Amen....corrupt to the core.

I was thinking yesterday that this assassination attempt and the bungling by all the " security" agencies is the political equivalent to what the public has lived through ( the lucky ones at least) for the past 4 years with the other government 3 letter medical agencies and the COVID scamdemic. Rotten to the core.

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Hypothesis: IC (CIA) began developing a program in the aftermath of WWII to train assassins. Let's call it Operation Lone Wolf. Locate and develop assassins, train them, then after the deed execute the shooter and disappear his past. Past successes, JFK, RFK, MLK, Malcom X, Fred Hampton, "Vegas" shooter, Uvalde shooter, Abe (Japan), Fico, and now Crooks.

Next phase, clues that go nowhere, say two words, "Lone Shooter" and brains will shut down. (Cooling the Mark Off). Then cap it off with an "investigation" that concludes "Lone Wolf" did it.

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More than hypothesis, though I think Oswald, one of a number of fake defectors to the Soviet Union, was being paid by both the FBI and CIA and thought he was there as a government informant. Don't think he was a shooter--tested negative for powder residue--but rather just what he called himself--a patsy.

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No chance WHATSOEVER he was shooter or lone shooter. I have personally seen videos , now scrubbed that show a man in the vehicle turn and shoot JFK point blank with clearly 1911 type pistol, this is when you see first Jackie try to flee the vehicle to rear then other shot hits his head form behind , she climbs back to assist

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And don’t forget, act confused about the “motive”.

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Yes true and more with much more sophisticated tech now to carry forth MK ULTRA TYPE mind control , even on full populations thats why there has not been a FULL SCALE rebellion , and people keep thinking of saviors both human and supernatural and DO NOTHING, V2K read /write brain interface , accessing human auric field , and cell phone . cell tower , 5g programming

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The FBI was certainly quick to support the long gunman theory.

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see David McGowan's book, 'Programmed to Kill'

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Fred Hampton was killed by agents for the State.

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Yesssss you said it ! Finally. …. And the Bioweapon and the captured agencies like the ACOG, still recommending the jab to pregnant women. Any wind up on Lahaina 🤔

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Right?! And more than 20 years later, Bldg 7. If they think anyone believes a word they say, they’re insane.

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Yes, we don’t live in a democracy any longer, less at all, a republic. We are living a Truman show. And don’t tell me the guy is a weirdo who lives in his Mother’s basement and play violent video games. His parents are counselors, and very connected. I’m so tired of all the lies from both sides, from everywhere actually. And the last name CROOKS, are you kidding me?

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Government =force and ours is bloated out of control and bureaucracy is run by appointed unelected political hacks

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I saw a list recently of news people married to govt folks, horrifying to the innocent and naive, of course, and in real life that’s where they meet people~~~let’s say, scary! but the lines have blurred in the past many years with pillow talk, and favors owed, and money passed along, and jobs handed out for loyal informers who keep their mouth shut….talk about the Epstein secrets, well you know how she was in HS!~~~if the internet skies opened up, and torrents of criminalities be released, hmmmm? What would be laid out on sidewalks and around grassy neighborhoods for the world to see? Methinks perhaps some divorces, some withdrawals from high level positions…..”Well, of course you do, you want to spend more time with family! We wish you all the best.”

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YES and the worst 'marriage from HELL" just occurred with Huma Abadin and Soros s son, Alex ,it cant get more evil and dangerous than that not even Bill and KILLARY.


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Indeed, that freaked me out as well…these folks find each other and recognize their mutual reasons for living…..and yes it is sickening Can’t imagine their future and the mischief they will be planning … Yuk and Yuk. And oh, the invitation list to their nuptials will be interesting….yuk again

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You got all that right way beyond yuk pure evil but just think of the potentials of all those evil wedding guests at one place and time maybe a stray missile from Ukraine war or something?

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Ooooooh dear you have my imagination going…weddings ? Those people?!! …. horrifying thought. Yes what mansion in the Upper neighborhoods might be their celebration destination….. “I just wandered around their library, what beautiful books they have! Look at this one…shhhh…my resume is tucked in here”. “Sure, dance with Michael. Jack’s here and we need to talk business for a while.” ~~~ And the whole time, of course the current list of incompetents swear they are keeping us safe …. As they all did for 30,000 or so, last weekend….good golly Molly !

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Trying to make sense of what happened -

So he goes to a town that is not his hometown (how familiar was he with it?),

walks along with a rifle (and maybe a ladder), just happens by luck to find a building with a direct line to Trump where the roof is unoccupied with no surveillance by the Secret Service/Police

and finds a way to climb to the roof where no one sees him climbing to the roof and then nothing is done to stop him?

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1. Has anyone checked the inside the building to see if the shooter gained access to the roof from there?

2. There is a photo of a bullet whizzing by Trumps head. Unless it’s a magic bullet, the trajectory looks straight NOT a downward angel from a rooftop.

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Actually in that photo I thought the “vapor trail” was angled upward which does not comport with trajectory. I’ve had bullets “pfifsikp” past my ear several times in Nam, hit by two, and had shrapnel go through the back of my ear from a mortar. Bullets do not make “vapor trails” comprehensive to the naked eye. If anything it is ear matter.

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You forgot to mention the so called report that he was carrying and using a pocket range finder aiming it at the stage area where Trump would be speaking

Also his timing to start climbing and position in a moments notice when Trump will burst onto the stage and speak

Some have suggested only the SS know how to give the ok that all is clear it’s a go guide him to the stage etc etc

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How much more obvious evidence does ANYONE NEED ? where was security then people already there, and ITS NOT ASSASSINATION ATTEMPT, real people died in audience they matter just as much, 2 critically injured could die. Im review evidence CIA has authorized neutralization on DJT back in 2023. We are in war on all levels , have been for a long time , no federal organization is on our side at this point none , prove me incorrect if you can?

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A bit off topic of this post, but I’m having an issue with Trump’s ear wound. Ears usually bleed a lot; when he gets up off the stage and they escort him away, there is no cloth or handkerchief or ice pack being held on his ear and it doesn’t appear to be bleeding—a bit questionable, don’t you think? The investigation needs to include any close-up pictures of the wound and a statement from those who treated him at hospital.

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As an MD responded in an earlier post on an earlier post of this substack - that part of the ear is mostly cartilage with small capillaries and no arteries so will not profusely bleed

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More info is better for sure. But I don’t think the amount of blood is too little nor too much. Ear doesn’t bleed as much as scalp. Not by a long shot.

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Scalp bad ear not much

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Conceivably just a grazing wound. People who shoot themselves in the leg while reholstering at shooting schools (the most common injury, according to statistics released by Front Sight Firearms Training Institute) are able to go back to the range and finish the day's training.

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Head wounds bleed heavily as opposed to leg wounds.

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I believe Trump's gunshot wound is said to have been a through-and-through rather than a graze. I don't believe the medical report has been released.

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That would be correct unless it hit the edge, in which case it might still be referred to as a through and through. As for the so called “vapor trail”, I have never heard the term, probably because it would not be visible to the naked eye. On the other hand, through and through wounds carry body parts, molecules of flesh, and blood trails that might be seen on still photos.

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Interesting contribution.

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Respectfully, ears are largely cartilaginous and bleed little. Most of the blood you will have seen would be from the incident scalp wound.

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Thank you for your insight.

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I don't think ears bleed alot because I pierced my own ear at least a couple times

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I have seen photos of lots of blood on stage , they had a red hankerchief on it for a bit, what I question is the AR TYPE WEAPON supposedly used , can an AR type even just grazing do that little damage with their ballistics , I have not heard confirmed evidence about those hit in audience and what was TRULY USED, any way you slice it ITS AN AGENCY SET UP.

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Ah, no, actually I had one small shrapnel pass through my ear from the back, a mortar round, diving into a bunker. Did not know till morning when a guy said my ear was bleeding a bit.

Also, I was hit in the upper torso twice at once by bullets in Nam firefights. Beyond that I can tell you one’s extreme focused senses tells you when someone has a “bead”, or cross hairs on you. As the bullets pass by within millimeters I’ve heard the very faint “PfsiP” sound a few times. Trump called it a “whisp”.

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You're on the money, who was his treating Doctor? Rima Laibow' s Substack is very interesting.

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Citizens arrest of secret service chief might reveal Jill Biden’s involvement

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Ok, you first. Just kidding. No really, who’s gonna do that?

Although what we need more than anything is mid level whistle blowers.

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The assasination attempt was in all likelihood a good old-fashioned, well-planned & executed hit made possible by just one Secret Service perp :

1. Put the clueless SS DEI C-team on Trump's close perimeter security. It's obvious from the footage that's what happened. Short women, confusion, lack of situational awareness, inability to get him off stage quickly. Total shitshow. Obvious incompetence.

2. Put your normal counter snipers on watch. Nothing different there. No special instructions to snipers needed, no need for them to be in on it.

3. Put your MKUltra'd patsy on the rooftop. How they convinced him to do it we may never know, but the fact is he got up there and, despite numerous people seeing him (both civilians and LEO's), they didn't stop him. He managed to get into shooting position.

4. SS perp creates confusion by radioing the counter snipers (who have eyes on the would-be assassin, but knows the building is occupied by LEO's) says something like, "he may be a police officer or spectator...waiting for confirmation...." Counter sniper obviously doesn't want to shoot an innocent kid or worse, another LEO. He watches and waits. The patsy takes his shot. Counter sniper takes him out as soon as he observes the shooting.

5. Trump shot. Patsy dead. Clean and simple.

On the day of the shooting, only one guy on the SS team would be needed to to pull it off: the guy on comms. Patsy could have been made familiar with the spot the day before, when there was no security and he put his gun on the roof.

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The assasination attempt was in all likelihood a good old-fashioned, well-planned & executed hit, facilitated by just one perp in the Secret Service:

1. Put the clueless SS DEI C-team on Trump's immediate (close perimeter) security. It's obvious from the footage that's what happened. Short women, confusion, lack of situational awareness, inability to get Trump off stage quickly. Total shitshow. Obvious incompetence.

2. Put your normal counter snipers on watch. Nothing different there. No special instructions to snipers needed, no need for them to be in on it.

3. Put your MKUltra'd patsy on the rooftop. How they convinced him to do it we may never know, but the fact is he got up there and, despite numerous people seeing him (both civilians and LEO's), they didn't stop him. He managed to get into shooting position.

4. SS perp creates confusion by radioing the counter snipers (who have eyes on the would-be assassin, but knows the building is occupied by LEO's) says something like, "he may be a police officer or spectator...waiting for confirmation...." Counter sniper obviously doesn't want to shoot an innocent kid or another LEO. He watches and waits. The patsy takes his shot. Counter sniper takes him out as soon as he observes the shooting.

5. Trump shot. Patsy dead. Clean and simple.

On the day of the shooting, only one guy on the SS team would be needed to pull it off: the guy on comms. Patsy could have been made familiar with the spot the day before, when there was no security and he put his gun on the roof.

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I'm afraid the US government was designed by the Founders to be suitable for a people who where upright and God-fearing. In their absence.... problems have arisen. Problem number one os the Dominion voting vachines. So you really want another rigged election?

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If the timing is correct, videos and police sightings of Crooks on the roof were at least 22 minutes Before Trump took the stage. And then only 8 minutes after Trump started talking the first shot. Why was Trump even allowed onto the stage?

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By the time the police were told about the shooter to the time that I assume they notified secret service why was Trump still standing? Why didn't they already have him on the ground covering him, they were right there!

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Then there was the video, not sure now where it appeared, of a secret service (?) person shortly before the shots, moving around immedately behind Trump while Trump was speaking, directing other personnel to get away from the area where - we now know - they would be in danger from the assassin's shots.

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Actually I think ythe video was shown on Indian TV

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