Bombshell long-term Korean Study of Pfizer, Moderna COVID shots shows ‘self-assembling nanostructures’ .............................................


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I, for one, am interested in the use of nattokinase to try to eliminate as much spike protein as possible from my body. However, I have not seen a single study actually verifying it works or how much is actually being broken down or on safety. After our bitter experience (after the fact) with the vaccine, I am not anxious to create another well intentioned disaster. Is there ANY evidence nattokinase supporting the SAFE use of nattokinase resulting in spike protein reduction? is there anything else being studied or looked at for that purpose? I had reached my 80s in perfect health and energetic enough for both lots of golf AND regular weight training in the gym. Since the 3 vaccine rounds I took before realizing something wasn't making sense, I am far more fatigued and have sudden bouts of severe pains throughout my body. My doctor doesn't even take my reports seriously. I am anxious to try and clear as much spike protein out of my body as possible but I am not willing to simple expose myself to yet another speculative treatment. IS THERE ANY PROOF?

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I'm very sorry about what has happened to you as a result of the injections, and I understand your concern about starting a spike protein-clearing regimen without sufficient information, however, I don't think there's an easy answer to your question.

It's my understanding that the proof you're looking for is and will continue to be "only" anecdotal, compiled over several years, essentially patient by patient, by just a handful of practitioners like Dr. McCullough using the protocol that includes nattokinase.

It's also my understanding that natural substances are unlikely to receive the "double blind, placebo-controlled study" treatment because they aren't money makers for big pharma. (Scientific studies are fantastically expensive.) In addition, to study treatments to rid the body of spike protein is to admit the injections are problematic, which isn't something fedgov, never mind big pharma, is even remotely interested in, for obvious reasons.

Bottom line, most of us are on our own out here to try to sort things for ourselves. If I were you, I'd read up on the potential side effects of nattokinase and then weigh those against my current health challenges.

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Having a good background in electronics, microcontrollers, and programming, besides having a Ph.D. in physics, the claim that these contaminants can self-assemble into anything like a microchip that can communicate to the outside world is pure fantasy. A working microcontroller needs a power source, a CPU, a program memory, a data bus structure, and an RF circuit for communication and last not least a program code to run all of this.

This idea that these structures resemble a microchip or a robotic device is as if you take a bunch of computer chips, throw them into a bucket and stir them thoroughly and expect to find an iPhone or a tablet after a while. This just doesn’t happen.

These structures however remind me of a sort of ‘crystallization’. In microscope pictures of ‘normal’ blood you can sometimes see cholesterol crystals. I think that substances in these so-called ‘vaccines’ form such crystalline structures given enough time. In a similar way, protein in people that received these ‘clot shots’ can agglomerate and form these spaghetti-like structures that then cause heart failure and death. Or it is the spike protein inducing this agglomeration. Someone should analyze what these things are made of.

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Not having the in-depth background in science that you have, Dr. Fuelling, I always figured that much of what I have seen in pictures that have been called “microchips” just seemed like crystals to me. And since the manufacturers have not followed “good manufacturing practices,” the rest just looked like contamination from improper handling. So I believe what you say. However, I would not put it passed some DoD researchers trying to put some means of population control in these products, hence the need for “vaccine” mandates.

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The spike protein is the population control, and especially if one is mandated to keep taking these indefinitely every six months.

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Read the book 'engines of creation'. By Drexler. It is possible to do this but I'm not sure Technology has advanced that far yet.

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Dr. Lee’s research says something else!

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The vax that keeps on giving……

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Dr John Campbell discussed this very article on his YouTube channel a few weeks ago and that episode was taken down.

Thank you for posting it.

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