Although he doesn’t talk about this specific type of cancer, I’ve heard Professor Angus Dalgleish on a number of videos speak of people in remission for years, whose cancer is suddenly active again. Dalgleish is one of the foremost oncologists in the UK…..and major publications have been refusing his research since the beginning of the ‘pandemic’.

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It would be fantastic if you could adopt the correct terminology and call mRNA TRANSFECTION by proper name. Accurate name for the failed cancer therapy deployed in this population wide human medical experiment was NEVER a vaccine and purged from Covid discussion to minimize resistance to accepting genetic experiment while leveraging decades of misplaced trust in vaccines that have their own toxic profiles and scientific fraud. Still love your reporting but please fix this.

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Maybe consider not barking orders at the medical expert and owner of this Substack? I think he gets to call things whatever he wants, just as you do. Sheesh.

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Wrong on both counts. Incorrect language misinforms and that is not the aim of the author and to note technical errors is not barking it is educating. Sheeesh indeed!

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Feel free to continue to try to bend the good doctor to your will. I’m pretty sure he’ll remain unfazed by your demands, lol.

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Pretty insulting to suggest Dr. McCullough would be steadfast in his refusal to use accurate terminology rather than better inform his readers.

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He’s not gonna bend to your will, but continue looking foolish if it suits you, lol.

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pffft.. not about my will Skippy it's the terminology of the high priests virtual deities of virology & vaccinology Vincent Racaniello & David Baltimore.


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When DARPA/DOD developed this Bio-weapon they did a great job making sure the most people were genocided and maimed as possible in as many ways as possible. That is the one time the government has been efficient. DISGUSTING PSYCHOTIC PREDATOR PARASITES.

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Dr Brian Ardis found data showing venoms cause cancer and nicotine reverses venom induced cancer. Watch his documentary "The Antidote" on his website.

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Oh that's just great...

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So how do we protect our loved ones who did take these shots?

I get the protocol with nato but where are the studies that back it up

and what if you have a thyroid issue with the natto?

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Would this be applicable to those who took the Sputnik shot ?

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Your question might also apply to the Novavax jab which used an insect to mass produce the spike protein but did not depend on injecting modified mRNA

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