How will this ever get out to all who need to know? When in the world is the dam going to break?

I love all the independent research but it is so frustrating that only those of us that are looking know these things.

God bless the Truth Warriors & God bless us all.🙏

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I think the issue is less "how do we get it out", than " how do we get people to WANT it out"? Like all of us here, those who WANTED the information did find it, hard as the gov't tried to bury it!

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Moderna is like AstraZenica, both of whom have consistently failed to produce one single effective vaccine between them, as their records clearly show.

They are merely cashing in on public misconception, deliberately fostered by big Pharma and their paid minions, in govts and msn.

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No one has ever produced a single effective vaccine. That any vaccine has ever been effective is a myth. Beginning with the smallpox vaccine and every single one since they have been ineffective and dangerous.

Steve Kirsch and others have shown that the mRNA vaccines are not safe.

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Read Disdolving Illusions by Suzanne Humphries and Roma Bystrianyk 10 Anniversary edition and Turtles All the Way Down by Anonymous. The current work of Steve Kirsch and others provides the statistical and specific evidence of ineffectiveness and danger of the mRNA shots.

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World law enforcement agencies must .... Arrest Walensky, Birx, Fauci, Daszak and all DOD, CIA, CDC, NIH, WHO, FDA, HHS and big pharma and big tech. executives involved.

Fraud and homicide are ...not included in the total immunity from legal liability agreement under the PREP Act for the big Pharma criminals!

Nuremberg Code and RICO laws apply now! The DOJ better wake the Fk Up and get busy!

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And who is doing the arresting? You?

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Therein lies the problem! Those agencies are as corrupt as the ones we desire to penalize here! I suspect it will just have to await Yhwh's judgment, and Jesus's return, and gov't reforms. Those are incorruptible and sure; they are also much closer than most even suspect.

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Odd, await Yhwh's judgment, and Jesus's return? To correct? but not prevent evil?

No, ask why God allowed it in the first place!

Lose the bible babble.

God will not fix the evil betrayal that is going on because God did nothing to prevent it!

"Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.

Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.

Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?

Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?"

-Epicurus, Ancient Greek Philosopher

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World law enforcement agencies ....if they have the guts!

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Hi John, There a new weapon on the block. It’s an ai tool called perplexity.ai. It’s one of the nastiest things in the bigpharma box. It can ‘refute’ what you say in ONE SECOND. Ok you will see it’s bull shit, but ITS GOOD ENOUGH FOR A VAXED SHEEP TO FEEL CONFIDENT THEY CAN CARRY ON VAXING.

Here’s what it said about the Zechariah paper in ONE SECOND!

Beware! There’s a new tool in the bigpharma box. perplexity.ai. I’ve been using it all day. It’s 99% pro mRNA jabs. The dumb, parasitic fact checkers are going to have it easy. Just put the question in, crank the handle and they get a ready made answer for the sheep in about a second!

THIS FUCKING THING IS DEADLY! It ha a total bias towards big pharma. I thought it was being given censored data bases. Not so. It could be giving points for peer reviewed papers and there number. I don’t know. But it’s a real menace!

Here’s what it says about the above:

My question: Moderna kills more people than Pfizer. It’s over 50% for ages 46-69 Czech data. Thoughts

Recent claims regarding the safety of the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine compared to Pfizer's have emerged, particularly from data in the Czech Republic suggesting that Moderna may be associated with higher mortality rates among certain age groups. Specifically, reports indicate that for individuals aged 46-69, the mortality rate linked to the Moderna vaccine exceeds 50% compared to Pfizer's vaccine.

Context and Analysis

Czech Data Claims: The assertion that Moderna kills more people than Pfizer stems from data obtained via a Freedom of Information Act request in the Czech Republic. This data has sparked discussions and concerns regarding the relative safety of the two vaccines, particularly in the specified age group.

Vaccine Efficacy and Safety: Both Moderna and Pfizer vaccines utilize mRNA technology and have shown high efficacy rates in preventing COVID-19. Studies indicate that while both vaccines are effective, there are nuances in their performance. For example, some studies suggest that Moderna may provide slightly better protection against breakthrough infections compared to Pfizer, but the safety profiles, particularly concerning severe adverse effects, are still being evaluated.

Expert Opinions: Experts caution against drawing definitive conclusions from isolated data sets. They emphasize the importance of considering confounding factors such as underlying health conditions, demographics, and vaccination timing. The differences observed in severe outcomes might not solely be attributable to the vaccine type but could reflect broader public health dynamics and patient characteristics.

Need for Comprehensive Studies: Ongoing research and comprehensive studies are essential to validate these claims. Current findings should be interpreted with caution, and further investigations are needed to understand the safety profiles of both vaccines fully.

In summary, while certain claims about the Moderna vaccine's safety relative to Pfizer have surfaced, they require careful scrutiny and further research to ascertain their validity and implications for public health.


Note it pumps out the same liquid shit for EVERY paper that makes a valid criticism against the clot shots.

Limited data, experts advise caution, meta analyses need REQUIRES FURTHER STUDY.

It’s bollocks, but extremdangerous bollocks.

it can pump out these lies in ONE SECOND!

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And yet, most believe it saved millions of lives, which it did not. The greatest lie ever told and believed.

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And the federales just gave Moderna $176m taxpayer money to develop bird flu vaccine. We now have 4 cases in the US. Yup better get right on it in time for the next plandemic.

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License to kill. 007.

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What, you were expecting a health injection?

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It is perhaps not a coincidence that universities that were involved in clinical trials of the Moderna clot shot also got enormous sums of COVID research money from Anthony Fauci's NIAID, which with the indirect cost mechanism on such NIAID money meant that university administrators at campuses in Fauci's good graces were getting large injections of cash.

In the 10 campus/5 medical center University of California system, a single researcher at UCLA was the Principal Investigator on nearly $350 million of NIAID COVID money, more than all other COVID money for all other UC researchers combined. She just happened to be the long-time Fauci loyalist in charge of UCLA's AIDS Center ( https://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/about-us/information-center/NIH-UC-research ). UCLA of course was involved in the Moderna clinical trials ( https://newsroom.ucla.edu/releases/ucla-study-covid-vaccine-and-booster-effectiveness ), and it was UCLA's deans who collectively signed a letter in favor of toughening the original proposal for UC's vax mandate (expanding it from just requiring fully-FDA licensed compounds to also include compounds only having EUA status), while every other comment on the policy (from hundreds of students, parents of students, alumni, etc.) was opposed.

The implementation of UC's vax mandate coincided with a statistically significant spike in mortality among UC employees, but of course that is supposed to be just a coincidence too.

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A group of leading researchers from America’s world-renowned Harvard Medical School has uncovered damning links between Covid mRNA shots and the global surge in cases of strokes and sudden deaths.

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Yeah, the medical branch of the discriminators of global hierarchy that has infiltrated America’s unique Constitutional Republic to destroy it knew exactly where to send the cheapest, least tested snake oil to try out the effect on a tiny squished population (Republic) in the middle of countries that have been at war since human habitation. The ultra hierarchy knows those Slavs already have a lot on their minds, and Czech is right down the road from Ukraine where the bio labs made it. “Nothing to see here, move along”.

So, beginning six decades ago, the hierarchal academia of America went on a tear against America’s defenses of itself, railing about the “military industrial complex”, taking it from Supreme Allied Commander and President Eisenhower’s farewell speech, setting of and putting in play the opportunity for every “inclusive” hate America entity to declare open season on “bad, systemic, America” that must be expunged. The methodology, fostered by academia’s water carrying groupies paradigm would be demoralization by “America sucks” because it defends itself. Actually though, the warning from President Eisenhower in full context was about the collaboration of .Gov and Corporate interest especially military and Pharma.

Just remember, not to glorify self defense, but while your class attains higher status on the hierarchical ladder, looking down at the poor slobs at war, the Hierarchal at the top of academia you seek to emulate have their own kind of “peaceful” war they inevitably unleash on the slobs, er, Slavs.

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Comparing should start between vaccinated and unvaccinated. Should it? May countries have IT systems that have exact nb of ppl in any age. So it's easy to get nb of unvaccinated. My country have such database. I'm not sure if Czech have one, probably yes.

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Kirsch is a hack. He has no formal research training and has no idea what he is doing.

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Meteorologist Alfred Wegener had no formal training in geology when he proposed the idea of continental drift in 1912. Fifty years later, geologists, who fought him all the way, finally admitted Wegener had it right.

You're an ass if you think "experts" must have formal research training. The best in nearly every field have no such training.

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I've scrutinized many of Kirsch's "studies" and found every single one of them to be a disaster. He has no clue what he's doing and brags about results that are utterly meaningless. His work discredits all the dedicated researchers producing credible science. Your analogy is fundamentally flawed.

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The analogy is perfect. You may or may not be right about his studies. You could be wrong.

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I am not wrong. Over the past 50 years, I've conducted hundreds of studies. I know a hack job when I see one, and Kirsch is definitely not qualified to conduct any kind of research. Having a lot of money doesn't equate to expertise. Do you also think Gates is qualified to destroy our planet just because he's wealthy

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I agree on Gates. I believe Kirsch is a man of integrity, so if he's wrong he doesn't know that he's wrong. Unless I'm wrong about his integrity, which I am generally a pretty good judge of.

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Don't trust, verify.   

This is the only way to regain accountability. We must build new systems to hold our representatives accountable.   They are out of control.  We need parallel, decentralized, 100% transparent systems that we the people have 100% control over.  Basically we need to handcuff our representatives.  Good representatives won't care.  And corrupt ones will be scared away from politics.

We believe we have found the type of system to do this.  Help us solve this:


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Concise. Move to the head of the class.

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To my point above, thank you. Six decades ago the external global hate America cabals along with home grown academia of the same “America bad” for defending itself advantaged their own anti freedom agenda by inverting the circumstances of the very tumultuous years of the 1960’s and ‘70’s. They did this claiming America was attempting colonialism thru exceptionalism.

The outcome six decades later, having long ago captured academia is that any defense, national, personal, dissidence, is now “bad”, we are emasculated.

To your point, verification is the first step in self defense. But now those captured by complicity’s potential blackmail and propagandized are but facets of a hate America freedom of speech and individuality global master plan to emasculate and disarm America.

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AND Long Covid is all the Injectees getting progressively more vulnerable to PEA's, Pre Existing Ailments. If one is SUSCEPTIBLE to eg: a Cancer, a Heart Murmer, a Faulty Immune System... then one's ODDS are worsened by Spike.

All Injectees must also consider the pooling of Spike in Testes & Fallopians, where Spike acts as Inhibitor. Sterilisation was, I believe, one of the purposes of The Great Poisoning. 🤷

Daegle Charts, anybody?

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Interesting, but not my worry. My worry is that the so called modern sciences are mostly conjecture and not discovery. Chew on that for a minute.

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