Dr. McCollough is right, taking vaccines is kin to a religious talisman or sacrament. But unlike something you ingest that your body can reject, when you inject it, you might not be able to eliminate it. Unless you do analytical chromatography, mass spectroscopy, genetic sequencing, and laser counting of the viable particles in the syringe immediately before they push that plunger, you have no idea what nor how much is in it. The sad part is that many people don’t even care. They are still willing and wanting to believe the convincing lie that something is in it that will protect them. https://rumble.com/v3hc3yc-the-vaccine-lie.html

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Yes...how true. I read CORONA FALSE ALARM by renowned epidemiologist Sucharit Bhakdi in 2O21 and so did not take any of these pseudo vaccines. I was ridiculed and disparaged....but I stood firm. Anti-vaxxer is now a label I wear proudly--though I never was before now. When raising my children 4O years ago....they got all the recommended shots. If I had children today it would be different. Luckily those days are past for me. I feel sorry for parents and the choices they are forced to make. This is a bio-attack on the young and their parents. It is without precedent and a crime against humanity.

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There is some good news today:

#10 - Dutch court orders Bill Gates to stand trial over COVID-19 vaccines.

Seven vaccine-injured plaintiffs allege that Bill Gates and others “misled people into taking Covid-19 injections, while they knew or should have known that these injections were not safe and effective.”


The lawsuit also targets former Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla, and key members of the Dutch government’s COVID response team.

The bombshell came when Gates tried to evade the case by arguing that, as a U.S. citizen, he should not be subject to Dutch legal proceedings.

However, thecourt ruled that due to Gates’ close connection with other defendants under Dutch jurisdiction, he IS subject to trial in the Netherlands.

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I read that same book, at the same time. I was also, by that time, well acquainted with Dr. Vladimir Zelenko & his success in treating covid with HCQ/Zinc/Azithromycin, as well as with Dr. Didier Rauolt in France. These sources shed a lot of light on the topic. Since then, I have read at least (20) books from credible physicians & scientists on the harms associated with these mRNA products, as well as all of the other harmful covid measures that were foisted on a gullible & fear-driven population. I have been hard-pressed to find anyone who did any research or reading before rolling-up their sleeves or swallowing whole, the entire perverted narrative.

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Of all those books, Debra N, which would be the top five to recommend to a lay person n these issues?

I can't believe how many people just lined up and took these "vaccines" when it was well known that they were never tested. Weird and frightening.....I guess they scared people to death with the "lockdowns" and the fake death numbers. Criminal.

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A good one to start with, although it is not covid-specific, would be, "The Real Anthony Fauci", by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. Since Fauci, along with Dr. Deborah Birx, was largely responsible for the harmful measures that were taken, it is important to know what Fauci is all about & how he has denigrated the position he has held at the NIAID & undermined the health & well-being of all Americans for decades. The following books are more covid-specific: "The Covid-19 Vaccines & Beyond", by Sally Saxon, JD, Deborah Viglione, MD & James Thorp. MD, "The Courage to Face Covid-19", by John Leake & Peter McCullough, MD, "Overcoming the Covid Darkness", by Brian Tyson, MD & George Fareed, MD, "Neither Safe or Effective", by Colleen Huber, NMD, "The Truth About Covid-19", by Dr. Joseph Mercola & Ronnie Cummins, "The War On Ivermectin", by Pierre Kory, MD, "Covid Operation", by Pamela A. Popper & Shane D. Prier. Two other books that shed light on all vaccines in general are, "Dissolving Illusions", by Suzanne Humphries, MD & Roman Bystrianyk & "Turtles All The Way Down" (written anonysmously). These would be my recommendations.

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“Saints Walk Among Us” ❤️‍🔥

This is excellent. Please pass on if the

Holy Spirit 🕊 prompts you.

Times are finally changing and The Truth is prevailing. ✝️ The Hero’s of our Generation are fighting hard for our Children and Grand-childrens health and medical freedom and bodily autonomy. These virtuous “Experts” as opposed to the ego driven pseudo-scientists and callous undisciplined College Dropouts who have admitted the greatest investment is Vaccines - selling their souls for money - the root of all evil; were chosen for this time in History.

For everything covered shall be uncovered in God’s perfect time.

Let’s continue to uplift our true Hero’s

in our daily prayers and for the conversion of the souls of The Lost and Faithless.

May God Reward His Good Friends and their families as He does best.

St. Teresa of Avila said - “God needs very Good Friends. He has so little of them!”

Stay free, Live in The Truth 💖 🙏

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Since the start of vaccination campaign I ask to the Public health Doctors in Portugal an medical specialization, where is the science to inject from an ampoule with 10 doses of the Pfizer Vaccine for exemple, how much mRNA particles is injected in each person.

Where is the science here in this subject?

How is that possible?

How the dose in number of mRNA particles can be determined and quantified in a mixture that can only be heterogeneous, until now I have never been answered nor can they, logic and science have been transformed into lie and even witchcraft is more certain than this hoax!

So I ask again because I never, ever, have seen or heard this issue raised, given that the doses are not individualized, more serious, there are certainly those who can receive it 2 or 3 times and others certainly half or a third of the dose, that' s only logical in a false case of science!

It is cracinesse and pure greedy of the worlds owners!

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Thanks, Dr. McCullough, for everything you do at great personal cost.

You spoke of large blood clots in the vaccinated of a type that has never been seen before. Have you been made aware of the appearance of the white calamari, fibrous type blood clots that embalmers have been seeing appearing a few months after the rollout of the vaccine? Mortician John O'Looney in England and a US embalmer, I believe by the name of Mr Hirschman, are the only two talking about them. They both say these white fibrous clots are different than the normal post-mortem clots. They say the post-mortem blood clots are red and can easily be broken apart, whereas these new type of clots are white, fibrous and stretchy - almost like a rubber band and cannot be broken apart. I hope you will look into this.Thanks again for your advocacy.

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Make American Government Agencies Accountable Foremost. MAGAAF should be the new slogan for We, the people to demand answers from all politicians who supported mRNA experimentation on human subjects.

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Hi Peter - Excellent interview and thank you for your intellect and your courage.

Re timing of my published opinions, please see below - a few others published this early - Dr Mark Trozzi, Dr Zev Zelenko, Dr Reid Sheftall and others ...

For me, the correct assessment was enabled by basic biology, math and solid logic - not that difficult. I was not an anti-vaxxer - took my last flu shot in Fall 2019.

Dates and published statements

21Mar2020 - NO costly and harmful Lockdowns.

8Jan2021 - No high-risk/low reward Covid-19 "vaccines".

I spotted the Covid-19 fraud in Feb2020 but was reluctant to publish. New evidence obtained on 20Mar2020 enabled me to publish.

By Jan2021 it was obvious that health authorities and governments were deceiving us - all trust was gone, and no rational person should take their injections. Later in 2021 it bacame obvious that the Covid-19 injections were ineffective and highly toxic - as all-cause deaths increased.

Your Covid-19-caused death numbers in the USA are far too low. See my book for the calculation and input data - compare total all-cause deaths pre-and post-Covod.

Ref: The Reckless Tampering Must Stop - The full scope of the damage being caused by mRNA vaccines is only beginning to emerge/ The reckless embedding of encrypted genetic code through rogue transcription/

This is not just a medical oversight—it’s a disaster in the making.

Source: https://johncatanzaro.substack.com/p/the-dark-reality-of-mrna-vaccinology


I warned everyone in writing on 21Mar2020 that the Covid-19 lockdowns were greatly excessive and would cause much more harm than good, because the Covid-19 virus was only fatal to the very elderly and infirm, younger people had much milder symptoms, and children were often symptom-free. Six months later, world experts published that same warning in their Great Barrington Declaration.


On 8Jan2021 I emailed every Alberta MLA, including the Premier and all the Cabinet, media and others to NOT deploy the Covid-19 mRNA “vaccines”, because the risk/reward equation was all wrong - high risk because it takes ten years, not ten months, to produce a safe and effective vaccine, and because the Covid-19 illness was typically fatal only to the very elderly and infirm.


In 2021 after the Covid-19 “vaccines” were deployed, total all-cause deaths soared among Covid-19-vaccinated populations worldwide. Dr Denis Rancourt et al and I (100% independently) calculated 13 million Covid-19 vaxx-caused deaths to end 2022 in countries where we had quality data. That vaxx-death toll has now increased to more than 20 million, and can be ~doubled to include those countries where no good data exists.


In both Canada and the USA, the death toll from the toxic Covid-19 “vaccines” now totals more citizens than we lost in all our wars, dating back to the 1500’s. The odious Justin Pedeau and sidekick Jagmeet Singh have now killed more Canadians with their toxic vaxxes than all our foreign enemies combined, throughout our history!


So, what have our uber-corrupt governments and health authorities done? They have mandated the toxic Covid-19 “vaccines” into the standard suite of vaccinations for infants six months and older! A certain percentage of these precious kids will be killed by these vaccines, and many more will be vaxx-injured, some seriously and for life!

The Covid-19 vaxx-death toll will soon exceed the ~50 million lost on all sides in World War 2. In 1945-46, the Nuremberg military tribunals tried and convicted Nazi war criminals of Crimes Against Humanity, and many were executed by hangings and firing squads. We need Nuremberg 2.0 and we need it now, to bring Justice to our lawless land.

Reference with links.


Covid & Climate Chronicles – The Big Cull


- Allan MacRae, Calgary

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