Why have there been no discussions on the nasal "swabs" that are not swabs but biopsies? Many have been harmed from these procedures that have been routinely performed by poorly trained technicians who have no knowledge of head and neck anatomy. There have been many case reports of nasal bleeding requiring endoscopy for control; brain abscess; meningitis; CSF rhinorrhea, etc.
I personally know a previously healthy woman who did one of these to appease her daughter in law who told her that she could not see her grandchild unless she were "tested." Well she got tested and immediately complained of pain that increased over the next day or two, then lost her ability to speak along with paralysis. She was told by the doctors who saw her that she had meningitis with no consideration of the introduction of bacteria via Cribiform Plate puncture and the temporal sequence of events. Cases such as these are being reported in the medical literature but here seems to be no attention given to this.
In addition, most people don't realize that the lab that receives these samples have the DNA of the victim to do with as they please.
In the weird Seattle area where I live -- and as an alternative to the proof of vaccination required for entrance to my health club -- I submitted to the nasal swab PCR testing for 1.5 years. It was covered by insurance, and 95%+ of the time it was self-administered in a drive through under observation of a healthcare professional. I didn't have any ill effects from these tests, but I recognize they come with risks. The swabs didn't always smell clean either and I wondered whether sometimes the swabs contained unhealthy substances.
I seriously doubt that the people who watched you stick a probe into your nose were "health care professionals." They were technicians. A health care pro is someone who diagnoses or treats diseases... either a doctor, nurse, dentist, pharmacist or therapist. In addition, if you did it yourself then it was most likely not done the way that these techs were doing it because they rammed those probes high into the nasal cavity when you would have found it too uncomfortable to do yourself. If you look at vifeos of these procedures being done, they twisted and turned the probes and placed them very high into the nasal cavity - a dangerous maneuver, as my friend who can no longer speak or walk now knows.
In February and September 2022 I reported on a dose-relationship for inflammatory heart disease in young adults and children following the first two and possibly three doses of the mRNA inoculant. The link to the September 16, 2022 issue of Larry’s Letters follows.
this is SO much bigger than Trump! Political correctness (worshiping the state) has been undermining this nation for decades. Trump himself, due to the trust in the government/ pharmaceutical symbiosis, becomes part of the deception! Where I live freedom of conscience has become the freedom from owning one and thus if you believe in evil - you in many cases ARE ACCUSED of EVIL! There are few researched men of courage (masculine) remaining such as Dr McCullough that see this for the great moral controversy it is.
Yep. The residents in my retirement home can’t wait for their next booster. They think that, since they did not suffer any serious adverse effects from the previous shots, that means they’re safe. Two people recently died after only a month of illness, one, apparently cardiac, the other from lung cancer. These people were fine a month preceding their death. Their deaths are being attributed to their age or that they had some underlying comorbidity. That’s easy to say when you live in a retirement home.
Yes it seems that there’s enough gullibility in the aging boomer population that are either lifelong Democrats or Rinos that willfully drink from the koolaid fountain of the CDC and FDA. I’m disheartened by some of my Conservative family members who still get the jab, who voted for Trump but are skeptical of his pick to run HHS RFK jr.!!! They continue to get COVID-19 and have needed to be hospitalized even!!
I have tried to forward all of the literature of true scientific research and the response is “it’s a free country and you are free to do it your way and we’ll do it our way so let’s just agree to disagree” So sad, and they are clueless when they hear someone in the family or circle of friends have mysteriously found they have myocarditis or pulmonary embolism!
I've experienced very similar scenarios with friends and colleagues, family and contacts. The mass hypnosis/hysteria of all things Covid did a number on many baby boomers. Most simply refuse any discussion, just want to ignore and move on. Little do they realize that it's a ticking time bomb, especially if you've been vaccinated and booster multiple times, and counting. Symptoms from exposure are mild generally, but with age and comorbidities, it doesn't take much to put someone in medical crisis. Prayers go out to the many who have suffered and died and will continue to do so because they just can't or won't see what is happening.
Why would the Biden regime extend product liability protection to something like this injection that has not been fully tested before being administered when there is mounting evidence that it was ineffective, in addition to being potentially dangerous?
because he and his administration are in symbiosis with the bio pharmaceutical industry! This deception is so deep his little pea brain likely has no idea of where this originates OR the kind of fiat currency it can AND DID launder! Moral minded researchers are the only ones that fully can see the forest for the trees.. and see the degree that science has become a commodity! When you research the industry and the evil it has been breeding and you have to know the science or trust someone who does. My trust is upward and with the wonderful folks like McCullough who also refuse to worship(trust) the state!
Yes, dr Levine is a disgrace. I sincnerely hop that I an compete to replace Levine as Dep Sec of HHS. DOC ENZ, Robert W. Enzenauer, MD, MPH, oeF2 and OIF2 vegteran, BG Retired, USMA Class 1975
this (these) case(s) before the SCOTUS is nothing more than using "rights" to undermine both constitutional law and moral law. Let me ask THIS question. What is a "right" when wrong ceases to exist? Is it our "right" to disregard moral absolutes? What pray tell is more absolute than God's gender signature on our bodies? The goal here is to undermine morality and continue tearing down the constitution - and if gender is no longer true there isn't much remaining that is. Including and especially scientific truths which have since covid become nothing more than a commodity harnessed by wicked men to launder fiat currency (trillions of it). Amazing that we as a nation are so indoctrinated that we(for the most? part) cannot see this moral deception and where it leads!
I simply LOVE the comment Fredericks made while doing the promo for the Wellness Company. "why would stand in line at a doc in the box that have in essence become nothing but free health care for illegals". wow! Great question. Great comment.
McCullough's statement on liability and the fact that government knew ??? means to me that given the kind of trillions these evil people have at their disposal for cover up.. means there will be something major coming along to divert accountability and consequence. Nothing could have shown this more than covid has NOTHING! Christian denominations and family ties are splitting up based on this fact. This is prophetic stuff.
Outstanding interview! We are truly blessed to have you, Dr. McCullough, running point for American Health since 2020 when the sars-cov2 first broke and was turned into a pandemic. All the many claims which were labeled conspiracy theories, and banned from circulation have proved true. The latest book by Jim Haslan is an eye opener and should be used by congress, and law enforcement to build the cases needed to bring down those who perpetrated the entire Covid 19 fiasco on us and the world.
Hello Dr. McCullough - Celia Farber posted an interesting piece on her substack this morning including a video by Dr. John Coleman. I thought you might find it of interest as it talks about viruses and much more. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UA51CAJTenM
Dr. McCullough:
Why have there been no discussions on the nasal "swabs" that are not swabs but biopsies? Many have been harmed from these procedures that have been routinely performed by poorly trained technicians who have no knowledge of head and neck anatomy. There have been many case reports of nasal bleeding requiring endoscopy for control; brain abscess; meningitis; CSF rhinorrhea, etc.
I personally know a previously healthy woman who did one of these to appease her daughter in law who told her that she could not see her grandchild unless she were "tested." Well she got tested and immediately complained of pain that increased over the next day or two, then lost her ability to speak along with paralysis. She was told by the doctors who saw her that she had meningitis with no consideration of the introduction of bacteria via Cribiform Plate puncture and the temporal sequence of events. Cases such as these are being reported in the medical literature but here seems to be no attention given to this.
In addition, most people don't realize that the lab that receives these samples have the DNA of the victim to do with as they please.
In the weird Seattle area where I live -- and as an alternative to the proof of vaccination required for entrance to my health club -- I submitted to the nasal swab PCR testing for 1.5 years. It was covered by insurance, and 95%+ of the time it was self-administered in a drive through under observation of a healthcare professional. I didn't have any ill effects from these tests, but I recognize they come with risks. The swabs didn't always smell clean either and I wondered whether sometimes the swabs contained unhealthy substances.
I seriously doubt that the people who watched you stick a probe into your nose were "health care professionals." They were technicians. A health care pro is someone who diagnoses or treats diseases... either a doctor, nurse, dentist, pharmacist or therapist. In addition, if you did it yourself then it was most likely not done the way that these techs were doing it because they rammed those probes high into the nasal cavity when you would have found it too uncomfortable to do yourself. If you look at vifeos of these procedures being done, they twisted and turned the probes and placed them very high into the nasal cavity - a dangerous maneuver, as my friend who can no longer speak or walk now knows.
In February and September 2022 I reported on a dose-relationship for inflammatory heart disease in young adults and children following the first two and possibly three doses of the mRNA inoculant. The link to the September 16, 2022 issue of Larry’s Letters follows.
Why can't Trump undo this sort of mischief with a new executive order?
this is SO much bigger than Trump! Political correctness (worshiping the state) has been undermining this nation for decades. Trump himself, due to the trust in the government/ pharmaceutical symbiosis, becomes part of the deception! Where I live freedom of conscience has become the freedom from owning one and thus if you believe in evil - you in many cases ARE ACCUSED of EVIL! There are few researched men of courage (masculine) remaining such as Dr McCullough that see this for the great moral controversy it is.
Yep. The residents in my retirement home can’t wait for their next booster. They think that, since they did not suffer any serious adverse effects from the previous shots, that means they’re safe. Two people recently died after only a month of illness, one, apparently cardiac, the other from lung cancer. These people were fine a month preceding their death. Their deaths are being attributed to their age or that they had some underlying comorbidity. That’s easy to say when you live in a retirement home.
Yes it seems that there’s enough gullibility in the aging boomer population that are either lifelong Democrats or Rinos that willfully drink from the koolaid fountain of the CDC and FDA. I’m disheartened by some of my Conservative family members who still get the jab, who voted for Trump but are skeptical of his pick to run HHS RFK jr.!!! They continue to get COVID-19 and have needed to be hospitalized even!!
I have tried to forward all of the literature of true scientific research and the response is “it’s a free country and you are free to do it your way and we’ll do it our way so let’s just agree to disagree” So sad, and they are clueless when they hear someone in the family or circle of friends have mysteriously found they have myocarditis or pulmonary embolism!
I've experienced very similar scenarios with friends and colleagues, family and contacts. The mass hypnosis/hysteria of all things Covid did a number on many baby boomers. Most simply refuse any discussion, just want to ignore and move on. Little do they realize that it's a ticking time bomb, especially if you've been vaccinated and booster multiple times, and counting. Symptoms from exposure are mild generally, but with age and comorbidities, it doesn't take much to put someone in medical crisis. Prayers go out to the many who have suffered and died and will continue to do so because they just can't or won't see what is happening.
Why would the Biden regime extend product liability protection to something like this injection that has not been fully tested before being administered when there is mounting evidence that it was ineffective, in addition to being potentially dangerous?
because he and his administration are in symbiosis with the bio pharmaceutical industry! This deception is so deep his little pea brain likely has no idea of where this originates OR the kind of fiat currency it can AND DID launder! Moral minded researchers are the only ones that fully can see the forest for the trees.. and see the degree that science has become a commodity! When you research the industry and the evil it has been breeding and you have to know the science or trust someone who does. My trust is upward and with the wonderful folks like McCullough who also refuse to worship(trust) the state!
Yes, dr Levine is a disgrace. I sincnerely hop that I an compete to replace Levine as Dep Sec of HHS. DOC ENZ, Robert W. Enzenauer, MD, MPH, oeF2 and OIF2 vegteran, BG Retired, USMA Class 1975
this (these) case(s) before the SCOTUS is nothing more than using "rights" to undermine both constitutional law and moral law. Let me ask THIS question. What is a "right" when wrong ceases to exist? Is it our "right" to disregard moral absolutes? What pray tell is more absolute than God's gender signature on our bodies? The goal here is to undermine morality and continue tearing down the constitution - and if gender is no longer true there isn't much remaining that is. Including and especially scientific truths which have since covid become nothing more than a commodity harnessed by wicked men to launder fiat currency (trillions of it). Amazing that we as a nation are so indoctrinated that we(for the most? part) cannot see this moral deception and where it leads!
I simply LOVE the comment Fredericks made while doing the promo for the Wellness Company. "why would stand in line at a doc in the box that have in essence become nothing but free health care for illegals". wow! Great question. Great comment.
McCullough's statement on liability and the fact that government knew ??? means to me that given the kind of trillions these evil people have at their disposal for cover up.. means there will be something major coming along to divert accountability and consequence. Nothing could have shown this more than covid has NOTHING! Christian denominations and family ties are splitting up based on this fact. This is prophetic stuff.
Outstanding interview! We are truly blessed to have you, Dr. McCullough, running point for American Health since 2020 when the sars-cov2 first broke and was turned into a pandemic. All the many claims which were labeled conspiracy theories, and banned from circulation have proved true. The latest book by Jim Haslan is an eye opener and should be used by congress, and law enforcement to build the cases needed to bring down those who perpetrated the entire Covid 19 fiasco on us and the world.
In Canada we are getting TV ads from our Provincial governments to get the covid shots for ages six months and up.
Hello Dr. McCullough - Celia Farber posted an interesting piece on her substack this morning including a video by Dr. John Coleman. I thought you might find it of interest as it talks about viruses and much more. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UA51CAJTenM
I after 2 jabs I was in hospital with afib/heart failure.