have you noticed that every assassination or assassination attempt is by a democrat/leftists against a republican or conservative in the case of JFK - yet our media constantly claims that conservatives are the "threat to democracy" and instigators of violence - the media has done the biggest injustice to Americans for at least the past 70 years

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Bought and paid for MSM.

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its worse that anyone can imagine - here is what Mercola had to say about a tucker Carlson interview which is well worth watchinghttps://articles.mercola.com/sites/articles/archive/2024/07/13/ozempic-obesity-drug.aspx?ui=a5859a8f455aff0c56b13108aa7922c3a7a8efa9c86928e55bec644336b7ebf0&sd=20201011&cid_source=dnl&cid_medium=email&cid_content=art1ReadMore&cid=20240713_HL2&foDate=false&mid=DM1601002&rid=71457995

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12 Years of Bush family doesn't help your claim. Old man may have took part in the assassination of JFK and met with the Bin Laden family the morning of 9/11.

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MSM is the nucleus for political correctness and the death of truth. When you own the media you are both detractor AND law enforcement.

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JFK - Democrat

RFK - Democrat

MLK - Democrat

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The division isn’t about political parties per se. it’s about good against evil. Yes there is evil on both sides. Bush Sr is a perfect example with his involvement with the JFK Assassination. Unfortunately Bush 2 isn’t any better. It is a fact most generally conservatives are against murder, violence, lying cheating scamming. Mostly because a large part of conservatives are God fearing Bible believers. Liberals…not so much. Yes there’s “always an exception to the rule”.

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MLK was not a democrat. Ask his Niece Alveda King if you are doubtful.

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That's called "projection"!

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remember they impeached Trump for supposed thinking about doing what Buyden actually did

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What did bidette do?

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had the prosecutor fired that was looking into corruption by the company his son was a board member - and most likely Buyden corruption as well

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You attribute too much to the old fart you all claim has dementia.

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well that was years ago and he bragged about it - you really need to read/watch something other than leftist garbage as you are woefully uninformed

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didnt you mean Bidet??? LOL

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democrats are always guilty of what they accuse conservatives of thinking about doing

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William: you are absolutely right. I've been paying very close to this dynamic for the past 15 years or more.

It is their chief strategy, and I reason it is so because since these activities are the ones they themselves employ, and they KNOW they are wrong to do so, so they project them onto us because 1) "well, everybody does it" (they "think" we do too), and 2) they know we do not approve of said activities and will be highly critical of those in our circle who behave thusly.

So they use character assassination to blacken the name of their most fearsome enemies.

Because TRUTH is alien to them.

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For the umpteenth time, these are not leftists. Your two parties or uniparty are well to the right. The Dems make progressive noises here and there to keep their stupid base happy while their foreign policy is run by neocons, and please remember Clinton destroyed work for millions with NAFTA.

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I agree.

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That's because, just as Anthony Fauci is "the science", the left-wing media and politicians are "the democracy". They only fear those on the right because they are the greatest threat to their position of power. Threats of violence, and even actual perpetrated violence, from the left don't worry them because they are not a direct threat to them, "the democracy", or their position.

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It is obvious to me this was a planned event to take out Trump. No creditable secret service command would leave that rooftop uncovered. This was allowed to happen. Someone is complicit.

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Many people are, in all likelihood!

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What is scary is how many commentators on the right are unable or unwilling to explore the evidence that reveals the hoax.

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Whole thing was theatre. A magic trick where Trump misdirects everyone's attention up and to his right, presenting the left side of his face to the camera's/crowd (where is the footage of the right side of his head when he 'got hit' ??), gives the verbal cue ("if u really wanna see something sick..."), grabs his right ear which shows no signs of blood when he removes his hand from his 'bleeding ear' (see slow motion footage), he then drops to the ground keeping his right ear obscured from view at which point the makeup artist gets to work while the other agents provide cover. Trump is then inexplicably allowed to stand up with his big head sticking out for any other potential shooter to take a shot - but how else are they gonna get the iconic picture?? He even opens his right palm which, again, shows NO BLOOD. Fully intact ear, looking just like someone smeared it with fake blood. I'm sure they rehearsed the procedure several times in private. With all the camera's behind him, where is all the footage of his right ear as it 'gets shot'?? WHy does he still have an ear? It is simply not plausible. He either gets his head blown off or it misses, there is no in between, it is just too perfect. Don't even get me started on the (veteran) WH photographer who took the pic of the bullet flying thru the air, with Trump in the foreground fist raised, bloodied face, and the American flag waving behind him. They must think we're morons. Its getting real hard to refute.

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I never heard anything so ridiculous in my whole life.

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Where is the footage from all the phone's shooting from behind that would show his right ear getting shot? Show me an ear with a hole in it. It's all about as likely as 2 planes bringing down 3 buildings into their own footprint.

The told us plainly after 9/11: "We create reality, and while you're all trying to work out what just happened, we act again and create a new reality..."

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Don't be so gullible

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Counter-snipers are 'Jack Ruby'.

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Shooter was alive just long enough to have pulled the trigger, no more no less. It's actually a much cleaner simpler & clever solution - no messy issues with inconvenient questions around motive to silence gunman.

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That so does not fit lol

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Elimination of the patsy. You may disagree, but the comparison is perfectly valid.

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Should we trust our eyes when it comes to what’s on TV? We all know the Jan 6th “insurrection” was stagged by the left, so should we then what our eyes are showing us here: https://unorthodoxy.substack.com/p/the-trump-assassination-attempt

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Then this was staged too

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Glad you are on the case John. The truth of what occurred here and who was behind it, whatever that truth reveals, needs very much to be revealed. All of America needs to know what happened.

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Common sense demands acknowledgment of massive United States government corruption in a plan to eliminate the opposing party, that is clear. The question is whether those around Joe are going to pay. If they are not, it is a requirement that We-The-People make it happen.

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What opposing party they are the same.

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Do we have a genuine opposition party /candidate, judging by how they handled the events that led to the current state of the country?

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Not to keep banging this drum, but I can’t but hope that Trump sends an olive branch to Bobby and that he is appointed AG. Trump now has a very personal reason to clean out the corruption in the law enforcement and intelligence agencies. We will not have a truthful investigation with findings about this attempt on Trump’s life — you can count on it.

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The role Robert Kennedy will play is best as the vaccine Inquisitor, for which he is eminently qualified.

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Something seems to be going in that direction: https://t.me/bioclandestine/3601

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I'm sorry, but this "event" looks completely fake. Not even hollywood fake, but Junior HS Drama class fake.

1. Not even remotely possible that a building that close wouldn't have been monitored/cordoned off

2. The supposed shooter looks like he has fetal alcohol syndrome. Reminds me a lot of the sandy hook shooter. In a blackrock ad a year or two before? What are the odds, huh.

3. The crowd at the moments after the shots don't seem to be phased at all. Only a couple are acting like this is a deadly scenario. After Trump shoves his fist in the air, they go berserk. This isn't real human behavior.

4. No way, whatsoever, the SS would allow president to pop up like that. He is actually subservient to their protection orders. This was not long ago in a potential lawsuit against Trump over him trying to grab the SS's vehicle wheel and turn the vehicle around.

5. Why were his shoes removed?

6. Where is this injury? I see no deformation on his ear, no rips, tears, pieces missing or dangling.

7. That's not blood. I can't believe McCullough didn't say something. Fresh blood doesn't look like that. That looks like moulage. Plus, ear wounds bleed profusely. Ever pick a scab or get an ear ring? Yet there is no dripping or flowing blood from these famous photos

8. There's no evidence that can be seen that the Iwo Jima type picture was actually at that event. There's nothing in the frame showing any context and it defies belief that someone could frame a shot like that. Besides that, there's no way that the SS would allow those photographers that close.

9. Lastly, the interviewed people really don't seem credible to me. I know everyone is different, but they seem like they're trying to hard. That's just my opinion that something seems very off about them.

10. There should be hundreds of videos of this event, why isn't there? Behind trump alone, there's several dozen videoing while this whole thing is going down.

My take is always the same.... We as the public always start these discussions with the ASSUMPTION that people are dead or injured. WHY? You don't trust any of these people with any other parts of their lies, (Vaccines, Corruption, Wars, etc) why do we just throw that out, and assume they're telling the truth about this?

It would be relatively easy to stage all of this. It wouldn't take more than 50 people to make this almost convincing without harming anyone. We know that the Air force alone has 50k intelligence operatives. I can't find the article on google, but it was 2 years ago or so. Not to mention all the other black budget alphabet agencies probably totaling millions of operatives. Getting 50 or 100 people to stage this isn't unthinkable. So ask why would our "deep state" want to push Trump? Supposedly the narrative is that they hate him. Or do they really? Did Hulk Hogan really hate Rowdy Roddy Piper?

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Talk about not sounding credible . . .

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Poor Anne. You want so desperately to believe in your deceptive boy whom you think is a true Christian and is protected by our real God. Now do what he says and read TWO Corinthians. (sarcasm here.) Even his father mentor, satan, knows it is called “Second Corinthians!”

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Actually I do not believe he has submitted his life to Jesus, unless he did so in the last few days. I've never been a huge Trump fan. I do believe without a doubt that God protected Trump on Saturday. It gives me hope that God is not done with this country. Don't call me "poor Anne" and feel (condescendingly) sorry for me. My trust is in Jesus, not Trump. Maybe if those of us who are Christians had better lived out our faith, we might not be in this mess.

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Oh, and why did he insist on getting his shoes? Did he leap out of them from the “concussion blast?”

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You left out that an AR-15 “type” gun (haha …they use the word type for all the ignoramus Types!) has a speed of around 2386 mph. Should have blown the top of the ear off, split the cheek bone open, and then where did it go? Hogan and Roddy left the ring after the crowd cleared and went out to dinner for a drink together.

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In the latest stream/article on the cnn website ("the latest on the Trump assasination attempt inverstigation"), there's a sadly funny article there - "Secret Service director says safety concerns about "sloped roof" led to keeping officers inside the building" !!!! In other words, it just wouldn't be safe for our (probably ex-military trained?) snipers to be positioned on a sloped roof! This is definitely DEI in action at the top.

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The cop on the roof with the rifle and tripod said that he couldn't get permission to shoot until after the sniper shot at trump.

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Right. Those statements were then flagged ‘false’’… with like a ‘misinformation’ flag.

Which is a red flag unto itself today!

claims circulating online said that man was Jonathan Willis. Someone needs to speak to the man on that roof that neutralized the shooter.

He’s the key to learning the truth. He needs to be found and interviewed by a reputable journalist.

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Four years ago I would never have said this, but now…

remember, 4 first responders at the Capitol “riot” later died by “suicide” … gee, what are the chances

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Coincidences… are rarely coincidences today.

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I tried to track down a Jonathan Willis in the apparent age range in Pennsylvania and could not find one. Granted, I only used a few free web search sites, so there is a possibility it is a real person. I kind of doubt it, but I wish a real investigator would follow up.

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I found out that it was a false report.

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Of course, a major objective of the show is to blame the SS. Lets see how Homeland security & SS are restructured after this. More power & control or less? Take a guess.

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Trumps private security should have an 800 number that attendees can call to report suspicious activities at a rally directly to them.

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The problem was not the reporting. The problem was lack of appropriate response.

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If an LEO investigated by climbing the ladder (eastern alcove of the American Glass Research International Ltd building), and retreated in the face of a weapon directed at him while failing to engage a clear threat, that would be extremely unfortunate. Even dropping below the roof edge and firing generally westward along the roofline would have served to raise the alarm and distract the shooter. Such an encounter does potentially explain why the shooter might have missed by rushing his shot and suffering from adrenaline induced fine motor skill degradation.

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He missed because Trump turned his head, an action that I, and many others, consider to be a miracle of God.

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I won’t argue a providential intervention as I consider that to be so as well although I do not presume to know the exact manner by which God chose to act. I will study the movement of President Trump in the minute prior to the shot. It appears his head had been turned towards his right for some time prior to his reaching towards his right ear. It is not clear how many shots were fired by the shooter, how many were directed at him, and which of the shots struck him. I am guessing at least three shots were fired from the shooter and possibly the second shot struck President Trump.

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Don't be ridiculous. Trump turned his head,crouched behind podium and smashed fake blood capsule on his ear.orherwise one of those behind trump ought to have been hit. No one sitting there was .

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BinGO! Except the illogical way he smacked his head 2 sec. after shot rang out like he was smashing a mosquito, but in reality a capsule inside the hat lining. This stuff should be so easy but people are stupid and easily duped.

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It is soo amazing how people deny truth.the alleged shooter was on his left side. Please explain how his right ear supposedly got zipped.sense.and fact elude the cult.they epitomize repest a lie often enough it becomes truth to them.

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The problem was not the reporting. The problem was lack of appropriate response.

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Most cell phones have unlimited long distance.

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I love the McCulllough foundation but think they should reserve their opinions for medical subjects otherwise lose credibility with me.

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I am having the same feeling about Meryl Nass’ Substack. She suddenly is posting political posts since the attempted assassination. I paid these people for medical information, not the usual narrative I can get on MSM.

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Important to reflect on that and consider….when the people need a hero, we shall provide one.

Trust your gut….if something seems off….don’t jump to conclusions, but don’t dismiss your intuition.

I attended the March Against the Mandates because the vaccine killed my mother. I am glad I attended, but in the couple of weeks following the March I could not shake this feeling like Malone was too scripted….something was off. And as of now, I do not trust him at all.

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I concluded that in '22-- too much I didn't get the Nobel for my precious mRNA, too much gentleman farmer, too much $ for a "libel" lawsuit(s) and no commenting unless you pay me first

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So UNSUBSCRIBE and be on your way. The most consequential event in recent decades deserves all the scrutiny it is receiving.

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Especially noticed his sidekick and security references.

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Put yourself in the place of that pathetic young man who has just been killed by the authorities. Suppose you watch a lot of 'hate Trump' propaganda online, and decide you want to assassinate Trump. You now have to plan your assassination attempt. What are you going to do? How do you get to the venue on the day with your rifle and work out how to find a point from which to shoot and so on? Suppose, however, that you are talking about your desire to kill Trump on social media. You are contacted by CIA (or other) agents who encourage you and suggest there is an opportunity at this upcoming event. They will help you get there and get set up.....

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Plausible scenario. That could explain why SS and police 'security' at this rally was especially lax. Need to find the missing links, however. FBI has recovered the kid's mobile phone, but whether they will reveal whom he was talking to in the days and weeks before July 13 is... unclear. Their record on suppressing other evidence, such as the Hunter Biden and Seth Rich computers, does not inspire confidence. It will be up to independent investigators to develop credible leads.

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More likely he was a selected patsy as all others were.

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No, he was OBVIOUSLY an evil genious, you can tell that just by looking at him.

They think we're morons. I'm finding it increasingly harder to disagree. We deserve everything that's coming to us in the next 6 mths.

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Something that occurred to me - where's the drone team. You would think today that security for events like this would have drones surveying the wide area around the event. That's got to become the norm.

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I think somebody planned it poorly and the evidence is in thousands of phones. The President should not have gone to the podium or been removed when they knew of the threat which appeared to be when the two fellas in black set up tripods to deal with it. The short version. I pray Jesus uncovers every stinking part of this cult of death and lies.

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Why no discussion about the shots still being heard after Trump is raised to standing up

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Police snipers plugging the shooter? Seems reasonable to me.

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