It is both rational and based on the real world - what we see in our communities. The father of young kids, dying in his sleep. Three friends dead of unexpected, fast-moving cancer. A relative with new kidney disease too weeks after vaccination. A child’s college friend, died suddenly in the middle of the night. A fit, athletic senior - massive heart attack while out for a jog. Older relatives having trouble walking. A new Alzheimer’s diagnosis at a younger age than usual. Any one of these alone could be a coincidence. Together they’re evidence of something rotten in the state of Denmark. To not see or deny them is irrational.

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We used to call that "PROOF IN THE PUDDING"!

Now as before, it's still referred to as the "DIS-Information.

And "Pinocchio's" nose continues to grow longer.

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Sadly Des, all of us here on Substack have many stories identical to yours , seams like we are the only ones that can connect the dots to the vaccine's, please everyone continue to tell your own stories! That's the only way maybe, people might start to see !!!!

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I’m not the least bit “hesitant”; I am violently opposed. 🤭

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I was about to say the same thing. I think "vaccine hesitancy" is terminology invented by Big Pharma to make it seem like people opposed to vaccination (especially MRNA vaccination) are just confused and unsure of themselves, thus belittling them in the eyes of the public at large.

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It is.

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Same thought here.

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Can you imagine how much of our money the government spends to create studies that discover the obvious?

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Not nearly as much as private industries and some government offices spend on studies trying to hide the obvious. Sugar does not cause weight gain comes to mind.

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I can. It is the power of an "UNLIMITED" .GOV checkbook. Cha Ching!

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You should see how much they spend on even more ridiculous and pointless studies!

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I have read Turtles all the way down. Prior to that from my own observations, I received maybe three shots as a child. Fast forward from the eighties to today I have noticed an increase in autism, adhd, auto-immune diseases, peanut allergies in children and adults. In 2001 there was a commercial on TV saying if you were born between certain years you may have hep C and not know it. I was tested and had Hep C, but no one told us why. 9 months of horrible treatment for Hep C and now the insanity we have lived through the last four years. I am not hesitant, I am convinced....there is no safe vaccines.

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And you are correct! There are none truly "safe", some seem to just be a bit less harmful than others, but that is not the same as " safe", in my book! Sometimes it's better to not be "tested" for that for which you are not experiencing symptoms... and safer! That was another unintended lesson from nursing school.

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Thank you. Every day I get confirmation as to why I didn’t get the jab.

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Ha! Vaccine hesitancy? That is merely the tip of the iceberg - if I am an indication of what is going on in the minds of many. I haven't had a blood test since 2020 (no needles), I have a lump in my breast that I haven't mentioned - I'd rather die of natural causes than by a doctor's diagnosis.

While my husband and I didn't get the covid vax he got a flu vaccine and died 2 months later, yes, he was sick but I feel the flu vax tipped him into the ravine. Why was he sick? A diagnosis of kidney cancer, when, after the kidney was removed the doctor proclaimed "it wasn't cancer afterall! But - I'll see you back here for dialysis". A year later I was told that dialysis pays a doctor quite handsomely.

Evil lurks everywhere.

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I’m so sorry about your husband’s misdiagnosis and death.

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I am truly sorry for your loss, and more so for the reasons!

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The fact that more people realize that what was pawned-off as a vaccine, is not a vaccine, may also be playing a role. It's an injection. A poisonous injection.

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The powers that be just refuse to acknowledge the obvious, most rational logical reason for people refusing the non-vaccine experimental jab. There is little, if any hesitancy by now, given all that we know about the unsafe, ineffective nature of these shots. The cover up is falling apart.

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Seems to me the researchers were often just referring to “vaccines,” not simply the mRNA Transfections. Confound much? Oh what a world!

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Rational and appropriate are the key words, absolutely true.

After listening to Del Bigtree interviewed by Kim Iversen last night, it's obvious that all vaccines are harmful.

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There is not 1 I know of that does not contain at least 1 known neurotoxin and/or carcinogen!

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Hesitancy is not a relevant word to this discussion. It made sense until January 31, 2021. At that point the long-term possible harms were paired with known short-term adverse effects that proved that our stance against the Covid-19 injections was right and the Big Pharma- WHO-WEF-government alliance was unethical. As an English major, I will happily mock people (including doctors, scientists, journalists and political figures) who think hesitancy is the right word. Refusal would be an acceptable word. Resistance with its political connotations would also be acceptable. The so-called “vaccine hesitant” are actually people who believe in informed consent, people who care about the vaccine injured, and people who believe that we are unforgivably late in taking these dangerous products off the market. We want justice for those injured by vaccines as well as justice for those who were harmed financially through censorship and cancellation.

I don’t want damages in money. The amounts are too large. I recommend 20-55% of ownership in the companies that promoted these products (and/or refuted or throttled the critics of these products) that have caused and will continue to cause millions of death and adverse effects. Investment and financial companies that own these companies or have people on the boards of these companies would also be held responsible. That would prevent this from happening again. The injured could sell these stocks (as non-voting stocks) but the voting rights for these stocks would remain with the heroes and institutions who called these vaccines dangerous in 2020 and 2021.

For colleges and universities, I would recommend 1% of income for the next ten years per month of mandated covid-19 injections for the whole student body with proportional adjustments for partial mandates; for example, if a university mandated the covid-19 injections only for nursing students for 9 months, and nursing students composed 10% of the overall student population during that time, then 0.9% would be added to the total figure to compensate for those 9 months. After 10 years, actuaries can adjust these percentages to provide for the ongoing medical needs of the students who were mandated to the take the shots and the funds available to these former students from the percentage of ownership in other companies.

People injured by the COVID-19 injections who protested the injections either by asking for exemption or a documented written or video or audio complaint to anyone about being forced to take the shots before taking the first shot should be reimbursed at 200% of medical costs to account for pain and suffering, including emotional and spiritual suffering. People who do have documentary evidence of their complaint should be reimbursed at 75% to reflect their failure to see through the propaganda or at 25% if documentation exists that they advocated for Covid-19 injection mandates or mocked people who refused to take the injections; although advocating mandates is morally disgusting, part of the blame belongs to those who fed them the propaganda, and receiving only 25% every month is a reminder of the cost of their actions. There will not be interviews with family members or searches of private texts and emails to enforce the 25% reimbursement rate; It is meant only for public and semi-public advocates of mandates or people who mocked or tried to refute truth-tellers.

Records will be keep perpetually of all the hate spewed again the unvaxxed and anti-vaxxers, but no financial damages would be accessed; it would provide context for all of the bills about censorship and hate throughout the world as the unvaxxed and anti-vax also become protected classes at the highest level.

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As an old, retired RN, I will join you in that mocking. Rejection is another good word for it. Yhwh God will attend to those who pushed this evil on us!

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Mar 19
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I'm a few yrs older, and it's a toss up between death and the rapture, which will get me 1st. Hold onto the truth Yhwh God's plan is unfolding too, right in front of our eyes, including allowing humans to choose to remain unrepentant for their sins, and thus self-condemn to eternity in Hell! But even repentance doesn't mean they escape all the consequences of evil works!

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Mar 19
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In many chronic illnesses, we observe a kind of "finishing kick", about 24-36 hrs before death, which, sadly, many families mistake for a turn for the better. The physical brain is the locus of consciousness, but other areas have something resembling it, and the spirit, of course, is not part of the physical entity, which can on occasion even be seen leaving the body at death, since it does not die, being eternal. Where it goes, I can't say, exactly, but Scripture offers a couple of possible " waiting areas"; Jesus spoke of them in some of His parables, paradise and gehenna. As a Bible believing Christian, I tend to seek my answers from Yhwh God 1st, rather than humanists, which most philosophers tend to be; even sound psychology we need is found in those pages, without the distortions and contortions many go through to avoid acknowledging our Creator!

It's the body that dies, not the soul, so there's no "border", really, between the 2, there's no need for 1, any more than between rooms where an archway " divides" them!

Since I don't know to which questions you seek answers, I'm not sure what it is you're needing, specifically, but I can honestly tell you, the world does not have them; neither have I found any other belief system that does, not for lack of looking... I have studied religions, starting with the "majors" beginning at age 12, and expanding from there since. I choose Christianity, because I have found the answers there, for which I was seeking. If I can help you find the answers you need, I will be happy to do so. I know the surname "Rosen" is generally associated with people of the Jewish faith and blood, and I am fairly well acquainted with the Law and the Prophets as well as the newer parts of the Bible. So I can work from that background, if it's more comfortable to you.

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Mar 20Edited
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There appears to be an epidemic amongst some public health officials of what might be called "truth hesitancy". It is also sometimes known as lying or slandering. I do not hesitate to accuse them of the crime of "truth hesitancy". I want to hear how they plead.

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This article is nice to see after the name calling and mocking the unvaccinated endured. We had valid reasons for not complying with their mandates despite their bullying. This shows we are not the selfish and uninformed idiots we were portrayed to be but individuals who can think for themselves.

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My reasons were based on a combination of that and past adverse responses to numerous pharmaceuticals, including older vaccines, going back many decades.

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It’s about time that we woke up and asked the hard questions. I’m encouraged that more are asking.

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Love to participate in those trials.....I'll be just another of the many in the UNVAXXED groups.

"Unavoidably Unsafe"? My ass. It's all avoidable. Get Smart...Protect your Heart!!

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