Our systems are fully corrupted. The biggest problem humanity faces today is that we have lost all trust in our systems. Society cannot function without trustworthy systems.

To fix it we must build a new one that is much much harder to corrupt that is 100% controlled by the people, and we use it to hold the other corrupted systems accountable.


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Decentralization is the only hedge against centralized corruption.

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'Decentralization' does not substitute/replace the need for Accountability!

Heck, the system of communication / language requires accountability!

When I say dog,

I don't mean cat,

Accountability is where IT's at!


and now for some 'entertainment':



Accountability VS Corruption!

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It is a good one, but Transparency, and especially collective intelligence are others.

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Then ban political parties and lobbying.

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Political parties are the number one problem.

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how do we get to there from here? They won't ban themselves.

But in groups labels cause echo chambers, which cause groupthink, which cause tyranny. So finding a way to ban them would be helpful. Or we could just take them over. Like this: https://joshketry.substack.com/p/how-to-fix-corrupt-government-in

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USA population in 1776 was about 2.5 million of Europeans. Democracy and Republics are not able to scale and scope to multicultural soups of 337 million. The technocrats have a control grid that will prevent not just terrorists from getting on planes, but a control grid to “protect” you from a knife-wielding African in a dance class.

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All are valid points in this Comment Section.

Decentralization, Accountability, Transparency, Banning Political Parties, Lobbying Illegalized.


Issue is 'POWER ADDICTION' of those now in Office. They will NOT change the Regulations nor the Constitution to instate 'TERM LIMITS'; it's business as usual. WE THE PEOPLE ARE RESPONSIBLE IN THE END TO MAKE THESE CHANGES AND TAKE BACK OUR POWER...AS POWER IS NOT GIVEN...IT IS TAKEN.

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Thank you, John Leake, for keeping on top of this. It is amazing how people have already reduced it to old news when we all should be appalled by it.

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Confused narratives are usually viewed as old news soon after they are circulated because they trigger a rejection response in viewers. The rejection response is natural, and based on a person's innate skepticism.

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When the criminal-bureaucrats heading the DoInjustice, the DHS, the FBI and the SS are MASSIVELY CORRUPT, trash like this FAILED ASSASSINATION happen.

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Thank you for not letting go of this. We must never be silenced.

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Trump should hire five retired special forces guys to be plugged into SS command at rallies. SS is compromised.

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If nothing else, the families of Cory Comperatore and the injured, have plenty of grounds and evidence for a MASSIVE LAWSUIT against the government and 'law enforcement'!

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"If radio communications were not viable, did any officer at least TRY to run four hundred feet to the assembly and try to notify security personnel by mouth?"

This is the million-dollar question.

There will no doubt be finger-pointing over communications, radio channels, chains-of-command, briefings (or lack of them).

If even ONE cop ran to that stage pointing to the roof and yelling, "Gun!", DJT's detail would have pulled him to safety.

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seems like this will just devolve into a buncha finger-pointing, and 'incompetence' will be the excuse du jour... and few in positions of 'authority' will entertain the idea of intent, complicity, or inside job

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Can you say unprofessional, intentional, disconnected, complicit goat-f#&@!

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The Washington Post is reporting this morning, based on an interview with local police, that after Crooks fired eight times, a police officer fired at Crooks, most likely causing Crooks to pause long enough that the snipers could shoot him. If true, this would make this intervening officer a hero.

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I think Crooks might have been injured by that 9th shot. I had read someone had shot at him from inside the building.

Fox News said a vid they were promoting (they zoomed in, I can't) shows him propped up on his side, apparently pointing his gun at the screaming people. In the video the people gasped, then shot 10 came, and then the people groaned at the sight (big hit, his head thrown up). I think he was eventually seen because he propped himself up. The exit wound was under his right ear because he was turned towards the people under the trees to the west.

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It has come out on an ABC interview that locals didn't even meet with Secret Service before event, which was supposed to happen. They radioed to their command person to pass info along. Locals on the ground did not have radio contact with Secret Service.

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I am wondering why I have heard nothing about the history of the young man they are accusing of being this year's "lone gunman". It's true I haven't put that much time or energy into reading about as I now feel the only thing to do is to completely divorce myself from this entire insane system. But I have seen nothing about either his character or history. In fact all I've seen is his name and age and I'm wondering why that would be. Did our fearless leaders just not have sufficient time in which to fabricate a history for him?

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There's been one video I've seen of his parents. His father seemed affable, his mother seemed a bit crazy. Don't know if he had any siblings. His father said he can't say anything until the lawyers clear them. At the least, they've both lost a son.

Nods, winks and short statement in the congressional hearing with the Col (chief of PA police I think) left these tiny pieces of information... (paraphrasing)... 'Did you see the silverware and the rubbish?', 'Did you see the kitchen, impeccably clean, almost like a lab'.

The parents have been reported as 'behavioural therapists' (both of them).

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I heard that Rep. Eli Crane ask about the ultra clean house. However, prior to that hearing, a LEO (not sure which) told a news crew that the house resembled something like hoarders would have, and was not very clean. He also said both the parents had health problems and did not seem very aware of their son’s activities. How does one reconcile messy, like hoarders, with clean like a laboratory?

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Hard to reconcile "rubbish" and "lab-like kitchen" in my own comment.

If both of these facts are true, it might be that the mother (who was masked in the video) had an ultra-clean issue and a sterile kitchen was her controlled area. These are very minimal pieces of information to work with.

As for the "silverware", no idea how that could fit in, except that someone with a cleaning issue would like to polish it.

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I suspect the contradictory reports are released to confuse everyone and cover up the truth. Laboratory clean/messy hoarder; bad shot/ knew his way around guns and tight pattern

Right wing, anti-Semitic, anti-immigrant/Left wing know it all who criticized his Hispanic classmate for being conservative, donor to Act Blue

Left side position on building roof/ right side position on building roof

Four sets of snipers/ Three sets of snipers

SS responsibility/Local LEO responsibility

Ladder/No ladder located

Central command frequency established at all events to enable direct communication among various agencies/ No centralization of communications, no meeting of SS with local LEOs, NOT ENOUGH BANDWITH, etc.

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Storms are brewed over which windows were the Beaver Creek ESU were meant to be watching from. All should afford a view but all would require them to stick their heads out, re-position.

The Col said both left the windows, but now I'm hearing that one did.

And in the ABC interview, the guy at front right, in the Beaver Creek ESU unit troubles me.

Who left, and why? On whose suggestion? On what rationale?

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I've seen a number of accounts from his school colleagues (try youtube, Crooks, school friend). There was a long one from a lovely girl. He was quiet but wasn't a complete loner - he was in group of friends. He was apparently very intelligent.

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Thanks for the information. Seems really mysterious that the gov't isn't forthcoming..

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Makes sense to me. The greedy Deep State apparatchiks bet heavily that Trump would die that day. They shorted the Trump stock. Ask yourself, would they make such a bet relying upon a 20 year old loner?

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TRUTH AND ACCOUNTABILITY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You will NOT get it from your government!!! The monstrosity that is the Washington DC bureaucracy must be trashed. It won't happen at the ballot box!!

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How many DHS agents were there taking the place of absent SS agents?

Why did the local SWAT team have no communication with SS?

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Cover up

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