Yeh when I saw Canada did it I was very surprised. Canada is by far in a race to be the most insidious, noxious and insufferable place in the West. No way they pull back from this until a change of government.

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Same thought here. Troodo is a fanatic of anything transgender. This file is very dear to him, this and destroying the economy, in particular farmers. Basically you're a happy Canadian if you are a trans, but a miserable one if you are dare be a farmer.

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Tonight on VSRF LIVE the title of the show is Canada Has Gone Full Gulag - guest speaker Shawn Buckley.

When I saw the post I also could not believe that the Lieberal govt of Canada would actually make a rational decision-not surprised it didn’t (yet).


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JT will only do what his handlers tell him. Don't expect thought from this guy.

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I'm also in Dallas and still waiting for power to be restored - it's terrible to hear about this young man who was killed, and I agree that there was very little warning about these power lines being stuck in trees. And yes, Canada will NEVER adopt any restrictions on puberty blockers as long as Trudeau is in power. Australia and Canada are the most leftist Western governments, so just as they established vaccine and lockdown tyranny, they will continue promoting the gender industry as long as Big Pharma has control of their governments.

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"Leftist" and/or fascist!

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Quite clear that Canada has gone rogue… China policy!

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I cannot fathom how any person in their right mind could vote for Trudeau ever again, between water-boarding suicides, extreme gender affirmation treatments and the tyranny during the Covid era, Trudeau has shown us his population reduction agenda.

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"Stupid Canadian government" still holds true no matter the subject matter...it a GONG SHOW with a towel headed traitor at the helm.

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The only people who will vote for him are those who get their news exclusively from the CBC. There are such people.

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If You Dare

Being A Doctor Of Medicine.

Lobotomized To The Brink Of Irrelevance.


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Why would Trudeau follow their lead? He is a commie tyrant who wants to kill off every white European that he can. He has openly stated this as well as his love for the Chinese dictatorship. Trudeau belongs in prison not the head of state. He is a disgrace to Canadians and a wanna be dictator along with all those who support him. He is an arrogant narcissist who relies on never being forced to face the consequences of his traitorous actions. The only thing that would look good on Trudeau is a red dot on the forehead.

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List of government grants that incentivize hiring foreigners over Canadians:

BioTalent Student Work Placement Program - 50% of wages up to $5,000 or 70% of wages up to $7,000

Career Ready Student Placement Program - 50% of salary up to $5,000, or 70% of salary up to $7,000

AgriTalent Student Work Placement Program - 50% of salary up to $5,000 or 70% of salary up to $7,000 for newcomer students.

CLAC Apprenticeship Support Program - $5,000 in funding for trades apprenticeships (Not in Quebec)

Eco Canada – Apprenticeship Service Program - $5,000 per apprentice (+$5,000 if hiring foreign workers)

Career Launcher Apprenticeship Program - $5,000 for construction workers (+$5,000 if hiring foreign workers)

iAdvance Pathways - 70% of newcomer salary up to $15,000 (AB, ON, BC and NS)

Environmental Foreign Talent Development Program - $15,000 per hire

Welcoming Newcomers Wage Subsidy -

50% of salary up to $10,000

Skilled Newcomer Internships for the Bio-Economy Program - 75% of salary up to $20,000


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Yes, I saw that I follow HF quite a bit.

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Was too much to hope for that Canada had regained some common sense. Maybe when or if we finally get Trudeau out of office.

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Thanks for the Correction.

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I'm old enough to remember when celebrities were bemoaning female genital mutilation in African or Muslim countries; while now they are advocating for mutilation in Western countries. No one can sensibly deny that it is mental illness for a young woman to watch a youtube video and attempt to give herself a mastectomy. https://thefederalist.com/2024/05/30/a-woman-frantically-cutting-off-her-own-breasts-proves-we-need-less-gender-affirmation-not-more/

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And men using red popsicles to delude themselves into believing they are menstruating women. Oh by the way HAPPY international MENSTRUATION day today. Our “esteemed” govt and health officials are wearing red and sporting pins and bracelets to celebrate!

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I saw a sad story of a trans woman (biological male) who had a surrogate give birth to a baby for him. He was shown in a hospital bed with a nurse handing him the baby as if he'd given birth. When he left, he was pushed out in a wheelchair. I'm sorry, I would not go along with that nonsense.

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That is insane.

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Alberta is the only province in Canada to ban puberty blockers for teens 15 and under. Parental consent is needed for 16 and 17 year-olds. Alberta is lead by a courageous lady, Danielle Smith, that has been able to resist the flak from medical professionals and critics from the so called "Woke" establishment.

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Thought that was a big jump for Canada. Especially for his highness True-dough.

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Thank you for the correction. The only big surprise at this point concerning Canada would be if they actually HAD woken up to the facts about the horrors of pediatric gender indoctrination and subsequent mutilation and stopped this obscenity.

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The level of incompetence and carelessness that I am witnessing and personally experiencing from the entire service industry in America, both public(government) and private is simply staggering. If there are 10 steps or transactions needed to complete a service, you can expect a mistake or delay in all 10 of them. No mistake here. There is a zombie like approach to the task at hand everywhere. It defies logic or explanation. Often when it would be so much easier to do something right it is done wrong. I withhold examples as they are endless. I have led a service intensive life in the past few years which I expect to end later this year. I am looking very, very forward to it as it has been nothing but one continuous nightmare both locally and nationally.

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Trudeau is intent on destroying lives as per his commitment to the WEF ideology and the puppet masters of the Bilderberg Group. Trudeau has stated openly his hatred for the white europeans who colonized Canada and his intent to remove and replace them and his utter love of the Chinese dictatorship. He is a tyrant, a sociopath and Canada's first flake gay leader. He is a criminal of the highest calibre and must be removed and arrested for his crimes against Canadians and humanity.

Trudeau will by any means cause the death and disparity of as many people as he can to meet the 2030 depopulation agenda. All those who have supported this criminal must also be held accountable.

Then again pretty well most Western leaders are doing the same thing but Trudeau enjoys it and openly shows his cards.

The world is changing. These criminals will be held accountable once the good wins over their evil. Glad to see and laugh when he makes speeches to empty rooms, waves to non-existent people and gets shunned when trying to shake hands. This man belongs on the end of a rope. The sooner the better for everyone.

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