March 2020 seems a little bit early for anyone to know about the safety of vaccines because at that point they were just a gleam in Bill Gates eye.

I somehow was able to get the message about vaccine lack of effectiveness and safety early on and I don’t use Twitter at all. I think my main source was Dr. Mercola and censored material on Facebook and YouTube.

The truth was out there for anyone who was paying attention and not blinded by the fear porn!

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Actually Bill Gates started years ago in Africa and India pushing harmful vaccines. Especially the DPT that had anti-HCG antibodies Read RFK Jr.’s book “The Real Anthony Fauci” and you will see not only information on him starting with HIV, but lots of info on Bill Gates.

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I'm in Canada (Montreal). People don't want to hear anything "anti-vax", they are not interested on what happened and what could possibly happen to them. Any harm or death that did happen has no correlation with the vax, period. All Canadians will go right back to rolling up their sleeves for whatever booboo announced by the media.

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I seriously believe that in the coming Trump administration we may need to invade Canada to overthrow the Communists and give you guys back your freedoms and your country and I am not kidding!

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I don't know when our next elections are... Some people suggest Polièvre will win, he seems to have common sense, but it's limited. He is not a Christian and will not fight for spiritual ethics.

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Our brothers to the North would act in stealth and in kind.

Like the French had the "The underground resistance" in WW2

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SOOO TRAGIC for Canadians....😣

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Meh. I have seen a lot of comments on social media from Canadians who are definitely listening.

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We are very few in Quebec, it's a lost case. In my circle of friends I can count the unvaxxed I know on one hand. Then a little more that stopped after one shot, compensating for those I know who took 4 and more.

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Not too many that I know of either here in NC.....in a retirement community. Old people tend to become passive and just allow themselves to be pushed around. I fought these "mandates", refusing to "mask" and I brought the director Ed Dowd's shocking book....CAUSE UNKNOWN. Those "vaccines" are no longer given here. I took none. But my entire family took at least one....tragic.

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My husband took 2. He was older than me and told me later he got scared from the propaganda. As I probabaly posted here, he died last year heart failure and lung complications. He had a clear medical bill a couple of years prior.

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Sorry for your husband. Especially since he had a clean bill of health just a few years earlier. I lost several friends here who died shortly after the "vaccines" they took. This is a grievous attack on humanity. Utterly tragic that it is now on the childhood schedule. What can we do?

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Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi and Dr Heiko Schonung in the European DOCTOR'S ALLIANCE held marches etc protesting the lockdowns and were jailed etc. Dolores Cahill from Ireland a professor also was briefly jailed. Many people the world over protested and did not comply. Me-- for example. I was under pressure by some....but mostly people let me alone. Reiner Fuellmich is now in a German prison for his work in exposing the "covid crimes against humanity". Were these events....the lockdowns, the WHO "announcement" of a novel virus (a total lie} etc etc all "crimes" or just "mistakes"....?

am of the opinion more and more...they were crimes. Witness the loss of Dr. McCulloughs "license" despite his 9OO+ articles published in top medical journals. There are many such examples such as this. It's absurd.

And then there are those who reaped enormous benefits....Walmart for example and Amazon. The hospitals were literally "paid for covid deaths".

Were they "complicit"? Many questions such as these....few answers.

The term "Globalists" is vague. It was all done right out in the open.

People who "refused to comply" lost employment and were socially ostracized.

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I live in a retirement home and I would bet there is no one on Twitter here. There are a few on Facebook. Very few have a computer. Many were given a free iPad but many gave them away to their grandchild or put it away because they don’t know how to use it. Many have cell phones but not many know how to use them except to make or receive a phone call. Most have access only to lamestream media, local news station, ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, MSNBC, FOX. These people are looking forward to their next booster. They will gladly take the mRNA COVID-FLU shot. And one fellow resident asked me “What makes you think you’re so privileged not to take the vaccine?” The word is NOT getting out to this demographic of people. I try to educate them but I must be very careful about it.

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This is HEARTBREAKING news. KUDUS for trying to help educate them.

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You just explained why they are wearing blinders. However, those in that age group who are NOT in a retirement home are definitely online and questioning all kinds of things. I live in a town that is basically a retirement community and no one is “looking forward to the next booster”. Right now, about 30% of total Americans are still going along with the boosters. And you have to admit, there is also a generation of much younger people who are very savvy with social media and electronics in general, and they are listening to all the propaganda about climate. So in my estimation, it has more to do with critical thinking than any age group. They’re not teaching critical thinking in grade school. They are also not teaching them the basics of civics and how our government works.

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With the sheer fact that 10,000 Americans turn 65 yrs old every day in America...

Where do you think they have received all such a daily spoonful of info from?

This was the exact class and cross section targeted first. Hands down full stop!

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Sadly, I'd say more than half of America still in LaLaLand regarding the Toxic & Fatal adverseevents of the jab.

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Allie...what will happen if you are not "careful" ?

I am not "careful" at all about speaking the truth....People have been relentlessly conned and poisoned. The was no "pandemic" and the "vaccine" is a bioweapon. Those are simply facts. Will you go to jail if you tell the truth? I agree with Dr. Mike Yeadon....We must be brave and expose this ...while there is still time. Were those in authority "careful" when they locked us up and told us the only way out was a "vaccine" ...and this "vaccine" has turned out to be a bioweapon that has sent adverse reactions, cancer and thrombosis and heart disease shooting up?

How "careful" were these monsters who planned all this out. They did not care two cents about you.

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p.s. If you can afford it...get a copy of Edward Dowd's book CAUSE UNKNOWN...it is available on Amazon and in bookstores. Very current. It is a stark statement of the huge excess death, cancer and thrombosis that has manifested starting at around the time the "vaccines" were forced on a terrified and cowed public. It has numerous graphs from many countries that record the deaths of their citizens proving that the deaths all occurred within MONTHS OF THE COVID INJECTIONS. Here in the United States our officials did not release these statistics....possibly because as so many have stated...

Our country is "captured by the pharmaceutical companies and they are able to control the media outlets. I think all of that is changing now.

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Retirement homes were the target from the get go, since January 2020. Hit hardest by lockdowns and then hit hardest by vax and repeated boosting. And even now, being kept in the dark and ready for more Kool-Aid.

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I also think that, frankly, confidence in the entire medical profession has plummeted. How do you trust your doctor that took the vaccine or continues to promote boosters???

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I first found out that varivax (The chicken pox vaccine for kids) was produced using aborted human fetal lung tissue culture. Then also the MMR and the Hep A vaccine. So I already was avoiding even recommending those ones. But you have to understand the people pushing those are immoral. Then when I found out these immoral people wanted to mess with messenger RNA. It took about 10 seconds of consideration to say, "no." You should not take advice about anything from an abortionist or atheist. If they don't care about the most innocent among us they certainly won't care about me or you.

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If you go on www.thehighwire.com or www.icandecide.org (the informed consent action network) which has a law group headed by Aaron Siri, there is a video of him interviewing Dr. Stanley Plotkin. He is the author of a book called Vaccination, which is a textbook for doctors who are going into Infectious Disease. In the deposition with this doctor, Dr. Plotkin not only admits that there are no safety studies for any of the vaccines but mentions at least 75 aborted babies were used to produce vaccines. He even makes a condescending comment about the aborted babies. Trust me, most doctors do not know this. I am a practicing physician and no where in my medical education was it ever discussed that there were no safety studies done before vaccinations were put on the market and there was no information whatsoever about aborted babies being used. I can tell you this for fact. I can also tell you that if you were explain this to some doctors today, they would tell you that there is no way the vaccines could be out there without a safety study. I only woke up during the Pandemic when I realized early on that something horrible was going on and began my real education about such issues. I learned about vaccinations by listening to the Highwire every week on Thursday. I also have a book put out by ICAN that describes their lawsuit against DHS after they would not respond to a FOIA request about such issues. It was only after a long drawn out legal battle that they put into writing that there are NO safety studies. The Highwire has a free weekly video about all kinds of investigations they are doing and they interview prominent people like Dr. McCullough and others who are trying to educate people. Sometimes it goes on close to two hours so I have to split up the time I can listen to it, but I find it invaluable. They are closely affiliated with the Informed Consent Action network. Because of their incredible work and the fact that Aaron Siri does pro bono law work and has taken on the case of a pediatrician I know who was fired for not taking the vaccine, I have become a regular subscriber and also donate to them. So please don’t assume the doctor giving advice to you is an abortionist or atheist. I am a traditional Catholic following the old tradition but clearly was ignorant of facts until 4 years ago.

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I agree Del Bigtree has done amazing work and is a hero! This disaster has brought out the best and the worst in humanity. On the one hand we have the Anthony Fauci's, the Rochelle Walenskys, the Francis Collins and the Bill Gates etc. But praise to God we have Peter McCullough, Dolores Cahill, Sucharit Bhakdi and Doctors4covidethics.org.

Why has Pharma become a criminal organization that mostly poisons people with toxic and addictive drugs? Remember when it was "better living through chemistry"

I am sure antibiotics have save my own life several times...And I endured a complicated surgery for a brain tumor which kept me from becoming paralyzed and blind. But those things don't change the fact that entire populations are being weakened and poisoned by these faux "vaccines". And people are not waking up fast enough.

THE HIGHWIRE is fantastic and deserve a donation. I am going to send them one even though we are retired on a fixed income.

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Another reason why they did the cyber attack when Elon wanted to have a conversation with Trump. And the UK is threatening to extradite us if we retweet the truth about their rioting. 🤦‍♀️ They are intent on taking X down, so we will all have to remain vigilant and also support Rumble, The Highwire, Locals with Russell Brand, and other social media that allow free speech. But also we need to begin a massive campaign to educate parents about all of the vaccines that are now being required for their children, the factual information that none of these vaccines have had safety studies, that in 1970 the incidence of autism was one in 10,000 and now it’s one in 36, not to mention all the chronic illnesses that children didn’t used to have are not being addressed as to what their cause really is. We have a lot of work to do.

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It's nice to see people waking up and smelling the corruption!

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Thanks for this important clever deligant piece of research!!

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Thanks, Elon, for making X(Twitter) a vehicle for truthful information!

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was the 1986 original message and legal vaccine description.

Swimming in known Shark infested waters is considered nearly the same.

Plan accordingly. You do have a choice.

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Just wait until the hangings begin.

In some countries mass murder is a felony!

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Where? This is going on world wide....

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