinship with Russia and want an end. Our Congress is only too happy to feed the military-industrial complex for electability. Vote them all out and support Kennedy 2024.

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Want to know why all of this is happening..... quite elementary....follow the money. I have a feeling that the military industrial complex is spread throughout most (all) congressional districts. Of course some of this largess will come into the political coffers. Also, I have a feeling that this is considered a way to replenish the US armory without actually making it part of a Bill. Ukraine's days are numbered but the funds have already been allocated. It takes months to fulfill the required munitions needs. Ukraine loses but the equipment has to go somewhere....right into the US military shortfall. Thoughts? Pax

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Clowns. They are sending our tax dollars to Ukraine. I am sure their backs are well covered. Funny thing though - it is by no means a done deal that Biden and his clowns will loose come November.

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The government grifters masquerading as congress were so excited for their upcoming payday, they waved their little Ukrainian flags in jubilation, celebrating another successful grift.

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Shows how corrupt all these people are! If people really believe the lies pushed here we are past the point of hope, but I think most people see through the chit that’s staining America, but how do we stop it?

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Peter has a very strong mind and is a hero!!A very very thank you from Greece!!

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