The U.K. is currently doling out the “spring booster” to vulnerable people and the elderly that have not been killed yet. It will be their 9th jab. How can people be this naive.?

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Maybe at some point the Stockholm Syndrome goes active in those who've already received many doses of the weapon?

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King Charles a part of the Old Global Young Leaders Group. All for Depopulation.

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That does not surprise me. What must they royal family’s childhoods been like? They are really messed up.

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I am a minority pure blood where I live. When I tell my retirement home neighbors about potential adverse effects of the jabs, they have never heard of them. They have never heard of the potential injury to their heart or other organs. One neighbor just had COVID about 4 months ago (felt like a common cold to her) but took the jab last week anyway. Another neighbor had COVID about a year ago and was severely ill, had a heart attack about 4 months ago and just took another jab! They are obviously not giving informed consent. If they were told the truth they would never consent. This is gross malpractice on the part of those giving these injections!

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My wife was talking to an 89 year old friend yesterday and she has been fortunate to have a trusted son who convinced her that that jabs are not good and all vaccines are to be suspicious of these days. I am so happy for her. At 89 it is easy to be misled by the government. Except for a single flu shot last year she got talked into she is unvaxed since 2019.

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I was talking to a senior at my retirement home who received the original jab plus the next booster who stopped taking these jabs after his daughter suffered neurotoxicity from her booster and couldn’t walk. The couple of people I spoke to in my retirement home who are not getting repeatedly jabbed tell me that their son or daughter convinced them not to.

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You are soooo right, Allie. I just wrote my first substack. It was on my jab experience and vaccine injury. Ruined my life. If you like, I'll send you the link.

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Try holy water from the Lourdes spring in Europe. Say the Lord's prayer followed by the Lourdes prayer to the Blessed Mother asking for healing of your affliction. You can order online and it will be delivered within a week or so.

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Thanks for sharing, Ed. But as Andy requested, please post the ink here so that all can read it.

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We’ll never find the response. Please just provide the link here as a reply.

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Apr 29·edited Apr 29

Meanwhile, in Victoria, Australia we have a newly established government department:

mRNA Victoria!


Furthermore, this year will see the completion of Moderna's new mRNA manufacturing plant - also in Victoria, Australia - "the first of its kind in the Southern Hemisphere".

There's nothing that beats the ignorance and gullibility of politicians and public servants. They have driven just about every manufacturing industry out of Victoria by artificially creating high energy prices in order to reduce electricity and petrol consumption, thereby (so they imagine) 'saving the planet'. But they really want this one, which will produce a highly toxic product that should be banned.

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VERY SORRY for all that Australians are enduring....

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I commend and applaud all your efforts over the past 4 years to enlighten people with the truth about covid and its deadly mRNA products. Thanks to you and hundreds of other courageous doctors like you, hundreds of millions of people worldwide now know the truth, and won't be fooled next time around.

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I’m in the process of listening to this excellent video now, and wanted to give my immense respect to Dr. Ryan Cole. He was actually one of the first voices I heard with regard to the vaccines (you may recall his short video about the damage done to cats when they are given a vaccine that is incorrect for the ‘disease’ they are meant to tackle). It was potentially because of his video, that I felt confident in my decision not to partake in this experiment. I’ll never be able to thank him personally, but do so here.

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I’ve seen him lecture in person. He owned several labs and lost millions when he started speaking out

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When do the hangings begin?

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They already have… no one can report it. I just heard that Klaus Schwab died of withdrawal from

A substance that was keeping him alive . You can guess what it was?

Sorry he didn’t make it to the Tribunal.

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Wow.. Multiple Nurse interviews have revealed how hospitals were at first empty & losing money until the govt started mandating the “COVID PROTOCOLS”which mandated that insurance companies “PAY THEM UP FRONT”…

IF they put the patient on on the COVID protocol”while they waited for the test to come back… If the patient was on the protocol the doctors were forced by hosp administrators to put down Covid as cause of death THUS, the sooner they died the more money the hospital could keep and not have to spend it on their longer term care……. NOTE: This IS what happens when the power is shifted AWAY from MDs & given to administrators !!!! … (A process going on since the 80s when Medicare ( Feds) started taking over medicine)… Then the goal becomes driven by the numbers ($) and coding codes, for business purposes, not by doctors’ medical management decisions made in the best interest of the patients….

*ie- people were KILLED

It first all started in the 80s with a govt campaign to paint ALL doctors as “too greedy, we need to take over” !….. That campaign succeeded first because doctors can’t go on strike… to protect their profession!…. (Most doctors were behaving honestly and still are. )…But, many have been threatened,silenced and suppressed and some even corrupted or gullible & under pressure to comply !!!!!…. They too are human !!!

It is now known in psych literature that business CEOs tend more-so than average to have some element of Psychopathy but are good at deception…..

( Read up on it, and you’ll find it)

Dr Del

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Fantastic! Thank you!! Has this been forwarded to Donald Trump? Perhaps then this bioweaponry will stop!! Then time to hold those accountable for Crimes Against Humanity!! I believe Donald Trump was dupped and He needs to admit it, and really be cautious about who he is endorsing for the 2024 elections. So many Rhino's

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Good work from all of you gentlemen...Thanks for your commitment in this.

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Thank you for the link and especially thank you for your continuous battle against the mRNA gene therapies.

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It is kind to call them mRNA gene therapies. I refer to them as mRNA poisonous jabs.

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You are so right

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On April 21, 2024 the WH announced that Bill Gates and Biden (along with 50 other countries) signed a Pandemic Preparedness Agreement which involves rapid roll outs of lock downs and vaccine mandates in the event of a pandemic or “climate change-related emergencies” and has $2 billion in funding. The phrase ‘climate change’ was mentioned as many as 28 times. This is separate from the WHO treaty, which is anticipated to be signed on May 27. My concern is Bill Gates did this as a preemptive strike because there are countries refusing to sign the WHO treaty and many groups all over the world rising up against it. I decided to post this information here because this is not getting the coverage in the media it needs.

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Where in the hell is our Congress?

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I was just on a live webinar given by John Solomon who founded www.justthenews.com and asked the same question. He is a journalist who has been around DC for over 25 years and very respected. He says his contacts tell him that Mike Johnson and other Republicans are discussing a Congressional Review which would be much more effective then trying to pass some bill or arguing with people like Schumer. They are very concerned about this and want some action, unlike their tepid response over the border in the last bill that was signed. The Congressional Review would challenge the right of a President to do this because the language in the agreement is the language of a treaty and he cannot proceed with such a policy. Also, the Constitution does not allow the Federal government rights over health care. Any rights not afforded to the federal government become the states rights to do as they please. The best part of the Congressional Review is it will go past the election at which time the agreement and the WHO treaty can be rescinded by a new President anyway.

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Thank you Dr. McCullough. I share your work far and wide.

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People will wonder why God has allowed this. His sense of mercy doesn't want to, but His sense of justice demands it. The world has become Sodom and Gomorrah, and it is being flooded with evil to separate the righteous from the wicked and the believers from those who don't. Few will doubt the existence of supernatural evil when the whole truth comes out.

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They can all propose this as law and defang the dod...they are not helpless.

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Thank you for sharing. The message could not be stronger. Stop the vaccines!! These doctors and politicians are all heroes!!

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